Showing 3460 results

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Use for: City of Edmonton

  • Scope note
1 0
Ontario, Canada 7 0
Quebec, Canada 3 0
South Africa 271 0
Ottawa, ON 8 1
Kootenay Region, BC 33 0
Fort Garry, MB
  • Although the city of Winnipeg was incorporated in 1873, the name of "Fort Garry" continued to be used unofficially to refer to the "Upper Fort Garry" and surrounding area.
5 0
Oxford, England 0 0
Fort Frances, ON 1 0
Deer Lodge, MT 1 0
Prince Albert, SK 18 0
Medicine Hat, AB 13 0
Regina, SK 78 1
Yorkton, SK 34 0
Saltcoats, SK 17 0
Elora, ON 15 0
Matlock Bath, Derbyshire, England 5 0
Guelph, ON 4 0
Sault Ste. Marie, ON 5 0
Newark, NJ 2 0
Cobourg, ON 1 0
New York, NY 1 0
Wainwright, AB 8 0
Keewatin, ON 2 0
Carberry, MB 11 0
Grandview, MB 1 0
Winnipeg, MB (1) 185 1
Parisiis 0 0
Tubingae 0 0
Hague-Comitum 0 0
Francofurti et Lipsiae 0 0
Froncofurti 0 0
Coloniae Allobrogvm 0 0
Francofurti & Wetzlariae 0 0
Helenopolis ad fluenta Maeni [i.e. Frankfurt am Main. 0 0
Altenburgi 0 0
Innsbruck 0 0
Graz 0 0
Brixen 0 0
Pest 0 0
Dresden 0 0
Münster 1 0
Greifswald 0 0
Würzburg 0 0
Güstrow 0 0
Amsterdami 0 0
Pedeponti 0 0
Coloniae Alloborgum 0 0
Lausonii 0 0
Cahlae 0 0
Gissae-Hassorum 0 0
Francof[vrti] & Lipsiae 0 0
Giesse-Hassorum 0 0
Haiwaii 0 0
North Carolina 0 0
New York, N.Y. ; Paris, France 0 0
New York (N.Y.) 8 0
New York, N.Y. ; Toronto, Canada 0 0
Valley of the Shifting Whispering Sands 0 0
Melbourne, Australia ; New York, N.Y. 0 0
Fribvrgi 0 0
Aachen 0 0
Constantiae 0 0
Iena und Leipzig 0 0
Wien und Triest 0 0
Pedeponti prope Ratisbonam 0 0
Osnabrück 0 0
Rostochii 0 0
Monachii & Ingolstadii 0 0
Monasterii Westphalie 0 0
Venetiia 0 0
Gottingae 0 0
Tridenti 0 0
[Wittebergae? 0 0
Hildesii 0 0
Helmstadi 0 0
Rome 0 0
Maceratae 0 0
[Salisburgi] 0 0
Trient Austria 0 0
Darmstadt 0 0
Muenchen 0 0
Nünberg 0 0
Coloniæ Agrippinæ 0 0
Brvnori 0 0
Vienne 0 0
[Tykozin 0 0
Salisburg 0 0
Giesen 0 0
Lovani 0 0
Wien und München 0 0
Geneva 0 0
Lovanii 0 0
Salzbvrgi 0 0
Budweis 0 0
Francofurto 0 0
Utrecht 0 0
Karlsruhe i. B. 0 0
Eichstätt 0 0
Pedeponti bey Regenspurg 0 0