1st Annual Program titled: "First Annual Dinner and Round Up of the members of Southern Alberta Pioneers’ & Old Timers’ Association. Palliser Hotel, Calgary, Alberta, Wednesday, January 18th, 1922, 7 o’clock p.m." Front cover has an ink drawing of a bison’s head in the center, along with a smaller drawing of a farmstead scene in the bottom left corner. Back page contains the publisher’s mark: Western Printing & Lithographing Co., Ltd, Calgary Alberta, and has the continuation of the farmstead scene from the front cover onto the bottom right corner of the back cover. Interior is blank, but contains an insert listing the names and lyrics of songs to be sung during the night.
4th Annual Program titled: "The Southern Alberta Pioneers’ and Old Timers’ Association/The Southern Alberta Women’s Pioneer and Old Timer Association Fourth Annual Round Up and Moochican, Palliser Hotel, Calgary, Alberta, Thursday, January 22nd, 1925." Front cover also contains the Toast List for the night, and the names of the musicians. An ink drawing of the head of a bison separates the two titles at the top of the page. The back cover contains the main verse and chorus for Auld Lang Syne, and indicates it was printed by The Star Printing Works Ltd. The interior contains a list of song lyrics for various songs sung during the evening.
27th Anuual Program titled: "Welcome! Old Timers, 27th Annual Round-Up, Southern Alberta Pioneer & Old Timers’ Association, Thursday, November 13th, 1947, Palliser Hotel, Calgary." Front cover contains a drawing of a cowboy on a rearing horse. Back cover contains, at the top, a small ink drawing of a cowboy roasting a sausage over a campfire, with his horse grazing in the background. Below this are lines for writing names and addresses of friends, along with a place for autographs. Below this is the note: "Because we pioneered the West together we are happy to present this program. Hudson’s Bay Company, Calgary. (1876)." Interior contains the menu for the night, along with the list of events.
28th Annual Front cover states: "Southern Alberta Pioneer & Old Timers’ Assoc.-Palliser Hotel-6:15 p.m.-28th Annual Round-Up-Thursday, November 18th, 1948." Contains a large b&w drawing of a cowboy on a rearing horse, and also contains a poem by W.J. (Bill) Wilde. Back cover contains an ink cartoon of a cowboy roasting a sausage over a campfire, with his horse in the background. It’s captioned: "The Pioneers appreciate the courtesy the Palliser Hotel has shown us these 28 years. Our thanks for the success of this affair goes to Mr. R. M. Deyell, Mgr. and Mr. Goe. Allora, Maitre and their genial staffs." Below this it reads: "Because we pioneered the West together we are happy to present this program. Hudson’s Bay Company, Calgary. (1876)." The interior of the program contains multiple poems by various authors, and a list of the events for the night.
29th Annual Program titled: "Southern Alberta Pioneer & Old Timers Assn.-Palliser Hotel-6:15 p.m.-29TH Annual Round-up & Banquet-Thursday, November 24th, 1949." Front cover contains a drawing of a cowboy riding a bucking horse. Back cover contains an ink drawing of a First Nations male and his horse, with mountains in the background. It’s captioned: ‘Because we pioneered the West together we are happy to present this program. Hudson’s Bay Company, Calgary, (1876).' Interior of the program contains a story written by Bill Wilde, and the list of events for the night.
31st Annual Program for "The Southern Alberta Pioneers’ and Old-Timers’ Association…31st Annual Round-Up, 1951." Contains five (5) pages detailing the proceedings of the Annual Round-Up, held November 15, 1951. Details the Annual Meetings and Election of Officers, membership dues listing, date and time for the Annual Church Service, a short biography of John Fisher, guest speaker for the event, and greetings from the men’s and women’s presidents. Program is printed on light yellow paper, and contains both text and images.
31st Annual: Front cover reads: "Southern Alberta Pioneers and Old Timers’ Association 'Pioneers of 1890' 1951 31st Annual Round-up, Thursday, November 15th, 1951, Crystal Room, Palliser Hotel-Calgary, 6:15 pm." Front cover also contains a b&w photograph of a man in a suit, captioned ‘John Fisher,’ “Mr. Canada” himself. Back cover contains a cartoon of a chuckwagon on the move with a caption: ‘Because we pioneered the West together we are happy to present this program. Hudson’s Bay Company, Calgary, (1876).' The interior contains no additional pages, with the writing printed on the inside of the front covers. The inside front page has a poem titled: ‘They Came with Only Faith in God, As Across These Virgin Lands they Trod,’ by Bill Wilde. The interior of the back cover provides the itinerary for ‘The Pioneers of 1890 Get Together.’