Oil Sands History interviews, photographs.
Zonder titelAccession consists of a booklet from the Intrafraternity Council titled "Fraternities at the U of A" and photographs of University of Alberta residences, including Rutherford House with a Delta Upsilon symbol, Pembina Hall, Athabaska Hall, and Assiniboia Hall.
Le fonds Salon contient divers documents relié aux origines et la création du Salon d’histoire de la francophonie albertaine, incluant informations d’employés, bulletins d’information, et autres. Le fonds contient des documents photocopiés et transcrits relié à l’histoire ancienne des francophones dans l’Ouest Canadien, tel que les journaux personnels de missionnaires. Le fonds contient aussi des brouillons de plusieurs textes publiés par le Salon, des procès-verbaux de réunions, des rapports, des reçus, des correspondances, des fiches d’abonnements, et informations sur les dépenses et planifications de divers activités et événements organisés par le Salon.
The Salon fonds contains various documents pertaining to the origins and creation of the Salon d’histoire de la francophonie albertaine, including employee information documents, information bulletins, and more. It contains some photocopied and transcribed documents related to the early history of Francophones in Western Canada, such as diaries of missionaries and newspaper excerpts. It also contains drafts of many texts published by the organization, meeting minutes, reports, receipts, correspondences, subscription slips, and the expenses and planning information for the various activities and events held by the organization.
Zonder titelAccession consists of 2 VHS tapes pertaining to Mrs. Oodle Noodle and Noodle Doodle Box School Show.
This archival collection is composed of textual and graphic materials related to the Hudson's Bay Company, the fur trade in Canada, and early European settlement in Canada. The collection includes correspondence between high-ranking employees at Hudson's Bay Company fur trade posts, personal correspondence between settlers or Hudson's Bay Company employees and their families, and Hudson's Bay Company reports, proclamations, contracts, and others records. The involvement of Indigenous peoples in the Canadian fur trade is also described throughout this collection. With a few exceptions, most items within the collection were created during the early- to mid-1800s.
This archival collection contains a variety of documents pertaining to the fur trade and other political events in Canada between the years 1676 and 1933. Specifically, it contains printed material regarding the formation of the colony of British Columbia and its incorporation into Canada, as well as manuscripts that describe agreements and treaties made between the governments of the United States and Britain. The archive includes a wide range of business documents, including promissory notes, warrants, and other legal documents relating to payments and goods. It also contains a selection of Voyageur Contracts and documents pertaining to the Hudson's Bay Company and the North West Company.
Place: Red River Settlement
From: Anne Alsop, London
To: Reverend John Smithurst
Details: 4pp
Delivery: Sent to Missionary House, 14 Salisbury Sq., Fleet Street, London
Notes: The letter talks about the events, situations, and friends they know in England.
Zonder titelAccession consists of 887 musical scores for orchestra published in 1847-1942, including marches, waltzes, tarantellas, polkas, anthems, and overtures.
Place: Red River Settlement
From: Robert James, Grand Rapids
To: Reverend John Smithurst
Details: 2pp
Notes: A brief letter from James before the arrival of the Bishop (aka his Lordship).
Zonder titelPlace: Red River Settlement
From: Alexander Christie, Lower Fort Garry
To: Mrs. Jeny Hickenburger ; Reverend John Smithurst
Details: 2pp
Notes: A pair of letters both written on the same day concerning the same matter. The first is written to "Mrs. Jenny Hickenburger" and the other to Reverend Smithurst regarding the death of Jenny Hickenburger's father. The letter requests that she attends Christie's office to sign the necessary paperwork for her to inherit her father's money. The letter to Smithurst requests his assistance in ensuring that his cousin does not redeem her HBC stock and instead accepts £9 per year as income.
Zonder titelPlace: Red River Settlement
From: Duncan Finlayson
To: Reverend John Smithurst
Details: 2pp
Notes: A brief letter where Finlayson discusses financial matters.
Zonder titelPlace: Red River Settlement
From: James Hunter, Norway House
To: Reverend John Smithurst
Details: 3pp
Notes: Hunter goes into detail about the visit of the Bishop of Prince Rupert’s Land. He also writes of matters of business regarding food supplies for the winter, the price of freight from Red River to Norway House and the construction of the Church.
Place: Red River Settlement
From: David Anderson
To: Reverend John Smithurst
Details: 1pp
Notes: Probably delivered by hand.
Place: Red River Settlement
From: K. G. Smith, Hudson's Bay House, London
To: Reverend John Smithurst
Details: 1pp
Notes: Smith mentions seven enclosed invoices and the amount and balance of a shipment.
Place: Red River Settlement
From: Reverend Abraham Cowley, Partridge Crop
To: Reverend John Smithurst
Details: 3pp
Notes: Partridge Crop was a missionary outpost on the northern reaches of Lake Manitoba, and was later renamed Fairford in 1851 by Bishop Anderson.
The outpost was on the left bank of the Partridge Crop River and was established by McNap for Winter trading with the Indigenous people. The lengthy letter from Cowley mentions topics such as the recent arrival of the bishop, his meeting of confirmation candidates and inspecting the school.
This letter would have travelled by canoe down Lake Winnipeg to the Red River.
Zonder titelPlace: Red River Settlement
From: Duncan Finlayson, Hudson's Bay House, Lachine
To: Reverend John Smithurst
Details: 2pp
Notes: In the letter, Duncan Finlayson advises John Smithurst of the subscription cost of two papers and the possible cost even if Smithurst thought he stopped the subscription.
Zonder titelPlace: Salisbury Street, Ireland
From: John Chapman, Missionary at Middle Church
To: Reverend John Smithurst, 18 Salisbury Street, Ireland
Details: 2pp
Notes: Chapman thanks Smithurst for newspapers and of his letter detailing his route to New York. He also discusses the status of the congregation and the building of a new church.
Zonder titelLe fonds est constitué de documents variés sur différents supports tels que : des microfilms, des annales, des livres, des journaux, des revues, des annuaires, des extraits de livres, des biographies, des recueils de chants, des illustrations, des extraits de conférence, des notices historiques, des notes de recherche, des bulletins, des mémoires, des coupures d’articles, des carnets de voyage, des livrets publicitaires, des annonces publicitaires, des bribes d’histoire, des notes d’études, des articles publiés dans des journaux, des rapports de réunion, des ordres de jour, des statuts et règlements, des feuilles de renseignements, des formulaires, des poèmes, des négatifs de photos, des lettres, des cartes géographiques, des prospectus, des brochures, des interviews, les inventaires, des logos, des dépliants, les horaires de cours, un recueil des anciens collégiens mort au champ d’honneur pendant le 2e guerre mondiale, des feuillets liturgiques, liste des évêques d’Edmonton 1871-1973, des brochures des jeux du Commonwealth d’Edmonton 1976-1978, les horaires des émissions de Ici Radio-Canada pendant les jeux du Commonwealth d’Edmonton 1978, des bribes d’histoire de la communauté franco-albertaine, des albums souvenirs, des circulaires, des portraits historiques, des albums souvenirs, des conférences, des index, des cassettes audio.
The fonds contains various documents in different formats such as: microfilms, annals, books, journals, magazines, directories, book excerpts, biographies, songbooks, illustrations, conference excerpts, historical records, research notes, bulletins, memoires, newspaper clippings, travel journals, promotional booklets, advertisements, historical snippets, study notes, articles published in journals, meeting reports, agendas, statutes and rules, instruction sheets, forms, poems, photo negatives, letters, maps, prospectuses, brochures, interviews, inventories, logos, pamphlets, class schedules, a collection of the college alumni who died in the field of honor during the 2nd World War, liturgical leaflets, a list of bisophes in Edmonton from 1871-1973, brochures for the Commonwealth Games in Edmonton from 1976-1978, the broadcast schedule of Ici Radio-Canada during the 1978 Commonwealth Games in Edmonton, notes on the history of the Franco-Albertan community, souvenir albums, conferences, indexes, and audio cassettes.
Zonder titelContains correspondences, personal and professional papers, diaries, scrapbooks, photographs, maps, financial and legal records, and AV materials. The collection is mainly comprised of records created by Samuel Steele, Marie Harwood Steele, Harwood Steele, and Flora Steele.
Explore the digital collection at http://steele.library.ualberta.ca/index.html
Zonder titelThe collection contains correspondence, field notes, and receipts that pertain to Robert Bell. This collection is organized into two series. The correspondence in Series 1 are arranged by name of correspondent. Most correspondence are incoming letters to Dr Bell sent to the Geological survey headquarters in Montreal, Quebec, from locations across Canada. The field notes in Series 2 are arranged chronologically.
Zonder titelThe Roger Pocock Archive comprises of records created by or about Roger Pocock. Records created and collected by Pocock were done so over the course of his life and reflect his travels, occupations, and correspondence. These records include his scrapbooks, diaries, letters, contracts, clippings, published materials, photographs, and postcards. Records about Pocock were mostly created posthumously and include biographies and documents about the Legion of Frontiersmen. The archive is arranged into three series: Personal Papers, Published/Printed Materials, and Photographs and Postcards.
Zonder titelCe fonds contient des rapports et documents, notes, reçus, journaux personnels, correspondence, cartes de voeux, certificats, documents légaux et successoraux, documents commémoratifs, des discours, photos de familles, records de service militaire, curriculum vitae, documents de conférences, brochures d'associations, des journaux, des bulletins et documents de réunions, des extraits de journaux et livres reliés a l'histoire de la famille Motut. Les matériaux sont des documents familiales et personnels relié au Dr. Roger Motut, son épouse Jeanne (Boisvert), et famille; le travail professionnel de Dr. Motut et son implication avec un variété d'associations tel que la Fédération Canadienne-française de l'Ouest, l'Association canadienne d'éducation de langue française, le Collège des Jésuites d’Edmonton, Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, ACFA (Association Canadienne-française de l’Alberta), Le Conseil de la vie française en Amérique, Société Radio-Canada, Société historique de la Saskatchewan, Collège Saint-Jean and Faculté Saint-Jean; ainsi qu'une variété de rapports et documents sur la littérature Canadienne-française, la culture, l'éducation, le language, et l'histoire; bilinguisme, l'histoire Métis, et une variété d'histoires de familles et individus Canadien-français.
Fonds contains Reports and papers, notes, receipts, personal journals, correspondence, greeting cards, certificates, legal and estate documentation, commemorative documents, speeches, family photos, military service records, curriculum vitae, conference materials, association brochures, journals, bulletins and meeting documentation, newspaper clippings and books pertaining to the Motut family history. Records include personal family documents relating to Dr. Roger Motut, his wife Jeanne (Boisvert), and family; Dr. Motut’s professional work and his involvement with various associations including Fédération Canadienne-française de l’Ouest, Association canadienne d'éducation de langue française, Collège des Jésuites d’Edmonton, Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, ACFA (Association Canadienne-française de l’Alberta), Le Conseil de la vie française en Amérique, Société Radio-Canada, Société historique de la Saskatchewan, Collège Saint-Jean and Faculté Saint-Jean; as well as various reports and papers on French-Canadian literature, culture, schooling, language and history; bilingualism; Métis history; and various histories of French-Canadian families and individuals.
Zonder titelGuide to the Rutherford and McCuaig Families 1885-1982
Zonder titelThe Reta Rowan fonds covers the years from 1940 to 1971. The material consists of correspondence, minutes, briefs, reports, publications, periodicals, newspapers, drawings, print and negative photographs. The books in the Reta Rowan fonds were listed on a separate inventory in 1977. Originally, the majority of the files were arranged in chronological order under the society's or association's title, while the remainder were filed by the organization's name or by subject, or left unlabelled. Mrs. Rowan's arrangement has been followed where possible but all unlabelled or loose files have been placed in the proper year or provided with a subject title.
Zonder titelProfessional papers and teaching materials of Patricia Alice McCormack. Includes Fort Chipewyan and other Indigenous community research materials; course curriculum development and related materials; correspondence; thesis materials; documentation of major projects; copies of primary and secondary source material, and transcriptions; professional administrative paperwork.
Zonder titelAccession consists of papers and photographs collected by Dr J. D. Hawkins to update A. E. Jamieson's "History of Dentistry in Alberta 1885-1968."
Zonder titel