Here’s How To Do It: Fitness and Recreation “How To Do It” Films booklet published by the Physical Fitness Division of the Department of National Health and Welfare in Ottawa, Ontario. The booklet was published in 1950. The booklet is “a catalogue of films available in the Physical Fitness Preview Library of Films and Filmstrips.” The booklet covers topics such as exercise films about aquatics, basketball, football, skiing, tennis, and volleyball, as well as exercise posture, as well as films about dance, behaviour, fine arts, hobbies, music, and theatre arts. The final few pages of the booklet are an index.
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection
Jan. 1,1951
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection
Here’s How To Do It: Supplement No. 1 booklet published by the Physical Fitness Division of the Department of National Health and Welfare in Ottawa, Ontario. The booklet was published on January 1, 1951. The booklet is “a catalogue of films available in the Physical Fitness Preview Library of Films and Filmstrips” The booklet covers topics such as exercise films about aquatics, basketball, football, skiing, and tennis, as well as exercise and posture, as well as films about dance, behaviour, music, and theatre arts. The booklet Foreword states that “the demand for the original catalogue and information covering subsequent additions has necessitated the production of this supplement.”