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Descripción archivística
UAA-1969-116 · Accession · 1950-1960
Parte de John Wardlaw Porteous fonds

Accession consists of talks and papers by Porteous, J. W.:
1 Talk given by J. W. Porteous in London on the occaision of the opening of Leonardo da Vinci's models of invention, 34 pp. [1950]
2 Talk "The Possiblity of Adopting Wartime Program in Radio and Rada to Domesic Affairs," by J. W. Porteous, 2 pp. [ca. 1955]
3 Talk "C.K.U.A., 1927-45" by J. W. Porteous. Histocal sketch of C.K.U.A. Radio Station, 4pp. [ca 1950]
4 Talk, "In connection with the visiti to C.K.U.A. of the Edmonton Branch of Engineering Institute of Canada." by J. W. Porteous, 9 pp

  1. Talk , "Voltage, Current and Impedance" by J. W. Porteous, 5 pp.
  2. Correspondence, William Rowan to J. W. Porteous, 1952-11-13
  3. Log Book, VE 4AJS. From 1937-09-24
  4. Correspondence, Charles E. Garnett to J. W. Porteous, 1960-03-29, 2pp.
  5. Royal Society of Arts. List of Fellows. 1959-11-01
  6. Royal Society of Arts. Descriptive Bulletin. 1960
  7. Journal of the Royal Society of Arts 1960-03
  8. Royal Society of Arts. Calendar of Meetings. 1962-02
  9. Royal Society of Arts. Charter and By-Laws.
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