An address delivered to the Toronto Branch of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers by Theo. A. Link regarding oil in Alberta and Western Canada. Published by Pacific Petroleums Ltd. in Calgary, Alberta.
Introduction; Size of Western Canada Sedimentary Basin Area; Probable Oil Reserves of Western Canada; Oil and Gas in the Geologic Column [Cambrian; Ordovician; Silurian; Devonian; Mississippian; Pennsylvanian and Permian; Triassic; Jurassic; Lower Cretaceous; Upper Cretaceous; Tertiary; Summary]; The Present and Future for Western Canada Development [Present Developments].
"Possible Future Oil Provinces"; [untitled map showing a comparison of the Western Canada Basin Area in square miles to the combined areas of California, Kansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas]; [untitled map showing a comparison of the Western Canada Basin Area in square miles to the combined areas of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Colorado]; "Generalized Section Across Southern Plains Region of Western Canada"; "Paleogeography of Devonian time"; "Resource Relief Map of Australia"; "Map of West Texas - New Mexico Showing Oil and Gas Fields"; "Transverse Cross Section of Norman Wells Coral Reef Reservoir"; "Cross Section - Leduc Oil Field"; "The "Ramparts", Mackenzie River"; "Typical Coral Reef Limestone Outcrop"; "D-3 Zone Core, Atlantic Oil Co."; "Coral Reef, Eastern Edge, Mackenzie Mountains"; "Black Bituminous Shale Outcrop, Mackenzie River"; "Low Anticlinal Arch, Athabasca River"; "Oil and Gas Fields of Alberta".
Additionally includes two typed letters. Letter dated 1 March 1949 is addressed "To the Shareholders" and signed by Frank McMahon, President of Pacific Petroleums Ltd. References sending the shareholders a copy of Theo. A. Link's address.
Letter dated 17 June 1949 is addressed "Dear Friends" and signed by John L. Appelbaum, President of John L. Appelbaum & Co. Ltd. References the Angelus Ashmont No. 1 oil well under the supervision of Pacific Petroleums Ltd. and Theo A. Link.