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1 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais
Pocock Scrapbook (1890)
FC 3216.3 P63 R64 1.1.8 · Item · 1890
Parte de Roger Pocock archives

Pocock's 1890 scrapbook consists mostly of large photographs and imprint cuttings of British Columbia and the Rocky Mountains.
Scrapbook contains:
Imprint cuttings of scenes of B.C. and the Rocky Mountains.
Photographs of Kicking Horse Pass, Rodger's Pass, mountain scenes, Indigenous people, scenes of Bella Coola, Victoria, portraits (most unidentified), Lizzie Denny, two women convocating in caps and gowns, people and scenes of Port Essington, scenes of Skeena River, Fraser River First Nations, and scenes of Fraser River.

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Pocock Scrapbook (1901 - 1903)
FC 3216.3 P63 R64 1.1.12 · Item · 1901-1903
Parte de Roger Pocock archives

Pocock's 1901-1903 scrapbook consisting of graphic and textual material related to his travels, publications, and involvement in the Boer War.

Scrapbook contains:
Photographs of Pocock's family, White Fraser's Troop in Strathcona's (some people in photo identified), and scenes and people of the Boer War.
Watercolour paintings of soldier from Boer War, seascapes, interior and exterior views of boats, landscape of camp during Boer War, and various portraits.
Maps of Egypt and South Africa.
Clippings of Lena Ashwell's plays and performances, Lena Ashwell's obituary, the Duke of Cornwall's visit to Canada, and various articles related to Pocock's interests. Also includes clippings of stories and articles written by Pocock including "The Cargador", "Sundered Hearts", and "The Trail of Red Macleod".
Brochure published by Pocock's father.
Imprint cuttings of New Orleans; cathedrals and buildings in Pouen, Teneriffe and other parts of Spain; Durban; South Africa; Zuzuland; Cape Town; and other regions of Africa.
Letters to and from Pocock, including one from A.J. Dawson, journalist and author.
Diary entries for the years 1901-1903 about his travels.
Certificate of discharge as Assistant Steward from the Ship, "Rossall" (1901).
Ephemera such as railway tickets, permission ships, travelling pass, list of men taking discharge in April 1902.

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Pocock Scrapbook (1904)
FC 3216.3 P63 R64 1.1.15 · Item · 1904
Parte de Roger Pocock archives

Pocock's 1904 scrapbook consisting of graphic and textual materials that document his travels from Denmark to Greenland.

Scrapbook contains:
Photographs of people, ships, and places related to Pocock's expedition from Denmark to Greenland.
Brief diary entries of the day-to-day events from 19 December 1903 to 28 December 1904.
Letter of recommendation for Pocock from the Marquees of Landsdowne to supply an introduction to the Majesty's Minister in Copenhagen in attempt to let Pocock join the expedition from Denmark to Greenland, dated 19 April 1904.
Map of Copenhagen.
Map that charts the passage of Pocock's ship from Denmark to Greenland.
Hand-drawn maps of the area around Disko Bugt, and Upernivik.
Imprints of places around Denmark and Germany.
Watercolour and acrylic paintings of landscapes and seascapes from Denmark to Greenland.
Articles written by Pocock of his Greenland expedition called "The More Northerly House on Earth" and of the war in Russia such as "Russian Discontent", "Russia at War", "Russia in War Time", "The Russian Peasant Who is Revolting against the Government", and "Father Ivan - A Worker of Miracles".

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Pocock Scrapbook (1903 - 1904)
FC 3216.3 P63 R64 1.1.14 · Item · 1903-1904
Parte de Roger Pocock archives

Pocock's 1903-1904 scrapbook consisting of graphic and textual materials related to his publications, travels in the UK, and other interests.

Scrapbook contains:
Photographs of Lena Ashwell, and unidentified portraits.
Sketch by Oliver Herford.
Letters from Rudyard Kipling and S.R. James
Clippings of reviews for Pocock's book "A Frontiersman", articles about Lena Ashwell, interview with Pocock, articles related to Pocock's interests, and articles and stories written by Pocock including "In the Land of Death", "Hunting in Western America", "Fur Farming in England", "The Mythological Gardens", "The City of Death", "The Black Box", "Christmas in Strange Places", "A Capitol Felony", "The Joys of a Cowboy's Life", "A Lord on the Range", "Amor de Cosmos", and "A Matter of Robbers".
Watercolour paintings and sketches of landscapes, buildings, and Munslow.
Imprints of Steele, villages in the UK, Blackfoot people, and Cowboys.
Playbill for play with Lena Ashwell.

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Pocock Scrapbook (1902 - 1903)
FC 3216.3 P63 R64 1.1.13 · Item · 1902-1903
Parte de Roger Pocock archives

Pocock's 1902-1903 scrapbook consisting of textual and graphic materials related to his publications and travels in Europe.

Scrapbook contains:
Photographs of his sister, Daisy; himself in profile; and various individuals and scenes that illustrate Pocock's articles, such as men on horses.
Sketched portraits of Daisy and a self portrait.
Oil painting entitled "A Mother's Vision".
Watercolour paintings of landscapes, seascapes, unidentified people, and scenes of Bergen, Trondhjem, and Gardenstown.
Clippings of articles and stories written by Pocock including the "Great Adventurers" series and "A Gap in the World", "The Yokohoma Pirates", "The Lost Trooper", "The Terror on the Ice", "The War on the Skeena", "A British Consul's Daily Life", "The Search for Death", "North-West Mounted Police", "Hunting a Horse Thief", and "The Flying Dutchman".
Imprints of RCMP, Lena Ashwell and buildings and people in Trondhjem, Gardenstown, Aberdeen, and Banff, UK.
Ephemera including a ticket to see the coronation of King Edward VII, a menu, and various items from "The Nameless Club"
Diary entries for the years 1902-1903 (sparse).
Letter to Daisy.

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Accession · 1950-1985
Parte de Mixed Chorus fonds

Accession comprises Mixed Chorus four '45 Albums of Songs and One Scrap-book including black and white as well as colour positive photographs.

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Item · 1889
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A souvenir book of drawings of significant locations and buildings in Winnipeg, Manitoba. All of the drawings are on one page that expands. Some examples of the drawings in the book are the Leland House, St. John’s College, the General Hospital, Holy Trinity Church, and Knox Church. The images were done by Louis Glaser of Leipzig and New York. The caption inside the album reads "Ent. acc. to Act of Parliament, in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-Nine, by the Toronto News Company, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture."

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Item · [ca. 1935]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Hand-made photograph album documenting the history of G. F. Stephens & Co. Ltd. Paint & Varnish Makers. The album largely consists of exterior and interior photographs of prominent buildings across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, with detailed captions explaining the services provided by G. F. Stephens & Co. Ltd., as well as buildings where G. F. Stephens paints and varnishes were manufactured, and copies of testimonial letters written by commercial businesses regarding the company's work.

Contents [Prominent Buildings]:
New Christie Brown Biscuit Factory - Winnipeg; Tuberculosis Sanatorium - Saskatoon; Salter Street Viaduct - Winnipeg; Deer Lodge Military Hospital; The Van Horne Farm - East Selkirk, Man.; Farm Buildings - George Wright - Penfold, Alta.; Winnipeg Winter Club Badminton Courts, Lounge, and Floors; Normal School - Edmonton; Bank of Montreal - Edmonton; Head Office - The Great-West Life Company - Winnipeg; Westminster United Church - Winnipeg; Misericordia Hospital - Edmonton; Grain Exchange - Winnipeg; C.N.R. Station - Edmonton [exterior and interior]; Corona Hotel - Edmonton [interior and exterior]; Union Station - Winnipeg; Police Station - Regina; The Balfour - Regina; University of Manitoba [New Science Building; New Arts Building]; St. Andrew's Locks - Lockport, Man.; Trianon Dance Gardens - Regina; Y.M.C.A. - Winnipeg; Hydro Show Rooms - Winnipeg; Wheat Pool Building - Winnipeg [exterior and interior]; Great Falls Power Development; Hydro Substations - Winnipeg.

Also of note are a composite photograph showing G. F. Stephens & Co.'s Head Office and Factory in Winnipeg and Warehouses in Alberta and Saskatchewan; a series of photographs under the heading "Glimpses of Paint Factory - Winnipeg" [depicting "Section of a Stock Room"; "Paint Grinding Mills"; "Section Mixing Floor"; "Putty Chasers"]; and copies of 16 testimonial letters from various commercial businesses [largely Hardware and Department Stores] based in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, all dated 1935.

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PE002681 - My Life In The R.C.A.F.
Item · 15 July 1943
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Personal autograph and photograph album belonging to Ernst Albin Lindberg of the No. 3 "M" Depot, R.C.A.F. Album contains pages for autographs (filled and partially filled) and B&W photographs and illustrations. Subjects include: R.C.A.F. Commanding and Administrative Officers; parade and inspection; R.C.A.F. Headquarters Staff; mounted photograph [likely Lindberg's class]; No. 3 "M" Depot and No. 4 Reception Wing; mail delivery; health care at the station; Canadian Dental Corps; group photographs of depot staff members; soccer team; and humourous cartoons depicting R.C.A.F. life. A holiday greeting card signed "Yours, Bob" is mounted at the end of the album, in a homemade frame made of a paper map of the Northwest Territories and Alberta.

"My Life In The R.C.A.F." Foreword:
"Airmen of the R.C.A.F. - This is your first station, one of many you no doubt will be posted to. The basic training you get here if properly absorbed will be of untold value to you and fit you to take your place in the tremendous team that is the Royal Canadian Air Force. This Book will be a record of your service and a constant reminder to be a good soldier at all times. Keep it up to date and record your service with the R.C.A.F. Regardless of where you go, No. 3 "M" Depot's good wishes go with you. Best of Luck!"

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Item · [ca. 1956-1958]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Personal scrapbook pertaining to the Lebret Residential School and the Indian School Teachers' Association ca. 1956-1959.

Includes photographs [group photograph "Indian School Teachers at Valley Centre Oct. 11 1956"; group photograph of students standing in a field; group photograph "Indian School Teachers' Association at Residential School - Lebret Sask - Aug. 29/57"; "St. Mark's Church with the New Anglican Church Flag flying, September 15th 1957"; "Mrs. Fehr, Miss Elliott, Mr. Fehr leaving for Mont Nebo, driven by Gordon Ahewakew, April 3rd 1958"; "Mrs. N. Fehr & Miss M. Elliott outside Mr. [Earl?] Knight's store, April ? 1958"; "Sandy Lake Sask, Easter Day, April 6th 1958"]; 2 track and field prize ribbons; event programs ["Saskatchewan Indian Teachers Convention 1956"; program and 2 ticket stubs for "Music Festival March 3rd, 1957"; program for the Prince Albert Natural History Society "Audubon Screen Tours" event; program for "Big Band Swing! starring The Modernaires and The Saturday Pro Band - Music of the Glenn Miller Years"]; correspondence and cards [invitation card to "Annual Commencement Exercises" at St. Paul's High [Lebret]; copy of letter with envelope from the Canadian Red Cross Society]; newspaper clippings ["Balcarres plans its first [blood donor] clinic"; "Diefenbaker Meets Citizens [Mrs. Flora Mususkapoe from Sandy Lake presents Diefenbaker with beaded elk jacket]"; "Indian schools contribute work"; "Canada's Northland High School Positions" captioned "2 yrs University. Standards changing"]; and a lesson plan from Saskatchewan Reading Service ["Miss Alice Heenan . . . Educational Consultant"].

PE002260 - Personal Signature Book of Miss Jeanie Brown
Item · 1908-1936
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Personal signature book belonging to a Miss Jeanie Brown. Handwritten entries span from 1908-1936 and include quotes, poems/verses, personal notes, and the signatures of various individuals. Some entries have accompanying photographs. Many entries indicate locations in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Few entries indicate locations elsewhere in Canada and in Scotland. The remaining entries do not provide specific locations.

Additional entries include: 13 drawings [mediums include pencil; ink; possibly watercolor?]; 1 one-penny postage stamp; 1 handmade paper game board or puzzle entitled "Requisite for a Lady's Dressing Case" [some pieces appear to be missing]; and 1 scrap of paper with illegible ink markings [possibly ink transfer].

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PE002321 - Picture album of The Great Winkler Fire in 1961
Item · Mar. 8, 1961
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A photo album documenting the progression and destruction of The Great Winkler Fire which occurred on March 8th, 1961 in Winkler, Alberta. The fire occurred in the business block of the town. The mentioned businesses that were wiped out were People’s Furniture, Gladstones I.G.A., Penners Meats and Groceries, Gladstones Dry Goods, and Town and Country Restaurant. A note at the back of the album indicates that the majority of the photographs were captured by Harvey and Ken Friesen, Jake S. Kroeker, and George Sawatzky.

Item · 1920 - 1946
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A guestbook belonging to John D. Higinbotham that contains dozens of pasted-in newspaper clippings, letters, notes, and printed photographs. At the beginning of the guestbook, there is an inscription that reads “John D. Higinbotham from his sister Alice. May 1920.” The guestbook is full of signatures of various people along with their addresses, although some sections have been cut out of the book. Most of the pasted-in newspaper clippings, notes, and letters are adhered closest to the signed name of the person they are in reference to. The names signed in the guest book were signed between the years 1920 and 1939, although some of the materials are dated as late as 1946. Nearly every included letter and note is addressed to John D. Higinbotham.

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Item · [18-?]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Two photo albums with B&W photographs of varying sizes that depict buildings, cemeteries, houses, people, and nature scenes in Winnipeg and the surrounding areas. These photo albums, or the photographs in them, may have belonged to Daniel McDonald, an insurance company manager who moved from Scotland to Winnipeg in 1883. McDonald’s home is photographed several times throughout the albums and there are several photographs of graves bearing the surname McDonald, as well as a photograph of Daniel McDonald himself.

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PE002317 - McNeil Family - Photograph album; [n.d.]
Item · n.d.
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A b&w photograph album containing images of gold mining operations and equipment, wildlife and nature, friends and family members of the McNeils', and towns and residences. No visible captions, some photographs may have notes on the verso.

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Item · 1911 - 1916
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A collection of photographs of a family living in Calgary, Alberta from 1911-1916. Mostly portraits and group shots, adults and children, inside and in front of houses, and rural locations. Notes on inside of both covers read "David A. Riddell, 1912." Several shots of Ukranian settlers in traditional dress are incorrectly captioned as "Russian."

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Item · [1916-1946?]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Family album containing black and white [B&W] photographs depicting daily life. Posed and candid images of children and adults, animals, life events (wedding and funeral), and agricultural work. Also includes 1 newspaper clipping mentioning Sergeant [Sergt.] R. G. Cook and Able Seaman Robert [R. D.] Macey of Ashford [Kent, England?] receiving Distinguished Service Medals [D.S.M].

Item · [1905-1915]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A Norwegian Canadian prairie immigrant postcard and photo album that reads “Brevkort Album” on the cover. Translation from Norwegian to English is “Postcard Album.” Some of the postcards contain written messages, both in Norwegian and English, but the majority are blank. The postcards with messages are usually addressed to people in Bardo, Alberta but some are addressed elsewhere like Santa Barbara, California. Bardo, Alberta was named after the town of Bardo in Norway. Several B&W photos featuring groups of people, presumably family and community, are included near the end of the album.

PE002364 - Dru and Jake family photo album
Item · 1950-1960
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A photo album that reads ‘“Dru” and “Jake”’ on the cover. The album contains various familial photographs including five loose photographs of children noting the year and their grade on the back. There are several photographs of people on a farm, various portraits, and a few travel photos from the Banff and Jasper area as well. Nearly all the photographs are captioned with names or comments.

PE002247 - Royal Canadian Air Force [RCAF] Band Scrapbook
Item · 1936; 1937; 1942-1944; 1948
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Scrapbook [memory book] compiled by Clyde Alexander Currie. Largely consists of photographs and newspaper clippings related to the Royal Canadian Airforce [R.C.A.F] Band based in Winnipeg. Also contains cards, letters, and various printed military ephemera.

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PE002276 - Rocky Mountain recreation photo album
Item · 1945-1946
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

The photo album may have belonged to Robert John Hamilton. Contains several B&W photos of gas and oil fields and equipment, and a handbook clipping regarding oil industry information. The majority of the photo album, however, contains recreational photos of a group of several people travelling, hiking, and camping around the Rocky Mountain areas in Alberta. A mix of scenic photos and portraits. Several notable locations in the Rocky Mountains are photographed such as Mt. Rundle, Lake Louise, Mt. Edith Cavell, and Athabasca Falls.

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Item · n.d.
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A coverless album of photographs primarily of rural and farming activities. It appears to follow Mr. Scobie, Mr. McArton, Mr. Siemens, Mr. Webb, and Mr. Macalister on a trip to various settler communites in B.C. and Alberta. Numerous shots of livestock, mostly pigs, cows, and horses. Other subjects include trains, tractors, a rodeo in Doe River, B.C., various wood frame buildings, and group portraits.


The accession comprises 180 cm of textual records arranged by series arising from specific functions of the creating office. It includes records of activities related to an array of committees and functions including Canada Research Excellence Chairs, Physical Activity Strategic Operating Committee, Facilities Development Committee, Academic Planning, Enrolment Planning Envelope,
and President's Advisory Committee and Academic Measures Advancement Reports, Records include agendas, minutes of meetings, decisions, correspondence and reports.

The files are arranged according group or function to which the records relate and as part of the creator's file classification system.

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Item · [191-?]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A photo album containing numerous photographs of family life in Manitoba and several photos from the Isle of Man during the early 1900s. The majority of the photographs appear to have been taken around the Winnipeg area. Several photographs have typewritten captions on stickers including “George, Mona and Mum, Gull Harbour,” “Lake Winnipeg,” and “Manx Picnic.” In one of the photographs of the Manx picnic, there is a United Kingdom and an Isle of Man flag waving. Other photographs include cows walking in shallow water, forests, a log cabin, boats and ships, and various family shots.

Item · [1903 - 1920?]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An album containing photographs of family scenes, buildings, and scenery in the Winnipeg area and around Manitoba. The only identifiable name is J.T. Gordon, but it is not clear if this person was the owner. The majority of the photographs were mostly likely taken between 1903 and 1920. The photographs include street scenes and buildings such as the Canada Permanent Mortgage Company building and the Somerset Hotel, numerous photographs of children playing or posing, bridge scenes, railroad construction, family group shots, portraits, Manx picnics, and beach scenes. The album also includes 8 loose-leaf photographs which are each captioned on the verso.