Affichage de 4 résultats

Description archivistique
UAA-1973-193 · Accession · 1973
Fait partie de Provincial Archives of Alberta fonds

Accession consists of a catalogues of records in the Provincial Archives of Alberta from the Anglican Diocese of Athabasca and the Anglican Diocese of MacKenzie River.

Sans titre
UAA-1972-078 · Accession · 1906
Fait partie de Provincial Archives of Alberta fonds

Accession consists of photographic transparencies from the Pollard Collection, including photographs of Horace Harvey, Nicholas Beck, and Charles Stuart.

UAA-1975-077 · Accession · [196-?]
Fait partie de Provincial Archives of Alberta fonds

Accession consists of a booklet from the Intrafraternity Council titled "Fraternities at the U of A" and photographs of University of Alberta residences, including Rutherford House with a Delta Upsilon symbol, Pembina Hall, Athabaska Hall, and Assiniboia Hall.

UAA-1969-086 · Accession · Oct. 1967
Fait partie de Provincial Archives of Alberta fonds

Accession consists of interviews conducted by Mrs. Naomi Radford with Dr. John M. MacEachran, Ernest Pelluet, Mrs. Stanley H. McCuaig, and Mrs. E. W. Sheldon. The interviews were recorded for an oral history project at the Provincial Archives of Alberta.

Sans titre