This small research collection of printed ephemera documents some of the Ku Klux Klan’s activities to disseminate its beliefs and biases in favour of the white supremacy movement.
HS 2330 K63 K58
1920s to 1990s
FC 3212 K44
This archival collection contains a variety of documents pertaining to the fur trade and other political events in Canada between the years 1676 and 1933. Specifically, it contains printed material regarding the formation of the colony of British Columbia and its incorporation into Canada, as well as manuscripts that describe agreements and treaties made between the governments of the United States and Britain. The archive includes a wide range of business documents, including promissory notes, warrants, and other legal documents relating to payments and goods. It also contains a selection of Voyageur Contracts and documents pertaining to the Hudson's Bay Company and the North West Company.