Accession consists of financial estimates for the University of Alberta. Accession also contains materials for the Office of the Comptroller/Bursar.
Accession consists of minutes from meetings of the Deans' Council from August 12, 1942 to December 15, 1961.
Zonder titelAccession consists of a framed photograph of Governor General and Mrs. Michener.
Accession consists of photocopies of appendices from the Deans' Council, from October 9 and November 13, 1968.
Zonder titelAccession consists of an aerial photograph of Campus, presented to the University by the Trans Mountain Oil Pipeline Company.
Zonder titelAccession consists of policies of procedures of the General Promotions and Salaries Committee of the General Faculties Council (1970), an index to the minutes of the Deans' Council (1968-1970) and photograph album of Golden Jubilee Week (1958).
Accession consists of minutes and reference material from meetings of the Board of Governors.
Zonder titelAccession consists of minutes from meetings of the Board of Governors and the Executive Committee.
Zonder titelAccession consists of minutes and appendices from meetings of the Board of Governors, the Executive Committee, and other committees.
Zonder titelAccession consists of minutes of the Executive Committee and General Faculties Council.
Zonder titelAccession consists of framed architectural drawings of the HUB exterior and interior.
Accession consists of "A Report on a Survey of Fifteen US University Offices of Student Affairs," prepared for the Committee to Study Student Services at the University of Alberta by David Otto from the Office of Institutional Research and Planning.
Zonder titelAccession consists of candidacy files for architecture, post-graduate medicine, accountancy, law, agrology, land surveys, pharmacy, dentistry, psychology, social work, and nursing.
Zonder titelAccession consists of: convocation programs (1908-1969); copies of "Your University" (1944-1950); "Information for Prospective Students" (1963-1966); an evening credit program calendar (1965-1966); a calendar of awards (1967-1968); issues of The New Trail (1959-1967); annual reports of the Universities Commission of the Province of Alberta (1966-1968); reports of the Governors of the University of Alberta (1948-1967); and other reports and publications about Canadian education and the history of the University of Alberta.
Accession consists of annual departmental reports from 1969-1970.
Zonder titelAccession consists of University of Alberta financial statements and estimates for the U of A and the Provincial Laboratory of Public Health.
Zonder titelAccession consists of records from the Board of Governors, Deans' Council, General Faculties Council, and other reports.
Zonder titelAccession consists of minutes, correspondence, and memoranda related to the Three Universities Fund (3 AU Fund).
Zonder titelAccession consists of Board of Governors and Executive Committee minutes and appendices.
Zonder titelDeans' Council minutes and appendices
Zonder titelAccession consists of Academic Planning Reports, Nos. 3-8, 1965-1967.
Zonder titelAccession consists of University of Alberta Calendars (1908-1909 to 1941-1942), University of Calgary Calendars (1914-1915), and photographs of an unidentified group of people (1968-1970).
Accession consists of records from the Board of Governors, including memorbilia, minutes, and reports (January 1969-September 1972).
Zonder titelAccession consists of appendices to Board of Governors minutes (September 1972 - June 1973), appendices to Executive Board of Governors minutes (July 1972 - June 1972) and ad hoc Committee minutes (1970-1973).
Zonder titelAccession consists of minutes of the Board of Governors and Executive Committee, arranged alphabetically.
Zonder titelAccession consists of duplicate material from the Board of Governors.
Zonder titelAccession consists of records from the General Promotions Committee (General Faculty Council), including agendas, minutes, and recommendations.
Zonder titelAccession consists of minutes, appendices, and correspondence from the University of Alberta Foundation.
Zonder titel