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1848 (May) from Duncan Finlayson to Smithurst
FC 3213 L55 019.027 · Item · May 1, 1848
Parte de Life, Events, and Players in the North-West

Place: Lachine

From: Dun: Finlayson

To: The Revd Jn Smithurst, Red River Settlement

Details: 2pp and integral address face

Notes: Duncan Finlayson writes to Rev. Smithurst. Sir George Simpson is travelling by steam to Sault de St. Marie soon. He answers questions about subscriptions to the New York Albion and the Church. Finlayson is startled by the new republics in France and Prussia, and the fear in Russia, Austria, and the Italian states. He also mentions that Ireland is in "a very disturbed State."

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1847 (Apr) from Duncan Finlayson to Smithurst
FC 3213 L55 020.051 · Item · April 30, 1847
Parte de Life, Events, and Players in the North-West

Place: Lachine

From: Dun: Finlayson

To: Revd Inv: Smithurst, Red River Settlement

Delivery: Carried by Hudson’s Bay Company canoe brigade to the Red River Settlement.

Details: 3pp + integral address.

Notes: A letter sent by Duncan Finlayson, Hudson’s Bay Company Director, to Reverend John Smithurst. The letter details issues related to supplies of wheat, and comments on the problems of receiving publications from England. Finlayson also mentions that Reverend William Cockran spent the winter in Toronto with his family. Rev. Cockran’s children had been ill and his son John died.

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1845 (Dec) from Duncan Finlayson to Smithurst
FC 3213 L55 019.020 · Item · December 27, 1845
Parte de Life, Events, and Players in the North-West

Place: Lachine

From: Dun: Finlayson

To: Revd John Smithurst, Red River Settlement

Details: 3pp with integral address face

Notes: Duncan Finlayson writes to Rev. Smithurst with various news. Finlayson relates details of a recent trip, expresses concern that war with the United States is looming, reports that illness has forced Lord Metcalfe to return to England, and informs Rev. Smithurst that money has been set aside to provide a Bishop for Rupert's Land.

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1851 (Feb) from Duncan Finlayson to Rev. John Smithurst
FC 3213 L55 019.069 · Item · February 14, 1851
Parte de Life, Events, and Players in the North-West

Place: Red River Settlement

From: Duncan Finlayson, Hudson's Bay House, Lachine

To: Reverend John Smithurst

Details: 2pp

Notes: In the letter, Duncan Finlayson advises John Smithurst of the subscription cost of two papers and the possible cost even if Smithurst thought he stopped the subscription.

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