The Life, Events, and Players in the North-West is comprised of several smaller collections within Bruce Peel Special Collections that contain materials related to the history and culture of the north-west of what would become Canada.
Approximately twenty (20) items regarding the regulation of liquor in the North West Territories of Canada in the late 1880s and early 1900s. The difficulties faced by the North West Mounted Police (NWMP) in enforcing the unpopular permit-based liquor laws of the time are given particular attention.
Zonder titelTyped letter dated in Ottawa, March 12, 1889. It is a submission to the Honourable Minister providing documents for consideration in connection with the “liquor question” in the North West Territories. It is signed by Comptroller "F.H."
The memo outlines the documents attached:
- “Extract from the report of the Commissioner of the N.W. Mounted Police for 1888, as received at Ottawa with marginal notes showing the portions which have been printed and submitted to Parliament. / The attention of the Minister is particularly called to the paragraphs not printed.” (see 2011.002.002)
- “Extracts from the Annual Report of the Commissioner and other Officers as printed and submitted to Parliament.” (see 2011.002.003)
- “Copies of Police reports of inspection of Saloons at Calgary on 29th December and 9th January last, by which the Minister will see how impossible it is, under the existing permit system, to exercise efficient control over the sale of liquor.” (see 2011.002.004-006)
A nine (9) page mimeographed copy of an 1888 draft report written by L.W. Herchmer, Commissioner of the North West Mounted Police. The Commissioner makes reference to the “liquor question,” the ongoing law enforcement issues within the North West Territories with regards to controlling the sale of liquor. The report shows some handwritten corrections and margin notes indicating the portions which were printed in the final report and submitted to Parliament.
Zonder titelTyped header reads: “Extracts from reports of Officers of the N.W. Mounted Police for 1888 on the subject of the liquor laws. / 1888. / Commissioner L.W. Herchmer.” Officers include the Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner and Superintendents Cotton, McIllree, Neale, Deane, Steele, Perry, Griesbach, and Antrobus.
Commissioner Herchmer:
“There is a feeling, however, among the farmers, and naturally, that the sale of good beer should be allowed, and that it should be brewed in the country out of the home-grown barley, the present regulations allowing a wretched apology for beer to be brewed in the country out of grape sugar and other poisons, while the brewing from home-grown malt of an article of equal intoxicating power is strictly prohibited.”
“… I unhesitatingly affirm that under the permit system and the North-West Act, as then interpreted by our judges, there was less intoxication among the whites, according to population; and there can be no comparison between the quantity of liquor then supplied to Indians and the quantities they have obtained since that portion of the Province was, as certain people call it, emancipated.”
“In the days when the Act was first introduced there were no lawyers in the Territories and appeals were almost unheard of . . . Since the advent of lawyers everything has changed.”
“A saloon keeper of any experience keeps about enough liquor on his premises to fill his permits, and whenever ‘pulled’ by the Police he produces his permits, or those of his friends, and keeps his reserve stock of contraband liquor in hay stacks and manure heaps, closets and other hiding places of the same sort”
“The profits of the trade being enormous our men are all the time subject to the temptation of, to them, immense bribes, to pass a cargo, and who can wonder, under such conditions, that they sometimes fall.”
“I think it would be advisable to permit the establishment of breweries of sufficient capacity to support an Inland Revenue officer, as small concerns without much at stake are liable to be tempted to evade the law, particularly as regards Indians.”p.2
“In Calgary I may safely say we have captured more liquor consigned to two druggists than to any two saloon keepers in that town.”p.2
Assistant Commissioner:
“The liquor law is not working at all satisfactorily, and is no doubt being evaded, and would be, even if there were five times as many police as there are. The law is unpopular. This accounts for the great difficulty we experience in connection with it. It is almost impossible, under the existing state of the law, to get a conviction.” p.2
Superintendent Neale:
“Nearly all classes of the community in this district are antagonistic to the existing liquor laws, and there are very few indeed who will not assist in the smuggling of liquor.” p.4
Superintendent Steele
“The reason for passing the Act was to prevent the sale of intoxicants to Indians, and for that purpose answered very well, . . . . no serious trouble has been caused since from the drunkenness of the Indians; but when the same law is applied to the whites it is quite another thing.” p.5
“Under the system of smuggling, which prevails, the dealer brings in pure alcohol, and by the admixture of pernicious drugs and water makes it into an article resembling whiskey in color but most dangerous in its effects.” p.5
Two page mimeographed copy of a letter written to the Commissioner of the NWMP in Regina by J.H. McIllree Supt. Commanding “E” Division.
The letter contains extracts from a police report written by Corporal Walker. Corporal Walker conducted an inspection of Pullman Saloon which is “normally kept by J. McNeil” but is actually kept by a local man known as “Smithey” who is described as “the most notorious of the whiskey men in Calgary.” All kinds of whiskey and intoxicants were found on the property, covered by permits largely made out to “Smithey” under variations of his own name, the name of “a woman he keeps” and a bartender.
Sgd. McIllree claims his recommendation that permits not be issued to these individuals “has been over-ruled . . . by the personal exertions of the Judge of the Supreme Court and the members of the legislative assembly for this District.”
Three page copy of a Calgary police report written by Sergeant Ernest Cochrane to the Officer Commanding “E” Division. Sergeant Cochrane summarizes the alcoholic beverages and permits found during his searches conducted the afternoon of January 9, 1889 of Alberta Saloon, D. Cameron’s Saloon, and Pullman. He includes brand names, permit numbers, names on permits, and the number of both whole and broken bottles.
Sergeant Cochrane points out that 8 bottles of gin were found in Pullman in a search conducted December 28, 1888 but that Pullman now has 11 whole bottles and 1 broken bottle of gin while still producing the same permit number seen in the previous search. “This shows an increase of . . . 3 bottles and no new permit to cover the evident augmentation of quantity.” Sergeant Cochrane writes that “[m]y only hope is the possibility of stopping the supply in transit.”
Two page typed memo written by an unnamed Comptroller. Dated in Ottawa, 31st January, 1890.
“Until recent years a permit was understood to cover liquor imported into the North-West for the use of the person named therein, but it has been ruled in Court that both the permit and the liquor may be held in the possession of a person other than he to whom the permit was issued.
Under the protection of this ruling, saloons are supplied freely with permits and liquor, and it is quite a common occurrence for the Police to find in the same house liquor covered by permits in the names of half a dozen or more different persons.
Liquor is smuggled into the country to replenish the kegs or jars protected by the permits, and it is impossible to prove that the liquor found in such kegs or jars is not that which was originally imported into the country under permits_ a permit may thus be used as a perpetual license unless a case of selling can be established.
If the permit system is to be continued, the undersigned suggests that the law should be amended in such manner as will forbid the transfer of permits and restrict the custody and use of liquor imported there-under to the residence and household of the person to whom the permit is issued.”
Typewritten, “1888: Whiskey informers & detectives: Newspaper articles re. Extract from the Medicien (sic) Hat ‘Times’ of Sept 10, 1887. THE INFORMER: Considerable consternation was imminent in the city Monday over the rumour that a whiskey informer was at large.”
Pencil notation, “1889 – no. 401: Liquor question N.W.T. General Memorandum.”
Dealer believes this is a Letter to the Editor written by Commissioner L.W. Herchmer.
Zonder titelThe headline of the first article reads: "Magistrate's Cotrt. / Queen vs. Leslie." A typewritten note on the back of the paper identifies the newspaper as the Prince Albert Times dated December 2, 1987 [presumably a typo for 1887].
The case involves charges of vagrancy against Constable A. Leslie of the North West Mounted Police. Constable Leslie was found at night lurking in a stable belonging to Mr. T. Oram of the Queen’s Hotel.
The second clipping lacks a headline. It is an editorial comment on the Queen vs. Leslie court case. A typewritten note on the back identifies the newspaper as the Prince Albert Times dated December 2, 1887.
"While we are opposed to the principle of the present liquor law, we agree that so long as it is in force it is the duty all good citizens to assist the authorities in legitimate endeavors to carry it out, but when constables - whether on duty or not - put themselves in positions where they might very properly be taken for sneak thieves or burglars, and when interrogated as to their business refuse to give a satisfactory account of themselves, they not only make themselves amenable to the law, but naturally and rightly prejudice the minds of people against them and against their superiors, under whose orders they may be acting, as well as against the law itself.”
“The Mounted Police Force has done good work in the earlier days of its existence, but it has outlived its usefulness as a force. Now that the Territories are becoming settled and municipal organizations springing up, the carrying out of the laws should be left to the purely civil authorities. And if it is found necessary to have an armed body to preserve peace amongst the Indians, that body should be a purely military force.”
A single sheet of paper onto which three (3) letters to the editor of the Regina Journal newspaper have been typewritten.
In red type:
In black type:
“Regina, 21 Feb. 1888
Sir: With reference to the article which appeared in the Regina ‘Journal’ of the 18th instant respecting a recent search of the Lansdown Hotel in this Town, for liquor, conducted by Insp. McGibbon, I have the honor to inform you that I have had the matter of the statements made in the article above referred to thoroughly investigated and find them to be untrue.
Mrs Arnold, the wife of the proprietor of the Hotel, informed Supt. Deane that the Editor of the Regina ‘Journal’ while sitting in the bar room of the Lansdown, read out in her hearing what purported to be an account of the police visit to that Hotel, and she then said to him: ‘Oh! Mr Atkinson, I cannot allow you to publish such a thing as that, the men did not come inside my bedroom at all, and were perfectly civil.’ Or words to that effect.
The Comptroller, Ottawa
I have, etc.
(L.W. Herchmer) Commr.
5th Mar. 8
Sir, Referring to your letter of the 21st ultimo, respecting the searching of the Lansdowne Hotel at Regina for Liquor, I am glad to be placed in possession of the statement of Mrs Arnold which exonerates the police from the charge of incivility. The article in the Regina Journal of the 16th ulto states on Mr Arnold’s authority: ‘Only last Sunday drunken policemen bothered him to such an extent that he was compelled to lock the door. The police threatened to break the door in but dared not do it.’
It would be gratifying to know that this statement also can be contradicted.
I have the honor, etc.
The Commr, NWMP, Regina.
Regina 10 March 8
Sir: In reply to your No. 302 of the 5th instant, on the subject of the searching of the Lansdowne Hotel at this place for liquor, I have the honor to inform you that there is no proof that the men who threatened to kick Arnold’s door in were policemen.
If they were, I am of the opinion that Reg: No- 2041 Constable Lynch was one of the party as he was punished for having overstayed his pass the night the alleged disturbance is stated to have taken place.
I have the honor, etc.
The Comptroller, Ottawa
(Sgd) L.W. Herchmer
A typewritten copy of an extract from the Regina Journal newspaper dated February 16, 1888. The extracted article deals with how the Mounted Police conducted a recent liquor search. Mr. F. Arnold, proprietor of Lansdowne Hotel, accuses four NWMP officers of entering his wife’s bedroom while she was still in bed during their search of his hotel. He does not give names of officers.
An article from the Lethbridge News of 5th April 1888 concerning the recently released North West Mounted Police Commissioner's Annual Report dealing with the difficulties faced by the NWMP in enforcing the unpopular permit-based liquor laws: "the liquor question."
Two (2) clippings from the Lethbridge News newspaper dated April 5, 1888. The clippings make up the editorial response to NWMP Commissioner L.W. Herchmer’s annual report printed elsewhere in the same issue.
An editorial extract from the Lethbridge News of 21st June 1888.
“Some Detective” headline is underlined in red. Referring to the North West Mounted Police, the writer asserts that “[t]he long-talked-of detective service has apparently fizzled down into a staff of whiskey informers.” Also comments on the unfair nature of the exemption the Canadian Pacific Railway has obtained from the liquor laws.
Two clippings from the Toronto Mail, “North-West Drinks” June 23, 1888 and “The Whiskey Trader” July 5, 1888. Both are stapled to a sheet of paper. Typed on the reverse in red ink “File D42, 1888: LIQUOR LAW N.W.T. – ARTICLE IN TORONTO MAIL by ‘G’ re.”
Both articles are written by someone identifying themselves as 'G' and are reprinted from the New York Evening Post.
“North-West Drinks. / How the Liquor Law Works on the Prairies. / Prohibition in the North-West Territories – Substitutes for Liquor – The North-West Mounted Police and Their Work – Hunting Whiskey Traders – A Bootless Chase.”
“ ‘G’ writes as follows to the New York Evening Post from Fort McLeod, N.W.T.:”
“The Whiskey Trader. / How He Pursues His Calling In the Territories. / Looked Upon as a Desperate Character – How He Looks at the Law – His Methods – A Capture and an Escape – A Race for Freedom.”
“The following is ‘G.’s’ second letter to the New York Evening Post from Fort MacLeod, N.W.T.:”
Newspaper Clipping from the Macleod Gazette, dated July 4, 1888.
“A Fierce Affray. / Hungarian Miners Resist The Police. / A Free Fight the Result, in Which Several Police and Civilians are Injured – Eighteen Arrests Made.”
Byline is “Lethbridge News.”
“On Sunday last the celebration of a wedding took place and a large amount of beer was consumed, quite a number of the participants becoming intoxicated. At around 21 o’clock three of them came outside the house and commenced fighting. Sergt. Ross was soon on the ground and arrested the principals in the fight, when a swarm of Hungarians, headed by one Geo. Czaperalich, rushed out . . . Czaperalich came out with some others to inform the sergeant there was no picnic going on there, whereupon the sergeant immediately arrested him. Directly he was arrested a swarm of Hungarians rushed out of the cottage armed with clubs, stones, bottles and other weapons. . . . A prominent feature in the fight was the part taken by the women, one of whom particularly distinguished herself by her agility in high kicking.”
“The Northwest Prohibition Farce” newspaper clipping from the Calgary Tribune and dated July 18, 1888.
An editorial piece protesting the exemption granted the Canadian Pacific Railway from the permit-based liquor laws of the time.
“In another column will be found the announcement that permission has been granted to the Canadian Pacific Railway hotel in Banff to import and sell wine and beer as a beverage, and the Mounted Police authorities have received instructions not to interfere with them in the carrying on of that business. . . . The Government at Ottawa (by whom the Lieutenant-Governor of these Territories has unquestionably been authorized in this case) seem to be under the impression that the people of this country are a lot of serfs and nincompoops who have no conception of the rights of freemen . . . ”
“Prohibition v. License” newspaper clipping. Black ink handwriting indicates the clipping is taken from the Moosomin Courier dated July 19, 1888.
The writer objects to "the subpoenaing of a number of our fellow-townsmen to give evidence for the Crown against two of our hotel keepers for selling liquor without a permit from the Lieutenant-Governor of these Territories."
“Liquor in the West” newspaper clipping. A typewritten note identifies this clipping is from The Toronto Mail February 23, 1889.
Quotes and comments on North West Mounted Police Commissioner L.W. Herchmer’s report of 1888 [see 2011.002.003).
“Cafeteria and Bath House Raided by the Police Last Night” newspaper clipping from the Calgary Daily Herald dated Monday, April 24, 1911.
“The Calgary police, in conjunction with the provincial license inspectors, made raids early Sunday morning on the Cafeteria and Moose Baxter’s bath house. The raids were conducted by Chief Mackie in person, and reflect great credit on the department for the methodical and successful manner in which they were carried out.”
During the police raid on the Turkish bath house, one of three clients found bathing was in fact an undercover license inspector, who “had been quietly investigating for the past two weeks, as a result of which he located the liquor in a sack at the bottom of the plunge.”
The first newspaper clipping headline reads: “Maximum Fine in Reid Case / Pleaded Guilty of Illegal Liquor Selling and Was Fined $500 / Moose Baxter Case was Adjourned / Accused Claimed That He Was Not Proprietor of Turkish Baths”
Bert Reid, proprietor of the Cafeteria, pled guilty before Superintendent Deane of the Royal North West Mounted Police to selling liquor illegally with the understanding that the additional barrel of beer and wine discovered outside did belong to his brother, John, who had the liquor on hand for a planned housewarming party. This version of events was contested by Stanley Jones of the Moral Reform league.
A preliminary to the trial of Moose Baxter was held following the Reid case. Moose Baxter claimed that he was managing the Turkish bath house which the police raided, but that it was his brother Hector Baxter who actually owned the business. The rest of the article is not included.
The second newspaper clipping headline reads: “Sleuth Grimsdall Hadn’t Authority to make Arrests”
Detective Grimsdall arrested “Moose” Baxter in two assault cases, but both cases were dismissed by Col. Walker who said that in neither case did Grimsdall have the authority to arrest Baxter in the Barracks court.
A collection of letters, photographs, land documents, financial records, books, and other ephemera created by, or relating primarily to the life and career of John H. Stanger, a long-time Hudson's Bay Company clerk and manager. Stanger was born in 1846 in Orkney, Scotland and he began working for the Hudson's Bay Company in 1863 as a labourer. From 1868 to 1874 Stanger served as the postmaster in Upper Fort Garry, Manitoba. In 1874 he was appointed as a clerk at the Hudson's Bay Company store in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba, where he remained until 1880. In 1893 he was made a clerk in Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba, where he stayed until the fort closed in 1911. In 1912 Stanger took a position as manager at the remote Montizambert post in Ontario until his retirement in 1913. Numerous records in the collection were also created by Stanger's daughter, Alice Stanger, during her time in Manitoba in the early 1900s.
A collection of materials relating to John H. Stanger's career and personal dealings with the Hudson's Bay Company. The collection consists primarily of receipts, financial records such as account statements, correspondence, and various miscellaneous items such as books and job contracts.
Correspondence between John H. Stanger and other Hudson's Bay Company representatives.
A letter from Alex [Christie] at the Hudson’s Bay Company Office in Fort Garry, Manitoba, addressed to John H. Stanger in Sainte Anne des Chênes. The letter is dated February 3, 1880. In the letter, [Christie] acknowledges the receipt of a letter from Stanger notifying the office that he sent a registered package containing $105.87. The letter confirms that both the letter and the package were received and the amount was put towards Stanger’s credit.
Zonder titelA small collection of correspondence from N.M.W. McKenzie, the Hudson's Bay Company District Manager in Fort William, Ontario, addressed to J.H. Stanger in Montizambert, Ontario. The first letter is dated May 3, 1913, and the second is dated May 6, 1913. McKenzie acknowledges that he received Stanger’s letter regarding Alice’s poor health and advises that he will discuss the matter with Dr. Spence for advice. In the second letter, he indicates that the doctor encourages Alice to exercise outdoors, but it is impossible for him to treat her with any certainty through correspondence.
Zonder titelA memo from the Commissioner’s Office of the Hudson’s Bay Company in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The memo is dated October 27, 1898. In the memo, the author asks if there is a tram going out over the new bridge on Tuesday or any other day, and they ask what time it leaves. On the verso of the memo, there is a short handwritten note that reads “8 am on Tuesday from C.P.R. Station.”
A handwritten note dated May 29, 1880, in Fort Garry, Manitoba indicating that a payment of $100 from J.H. Stanger was received and placed on his account.
A letter from Bain, Blanchard & McColl Barristers in Winnipeg, Manitoba addressed to J.H. Stanger. The letter is dated November 8, 1880. The letter indicates that there is a balance due and if it is paid by the end of the week, that is acceptable. There are various handwritten notes in pencil, presumably written by J.H. Stanger, noting specific dates and calculating various monetary sums.
Zonder titelA letter written on Bain, Blanchard & McColl Barristers letterhead. The letter was written by Bain, Blanchard, and McColl on November 19, 1880, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and addressed to J.H. Stanger in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba. The letter, regarding the Hudson’s Bay Company account, indicates that $300 was received by the firm and was placed to Stanger’s credit.
Zonder titelA letter from [James Anderson] in Winnipeg, Manitoba dated [January 11, 1881]. The letter states that invoices are enclosed with the letter for goods totalling $109.31 and due to the remaining balance on Stanger’s account, another invoice will be sent that night. In a postscript note at the bottom of the letter, [Anderson] indicates that Stanger should only share 30 cents out of 45 with another person, although the name is illegible.
A letter from [James Anderson] in Winnipeg, Manitoba to J.H. Stanger. The letter is dated November 26, 1881. The letter indicates that a sum of $53 was added to an account and that the price of units will be met.
A letter from N.M.W. Mackenzie of the Hudson’s Bay Company offices in Fort William, Ontario, addressed to J.H. Stanger in Montizambert, Ontario. The letter is dated September 10. 1913. In the letter, Mackenzie acknowledges that Stanger has had a difficult time living at the remote Hudson’s Bay Company post, but explains he is unable to assign him to a different location as none would be suitable. Mackenzie assures Stanger that once he returns to the district in the spring, they will reevaluate the situation, but asks him to stay on for at least another winter at Montizambert.
Zonder titelA letter from [Alex.] Burgess of the Hudson’s Bay Company Winnipeg office, explaining that they were forwarded a letter from the Vancouver office from J.H. Stanger’s brother, William Stanger, in Perth, Australia. The letter from the office is dated October 14, 1912, and addressed to John H.S. Stanger in Montizambert, Ontario. The enclosed letter from William Stanger is addressed to the Hudson’s Bay Company store manager in Vancouver, British Columbia. The letter is undated. William Stanger asks after the whereabouts of J.H. Stanger as the brothers have been out of contact for many years. William Stanger mentions that his brother was at Fort Garry at the time it was taken by Louis Riel.
Zonder titelA letter written by J.H. Stanger on Hudson's Bay Company letterhead on May 2, 1910, in Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba, that was returned to him with responses written on the same letter. The letter, addressed to A. Childerhose in Lockport, Manitoba, instructed Childerhose to give John Gagnon 20 bushels of wheat and to send Stanger the bill. There is a handwritten note on the letter from Gagnon indicating that the wheat was received, and another note from Childerhose indicating he received the payment of $21 on May 17, 1910. Also included is the envelope dated May 17, 1910.
Zonder titelVarious receipts collected by J. H. Stanger for payments on his personal account with the Hudson's Bay Company.
A collection of 24 paper receipts from the Hudson’s Bay Company Offices in Fort Garry, Manitoba. The receipts range from February 2, 1880, to November 9, 1911. Each receipt confirms a payment from J.H. Stanger in varying amounts. Several receipts are noted to be for monthly instalments.
Zonder titelA collection of 13 paper receipts from the Hudson’s Bay Company Offices in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The receipts range from 1882 to 1910. Each receipt confirms a payment from J.H. Stanger in varying amounts. The majority of the receipts are signed by the same cashier.
Zonder titelA small collection of receipts from the Hudsons’s Bay Company Winnipeg offices noting payments to the ongoing account of J.H. Stanger. The receipts keep track of the remaining balance on the account as well as instalments paid and goods purchased. The receipts range from June 1, 1881, to February 1, 1882.
A receipt from the Hudson's Bay Company in Winnipeg, Manitoba, for personal goods such as prunes. The receipt is dated January 15, [191-?].
A collection of Hudson’s Bay Company order form receipts, primarily created by J.H. Stanger between 1901 and 1914. Two order form receipts also have signatures from other parties involved in the sales. One order form is for a pair of knickers which cost $2.25 including postage.
Zonder titelAn expense document addressed to the Hudson’s Bay Company listing various required payments. A property in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba is listed as an expense on the document. The document also includes several notes of further calculations for goods or services that are not indicated.
A blank sheet of lined paper titled “Account Lands H.B. Company Winnipeg and John H. Stanger." No account details are provided.
An account ledger for the Hudson’s Bay Company post in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba from 1882 to 1883. The majority of the entries are written by J.H. Stanger, although several entries appear to be written in a different hand, presumably by another clerk. The first portion of the ledger is an index divided into alphabetical sections with handwritten lists of names and their account page. The remainder of the ledger is comprised of pages dedicated to individual accounts. The name of each individual is written at the top of the page and dates, payments, disbursements, and transaction details are written in the columns below. Several notable accounts include Rev. Louis-Raymond Giroux who was the priest of the Sainte Anne church, Theophile Paré who assisted Stranger with various real estate endeavours, and an account for the Municipality of Sainte Anne.
Zonder titelTwo supplies lists for the Hudson’s Bay Company Sainte Anne des Chênes post in Manitoba. The first list was written by J.H. Stanger on January 23, 1880, when he was already at Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba. The second list was also written by J.H. Stanger but is undated. The lists consist of the type of supplies, the quantity, and the price with balances being carried over to the next page. The supplies listed include items such as yellow metal beads, black silk buttons, white chalk, ladies' white corsets, embroidered cushions, glasses, various types of fabric, tape, violin strings, and English chocolate among many other items.
Zonder titelA collection of account statements for J.H. Stanger with the Hudson’s Bay Company. The statements are dated from 1864 to 1882. The majority of the statements list the supplies purchased by Stanger, some of which appear to have been for the Sainte Anne des Chênes Hudson’s Bay Company post and his wages from the company. The majority of the statements appear to be created and signed by an E.E. who signs from both the York Factory trading post and Lower Fort Garry.
Zonder titelA collection of cash statements for J.H. Stanger’s account with the Hudson’s Bay Company. The statements are dated from 1880 to 1886. Several statements were created at Fort Garry, but the majority were created in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The statements provide monetary calculations for monthly cash payments J.H. Stanger made to his account and list the remaining balance. The final statement from 1886 indicates that Stanger owed the company $1242.05.
Zonder titelAn account statement for J.H. Stanger with the Hudson’s Bay Company regarding land sales. The statement, originally dated Sept 29, 1888, indicates that J.H. Stanger originally owed the company $1956.14 as acknowledged by a letter to the company dated September 10, 1888. The statement indicates several payments made on Stanger’s behalf and charges for Lot 61, and Lot 31, as well as arrears of taxes. At the end of the statement, the total owed by Stanger for various real estate properties is $1539.90. The statement was stamped with a Hudson’s Bay House Accountant’s stamp on July 26, 1898, in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Zonder titelA log booklet that appears to have been used for the Hudson’s Bay Company post in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba. The booklet covers transactions during 1881. On each page, there are various names along with short itemized lists of products they purchased from the post and the cost of the items. The majority of the items mentioned are food products.
A ledger that appears to have been used for the Hudson’s Bay Company post in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba, based on the names written inside. The ledger covers transactions from May 22, 1883, to December 31, 1883. On each page, there are various names along with short itemized lists of products they purchased from the post and the cost of the items. The majority of the items mentioned are food products. Blue Xs are marked beside various orders throughout the ledger.
A statement of balances and expenditures for the Hudson’s Bay Company post in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba. The statement is dated December 9, 1879. The left side of the statement lists the balances of several patrons of the company post. The right side of the statement includes recordings of improvements made by J.H. Stanger to the post and the cost of the improvements. Some the the improvements include plastering, partitions, adding windows, and creating a sidewalk. The statement was signed by J.H. Stanger on August 23, 1888.
Miscellaneous items relating to J.H. Stanger's career and involvement with the Hudson's Bay Company such as souvenirs, books, and personal papers.
Souvenir materials from Lower Fort Garry National Historic Park in Manitoba. The first item is a booklet that provides historical information about the fort as well as a map of the fort's location, and a map of the fort grounds. The second item is an information pamphlet about the history of Lower Fort Garry. The pamphlet also includes a map and a few photograph prints. One side of the pamphlet is written in English and the other is the same information written in French. The final item is a postcard with a colour photograph print of an aerial view of the fort. On the verso is a caption for the photograph.
Zonder titelA handwritten agreement between the Hudson's Bay Company and J.H. Stanger. The agreement, written on January 23, 1880, states that the company will sell Stanger goods to accounts totalling $1910.23 as per List A, and $318.54 as per List B, to be paid in monthly instalments with seven per cent interest per annum. The first payment date is noted as February 1, 1880. The contract also states that Stanger will “be allowed the use of the building at St. Anne for two years from 1st January 1880 free of rent” provided he takes care of the place. A note on the verso of the agreement reads "Examined."
A document from the Provisional Government titled “Declaration of the People of Rupert’s Land and the North West.” The declaration was issued at Fort Garry, published on December 8, 1869, and written by John Bruce and Louis Riel. The declaration details how the Hudson’s Bay Company took away land from Métis people and the government abandoned them. The declaration outlines four new outcomes in response to the oppression of Métis people. The first outcome is that the Métis people became free and exempt from allegiance to the Government of Canada due to its failure to support them. The second outcome is that they will no longer recognize the authority of Canada. The third outcome is that by sending a group to drive back William McDougall on November 1, 1869, they were acting in accordance with the right to defend themselves against their country being enslaved. The final outcome is that the Provisional Government will continue to oppose the Government of Canada in its current form.
Zonder titelA document titled “List of Rights” that was created by “French and English Representatives” during a Council meeting at Fort Garry, Manitoba, on December 1, 1869. The document was created to guarantee and uphold Métis rights and includes the “conditions upon which the people of Rupert’s Land would enter into Confederation.” The document was published on December 4, 1869. The document lists 14 rights that must be guaranteed by Mr. MacDougall “by virtue of his commission” and if so, he would be escorted by the people into his Government seat. The document states that if MacDougall does not agree to guarantee these rights, “the Delegates request him to remain where he is.”
A book titled Lower Fort Garry by Robert Watson. The book was published in 1928 by the Hudson’s Bay Company in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The book provides information about the history of the fort such as its construction, experimental farming, everyday life, Louis Riel’s raid on the fort, churches and graveyards, and people who managed the fort. There are photographs of the fort throughout the book as well as a foldout map of Lower Fort Garry that indicates the locations of important historical events and buildings.
Zonder titelA Hudson’s Bay Company hiring contract for J.H. Stanger. The contract is for a clerk position and is dated August 5, 1903, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The contract states that Stanger will earn $75 per month in his position beginning from June 1, 1903, and should the position be terminated by either party, two weeks' notice must be given. The contract was presumably for his position as a clerk at Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba. The witness for the contract is signed A. [Vrilue?] and the other signatories are [O. Gillnan?] of the Hudson's Bay Company and J.H. Stanger.
An instructions memo for Lower Fort Garry regarding Form 20. The memo includes 15 steps regarding the form. Some of the instructions, which appear to be for stocking, inventory, and payment purposes, include things like “Stock on hand as per last month's Form 20.” The form is written in J.H. Stanger’s handwriting.
Zonder titelA Dominion Express Company shipping log book used by the Hudson’s Bay Company in Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba. The logbook was used from May 1905 to July 1912. On each page, there is an identical statement from the shipping company releasing it from responsibility for damaged or lost goods. Each shipment is written on a single line along with details such as the date, articles noted, value, the consignee, destination, and the receiver's signature The majority of the shipments were sent to Winnipeg and included items such as clothing, eggs, pelts, cheques, and currency. There is a notable shipment for J.P.M. Lecourt dated May 20, 1907, who shipped one satchel to Ottawa, Ontario.
Zonder titelTwo sheets of printed Hudson’s Bay Company stationery. The dates are prefilled as “189-.” On the verso of one of the sheets are two pencil floral doodles.
Zonder titelTwo copies of a book titled “The Stone Fort” by Elsie McKay. The book was printed by Enterprise Publishers in Selkirk, Manitoba. The book provides historical information about Lower Fort Garry in Manitoba. The Stangers are mentioned a few times throughout the book and one photograph is credited as provided by Mrs. N. Séguin, which is Alice Stanger’s married name. The book includes various photographs of the fort and notable figures who resided in and managed the fort. J.H. Stanger’s name is stamped on the front cover of one book.
Zonder titelA newspaper clipping of an article titled “Stories Houses Tell” by Lillian Gibbons. The article details the history of the old Hudson’s Bay Company store in Sainte Anne des Chênes. John Stanger and his involvement with the store are mentioned several times throughout the article. The article also contains several quotes about Stanger’s life from his daughter, Mrs. Napoleon A. Séguin, formerly Alice Stanger. There is a handwritten note at the top of the page indicating the article was clipped from the Winnipeg Tribune Newspaper for September 11, 1953.
Zonder titelA section of the Winnipeg Free Press Saturday Selection newspaper with an article about a federal grant allocated to construct a building replica inside the historic park of Lower Fort Garry in Manitoba. The article provides some historical background on the fort as well as information about Barbara Johnstone, the person in charge of the project. The article was written by Peggy Williams and published on May 12, 1962. Included with the article is a photograph print from 1909 of the Norway House in Lower Fort Garry.
Zonder titelBusiness and personal correspondence between J.H. Stanger and others. The business correspondence primarily consists of letters between J.H. Stanger and Jas Finnegan Sr, a man living on one of Stanger's properties and looking after his land and livestock. The personal correspondence consists of letters between Stanger and various friends and family members such as his daughter Alice Stanger, his father-in-law J.P.M. Lecourt, and many others.
Personal correspondence between J.H. Stanger and others such as friends and family members.
A letter, written in French, from Rev. L.R. Giroux, the first residential priest of the Sainte Anne parish, to J.H. Stanger in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba. The letter is dated September 19, 1881. In the letter, Giroux sends his thanks to Stanger for his generous donation to the church and assures him that his donation will help the poor and the downtrodden. Giroux also thanks Stanger for the support he showed him at the St Anne municipal meeting.
Zonder titelCorrespondence from Joseph St. Denis in Ottawa, Ontario, addressed to J.H. Stanger in Lockport, Manitoba. The letters are dated from February 28, 1914, to September 4, 1914, and one letter is undated. In the letters, St. Denis provides updates about the health of his wife, Marie-Alice who is Elmire Stanger’s sister, asks after Alice Stanger and Josephine, and mentions that Roméo, their son, is doing well. He provides various details about their lives and advises Stanger about real estate endeavours in St. Andrews, Manitoba.
Zonder titelA collection of correspondence from J.H. Stanger’s mother, Jean Stanger, in Stromness, Orkney, Scotland, addressed to J.H. Stanger. The letters are dated from 1871 to 1878, although several are undated. His mother frequently asks him to write to her more often or speaks of waiting to hear from him. She provides updates about her health and gossip and updates about friends and family in Orkney. She also provides Stanger with news of his brother, James Stanger.
Zonder titelA collection of correspondence from J.H. Stanger’s brother, William Stanger. The majority of the letters are addressed to J.H. Stanger, but several are addressed to Jean and James Stanger in Stromness, Orkney, Scotland, which were in turn sent to Stanger in Manitoba, Canada. The letters are dated from 1870 to 1912, and one is undated. Until March 1878, William Stanger was writing from Stromness, but in May 1878, he began sending letters from South Africa and, eventually, Australia. Throughout his letters, William often writes of their mother and her failing health, thanks Stanger frequently for sending them money, and provides updates and gossip about various people and families in Stromness. The final letter was sent to Stanger from Perth, Australia in 1912, and William shares the details and travels of his life since he and Stanger fell out of touch years prior. He also provides their brother James’ current address in Australia.
Zonder titelA collection of correspondence from J.H. Stanger’s brother, James Stanger, in Stromness, Orkney, Scotland. The letters are dated from 1876 to 1882. The final letter was sent from Melbourne, Australia. In the letters, James frequently writes about their mother and her health, the weather, various events and people in Stromness, and his hopes for the future. Also included is a draft letter from Stanger to James, written in 1881, urging James to reconsider moving to Australia. The final letter, written by James in 1882 from Melbourne, relates his experiences working in Australia and what led him there.
Zonder titelA letter from Louis Lavallée in Lac la Biche, Alberta, addressed to J.H. Stanger. The letter is dated February 20, 1881. In the letter, Lavallée relates the story of how his son drowned after falling through the ice on a frozen lake and explains that times are hard in the area as fish are becoming scarce.
Zonder titelCorrespondence from May Cruickshank in Grantown-on-Spey, Scotland, addressed to J.H. Stanger. The first letter is dated February 3, 1908, and the second is dated March 10, 1908. In the first letter, Cruickshank explains that they received a parcel of clothes belonging to her brother, George Cruickshank, who drowned in the Red River in 1905. In one of the pockets, they found a note with Stanger’s name, which she copied onto the letter to Stanger. In the second letter, she thanks Stanger for his kind reply and explains they knew nothing of her brother’s life and originally wrote to Stanger seeking any information about him.
Zonder titelLetters from J.P.M. LeCourt, Elmire Stanger's father, addressed to J.H. Stanger.
Zonder titelA letter from J.P.M. LeCourt in Ottawa, Ontario, addressed to J.H. Stanger in Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba. The letter is dated June 16, 1898. LeCourt, Elmire Stanger’s father, writes to Stanger thanking him and Elmire for their kindness and the sum of $100 that was sent to him. LeCourt explains he expects to receive a pension from the government and also states he intends to keep his property rather than sell it. He sends his regards to all of them, including his granddaughter Alice.
Zonder titelA letter, written in French, from J.P.M. LeCourt in Ottawa, Ontario, addressed to J.H. Stanger. The letter is dated March 13, 1899. In the letter, LeCourt explains he is sending them the certificate of sale for their property to Elmire, a pamphlet, and a book. LeCourt explains that he is currently occupied with getting Alice settled in Rochesterville, Ottawa, and his endeavours to help her with her career. He also asks that they send him news of Lord Strathcona upon his return from England, and he thanks both Stanger and Elmire for their hospitality during his recent visit to them.
Zonder titelA letter from the office of the Canadian Journal of Commerce, Finance and Insurance Review periodical in Montreal, Quebec, addressed to J.H. Stanger in Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba. The letter is dated June 24, 1901. The letter, written by M.S. Foley, indicates that $20 will be accepted for payment, presumably for a periodical subscription, and they ask that the sum be sent to them by mail.
Zonder titelA letter from Claude McCoy in Mobert, Ontario, addressed to J.H. Stanger. The letter is dated April 9, 1914. In the letter, McCoy thanks Stanger for providing him with the location of a lost fur coat, which he reported was subsequently returned to the owner. McCoy also provides updates about his fur trapping endeavours and speaks of his loneliness in his current position at what is presently the Pic Mobert North reserve.
Zonder titelA small collection of correspondence from Jessie D. Matches in Birsay, Scotland, addressed to J.H. Stanger in Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba. The first letter is dated August 31, 1905, and the second is dated April 25, 1908. In the letters, Matches thanks Stanger for regularly sending her The Family Herald newspaper and provides updates about the weather, her family, and the activities of farmers in Scotland. Also included are three envelopes. The correspondence also includes what appears to be the draft of a letter addressed to Miss Jessie D. Matches.
Zonder titelA letter from [Annie] Wilder in Washington, D.C., addressed to J.H. Stanger in Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba. The letter is dated December 18, 1910. Wilder thanks Stanger for the letter from his wife and for sending moccasins to her and her husband. She provides several political updates from the capitol and sends her best wishes to Stanger, his wife, and his daughter Alice.
Zonder titelTwo letters, written in French, from Roméo St.Denis, addressed to Mrs. J.H. Stanger (Elmire Stanger), referred to as “Tante,” the French word for Aunt. The first letter is dated Sept 12, 1916, in Belgium. It is clear from the letter that St.Denis enlisted in World War I and apologises for taking so long to write to her. The second letter is dated March 10, 1919, in Hull, Quebec. St.Denis inquires about her family and provides some updates about his own family and work for the government. Also included is an envelope for the first letter.
Zonder titelA collection of correspondence from Alice Stanger to J.H. Stanger. The majority of the letters were written in Selkirk, Manitoba and sent to Stanger in Montizambert, Ontario between 1912 and 1913, but three letters from 1906 were written when Alice was visiting her grandparents in Ottawa, Ontario. The correspondence is dated between July 1906 and October 1913. While J.H. Stanger and Elmire Stanger were living at the Hudson’s Bay Company post in Montizambert, Ontario, Alice Stanger was living with her housemaid, Ninin (presumably Josephine), in Selkirk, Manitoba. They’d moved to Selkirk from the family home in Lockport, Manitoba so Alice could attend school. Throughout the correspondence Alice provides updates about her schooling, her various ailments, moving to several rented rooms, and local gossip. In her letters, Alice often mentions her loneliness and desire for her parents to return to Manitoba so they can all be together again. In her final letter, Alice expresses excitement as her parents are returning to Manitoba.
Zonder titelA letter from J.A. MacArthur in Winnipeg, Manitoba, addressed to J.H. Stanger in Montizambert, Ontario. The letter is dated September 4, 1913. In the letter, Dr. MacArthur writes that upon his last visit with Alice Stanger, she seemed much improved. MacArthur mentions that keeping her in school through the winter will be beneficial for her health.
Zonder titelBusiness correspondence between J.H. Stanger and others such as tenants, bankers, and lawyers.
Letters from Jas Finnegan Sr. addressed to J.H. Stanger between 1894 and 1905 primarily detailing events in Sainte Anne des Chênes and the upkeep of Stanger's livestock, horses, and crops grown on his property.
Zonder titelA letter from Jas Finnegan Sr. addressed to J.H. Stanger in St Anne, Manitoba. The letter is dated October 13, although no year is mentioned. In the letter, Finnegan recounts a prairie fire that swept across the district and burned down a few people's homes and various pieces of property such as hay barns. One family, in particular, had to wade into the Coulée St-Onge and cover themselves with wet blankets to protect themselves from the fire. The letter also mentions that although much was lost in the fires, Stanger’s animals appear to be well and provides a few more updates about the selling of dairy cows. Reverend Giroux is also mentioned in the letter as he recently had bricks made for his new church but due to the damage from the fire, the bricks are worthless.
Zonder titelA letter from Jas Finnegan Sr. in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba, addressed to J.H. Stanger. The letter is dated August 19, 1895. In the letter, Finnegan relates news of fixing a fence for the cattle range, and hay production. Finnegan also notes that one of the neighbouring farmers planned to hide one of Stanger’s colts in his stable until hay was offered to search for her, but Finnegan was able to get her back.
Zonder titelA letter from Jas Finnegan Sr. in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba, addressed to J.H. Stanger. The letter is dated October 18, 1895. In the letter, Finnegan responds to Stanger’s query asking if anyone has made any offers on his horses. He also relates that Jean Huppé is still living in Stanger’s house but cannot afford to pay rent.
Zonder titelA letter from Jas Finnegan Sr. in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba, addressed to J.H. Stanger. The letter is dated December 12, 1895. Finnegan indicates that tax bills are enclosed with the letter. Also included on the second page of the letter is a note from D.W. Shunk relating news of moving into Stanger’s house for the cheese production business.
Zonder titelA letter from Jas Finnegan Sr. in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba, addressed to J.H. Stanger. The letter is dated January 19, 1896. In the letter, Finnegan writes that an offer was made on one of Stanger’s horses and relates news about political affairs in Sainte Anne.
Zonder titelA letter from Jas Finnegan Sr. in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba, addressed to J.H. Stanger. The letter is dated February 17, 1896. In the letter, Finnegan gives updates about various horses belonging to Stanger, as well as updates on the cattle.
Zonder titelA letter from Jas Finnegan Sr. in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba, addressed to J.H. Stanger. The letter is dated June 15, 1896. In the letter, Finnegan writes that Annie (presumably his daughter) passed away on May 23, 1986. He also provides further updates about Stanger’s horses, livestock, and the cheese factory.
Zonder titelA letter from Jas Finnegan Sr. in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba, addressed to J.H. Stanger. The letter is dated April 28, 1897. In the letter, Finnegan provides updates about Stanger’s horses and writes that his wife finds it strange that Stanger does not mention his wife or daughter in his letters.
Zonder titelA letter from Jas Finnegan Sr. addressed to J.H. Stanger. The letter is only dated the 5th, but no month or specific year is indicated. The letter is written on Red River Creamery Combination letterhead. In the letter, Finnegan questions Stanger for evicting Joe Flamand from one of his properties when Finnegan has a letter from Stanger stating that Flamand could stay there.
Zonder titelA letter from Jas Finnegan Sr. in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba, addressed to J.H. Stanger. The letter is dated May 1, 1898. In the letter, Finnegan asks Stanger if he is planning on selling his lot to Reverend Giroux as he thought Stanger had promised him that lot. FInnagean explains that he won’t fix the fence on the lot if Stanger chooses Giroux as the buyer.
Zonder titelA letter from Jas Finnegan Sr. in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba, addressed to J.H. Stanger. The letter is dated October 3, 1898. In the letter, Finnegan provides Stanger with an update on his haying and threshing efforts. The letter is written on letterhead for D.W. Shunk, General Merchant.
Zonder titelA letter from Jas Finnegan Sr. in Sainte Anne des Chênes, Manitoba, addressed to J.H. Stanger in Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba. The letter is dated January 18, 1894. In the letter, Finnegan provides updates to Stanger regarding his livestock in Sainte Anne, as well as updates about various people in Sainte Anne. Finnigan recounts that his wife and children have now joined him in Sainte Anne, Jim received a contract from the Hudson’s Bay Company, Napoleon Rivard lost his wife nine days after she gave birth to a baby girl, and a wedding occurred the previous day. Finnegan asks Stanger to write back at his earliest convenience to provide details about the sale of a piece of land.
Zonder titelA letter from Jas Finnegan Sr. in Saine Anne des Chênes, Manitoba, addressed to J.H. Stanger. The letter is dated September 18, 1899. In the letter, Finnegan lists the harvest yields and provides several updates about people residing in Sainte Anne des Chênes.
Zonder titel