A printed copy of a speech delivered to the Historical Society of Manitoba by vice-president Charles N. Bell on May 4, 1888. It consists mostly of quotes and summaries from a work titled "Journal of Alexander Henry to Lake Superior, Red River, Assiniboine, Rocky Mountains, Columbia and the Pacific, 1799 to 1811, to establish the fur trade" and focuses on the time period between July 1800 and June 1801 and Henry's interactions with the Saulteaux (Ojibwa, Nakawe) First Nations people. There is a second document included in the booklet between the cover and first page titled "Transactions and Proceedings of the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, from it's Organization in 1879 till the close of the Society's Year 1888-89; being Transactions Nos. 1 to 34, and Annual Reports for the Years 1880-1888." It consists only of the first leaf of what was presumably another booklet and contains the table of contents.
Sans titreA copy of a speech " Delivered Before the Young Men's Liberal Club of Calgary" by Charles A. Stuart of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Ontario. He is billed as a "Barrister at Law, Advocate, Sometime Fellow in English and Canadian Constitutional History in the University of Toronto." He discusses the formation of the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, formerly the Northwest Territories, the financial implications, and relations with the Dominion Government and the British monarchy.
Sans titre"I would go further and say that the very farthest thing from my intention or desire was to initiate and carry on a policy which would be in accord with the sentiments which hon. gentlemen opposite crystallised into action when they were in power. The policy of this government has been to carry on, so far as the land system is concerned, for the purpose, in the first place, of promoting the prosperity of the Western Country, in the second place of promoting the prosperity of the whole people of Canada, and in the third place for the purpose of pleasing the people of Western Canada with whom we had to deal. The men who are living in that western country, who are dealing with the land department, who are every day in familiar relations with the circumstances, have overwhelmingly given their endorsement to the administration of the affairs by this government."
A speech delivered in the House of Commons by the Honourable Clifford Sifton, regarding the benefits of a contract with the Saskatchewan Valley Land Company and the success of the government's policy while Sifton was leading the Department of the Interior.
Sifton's speech is divided into the following topics:
A Fatuous Conservative Policy; Mountains of Information; The Dominion Lands Act; A Department of Delay; Prompt Decision of Details; Settle the Land; Question of Secrecy; Favoritism Impossible; Parliament Fully Informed; Nothing to Conceal; Grazing Leases; Land Given to Speculators; Timber Berths; Danger of Timber Famine; The Talk of Family Graft; Grossly Unfair Statements; Lumbermen All Notified; Do-nothing Policy Wanted; Preservation of Forests; Settlement on Forest Areas; Renewal Licenses; A Progressive Policy; Why Was Mr. Foster Backward?; Saskatchewan Valley Land Co.; Letter from Osler and Hammond; Only Land Fit For Settlement; When the Contract was Made; Mr. Speers' Report; The Actual Fact; The Contract; What the Company Did; "Buncoed" by the Department; Company's Colonization Work; Brought in Settlers from U.S.; Beginning of Great Success; Canada $250,000 Ahead; The Settlers' Opinion; U.S. Moneyed Men's Influence; The Only Alternative; Mr. Foster's Bitter Grief; Mr. Turriff's Action; Was It an "Easy Contract"?; The People's Opinion; Temperance Colonization Company; A Sample Voucher; Business Under Old Government; A Charming Arrangement; Some General Observations; Settlers' Protection the Last Thing; The Canadian Northern; Vast Problem Disposed Of; Studying the West; The Homestead Law; Farmer Conditions; Where Are the Grievances Now?; A Triumphant Vindication; The Land for the Settler; and Conclusive Evidence.
A summary of the first convention of the Alberta Provincial School Board held at Unity Hall in Edmonton, dated January 23-24, 1907. Consists primarily of notes on the decisions reached through various discussions, with topics including "Teacher's Salary," "Conveyance of Children," "School Sites," and "Compulsory Attendance and Truancy Act." Also includes a "Chairman's Address," schedule, and a note that Calgary, Alberta was decided upon as the location of the next year's meeting.
Sans titreA letter from "S. P. Grosch, Commissioner, The Local Government Board" to William Duncan Livingstone Hardie, Mayor of Lethbridge, dated August 11th, 1914. An enclosed copy of a speech given by Grosch at a convention of the Union of Saskatchewan Municipalities is enclosed, as per Hardie's apparent request. The speech is entitled "Methods of Repayment of Loans and the Administration of Sinking Funds in Saskatchewan."
Sans titreReport of the proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Convention of the Alberta Agricultural Fairs Association, held 1 and 2 March 1916 in at the Hotel McDonald in Edmonton, Alberta.
Contents include:
List of names of officers [Honorary President; Honorary Vice-President; President; Vice-President; Directors; Secretary-Treasurer]; list of names of convention attendees; "Minutes of Last Meeting"; "Address by Mr. Galbraith" [Superintendent of Fairs and Institutes]; "Financial Report of the Alberta Agricultural Fairs Association - Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the Twelve Months Ending 31st December, 1915"; "Report of the Executive Committee"; "Letter from Shorthorn Breeders' Association"; "Address by Premier [A. L.] Sifton"; "Address by Hon. Duncan Marshall" [Minister of Agriculture - first of two addresses]; "Discussion on Dairy Shorthorns"; "Address by Professor Reynolds" [Manitoba Agricultural College - first of two addresses]; "Address by Professor Bracken" [Saskatchewan University]; "Address by Mr. Hunter" [President of the Provincial Poultry Association]; "Address by Mr. [E. L.] Richardson" [President of the Alberta Agricultural Fairs Association] on "An Improved System for the Payment of Prizes at Exhibitions"; "Address by Deputy Mayor Frith" [Acting Mayor of the City of Edmonton]; "Address by Professor Howes" [Dean of Alberta Agricultural College]; "Address by Professor Reynolds" [second of two addresses]; "Address by Hon. Duncan Marshall" [second of two addresses]; "General Discussion"; "Resolution" [No. 1]; "Report of Fair Dates Committee"; "Schedule of Fair Dates for 1916"; "Resolutions No. 3 - No. 8"; "Rules and Regulations" [regarding Resolution No. 8]; "Resolution No. 9 - No. 10"; "Place of Next Convention" [Claresholm, Alberta]; "Election of Officers" [Honorary President and Vice-President; President; Vice-President; Directors]; and "Directors' Meeting".
Transcripts of a series of 12 radio addresses on Canada's Mining Industry over the National Network of the Canadian Radio Commission, given between 31 January and 24 April 1936. All speeches given by the Honourable T. A. Crerar, Minister of Mines, except the third [14 February 1936] and the eleventh [6 April 1936], which were given by Dr. Charles Camsell, C.M.G., Deputy Minister of the Federal Department of Mines.
"The Development of Canada's Mineral Resources" - 31 January 1936
"The Lure of Gold Pushes Back Canada's Northern Frontiers" - 7 February 1936
"Northern Mining Forges New Link Between Eastern and Western Canada" - 14 February 1936
"The Nature and Distribution of Canada's Gold" - 21 February 1936
"The Role of the Mining Industry in Creating Employment" - 28 February 1936
"The New Traffic That Mines Are Creating for Canadian Railways" - 6 March 1936
"The Industrial Metals in Canada's Mining Industry" - 13 March 1936
"Metal Mining in British Columbia and Yukon" - 20 March 1936
"Canada's Mineral Industry in Its Relation to National Welfare" - 27 March 1936
"The International Importance of the Canadian Mineral Industry" - 3 April 1936
"The Non-Metallic Minerals in Canada's Mining Industry" - 6 April 1936
"An Epitome of the Mining Industry in Canada" - 24 April 1936
An address delivered to the Toronto Branch of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers by Theo. A. Link regarding oil in Alberta and Western Canada. Published by Pacific Petroleums Ltd. in Calgary, Alberta.
Introduction; Size of Western Canada Sedimentary Basin Area; Probable Oil Reserves of Western Canada; Oil and Gas in the Geologic Column [Cambrian; Ordovician; Silurian; Devonian; Mississippian; Pennsylvanian and Permian; Triassic; Jurassic; Lower Cretaceous; Upper Cretaceous; Tertiary; Summary]; The Present and Future for Western Canada Development [Present Developments].
"Possible Future Oil Provinces"; [untitled map showing a comparison of the Western Canada Basin Area in square miles to the combined areas of California, Kansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas]; [untitled map showing a comparison of the Western Canada Basin Area in square miles to the combined areas of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Colorado]; "Generalized Section Across Southern Plains Region of Western Canada"; "Paleogeography of Devonian time"; "Resource Relief Map of Australia"; "Map of West Texas - New Mexico Showing Oil and Gas Fields"; "Transverse Cross Section of Norman Wells Coral Reef Reservoir"; "Cross Section - Leduc Oil Field"; "The "Ramparts", Mackenzie River"; "Typical Coral Reef Limestone Outcrop"; "D-3 Zone Core, Atlantic Oil Co."; "Coral Reef, Eastern Edge, Mackenzie Mountains"; "Black Bituminous Shale Outcrop, Mackenzie River"; "Low Anticlinal Arch, Athabasca River"; "Oil and Gas Fields of Alberta".
Additionally includes two typed letters. Letter dated 1 March 1949 is addressed "To the Shareholders" and signed by Frank McMahon, President of Pacific Petroleums Ltd. References sending the shareholders a copy of Theo. A. Link's address.
Letter dated 17 June 1949 is addressed "Dear Friends" and signed by John L. Appelbaum, President of John L. Appelbaum & Co. Ltd. References the Angelus Ashmont No. 1 oil well under the supervision of Pacific Petroleums Ltd. and Theo A. Link.
Sans titreAddress given to the 69th Annual Meeting of the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce by Michael [Mike] Stepovich, former Governor of Alaska.
Topics addressed include Canada-Alaska relations; economic and commercial growth in Edmonton and Alaska; natural resources, specifically minerals and oil and gas; transportation; farm production in Alaska; fishing in Alaska; and military relations between Canada and Alaska.
Sans titreA typewritten speech including humourous anecdotes regarding the life of Eric Lafferty Harvie. The speech was likely intended as an introduction to an event hosted by Harvie and his wife, Dorothy Jean Southam, as the final line reads "I give you our gracious host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Harvie".
Topics covered include Harvie's family; childhood in Orillia (Ontario); legal education in Calgary (Alberta); military service in WWI and WWII; Harvie's marriage to Dorothy Southam; and the author's relationship with Harvie's uncle, Dr. J. D. Lafferty, who was the author's personal physician at Gleichen (Alberta).
Sans titreA speech by the Witness for Peace and Disarmament Committee at the Dana Radar Base east of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, dated June 27, 1965. They ask for an end to "the testing, manufacturing, and stock-piling of nuclear and other diabolical weapons," along with other demands relating to the disassembling of the military establishment and formation of world peace initiatives.
Sans titreA Christmas and New Years' greeting card sent out by the Macmillan Company of Canada Limited for the 1970 holiday season.
The greeting card contains a copy of "The Heart of Merry Christmas", a 12-page speech by Canadian author Robertson Davies given to the Canadian Club in Toronto on 14 December 1970 regarding Christmas. Davies' address touches on themes of Christianity, theology, astrology, the Age of Aquarius and the Aeon of Pisces, and the persistence of Christmas "in some form or other".
Davies' speech concludes "So long as the sun continues to celebrate Christmas by his steady convalescence we may let the Aeons of the World Zodiac bring what they will, for we shall have been given new hope, and that is, after all, what lies at the heart of a Merry Christmas."
Sans titreAccession consists of talks and papers by Porteous, J. W.:
1 Talk given by J. W. Porteous in London on the occaision of the opening of Leonardo da Vinci's models of invention, 34 pp. [1950]
2 Talk "The Possiblity of Adopting Wartime Program in Radio and Rada to Domesic Affairs," by J. W. Porteous, 2 pp. [ca. 1955]
3 Talk "C.K.U.A., 1927-45" by J. W. Porteous. Histocal sketch of C.K.U.A. Radio Station, 4pp. [ca 1950]
4 Talk, "In connection with the visiti to C.K.U.A. of the Edmonton Branch of Engineering Institute of Canada." by J. W. Porteous, 9 pp
- Talk , "Voltage, Current and Impedance" by J. W. Porteous, 5 pp.
- Correspondence, William Rowan to J. W. Porteous, 1952-11-13
- Log Book, VE 4AJS. From 1937-09-24
- Correspondence, Charles E. Garnett to J. W. Porteous, 1960-03-29, 2pp.
- Royal Society of Arts. List of Fellows. 1959-11-01
- Royal Society of Arts. Descriptive Bulletin. 1960
- Journal of the Royal Society of Arts 1960-03
- Royal Society of Arts. Calendar of Meetings. 1962-02
- Royal Society of Arts. Charter and By-Laws.
Includes attached notice about SBS's speech to the Canadian Club, and two newspaper write-ups about his speeches
Sans titreGeneral Correspondence – Personal letters, re: various matters; includes a letter from T. Bland Strange, G.A. French, and a letter from a Steele relative discussing his genealogical research into the Steele family; also an invitation for Steele to speak to the Canadian Club of Winnipeg. Handwritten.
Sans titreGeneral Correspondence – Personal letters, re: various matters; includes several letters from family members; two letters from Charles Winter of Militia and Defence Canada, and letters from other acquaintances and friends. Handwritten; Typewritten.
Sans titreGeneral Correspondence – Personal letters from [Anni I. Cousin] and [S.] R. Snider, re: Steele speaking to their clubs; as well as a letter from Steele’s editor M.G. Niblett. Handwritten
Sans titreA published version of a presentation given by A. T. Elders, hosted by "Manitoba Brewers." Consists of a speech about barley, including topics such as variety, plumpness, and freedom from threshing damage, and includes tables with supporting numerical data.
Sans titrePrinted postcard announcing a meeting of the Nova Scotia Historical Society with Col. Wainewright [sic] presenting a paper at the meeting: "The North West and Red River Expedition".
Sans titreGeneral Correspondence – Personal letters, re: various matters; including congratulations to Steele for his promotion to Winnipeg; a dictated letter from A.M. Jarvis, a letter from R.J. Gwynne and invitations to speak. Handwritten; Typewritten.
Sans titreSpeeches given by SBS to various gatherings; topics include: Lord Strathcona's Trust; Red River expedition; military defence; and NWMP and the early West. There are several copies of some speeches
Sans titreA speech by SBS presented at the Old Timer's Banquet in Winnipeg in ca. April, 1909, and titled: "Red River Expedition". 4 copies of speech, type-written, annotated by SBS, 6 pp.
Sans titre