Walter Harris' certificate for becoming an Honorary Fellow of The Chemical Institute of Canada.
Certificate recognizing Harris' fifty year membership to The Chemical Institute of Canada, presented May 29, 1995.
Certificate recognizing Harris' fifty year membership to the American Chemical Society.
Postal Telegraph congratulating Harris from his family, dated May 9. Telegraph mentioned June 14, 1942, his wedding day to Phyllis Pangburn.
Harris's Degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Minnesota, dated June 10, 1944.
The Society of the Sigma Xi Diploma certifying Harris was elected as a member of the Minnesota chapter on May 31, 1944.
Co-60 gamma ray unit used in cobalt therapy, the use of gamma rays to treat medical issues such as tumors. The Physical Science Centre had a special "cave" built out under the basement with a Co-60 gamma ray unit for the initiation of radio chemical reactions. Slide found in box labeled AECL for the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Slide likely used in lecture or public talk.
Unknown photograph owned by SG Davis. After Davis' passing, it was found among the files in his office and acquired by Harris.
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) photograph taken June 1989. Missing from the photo is John Convey. List of member credentials is attached to the original photo.
Image of Harris taken and sent to the Royal Society.
Image of Harris and Habgood. Harry Habgood co-authored Programmed Temperature Gas Chromatography with Harris, the first book published by anyone in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Alberta.
Close up photograph of Harris. Cropped version of this photograph was used for the article "Chemists reflect on the legacy of Walter Harris, key builder of one of country's top analytical chemistry programs" appearing in Folio November 15, 1996.
President's Advisory Committee on Campus Review Members, steering committee.
Caption reads: "Symposium on Analytical Chemistry in honor of professor Walter E Harris on the occasion of his retirement from the University of Alberta August 15, 1980". The Symposium was organized by the analytical group at the University of Alberta. It consisted of eighteen presentations by Harris' fellow colleagues from across North America.
Head shot of Harris that was used in various articles.
Card attached to image reads "President Myer Horowitz [University of Alberta] presenting bookends to Walter Harris in honor of 30 years on faculty 1976".
Harris wearing his Order of Canada medal surrounded by family and friends on November 7, 1988. The "family show and tell" celebration was organized by Harris' daughter Margaret in honour of him becoming a member of the Order of Canada.
Harris wearing his Order of Canada medal surrounded by family and friends on November 7, 1988. The "family show and tell" celebration was organized by Harris' daughter Margaret in honour of him becoming a member of the Order of Canada.
Harris accepting a gift at the Symposium on Analytical Chemistry in honor of his retirement from the University of Alberta on August 15, 1980.
Harris presenting an Inuit carving to Harry E Gunning at an appreciation event held to celebrate Gunning's past contributions as a Chairman of the Department of Chemistry and new role as President of the University of Alberta.
Harry E Gunning posing with Harris at Gunning's appreciation event.
Photograph taken in the Inorganic and Analytical Research Laboratory. Image focuses on the Leeds & Northrup Electro Chemograph Type E with a built in Speedomax Recorder designed for polarography analysis. Machine commonly used in the study of kinetics and mechanism of inorganic reactions. Image also appears in "New Physical Sciences Centre" booklet advertising the newly built facility.
Image of a graduate Inorganic Research Laboratory in the Physical Science Center.
Staff office laboratory in the Physical Science Center, with a Fisher zone refiner in the center of the image. Each staff room was accompanied by a private laboratory.
Liquid nitrogen generator located in the main supply room.
Two technicians at work in the Infrared and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory. Machines shown are the Perkin-Elmer 221-G high resolution infrared spectrophotometer to the right and a Cary Model 14 automatic recording spectrometer.
Two cold rooms one for storing volatile and unstable chemicals and the other is equipped as a laboratory.
Two technicians working on glass lathes in the Glass Blowing Shop. This room was used for the building and design of new glass equipment for research. The shop was located in the basement of the physics-mathematics wing.
Three Machinists operating tools in the machine shop. The shop was complete with wood and metal-working equipment to create materials for research and undergraduate laboratories. Included in the photograph is a lathes, jig saw, sheet metal bender, grinder, two drill presses, and a welding area. The machine shop was located in the basement of the physics-mathematics wing.
Graduate Research Laboratory in the Physical Science Center.
Undergraduate laboratory with private working areas for up to twenty students. The side benches and cabinets display equiptment and materials in general use.
Physical Chemical Research laboratory with two people at work on high vacuum lines.
The Metrpolitan-Vickers MS-2 model being operated by a technician in the Mass Spectrometer Laboratory.
Physics machine shop with wood and metal-working equipment to create materials for research and undergraduate laboratories. The machine shop was located in the basement of the physics-mathematics wing.
Philips Electronics Inc. x-ray diffraction equipment for the analysis of crystalline compounds.
Electronics Shop featuring a Type 536 Oscilloscope with type B plug-in being used.
Main supply room for the storage and retrieval of chemicals, glassware and other equipment needed for teaching and research. The supply room was located in the basement of the Physical Science Centre.
Harris standing in an active undergraduate chemistry laboratory.
Harris in his lab coat talking to others.
Harris in the laboratory.
Chemistry Department Staff at the University of Alberta: HE Gunning, HB Dunford, P Kebarle, D Darwish, C Bigelow, F Birss, HS Frank (Physical Chemistry visiting speaker), WE Harris, RN O'Brien, GR Freeman, RU Lemieux, RK Brown.
Close up photograph of Harris. Note on the back reads "Planned Parenthood".
Master of Science graduating photograph of Harris.
President's Advisory Committee on Campus Review Steering Committee: Henry Kreisel, Fred Enns, Bill Jopling, Walter E Harris. For coloured version see accession no. 2012-27-3.5.
Chemical Analysis "Crew": R Kratochvil, J Plambeck, D Rabenstein, P Harris, L Ziola, B Burrows, G Horlick, G Johanson, WE Harris. Dated August 1973. Photograph taken outside of the Chemistry Building.
Image taken inside chemistry lab of: Donaldo Oliveria, Trevor Higgins, George Scheil, Walter Harris, and Boris Rudenko, dated February 1971.
Harris and friends standing in front of a lake in the Rockies. Image found inside card from Audrey and Willard F Allen. Willard Allen was a friend and fellow chemistry teacher at the University of Alberta.
Harris leaning on his Pontiac car, with his friends taking pictures at a mountain viewpoint. Image found inside card from Audrey and Willard F Allen. Willard Allen was a friend and fellow chemistry teacher at the University of Alberta.
Harris standing at the base of a mountain. Image found inside card from Audrey and Willard F Allen. Willard Allen was a friend and fellow chemistry teacher at the University of Alberta.
Harris standing on a hill in Trail, British Columbia. Caption reads "Trail and CMS". The image was likely taken the summer after Harris' third year at University when he worked at Consolidated Minning and Smelting as a general labourer in the phosphate fertilizer plant. Slide used in personal presentation.
Nashville School with the whole school pictured, young Harris in the front row.
Walter Harris, John Devereau and their wives posing in front of a sign at a gas station near Swan Hills Treatment Centre.