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PE003201 - "Bacterial Ring Rot of Potatoes" pamphlet
Item · [n.d.]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A pamphlet titled “Bacterial Ring Rot of Potatoes” by N. Shenderevich, a research assistant, and E.T. Andersen, Associate Professor of Horticulture at the University of Manitoba. The pamphlet is from the Extension Service of the Department of Agriculture and Immigration in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The stamp on the cover page indicates that the pamphlet is from the Office of the Agricultural Representative in Altona, Manitoba. The pamphlet provides information about how ring rot affects potatoes, how it spreads, and control methods for preventing the spread.

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PE003205 - "Garden Insects and Their Control" pamphlet
Item · Mar., 1950
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A pamphlet titled “Garden and Their Control” by A.V. Mitchener, a professor of Entomology at the University of Manitoba. The pamphlet is listed as Publication No. 232 and was published in March 1950 by the Manitoba Department of Agriculture and Immigration in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The pamphlet consists of two large information tables. Each line contains information about a different insect. The columns are labelled “Plants Attacked,” “Description of Injurous Stages and Type of Injury,” “Summary of Life History,” “Time for Effective Control,” and “Control.” The pamphlet was printed by C.E. Leech, the King’s Printer for the Province of Manitoba.

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Item · Apr., 1951
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A pamphlet titled “Balance Manitoba Farming with Forage Crops” published by the Manitoba Department of Agriculture and Immigration in Winnipeg, Manitoba in April 1951. The pamphlet is marked as Publication No. 242. The pamphlet provides information about how farmers can cultivate a balanced crop system through soil, livestock, weed control, crop rotation and variety, and various farming practices. There are several information tables and charts that provide examples of crop sequence and rotation as well as a few photographs of farmland. The name “D.J. McFadden” is handwritten in the top right corner of the cover.
Table of Contents: A Balanced Crop Program, For the Soil, For Livestock, For Weed Control, Changes Needed in Farm Practice, Choosing a Balanced Rotation, For the Grain Farm, For Farms with Some Livestock, For Long-term Mixed Farming, Crops and Varieties, Legumes, Grasses, Recommended Mixtures, Cultural Practices, Table of Recommended Crops and Mixtures, Making Top Quality Hay, Pasture Management.

Item · Oct., 1958
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A pamphlet titled” Farm Animal Insects and Their Control” by A.G. Robinson, Associate Professor of Entomology at the University of Manitoba. The pamphlet was published by the Manitoba Department of Agriculture and Immigration in Winnipeg, Manitoba in October 1958. The pamphlet is marked as Publication No. 267 (Revised). The pamphlet consists of a large information table split in two. Each line contains information about a different insect. The columns are labelled “Insect,” “Animals Attacked,” “Description of Injurious Stages and Type of Injury,” “Summary of Life History,” and “Control.” The insects listed on the table are Cattle Biting Louse, Sheep Biting Louse, Short-Nosed Cattle Louse, Hog Louse, Mosquitoes, Black Flies, Horse Flies, Stable Fly, Horn Fly, House Fly, Sheep Bot Fly, Common Cattle Grub, Northern Cattle Grub, Horse Bot Fly, Nose Bot Fly, Throat Bot Fly, Sheep Ked, Cat Flea, Dog Flea, and American Dog Tick. The pamphlet also provides some information about poultry lice and mites.

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Item · Jun., 1946
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A pamphlet titled “Field Crop Insects and Their Control” by A.V. Mitchener, a Professor of Entomology at the University of Manitoba. The pamphlet was published by the Manitoba Department of Agriculture and Immigration in Winnipeg, Manitoba in June 1946. The pamphlet is marked as Publication No. 206. The pamphlet consists of a large information table on one side of the pamphlet, and additional information on the other. Each line of the table contains information about a different insect. The columns are labelled “Insect,” “Plants Attacked,” “Evidence of Injury,” “Season in Which Damage May Be Observed,” “Description of Injurious Stage,” “Habits of Injurious Stage Insects,” “Method of Control,” and “When, Where and How to Apply Remedy.” The insects listed on the table are Field Cricket, Grasshoppers, Western Cinch Bug, Alfalfa Plant Bug, Wireworms, Sweet Clover Weevil, Beet Webworm, Armyworm, Corn Earworm, Cutworms, Hessian Fly, Wheat Stem Maggot, and the Wheat Stem Sawfly. The pamphlet also provides various pointers about how to identify which insect is affecting the farmer’s crops. The name “D.J. McFadden” is handwritten in the top right corner.

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Item · [n.d.]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A pamphlet titled “Rental and Custom Charges for Farm Machinery” issued by the Extension Service Branch and published by the Manitoba Department of Agriculture. The purpose of the pamphlet is to “help farmers and custom operators calculate rental and custom charges for various field operations.” Inside the pamphlet is a large information table and worksheet that lists various farm machinery and their rental and custom charges. Some of the machines listed include backhoes, forage blowers, hay conditioners, mowers, rakes, and crawler tractors. On the back of the pamphlet, there is a guide for using the worksheet.

PE003508 - “Provincial Feed Analysis Service” pamphlet
Item · Dec., 1966
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A pamphlet titled “Provincial Feed Analysis Service” from the Manitoba Department of Agriculture and Conservation. The pamphlet was published in December 1966 and is marked as Publication No. 450. The pamphlet provides information about the feed analysis services offered by the provincial government. The photographs included in the pamphlet depict the analysis process.

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PE003199 - "Forage Crops and Stable Agriculture" booklet
Item · [n.d.]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A booklet titled “Forage Crops and Stable Agriculture” by R. Whiteman, an Agronomist from the Manitoba Department of Agriculture. The booklet was published by the Manitoba Pool Elevators in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The booklet provides information about soil erosion, producing good quality hay, pasture production, and corn production in Manitoba, among other topics. On the cover page "D. J. McFadden" is handwritten under the title.

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Item · 1944
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A booklet titled “Ornamental Shrubs and Small Trees for the Canadian Prairies” by S.W. Edgecombe, an Associate Professor of Horticulture at the University of Manitoba. The booklet was published by Line Elevators Farm Service in April 1944, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The booklet covers topics such as the use of ornamental shrubs in home plantings, plant maintenance, and recommended shrubs and information about their care. Throughout the booklet, there are various photographs of shrubs and small trees. On the back cover page of the booklet, there is a list of sponsors. On the cover page "D. J. McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner.

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PE003208 - Chemical Weed Control National Handbook
Item · 1954
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A Chemical Weed Control National Handbook from the Agricultural Department of the National Grain Company Limited in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The handbook was published in 1954. The handbook provides information about chemical treatments for various weeds as well as different charts that list combinations and the amounts of chemicals necessary for weed control. The final pages of the handbook contain handwritten field notes. The back cover of the handbook is a small pouch that contains a pull-out cardstock Mixing Table Chart that indicates the ounces of acid necessary per gallon of water.

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Item · Apr., 1968
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A booklet titled “Rapeseed: Canada’s “Cinderella’ Crop” published by the Rapeseed Association of Canada in April 1968. The booklet provides information about the origins and history of rapeseed plants, ideal growing conditions, varieties and species, seeding practices, and various diseases and pests that can affect plant growth. The booklet includes several information tables, maps, and photographs related to rapeseed and its production. The booklet ends with an acknowledgement statement from James McAnsh, the Executive Director of the Rapeseed Association of Canada. For further information, there are two contacts listed on the back cover page.
Table of Contents: Origin and History, Foreword, Introduction, World Oilseed Market, Domestic Market Potential, Rapeseed Breeding Program, Area of Adaptation, Choice of Land and Rotation, Rape Varieties and Species, Seed and Seeing Practices, Use of Fertilizer, Pollination, Weed Control, Diseases, Control of Rape and Mustard Diseases, Insect Pests, Harvesting and Threshing, Storage and Cleaning, Grading, Mustard Seed Crops Introduction, Mustard Species, Area of Adaptation, Varieties, Harvesting and Marketing, Grading.

Item · Nov., 1977
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A booklet titled “Insect Pests and Diseases of Rape and Mustard” published by the Rapeseed Association of Canada in November 1977 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The booklet was prepared by Dr L. Burgess, Dr J. Dueck, Dr G.A. Petrie, and L.G. Putnam from the Agriculture Canada Research Station in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The booklet is an updated version of the booklet of the same name from 1972 and provides information about the various insects and diseases that can affect rapeseed and mustard plants at all stages of growth. Each insect and disease is described and accompanied by a colour photograph. The booklet also provides solutions for mitigating or preventing these pests. There are several updates from the previous booklet to include more insects and diseases.
Table of Contents: Flea Beetle, Red Turnip Beetle, Red-backed Cutworm, Diamondback Moth, Bertha Armyworm, Beet Webworm, Loopers, Clover Caterpillars, Other Caterpillars, Imported Cabbageworm, Western Cabbageworm, Aphids, Minimizing Hazards to Bees, Preparation of Sprayers, Personal Safety, Table of Control Recommendations, Staghead or White Rust, Downy Mildew, Alternaria Black Spot, Grey Stem, Sclerotinia Stem Rot, Foot Rot, Black Leg, and Aster Yellows.

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Item · Jun., 1981
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A booklet titled “Canola Meal for Livestock and Poultry” edited by Dr. D.R. Clandinin for the Canola Council of Canada. The booklet was published by the Canola Council of Canada in Winnipeg, Manitoba in June 1981 and is marked as Publication No. 59. This publication “assembles the latest research findings on the use of canola meal in rations for livestock and poultry.” The publication provides information about processing canola seed for quality meal, the composition of canola meal, canola meal for poultry, canola meal for pigs, and canola meal for beef and dairy cattle. Each section is written by various authors who are all listed on the last page of the publication.

PE003515 - “Canola Digest” newsletter
Item · Nov., 1980
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A newsletter titled “Canola Digest” from the Canola Council of Canada in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The newsletter, published monthly, is marked as Volume 14, No. 11 and was published in November 1980. The newsletter provides information about various topics related to canola oil such as stars at the Alberta Growers’ Convention, research funds for the council, the titles of the proposed research, an upcoming meeting for Saskatchewan growers, domestic production of deodorized oils, overseas clearances, and current canola production. Several information tables are included in the newsletter.

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Item · [n.d.]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Undated meeting minutes for a Maniotba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board meeting. The minutes are dated October 25, but no year is included. The meeting was held in the Co-op Board Room at 1700 Portage Ave in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The minutes list the members present at the meeting. The topics discussed at this meeting include backfat requirements on turkey toms, a financial statement for the levy account, a potential plan for quota permits, and several motions regarding various upcoming meetings with other organizations.

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Item · 1969
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A collection of meeting minutes for the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Boards meetings in 1969. The minutes range from January 3, 1969, to December 16, 1969. The majority of the meetings were held at 1700 Portage Ave and 1200 King Edward Street in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Each minutes document lists the date, location of the meeting, and the names of people present for the meeting, and provides details about the topics discussed. Some of the discussion topics for these meetings include the inspection of potential office space, prospective investors, various correspondence, quality of turkeys, marketing permits and permit applications, paying prices, and many more.

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Item · 1971
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A collection of meeting minutes for the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Boards meetings in 1971. The minutes range from January 12, 1971, to December 29, 1971. The majority of the meetings were held at 1200 King Edward Street in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Each document lists the date, location of the meeting, and the names of people present for the meeting, and provides details about the topics discussed. Some of the discussion topics for the meetings include various correspondence with the board, dead-on-arrival turkeys, possible obtaining company credit cards for board directors and managers, the overproduction of broilers by a particular farmer, turkey producer complaints, and pooling of returns.

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Item · 1975
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A collection of meeting minutes from the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board meetings from 1975. The minutes range from January 14, 1975, to December 16, 1975. None of the minutes have a meeting location listed. Each document lists the date, and the names of people present for the meeting, and provides details about the topics discussed. Some of the discussion topics for the meetings include staff pensions, the yearly budget, grower issues and complaints, feedback from processor representatives, and long-term turkey pools. Several of the meetings included other groups or oganizations such as the Boiler Growers and the advisory committee.

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Item · 1978
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A collection of meeting minutes from the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board meetings in 1978. The minutes range from January 5, 1978, to December 5, 1978. None of the minutes have a meeting location listed. Each document lists the date, and the names of people present for the meeting, and provides details about the topics discussed. Some of the discussion topics for the meetings include the Federation of Agriculture annual meeting, legal counsel regarding the board’s responsibility for birds during transit, a turkey leg seminar, office equipment, winter marketing for the following year, a cost of feed study, and overmarketing.

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Item · 1987
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A small collection of meeting minutes from the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board meetings in 1987. Only two meeting minutes are included. The minutes are dated January 12, 1987 and January 15, 1987. Each document lists the date, and the names of people present for the meeting, and provides details about the topics discussed. Both minutes documents are all labelled as Directors Meetings. Some of the discussion topics for the meetings include premiums paid to the board, various statements of account, various motions, pool payments, and various correspondences with the board.

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Item · 1984 - 1986
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A collection of meeting minutes from the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board Semi-Annual Meetings. The meeting dates were October 23, 1984, November 7, 1985, and November 5, 1986. The location of all three meetings is listed as the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The first minutes document is formatted as a Q&A and alternates between questions and answers. The second minutes document covers topics such as winter tom production, free trade, clearance certificates, quota allocations, and fresh products for the retail market. The third minutes document is a photocopy of handwritten meeting minutes and covers topics such as multiple breeder policies, Alberta’s broiler program, and a report from the Manitoba Poultry Health Advisory Committee.

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Item · 1968 - 1969
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A collection of meeting minutes from the Regional Co-ordinating Committee meetings. The minutes range from December 4, 1968, to December 6, 1969. The locations of the meetings are listed as Calgary, Alberta, and the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Each document lists the date, location, and the names of people present for the meeting, and provides details about the topics discussed. Each document also includes copies of reports or supplemental materials mentioned in the minutes. Some of the discussion topics for the meetings included provincial reports, various motions, regional minimum prices, and promotion and merchandising.

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Item · 1969 - 1972
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A collection of meeting minutes from the National Turkey Co-ordinating Committee meetings. The minutes range from September 9, 1969, to November 15, 1972. The locations of the meetings are listed as the Airport Inn in Vancouver, British Columbia, Holiday Inn in Ottawa, Ontario, International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Blue Boy Motor Hotel in Vancouver, British Columbia, U.C.C. Offices in Montreal, Quebec, North Star Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Vagabond Motor Inn in Regina, Saskatchewan, Airline Inn in Calgary, Alberta, and Hotel Saskatchewan in Regina, Saskatchewan. Each document lists the date, location, and the names of people present for the meeting, and provides details about the topics discussed. Some of the discussion topics for the meetings included various reports from committees, radio promotion, marketing research, discussions of Bill C-176, national marketing plans, and provincial reports. The name "D. McFadden" is handwritten in pencil along the top edge of the first document.

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Item · Feb. 25, 1972
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A green duotang with a printed title on the cover that indicates the contents are a report of the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board Third Annual Meeting at the Niakwa Hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on February 25, 1972. The meeting is noted to be a combined meeting between the Manitoba Turkey Association (17th Annual Meeting) and the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board (3rd Annual Meeting). The first page lists the board members and the second page outlines the schedule of events for the meeting. The remaining pages in the duotang are the minutes from the annual meeting of the previous year which was held on January 29, 1971. The minutes cover topics such as auditor reports, elections for different districts, meetings with other boards, and current production. Also included in the duotang are a balance sheet, a statement of revenue and expenditures, a pie chart depicting the disposition of revenue, and a report titled “Marketing Alternatives for the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board.” On the front of the duotang, there is a label sticker with the handwritten name "D. J. McFadden."

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Item · Mar. 7, 1974
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

The Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Fifth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the Ramada Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 7, 1974. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and loose-leaf papers such as a list of elected directors, a schedule for the meeting, meeting minutes from the previous annual meeting on February 23, 1973, a producer board report, several estimated production cost sheets for 1974, an economist report, a chairman’s report, balance sheets for the previous year, and an updated producer list. The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page.

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Item · Feb. 24, 1977
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

The Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Eighth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on February 24, 1977. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and single pages such as a meeting agenda, a list of current directors, meeting minutes from the previous annual meeting on February 26, 1976, a producer board report, an estimated cost sheet of turkey production in Manitoba, the budget for the year, an economist report, a list of current turkey producers, and several others. There are four blue tabs attached to pages in the report and they are titled “Prod. Brd.,” “Financial,” “Home Ec.,” and “C.T.M.A.”

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Item · Feb. 22, 1978
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

The Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Ninth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on February 22, 1978. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and single pages such as a meeting agenda, a list of current directors, meeting minutes from the previous annual meeting on February 24, 1977, a producer board report, the budget for the year, an economist report, financial records, a list of current turkey producers, and several others. The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page.

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Item · Mar. 3, 1982
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

The Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Thirteenth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 3, 1982. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and single pages such as a meeting agenda, a list of current directors, a producer board report, a marketing agency report, a promotion report, the budget for the year, financial records, a list of current turkey producers, and several others. The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page.

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Item · Mar. 7, 1991
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

The Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Twenty-Second Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the Radisson Suite Hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 7, 1991. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and items such as a producer board report, market allotments, the proposed budget for the year, a list of elected directors, an export report, and several others. The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page. Also included with the annual report booklet is a a report titled “1990 Broiler Cost of Production Figures,” and a producer plus basic quota list for 1991.

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Item · Mar. 2, 1999
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

The Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Thirtieth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the Holiday Inn Airport West in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 2, 1999. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and items such as a producer board report, market allotments, the proposed budget for the year, a list of elected directors, an export report, and several others. Also included with the annual report booklet is a producer plus basic quota list for 1999.

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Item · 21 Nov. 1960 - 6 Feb. 1962
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Receipt book maintained by Donald James McFadden, containing the details of approximately 50 poultry sales made to various individuals, businesses, and organizations.

Included receipts are dated between 21 November 1960 and 6 February 1962, and record the seller's information ["Bought of D. J. McFadden, Rivers, Man."], purchaser's information ["Sold to" Name and Address], date of transaction, and details of transaction [including amount, type, and base price per unit of items being sold and total purchase price].

Some receipts contain short handwritten notes providing additional context on poultry orders and deliveries.

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Item · 1 Mar. 1963 - 23 Dec. 1963
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Receipt book maintained by Donald James McFadden, containing the details of approximately 50 poultry sales made to various individuals, businesses, and organizations.

Included receipts are dated between 1 March 1963 and 23 December 1963, and record the seller's information ["Bought of D. J. McFadden, Rivers, Man."], purchaser's information ["Sold to" Name and Address], date of transaction, and details of transaction [including amount, type, and base price per unit of items being sold and total purchase price].

Some receipts contain short handwritten notes providing additional context on poultry orders and deliveries.

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Item · 22 Dec. 1967 - 9 May 1968
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Receipt book maintained by Donald James McFadden, containing the details of approximately 50 poultry sales made to various individuals, businesses, and organizations.

Included receipts are dated between 22 December 1967 and 9 May 1968, and record the purchaser's information [Name and Address], date of transaction, and details of transaction [including amount, type, and base price per unit of items being sold and total purchase price]. The seller's information ["D. J. McFadden, Rivers, Manitoba"] is recorded as a stamp on the front cover of the receipt book.

Some receipts contain short handwritten notes providing additional context on poultry orders and deliveries.

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Item · 26 Aug. 1971 - 1 Nov. 1971
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Receipt book maintained by Donald James McFadden, containing the details of approximately 50 poultry sales made to various individuals, businesses, and organizations.

Included receipts are dated between 26 August 1971 and 1 November 1971, and record the purchaser's information [Name and Address], date of transaction, and details of transaction [including amount, type, and base price per unit of items being sold and total purchase price]. The seller's information ["D. J. McFadden, Rivers, Manitoba"] is recorded as a stamp on the front cover of the receipt book.

Some receipts contain short handwritten notes providing additional context on poultry orders and deliveries.

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Item · 8 Dec. 1971 - 13 June 1972
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Receipt book maintained by Donald James McFadden, containing the details of approximately 50 poultry sales made to various individuals, businesses, and organizations.

Included receipts are dated between 8 December 1971 and 13 June 1972, and record the purchaser's information [Name and Address], date of transaction, and details of transaction [including amount, type, and base price per unit of items being sold and total purchase price]. The seller's information ["D. J. McFadden, Rivers, Manitoba"] is recorded as a stamp on the front cover of the receipt book.

Additionally includes one handwritten note titled "1971 Monthly Sales" [containing amounts for April - August 1971] stapled in to the inner front cover; and one handwritten note titled "P.E.H. Prices" [for "Dec. 13 /71" & "Mar. /72"] on inner back cover.

Some receipts contain short handwritten notes providing additional context on poultry orders and deliveries.

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Item · 20 June 1972 - 9 Nov. 1972
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Receipt book maintained by Donald James McFadden, containing the details of approximately 50 poultry sales made to various individuals, businesses, and organizations.

Included receipts are dated between 20 June 1972 and 9 November 1972, and record the purchaser's information [Name and Address], date of transaction, and details of transaction [including amount, type, and base price per unit of items being sold and total purchase price]. The seller's information ["D. J. McFadden, Rivers, Manitoba"] is recorded as a stamp on the front cover of the receipt book.

Some receipts contain short handwritten notes providing additional context on poultry orders and deliveries.

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Item · Sept. 26, 1968
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A small collection of news releases related to The Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board. The first news release is an editorial from the CFAM and CHSM Southern Manitoba radio station by Bruce Gunn. The editorial was released in September 1968 and discusses "Producer marketing Boards and the proposed changes in marketing legislation in the province." The second news release was addressed to the Premier of Alberta from Gil Molgat, the leader of the Liberal Party in Manitoba. The news release is dated September 26, 1968. The news release expresses concerns about specific “plans for orderly marketing of turkeys and broiler chickens produced in Manitoba.”
The third news release is a cut-out article titled “Poultry market bid produces a dispute.” The article is attached to a statement from the President of the Canadian Turkey Federation, the Chairman of the Canadian Broiler Council, and the Canadian Egg Producers Council. The release and the statement discuss the “broad exemptions the Manitoba Government is insisting be included in the marketing schemes already approved by the vast majority of the Manitoba Turkey and Broiler Chicken Producers by free and democratic vote.”
The fourth news item is a torn-out article titled “Manitoba Turkey and Broiler Board Members Hold First Combined Meeting of Manitoba Marketing Boards.” The article includes a B&W photograph of board members, including Don McFadden. On the back of the article are unrelated profiles of various people.
The fifth news release is from The Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board and was released on June 28, 1968, regarding a general policy statement. The aforementioned general policy statement is attached to the release and dated June 27, 1968.
The sixth news release is from the Manitoba Farm Bureau and was released on October 9, 1968. The news release outlines a letter that was sent to Premier Walter Weir regarding the government’s “position in regard to permitting agricultural producers to establish effective marketing plans under the Natural Products Marketing Act.”
The final news release is from The Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board and was released on October 9, 1968. The release details a meeting between the Hon. Douglas Watt, the new Minister of Agriculture and the provisional directors of the marketing board.

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Item · Feb., 12, 1968
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A list of preliminary voters for the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Plan. The document lists the names of numerous turkey producers in alphabetical order by last name as well as their addresses. The list includes 115 names of producers, although one name is crossed out in ink. The list is dated February 12, 1968.

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Item · 1984
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A course materials packet for the Manitoba Homestudy Course, Soils ‘84, from Manitoba Agriculture. The materials included in the packet are for Lesson 2: Moisture and Climate. The course was created in 1984. The courses were sent in the mail to Donald McFadden in Rivers, Manitoba from the organization in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1997. The packet includes the Lesson 2 booklet which is full of diagrams and information tables, and provides information about topics such as determining the moisture level in soil, how plants use water, and the effects of fertilizer. The packet includes a second booklet titled “Southern Manitoba’s Climate & Agriculture” by S. Dunlop and C.F. Shaykewich from the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Manitoba.

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Item · 1984
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A course materials packet for the Manitoba Homestudy Course, Soils ‘84 from Manitoba Agriculture. The course was created in 1984. The materials included in the packet are for Lesson 3: Salinity and Drainage. The courses were sent in the mail to Donald McFadden in Rivers, Manitoba from the organization in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1997. Included in the envelope is the Lesson 3 booklet which contains diagrams and information tables, and provides information about topics such as detecting salinity in soils, topography, soil drainage, and drainage costs.

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Item · 1981 - 1984
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A course materials packet for the Manitoba Homestudy Course, Soils ‘84 from Manitoba Agriculture. The course was created in 1984. The materials included in the packet are for Lesson 4: Soil Fertility. The courses were sent in the mail to Donald McFadden in Rivers, Manitoba from the organization in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1997. Included in the envelope is the Lesson 4 booklet which contains diagrams and information tables, and provides information about topics such as nitrogen in soil, soil phosphorus, and the role of potassium and sulphur. Also included is a list of Soils ‘84 television shows for participants to watch, a page about legume inoculation written in 1981, a leaflet titled “Nitrogen Fixation and Legumes in Crop Rotation” which was written in 1982, and a second leaflet titled “Micronutrients in Crop Production” which was written in 1983.

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Item · 1984
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A course materials packet for the Manitoba Homestudy Course, Soils ‘84 from Manitoba Agriculture. The course was created in 1984. The materials included in the packet are for Lesson 8: Tillage. The courses were mailed to Donald McFadden in Rivers, Manitoba from the organization in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1997. Included in the envelope is the Lesson 8 booklet which contains information tables and photographs, and provides information about topics such as selecting tillage equipment, specific implements for tilling, and tillage systems. Also included in the envelope are the final exam for the course, exam instructions, and an evaluation form for the course.

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Item · 2006-07-22 - 2006-07-23
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Titled "Celebration of the Century! Celebrating 100 years of agriculture and the first 60 years of Home Economics." Includes messages from the President of the University of Manitoba, the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, the Dean of the Faculty of Human Ecology, and the Honorary Chair of the AgCentennial 2006 Committee, as well as a schedule of events, a comparative history of the Manitoba Agricultural College campus, biographies on guest speakers Don and Elaine Triggs, and a list of sponsors.

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Item · 1972
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A Dietotherapy Manual from the Dietetic Association of Manitoba. The manual was compiled by the Special Committees of the Dietetic Association of Manitoba and was published by Stoval-Advocate Press Limited in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1972. Inside the manual front cover, there is a red embossing tape that reads “M. McFadden” who is presumably, Margaret McFadden. The dividers are labelled “Section I,” “Section II,” “Section III,” and “Appendix.” The first section provides information about standard hospital diets. The second section provides information about small hospitals and care facilities. The third section provides information about counselling communities about healthy nutrition.

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Item · [ca. 2006]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Promotional package related to the development of The Edgewater on Wellington Crescent, a condominium building located in Winnipeg (Man.).

Includes 1 illustrated "The Edgewater" promotional folder containing 1 price list showing 37 available units for sale and their asking prices as well as 15 units marked as sold, 19 floor plans showing 12 different unit layouts [includes 7 duplicate photocopies of unit layouts], 1 "Condo Features" card and 1 duplicate photocopy outlining the building specifications and available amenities [Entrance Foyer; Interior Features; Kitchen; Bathrooms; Safe, Sound and Secure Homes], 1 Specifications and Features List outlining the building and unit specifications and amenities in greater detail, and 1 business card.

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Item · 10-13 July 2003
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Program booklet for the 2003 Winnipeg Folk Festival, held at Birds Hill Park from July 8-11. Main Stage performers included Slainte Mhath, Le Vent Du Nord, Blackie & the Rodeo Kings, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Bob Geldof, Son De Madera, Kathleen Edwards, John Hammond, The Waifs, Leon Redbone, Buddy Guy, Stringband, April Verch, Abdullah Chhadeh & Nara, Billy Bragg, Seven Nations, Tom Paxton, Hamid Baroudi, White Cockatoo, Petrona Martinez, and Ani DiFranco.

Site Map 2003; Messages from Funders; Messages from: President, General Manager, Artistic Director; Festival Operating Times; What You Need to Know; Performer Bios; Young Performers Program; Daytime Stage Schedules; Family Area; History of the Folk Festival; Festival Memories; Discography; Food Vendors; Hand-Made Village; Our Thanks; Songs of the Finale; Main Stage Concerts.

Additionally contains several print advertisements for local businesses.

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Item · 7-10 July 2005
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Program booklet for the 2005 Winnipeg Folk Festival, held at Birds Hill Park from July 7-10. Main Stage performers included Kawa Brass Band, Nathan, Ba Cissoko, Bill Frisell Quartet, Ricky Skaggs & Kentucky Thunder, Sue Foley, Jackie Greene, The Be Good Tanyas, Bo Dollis & The Wild Magnolias, Dr. John & The Lower 911, Madrigaïa, The Campbell Brothers, Lila Downs, Instinkt, Oliver Mtukudzi & Black Spirits, Odetta, Xavier Rudd, Daniel Lanois, and Emmylou Harris.

Site Map; Birds Hill Park Map; Messages from Funders; Welcome; Operating Times; What You Need To Know; Performer Bios; Young Performers Program; Daytime Stage Schedules; Family Area; Firefly Palace; Folk School; Artistic Achievement Award; Prairie Outdoor Exhibition; Young Artist Program; Tribute to David Landy; Hand-made Village; Food Court; Selected Discography; Our Thanks; Songs of the Finale; Main Stage Schedule.

Additionally contains several print advertisements for local businesses.

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PE003093 - Winnipeg Folk Festival program - July 5-8, 2007
Item · 5-8 July 2007
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Program booklet for the 2007 Winnipeg Folk Festival, held at Birds Hill Park from July 5-8. Main Stage performers included Ollabelle, John Jorgenson Quintet, The Duhks, Indigo Girls, Corb Lund & The Hurtin' Albertans, African Guitar Summit, Kiran Ahluwalia, Crooked Still, The Flatlanders featuring Joe Ely, Jimmie Dale Gilmore & Butch Hancock, Michael Franti & Spearhead, Ndidi Onukwulu, Leo Kottke, Boom Pam, Béla Fleck & The Flecktones featuring Victor Lemonte Wooten, Future Man & Jeff Coffin, The Cat Empire, Toumani Diabate's Symmetric Orchestra, Los Lobos, and Randy Newman.

Festival Site Map; Welcome from Funders; Welcome from the Festival; Folkfest Checklist; General Information [Operating Times; Getting Here, Getting In, and Getting Home; Festival Traffic Survival Guide; Getting Settled; Rules; Safety; Etiquette; Camping at the Festival]; The Music [Main Stage; Firefly Palace; Finale; Daytime Stage Schedules - Friday, Saturday, Sunday; Folk School Tent; Performer Biographies; Young Performers Program; Hosts; Discography]; Kids at the Fest [Kids' Stage Schedules; Activities Schedule]; Visual Arts [Prairie Outdoor Exhibition; Young Artists Program]; Eat, Drink and Be Merry [Food Village; Taverns]; Shop 'Til You Drop [Hand-Made Village; Music Store Tent; Corner Store; Festival Merchandise; Raffle]; More Than 4 Days in July [Folk Music Retreat; The Folk Exchange; Folk School @ The Folk Exchange; Festival Music Store; Folk Club; Artistic Achievement Award; Winter Wassail; Music in the Market; Festival Concert Series; The Festival Hub; Site Master Plan; Memories: 2006 Festival Photos]; Backstage [Partners; Friends; Donors; Bursary and Access Programs; Volunteer Awards; Volunteers; Winnipeg Folk Festival Board; Winnipeg Folk Festival Staff; Index; In Memoriam/Credits; Donation Form].

Additionally contains several print advertisements for local businesses.

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Item · 10-13 July 2008
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Program booklet for the 2008 Winnipeg Folk Festival, held at Birds Hill Park from July 10-13. Main Stage performers included Carrie Rodriguez, The Infamous Stringdusters, Dobet Gnahoré, The Weakerthans, Michael Franti and Spearhead, Outlaw Social, Forro In The Dark, The Dynamites featuring Charles Walker, Abigail Washburn and The Sparrow Quartet featuring Béla Fleck with Casey Driessen and Ben Sollee, Robert Randolph and The Family Band, Nanci Griffith, David Grisman Bluegrass Experience, Calexico, Balkan Beat Box, Seun Kuti and Egypt 80, Kathleen Edwards, Jakob Dylan and The Gold Mountain Rebels, Joan Armatrading, and Ray Davies.

Site Map; On the Main Stage; Welcome Messages; The Music [Big Blue @ Night; Daytime Stages; The Legacy of Willie P. Bennett; Folk School Tent; Performer Bios; Young Performers Program; Main Stage Hosts; Selected Discography]; Family Area [Chickadee Big Top Performers; Special Guests; Family Area Schedule]; Visual Arts [Prairie Outdoor Exhibition; Young Artists Program]; Eat, Drink and Shop [Food Village; Hand-Made Village; More Festival Shopping; Music Store Tent; The Hub; 35th Anniversary Clothing and Collectibles; Raffle]; More Than Four Days [The Folk Retreat; The Folk Exchange; The Festival Music Store; The Winnipeg Folk Festival Concert Series; The Winter Wassail; The Winnipeg Folk Festival Artistic Achievement Award]; 35 Years of Festival Memories; Information [Operating Times; Getting Here; Getting Settled; Rules and Safety; Etiquette; Camping]; Backstage [Sponsors; Festival Site Master Plan; Donors; Light the Way Campaign; The Glass Banjo Award; In Memoriam; Volunteers; Board of Directors; Staff]; Songs of the Finale.

Additionally contains several print advertisements for local businesses.

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Item · n.d.
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A pair of original art pieces depicting the exterior of the now demolished curling arena at Furby Place in Winnipeg, Manitoba. One image shows a street view of the building with a pair of 60s or 70s era muscle cars parked outside. The second image is focused on the building's entrance and shows a single figure approaching the door holding a curling broom and pair of shoes. The Furby Place Curl Arena logo is attached to the painting as an additional oval-shaped raised piece, and the left edge of the painting is covered with a strip of beige painter's tape.

PE003506 - “Easy Breathing” newsletter
Item · Mar., 1984
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A newsletter titled “Easy Breathing” from the Manitoba Lung Association, a Division of the Sanatorium Board of Manitoba, in March 1984. The newsletter is marked as Volume 11, Number 1. On the cover page of the newsletter is a diagram of the lungs and all the different areas are labelled. The newsletter provides information about bronchitis and pneumonia, has a profile on Dr. C.B. Schoemperlen, a bronchoscopy pioneer, and outlines why smoking is detrimental to lung health. On the back page of the newsletter, there is a mailing address sticker addressed to Mrs Margaret McFadden in Rivers, Manitoba.

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Item · [n.d.]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Two blank foldable order forms for Brathwaites Limited Wholesaler Department, a pharmacy in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Each order form has blank spaces where the sender can fill in their name, address, and preferred shipping method. Each order form also includes a blank table where the sender can list the medication they wish to purchase, the quantity, and the size. The forms fold into envelope shapes with prepaid postage of six (6) cents, a predetermined address for Brathwaites Limited, and several blank lines in the top left corner for a return address.

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PE003591 - Manitoba Dept. of Agriculture receipts
Item · 1965-11-08 - 1965-12-20
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A pair of "Official Receipt" documents, one with an attached "Temporary Receipt," from the province of Manitoba to Donald J. McFadden. The one dated November 8, 1965 is a "Turkey App. Fee" for $20, and the one dated December 20, 1965 is a "Turkey Inspection Fee" for $86.40.

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Item · 1965-01-02 - 1965-12-20
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Receipts for purchases made by Donald McFadden at various authorized Esso dealerships and service stations. Bundles appear to be organized by dates around a particular excursion, and consist primarily of "Imperial Oil Limited Esso-Matic Invoice(s)" with other receipts attached. Includes a set of punched Esso credit card receipt stubs which have been stamped "PAID" by the Royal Bank of Canada. Three of the stubs are marked with the slogan "Put a Tiger in your Tank."

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Item · 1965-04-08 - 1965-07-02
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Documents from the Workmen's Compensation Board of Manitoba. The punched card requests a payment of $65.93 "within one month from 08-04-65" is marked in pencil as "Paid by cheque - Apr 26/65." The assessment contains an entry under "Industry Name" of "Bldg Const Repairs" and an amount due of $30. It is also marked as "Pd by cheque July 2/65" and "Marked up" in Donald McFadden's handwriting. The verso includes a write-up of penalties for payment neglect and information on family coverage.

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Item · 9 Dec. 1965 - 16 Dec. 1966
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A collection of 12 long-distance telephone bills [invoices] and 13 receipts addressed to Donald McFadden for telephone services provided by Manitoba Telephone Systems in 1966.

Invoices and receipts span the period of time from 9 December 1966 to 16 December 1966, and record the Date [Day/Month], Place Called, Code [1 - Operator; 2 - "From 3rd. No."; or 4 - Collect], Number Called, and Amount [in dollars] for each long-distance call made from Donald McFadden's telephone number. The invoice also includes the total amount [in dollars] due on the account.

All but two receipts are stamped in black ink with the date and "Received Payment".

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Item · 1 Feb. 1967
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A collection of 27 invoices and receipts addressed to Donald McFadden regarding purchases made for his house and other owned buildings from the following businesses in 1967: Cancade Bros. Ltd.; North American Lumber Ltd.; Cook Lumber & Supply Co.; Marshall-Wells Stores [Owned and Operated by Forman's Hardware Ltd.]; Brickwood's Plumbing & Heating Ltd.; Seven Oaks Manufacturing & Sales Ltd.; Manitoba Hydro; and T. Eaton Co.

Invoices and receipts span the period of time from 1 February 1967 to 1 December 1967. Purchases largely consisted of small hardware, household fixtures and repairs [including plumbing, window, and furnace repairs, etc.], paint and painting supplies, and supplies for barns and outbuildings [including sawdust and shavings, etc.].

Additionally includes 2 handwritten notes, one titled "House - (no bill, bought by Dad)" [dated 16 November 1967], and an untitled note regarding method of entry of invoices in account books for 1967 [undated].

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Item · 18 Nov. 1967
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A collection of 10 invoices and receipts addressed to Donald McFadden regarding purchases related to renovations done on the farm building designated Building No. 1, made from the following businesses in 1967: Brandon Consumers Co-operative Ltd. [Brandon Consumers Co-op]; Domtar Chemicals Ltd.; Cook Lumber & Supply Co.; North American Lumber Ltd.; Redekopp Lumber & Supply Ltd.; and Marshall-Wells Stores [Owned and Operated by Forman's Hardware Ltd.].

Invoices and receipts span the period of time from 15 November 1967 to 20 December 1967, with the bulk being dated between 18-21 November 1967. Purchases largely consisted of hardware and lumber/plywood.

Additionally includes 1 handwritten note titled "Renovations to No. 1 Bldg." which records the total cost of the renovations and notes that this cost was "Entered on Capital Exp. [Expenses]".

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Item · 28 Feb. 1966
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Envelope containing 1 typed letter addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Chester James McFadden (Margaret) and Eileen May McFadden from the Manitoba Department of Public Works Land Acquisition Branch regarding and enclosing 1 triplicate copy of the Agreement of Sale made between Chester James McFadden and the Province dated 28 February 1966. Additionally contains the mentioned copy of the Agreement of Sale.

The subject of the Agreement of the Sale is "Part of the South West Quarter of Section Nineteen in Township Twelve and Range Twenty [SW ¼ 19-12-20], West of the Principal Meridian, in Manitoba, as same is more particularly described in Certificate of Title No. 76421, B.L.T.O. [Brandon Land Titles Office]" ["Parcel A"], of which the Vendor agrees to sell all of "that portion of Parcel A required by the Province for the purpose of Public Road being 0.33 acres more or less ... at $150.00 per acre". The agreement is signed by Chester J. McFadden and witnessed by Terrance [Mastoway or Mostoway].

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Item · Nov. 2003
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A bimonthly Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) periodical which reports on matters of interest related to the grain industry.

"... it's up to the CWB to market your wheat, durum and barley for the best prices possible in an ever-changing international marketplace. The plans and challenges that face the CWB in 2003-04 are explained in this special edition, so please take time to read it through."

Inside this issue:
"Tendering and car awards" - Page 3
"Visiting "minor" exporters" - Page 5
"Malting barley news" - Pages 6-8
"Factors affecting wheat pool" - Pages 10-11

Additionally includes segment titled "Questions farmers are asking" which contains answers to questions submitted by farmers [p. 12].

PE003640 - "Grain Matters" - April/May 2007
Item · Apr. 2007
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A bimonthly Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) periodical which reports on matters of interest related to the grain industry.

"Paul Stow, Grain Services Coordinator at Mission Terminal in Thunder Bay - the 49th consecutive shipping season of the St. Lawrence Seaway is officially underway with some of the earliest starts on record."

Inside this issue:
"Level-of-service complaint" - Page 3
"E-services expanding" - Page 4
"Agronomist report" - Page 5
"PPOs [Producer Payment Options] make cents" - Page 6

Additionally includes segments titled "Questions farmers are asking" which contains answers to questions submitted by farmers, and "Just the Kernel", which contains several headlines with brief accompanying explanations [p. 8].

PE003641 - "Grain Matters" - August/September 2007
Item · Aug. 2007
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A bimonthly Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) periodical which reports on matters of interest related to the grain industry.

"Farmer Roger Dahl and CWB regional manager Craig Douglas load producer cars at Viceroy, Saskatchewan."

Inside this issue:
"Record durum exports" - Page 2
"Weather project launched" - Page 4
"Baking is Back" - Page 5
"Transportation year in review" - Page 7

Additionally includes segments titled "Questions farmers are asking" which contains answers to questions submitted by farmers, and "Just the Kernel", which contains several headlines with brief accompanying explanations [p. 8].

PE003642 - "Grain Matters" - October/November 2009
Item · Oct. 2009
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A bimonthly Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) periodical which reports on matters of interest related to the grain industry.

"Dear Minister Ritz, It's time for the Government of Canada to stand up for western Canadian farmers at the WTO [World Trade Organization]."

Inside this issue:
"CWB opens lab" - Page 2
"Variety Survey" - Page 3
"Time is running out at the WTO" - Page 4
"Spotlight on tendering" - Page 6
"Japan loves Prairie wheat" - Page 7

Additionally includes segment titled "Questions farmers are asking" which contains answers to questions submitted by farmers [p. 8].

Item · [ca. 2003]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Foldable, double-sided educational poster created by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) outlining the steps in the interrelated processes of Milling [including Durum Wheat; Wheat Intake; Cleaning; Tempering; The Milling Process; Semolina] and Pasta Making [including Mixing; Extrusion; Drying; Packaging].

Additionally includes 1 image showing a cross-section of an amber durum wheat kernel; 1 diagram of an amber durum wheat kernel highlighting its different components [Endosperm; Bran; Germ]; and 4 images showing different pasta products made with durum semolina [Dry Pasta (Long Products and Short Products); Fresh Pasta; and Couscous].

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Item · 2004
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"With the CWB's Producer Payment Options (PPOs), the choice is yours: you can market your wheat and barley and receive payment through the pool accounts, you can lock in a floor price for your grain and still benefit from future increases in the pool return or you can lock in a price for your grain based on future markets. ... There are three different options: the Basis Payment Contract (BPC), the Fixed Price Contract (FPC) and the Early Payment Option (EPO)."

Informational pamphlet designed to explain the differences between three different Producer Payment Options (PPOs) that are available to Canadian grain farmers. The pamphlet is organized into 5 sections separated by tabbed dividers and was produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) ahead of the 2004-2005 crop year.

Introduction ["PPO's at a glance"]; Basis Payment Contract (BPC) ["What is it?"; "How does it work?"]; Fixed Price Contract (FPC) ["What is it?"; "How does it work?"]; Early Payment Option (EPO) ["What is it?"; "How does it work?"]; Other Program Features and Glossary ["Target price for BPC and FPC"; "Exchange for physicals"; "Glossary"]; and PPO Questions and Answers.

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PE003429 - Advertisement for poultry products; n.d.
Item · n.d.
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A one page advertisement for various poultry-related farm implements from Miller Hatcheries, "Home of Champion Chicks & Poults Since 1917." Products include turkey saddles, "Never-Pick" bits and applicator, and the "LYON Super Debeaker." A series of calculations are written in light blue ink on the verso.

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PE003509 - Poulin Chemicals Pest Control Catalogue, 1966
Item · 1966
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A Poulin Chemical Pest Control Catalogue for 1966. On the first page, there is an introductory message from the General Manager of Poulin Chemicals in Winnipeg, Manitoba. On each page, there is a description of each chemical accompanied by an illustration of the pest the chemical is supposed to control or the chemical container. The descriptions also indicate the price and container size for each chemical. On the final page of the catalogue is a blank order form.

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PE003747 - Brochure advertising TOK selective herbicide
Item · [n.d.]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A brochure advertising TOK E25, a selective herbicide for killing weeds. TOK E25 is a product from Rohm & Haas Company of Canada Limited and distributed by Chipman Chemicals Limited in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The brochure provides information about the herbicide such as why its use improves crops, when to use it, how much should be used per acre, how to use it, some testimonials from users, and various precautions that should be taken.

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Item · [2018?]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A brochure for Winnipeg Livestock Sales Ltd. for the Spring 2018 season. Inside the brochure are four calendar months, January through April, and various days are marked with scheduled sales and days the company is open for receiving. The brochure also includes several small advertisements for local livestock dealers and buyers. Contact information for the company, as well as an illustrated map with the company location in Winnipeg, Manitoba, are listed on the back of the brochure. The brochure also includes several photographs of cattle and livestock enclosures.

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Item · [ca. 2007]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"For nearly 100 years, Paterson GlobalFoods has connected growers with buyers - diversifying to support those relationships, and expanding to create new ones. In addition to being a leading supplier to primary processors, Paterson GlobalFoods has become a major exporter to food manufacturers around the world. All that we do - supplying quality commodities processed to global standards, whether it be grains, pulses, organics, seeds, food products, animal nutrition, or transportation and financial services - now and in the future will be focused on our customers' satisfaction."

A promotional booklet produced by Paterson GlobalFoods Inc. [PGF] ca. 2007. The booklet includes information and photographs showing the various activities of PGF, a multinational agri-foods and related businesses conglomerate.

"A Message from the President"; "Field of Vision"; "Growing Opportunities"; "Making Progress"; "Moving Forward"; "Going Global".

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PE003657 - Cereals North America 2013 - Conference program
Item · 6-7 Nov. 2013
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"Welcome to Cereals North America 2013! Our initial conference is being held in Winnipeg, Canada during November 6th-7th to showcase the global grain and oilseed markets - and what lies ahead for world agriculture. The conference features leading speakers from; the US, Canada, China, Russia, and Europe. These speakers will provide regional outlooks along with expert analysis of Canada's crop quality and key influences that is producing the world's extreme weather patterns. The conference presentations should provide a price framework framework for North American (and world) producers and traders for the next 9 months."

A program booklet produced in accordance with Cereals North America 2013, an agricultural conference held in Winnipeg, Manitoba which includes the Table of Contents; Welcome; Conference Program; Speakers; Delegate List; and Exhibition Plan.

Additionally includes several print advertisements for various Canadian and international businesses.

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Item · 2017
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An annual report titled “Working With the Value Chain” published by the Canadian International Grains Institute for the years 2016 to 2017. The institute is a non-profit organization located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The report outlines the institution’s vision, mission, purpose, and strategic focus, and includes a list of all the programs and missions carried out from 2016 to 2017. The report also includes information about the institution’s collaboration, innovation, communication, and financial efforts over the past two years. Various photographs of projects and missions are included throughout the report.

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Item · Nov., 1955
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An insurance plan of the town of Banff, Alberta from November 1955. The population at the time of the insurance plan creation was 2850. The plan consists of a Master Title page, a Key of Sign page, and six detail sheets of the town. On the cover of the plan, there is a note indicating that the plan was made by and is the property of the Western Canada Insurance Underwriters’ Association and this particular plan is copy No. 67. The plan was created in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Each page of the detail sheets displays various streets and buildings in the town of Banff, Alberta and the colour of each building indicates the type of construction material used for that particular building.

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Item · Aug., 1953
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An insurance plan of the city of Edmonton, Alberta from August 1953. These particular plans are marked as Vol. 3. The plan consists of a Master Title page, a Key Plan page, and numerous detail sheets. On the cover of the plan, there is a note indicating that the plan was made by and is the property of the Western Canada Insurance Underwriters’ Association in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This particular plan is listed as Copy No. 114. Each page of the detail sheets displays various streets and buildings in the city of Edmonton and the colour of each building indicates the type of construction material used for that particular building. This plan consists primarily of residential areas surrounding the North Saskatchewan River.

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Item · Apr. 26, 1941
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A program for the United Services Concert which was under the sponsorship of the Sons of England Benefit Society at the Winnipeg Lodges. The concert was scheduled for April 26, 1941, in the auditorium of the Winnipeg Lodges. The proceeds from the concert went to the Queen’s Canadian Fund for Air Raid Victims. The program lists the order of events of the concert. The performances were done by various branches of United Services such as the army, the police, the navy, and the air force.

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PE002687 - A Night o' Guid Cheer
Item · 4 Dec. 1931
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Menu and program of events for a festive Scottish event held in Winnipeg on 4 Dec. 1931. The program is written in the Scots language.

Includes Menu, Toast List [Roamin' in the Gloamin'; Winnipeg Scottish, R.F.C. - proposed by Dod Barclay and responded to by Jimmy Caldwell; Scotland Forever - proposed by Alistair Stewart and responded to by Jack Smith], and Songs [Jack Smith]. Also includes "Songs and Festivity".

"From Scenes like this, Auld Scotia's Grandeur Springs."

Item · 1909
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"A Handbook of Manitoba and the City of Winnipeg" prepared by the Publication Committee of the Winnipeg Local Executive Committee to present to the members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for their visit from August 25 to September 1, 1909 (with options for extension based on member interests). Includes a proposed program and tentative itinerary, photographs, meteorological observations, information on locations within Winnipeg, Manitoba including a map marked with "probable meeting places," and another fold-out colored map of Canada.

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Item · [c. 1912]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Information on the grain trade in Canada, prior to World War I but after the establishment of the Grain Act, and in-depth proposals for its improvement. Subtitle reads "Conditions which make such a system necessary. A detail of the system showing its practicability. Results of such a system in operation."

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Item · 25 Sep. 1954
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

2 black and white [B&W] souvenir photographs taken at the Rancho Don Carlos in Winnipeg ca. 1954, tucked into souvenir cards titled "Rancho Don Carlos" and "The New Highwaymen".

"Rancho Don Carlos" depicts a well-dressed young couple embracing and kissing on the dance floor. The woman is wearing a backless dress, white high-heeled shoes, and a cuff bracelet and jeweled earrings. The man is wearing a light-coloured suit and glasses with thick frames. Other dancing couples can be seen in the background.

"The New Highwaymen" depicts 4 well-dressed adults, 2 men and 2 women, smiling while seated around a table with plates of food, drinks, and packages of cigarettes on the table in front of them. The men are wearing suits. The women are wearing dresses or blouses with jeweled necklaces, earrings, rings, and brooches.

Item · [ca. 1920]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Old-Fashioned Gospel Meeting Starts April 30.
Miss Zelma Argue, a gifted Trombonist and Song Leader will assist her father throughout the campaign.

Subjects for the first week:
Sunday: "The Age Terminus, is it in sight?"
Monday: "And When shall these things be?"
Tuesday: "Jerusalem and the Jews"
Wednesday: "The World's Greatest Message"
Thursday: "Divine Healing Service"
Friday: "The Sky Shout"

Includes 2 black and white [B&W] reproductions of photographs: portrait of Miss Zelma Argue, posing with a trombone; and portrait of Reverend A. H. Argue.

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Item · 27 May 1945
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A sermon by Reverend S. A. Westcott on the importance of temperance and the societal dangers of alcohol use, which the Reverend calls "A National Menace".

A National Menace; A Huge Monopoly; Revenue and Profits; Other Startling Statistics; Drinking Increases in Canada; Prestige and Popularity; The Power of Propaganda; Drink for Women; The Menace of the Traffic; and What Can Be Done?

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Item · 6 June 1949
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Eleven black and white [B&W] photographs depicting a parade held as part of the celebrations for the city of Winnipeg's 75th anniversary of incorporation.

Images with specific captions include:

"Welcome to Winnipeg" banner at the Winnipeg auditorium with woman holding a baby to the right captioned "aside [sic] of the auditorium, Iris and Kenny. On the very top was a revolving "75" in colored lights but I cut it off by mistake".
Large 75th anniversary birthday cake captioned "Birthday Cake on Main & Poratage [sic] [Portage]".
Parade float captioned "Province of Manitoba float".
Canadian Olympic figure skater Barbara Ann Scott riding in a car captioned "Birthday Parade".
Ox cart captioned "Ox cart on the parade".
Indigenous people in traditional clothing in the parade captioned "The Indians on the 75th Parade".
The Hudson's Bay building [with a banner reading "Winnipeg's First Store"] captioned "The Bay looking from [Portage]".
2 tipis captioned "at Sherburn Park"
Candid group photograph of Indigenous people and children captioned "Indians at Sherburn Park".

Images without specific captions include:

2 clowns on a tandem bicycle captioned "75".
Chuck wagons and cowboys in the parade captioned "75".

Item · 1889
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A souvenir book of drawings of significant locations and buildings in Winnipeg, Manitoba. All of the drawings are on one page that expands. Some examples of the drawings in the book are the Leland House, St. John’s College, the General Hospital, Holy Trinity Church, and Knox Church. The images were done by Louis Glaser of Leipzig and New York. The caption inside the album reads "Ent. acc. to Act of Parliament, in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-Nine, by the Toronto News Company, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture."

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Item · [ca. 1935]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Hand-made photograph album documenting the history of G. F. Stephens & Co. Ltd. Paint & Varnish Makers. The album largely consists of exterior and interior photographs of prominent buildings across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, with detailed captions explaining the services provided by G. F. Stephens & Co. Ltd., as well as buildings where G. F. Stephens paints and varnishes were manufactured, and copies of testimonial letters written by commercial businesses regarding the company's work.

Contents [Prominent Buildings]:
New Christie Brown Biscuit Factory - Winnipeg; Tuberculosis Sanatorium - Saskatoon; Salter Street Viaduct - Winnipeg; Deer Lodge Military Hospital; The Van Horne Farm - East Selkirk, Man.; Farm Buildings - George Wright - Penfold, Alta.; Winnipeg Winter Club Badminton Courts, Lounge, and Floors; Normal School - Edmonton; Bank of Montreal - Edmonton; Head Office - The Great-West Life Company - Winnipeg; Westminster United Church - Winnipeg; Misericordia Hospital - Edmonton; Grain Exchange - Winnipeg; C.N.R. Station - Edmonton [exterior and interior]; Corona Hotel - Edmonton [interior and exterior]; Union Station - Winnipeg; Police Station - Regina; The Balfour - Regina; University of Manitoba [New Science Building; New Arts Building]; St. Andrew's Locks - Lockport, Man.; Trianon Dance Gardens - Regina; Y.M.C.A. - Winnipeg; Hydro Show Rooms - Winnipeg; Wheat Pool Building - Winnipeg [exterior and interior]; Great Falls Power Development; Hydro Substations - Winnipeg.

Also of note are a composite photograph showing G. F. Stephens & Co.'s Head Office and Factory in Winnipeg and Warehouses in Alberta and Saskatchewan; a series of photographs under the heading "Glimpses of Paint Factory - Winnipeg" [depicting "Section of a Stock Room"; "Paint Grinding Mills"; "Section Mixing Floor"; "Putty Chasers"]; and copies of 16 testimonial letters from various commercial businesses [largely Hardware and Department Stores] based in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, all dated 1935.

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Item · [ca. 1902]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A mounted photograph of a returning [Manitoban?] soldier dressed in a South African [Boer] War uniform and slouch hat. The soldier is also wearing a bandolier and holding a rifle. The medal pinned to the soldier's chest closely resembles and is possibly the Queen's South Africa Medal, the campaign medal awarded to those who served in the Boer War.

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PE002522 - Bachelor's Parlor; Winnipeg, Canada
Item · [ca. 1890]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

2 men sit in armchairs across from each other with a table between them. They are in a room crowded with many furnishings and with many decorative items and images mounted to the walls behind them. The room is identified by the stereocard's title as a bachelor's parlor.

"Sold only by Underwood & Underwood"

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Item · 1924
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

The “44th Annual List of Popular Books and Other Goods from Russell-Lang’s, Western Canada’s oldest and best bookshop.” The bookshop was located in Winnipeg, Manitoba and the booklet is for the 1924-1925 season. The bookstore, officially named Russell-Lang & Co, Ltd., is listed as opening in 1880. The booklet is divided into sections based primarily on genre, although some sections are based on age or book series. Several books are listed in each category along with the author’s name, the price, and a general comment about the book. Near the back of the booklet are four order forms that recipients of the booklet can tear out and send to the bookstore.

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Item · 1908 - 1909
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A unique item, being a copy book, by which a letter- writer could make what was in essence a carbon copy on tissue paper of a hand-written letter. This book contains 100 pages, almost all of which contain letters written during the stated period. All are from the pen of Mcdougall, Everett, who lived in Winnipeg in a rented house at 493 Maryland Street. Most of the letters deal with Mr. Mcdougall's financial problems and his attempts to obtain employment especially with grand Trunk Pacific. He was forthrightly seeking a position as master of one of the company's new steamers. Other letters deal with his attempts to sell, or deal with real estate he owned or for which he had some financial obligation. There are also a number of letters of personal nature to relatives. In all, there must be 60 or 70 copies of letters. His penmanship is not fancy but rather plain and easily read.

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PE001490 - 4 Hotel Envelopes
Item · 1919
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

4 Hotel Envelopes from Hotel Saskatchewan (Regina, Saskatchewan), Hotel Palliser (Calgary, Alberta), The Merchants' Hotel (Selkirk, Manitoba), and Fort Garry Hotel (Winnipeg, Manitoba)..