Kept with this letter are two envelopes with poetry written on them in SBS's handwriting
Без названияIncludes news clippings, poems: "A Lover's Plaint" and "Love"
Без названияIncludes a news clipping, poem "Ah! If You Knew"
Без названияIncludes an attached news clipping: "Happy Though Married"
Без названияA handwritten letter sent to SBS from Minnie; Sam forwarded it to Marie to read, and Marie returned Minnie's letter with her letter to Sam dated September 17th, 1907. Minnie is writing from 'The Barracks, Macleod' to SBS at Ca;gary.
Без названияBlack leather-bound; hand-written entries Memos and cash accounts maintained at back of diary Separate file of loose items retained
Без названияBlack leather-bound pocket diary with hand-written entries; more of a notebook.
Без названияBlack leather-bound; hand-written entries; more of a notebook filled with memoranda, lists, and draft notes One item removed (see separated materials note)
Без названияBurgandy leather-bound; hand-written entries Memos and cash accounts kept at back of diary
Без названияDaily journal; hand-written entries; begins with notations on March 8th: "Our marriage day"; many blank pages and intermittent entries Inscribed in front: A.R. Macdonell, Wood Mountain, April 23, 1877
Без названияA postage label from James McCrudden, Boots and Shoes, of Montreal to Capt. A.R. Macdonnell [sic] at Fort McLeod [sic], N.W.T.
Без названияGeneral Correspondence – Includes a letter of apology from L.W. Herchmer, re: remarks about SBS and Mrs. Steele. Handwritten.
Без названияLetter to SBS from Cousin Essie Miller, Orillia, Ontario. Handwritten.
Без названияLetter to SBS from Mary I. Macleod, wife of Colonel James F. Macleod. Handwritten.
Без названияHandwritten letter from Flora Steele in Montreal to her father. Flora discusses her preference to attend St. Urban's Academy in Montreal, mentions a discussion she had with the Reverend Mother about Masons and Orangemen, and askes her father about changes in Macleod, etc. 4 pp.
Без названияLetters, to and from, Superintendent Steele while stationed at Fort Macleod.
Без названияDraft of a seven page hand-written letter from Steele to the NWMP Commissioner in Regina responding to and discussing various comments relayed in earlier correspondence from the Commissioner to Steele.
Без названияBlack leather-bound diary written from Fort Macleod, Lethbridge, and Willow Creek; memoranda at back of diary.
Без названияBlack leather-bound pocket diary, hand-written entries from Kootenay Ferry, Kootenay, Fort Macleod. Cash accounts kept at back of diary.
Без названияBlack leather-bound pocket diary with hand-written entries; mostly written from Fort Macleod. Memos, cash accounts kept at back of book.
Без названияCloth-bound daily journal with hand-written entries from Fort Macleod; very brief entries, largely empty; one cash accounts notation at back of journal.
Без названияBlack leather-bound pocket diary with hand-written entries from Fort Macleod; memos and accounts kept at back of book. One item, a note from D.L. Meetison, was removed and placed behind the diary in the same file.
Без названияBlack leather-bound pocket diary with hand-written entries from Fort Macleod; more of a notebook filled with memoranda and notes. A horse race card was removed from the diary and placed behind it in the same file.
Без названияBurgandy leather-bound pocket diary with hand-written entries from Fort Macleod; memos and cash accounts kept at back of book.
Без названияA handwritten letter with envelope from Marie Harwood to Sam Steele at Fort Macleod, 17 Dec. 1888.
Без названияMarie discusses her father's letter of acceptance to SBS, and encloses a news clipping "Whist Rules in Rhyme"
Без названияHandwritten letter from Gertie Hubert (Marie's sister) to Marie dated May 13th, 1890.
Без названияHandwritten letter to Marie from her brother C.A. Harwood, dated May 15th, 1890.
Без названияHandwritten letter to "Aunt May" from a relative thanking her for the hospitality shown to him while visiting Fort Macleod, dated December 20th, 1890.
Без названияHandwritten letter from Marie's sister Gertrude to Marie congratulaing her on the birth of Flora; letter is dated December 13th, 1891.
Без названияHandwritten letter from Marie's Aunt Minnie in Fort Macleod to Marie visiting family in Vaudreuil; letter dated September 9th, 1892.
Без названияHandwritten letter of sympathy to Marie from Margaret Lettice Bentley on the death of Marie's father; the letter is dated July 3rd, 1897.
Без названияTypewritten letter to Marie from Fred White, N.W.M.P. re SBS's pay; letter dated September 27th, 1898.
Без названияTypewritten letter from Fred White, N.W.M.P. to Marie, discussing Sam's pay and mail delivery to the Yukon; the letter is dated November 22, 1898.
Без названияHandwritten draft letters (2) from Marie to Mrs. James Moore, re: settling monies owed; the letter is dated July 1st [1899].
Без названияHandwritten letter drafts from Marie to Mr. Grady of Fort Macleod, thanking him for the calendar he sent for SBS and explaining she is sending a photo to him of SBS taken after his return from South Africa; the draft letter is dated January 12th, 1902.
Без названияIncludes a colored engraved Happy New Year's card
Без названияSBS comments in letter about how much he enjoys writing letters to Maye
Без названияSBS mentions sending an engagement ring to Maye; tells her he has flirted in the past, but never loved until now
Без названияIncludes attached news clipping, "Dementia Amoris"
Без названияAnnotation on envelope written by Harwood Steele [1973]
Без названия