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Description archivistique
UAA-1980-138 · Accession · 1894-1980
Fait partie de Robert Newton fonds

Accession consists of memorabilia relating to Emma Read Newton (1894-1980) and Robert Newton (1920-1979).

Sans titre
UAA-1982-090 · Accession · 1980-1981
Fait partie de General Faculties Council fonds

Accession consists of minute books of the General Faculties Council (1980-1981) and the Executive Committee (1980-1981).

Sans titre
UAA-1981-064 · Accession · 1975-1981
Fait partie de Arthur Wellesley Campbell Henry fonds

Accession consists of transcriptions of interviews of Dr. A.W. Henry by Mr. A.M. Nicholson, as well as correspondence between Henry and Nicholson.

Sans titre
Accession · 1980-1981
Fait partie de Elizabeth Joan Beauchamp fonds

Accession consists of audio cassettes containing interviews with Norman Yates by Elizabeth Beauchamp (M.FA thesis).

Sans titre
UAA-1990-057 · Accession · 1925-1982
Fait partie de Elise A. Corbet fonds

Accession consists of Faculty of Medicine photographs and memorabilia collected by Elise Corbet for her research. The photographs depict interns at Misericordia Hospital, Dr. T. J. Agnew, John R. Collip, John B. Collip, James B. Collip, doctors at the University of Alberta Hospital, the Clinical Sciences Building, and the Walter C. Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre. The accession also contains a Med Nite program and a letter from J. H. Riopel to Dr. L. Orr.

Sans titre
UAA-1981-032 · Accession · 1978-1982
Fait partie de Ernest C. Manning fonds

Accession consists of audio recordings and transcripts of interviews of Ernest C. Manning, conducted by Lydia Semotiuk.

Sans titre
Ernest C. Manning fonds
UAA Fonds 0325 · Fonds · 1978 - 1982

Series illustrates the likeness of Ernest C. Manning from various sources, including newspaper articles, a cover of a biographical sketch by John Cashman, and a negative from the UAA. Series consists of 5 graphic materials that have been scanned and Photoshopped.

Sans titre
Accession · 1970 - 1983
Fait partie de Dr. Luce Gauthier fonds

This accession consists of records related to Dr. Luce Gauthier's career as a theoretical physicist, including research findings for Dr. Gauthier's PhD thesis in quantum mechanics, titled Test of Resonance Recognition Criteria in Potential Scattering. Additionally, this accession contains correspondence, research reports, copies of publications, course teaching materials, and keepsakes from Dr. Gauthier's time at the University of Alberta.

UAA-1986-089 · Accession · 1932 - 1983
Fait partie de Borys Lewytzkyj fonds

This accession is organized in the following series:
Series 1: Newspaper Articles, 1956-1981 (some signed with Lewytzky's pseudonym, Paul Sikora)
Series 2: Offprints of Journal Articles, 1958-1983
Series 3: Reports, 1953-1973
Series 4: Speeches, Conference Papers and Programs, 1960-1982
Series 5: Reviews of B. Lewytzkyj's Books, 1961-1977
Series 6: Miscellaneous Publications and Research Material, 1951-64
Series 7: Journals, 1932-1957
Series 8: Publications, 1945-1954
Series 9: Lewytzkyj's Ph.D. diploma from Ukrainian Free University, Munich, 1971 (in quadruplicate) - The diplomas (Item 55) are stored separately in the Oversize drawer.

Sans titre
UAA-1984-100 · Accession · 1964-1983
Fait partie de University of Alberta Archives fonds

Accession consists of publications from the Faculty of Business and Faculty of Extension, Drama Division, including Commerce Fortnightly (1964-1969), Business Reporter (1975-1977), Stage Door (1943-1948), M.A.T. (1951-1953), Western Theatre (1949-1950), studies, and annual reports.

Sans titre
Accession · 1940 - 1984
Fait partie de Ivan Rudnytsky fonds

This accession consists of a rich variety of materials from the personal life and academic work of Ivan Lysiak Rudnytsky. As a historian and a professor, Rudnytska amassed an impressive collection of articles, booklets, rare book photocopies, bibliographies, thesis, and original research materials. Several boxes of materials relate to his time as the Associate Director of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS). A prolific letter writer, this accession also features his correspondence with a range of his contemporaries and family members. This correspondence includes postcards and small photographs.

Sans titre
TAC at Steep Rock Mine
Pièce · 1984
Fait partie de Walter Edgar Harris fonds

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) on a field trip to Steep Rock Mine in Atikokan, September 1984. TAC went as part of their efforts to research the Canadian Shield. During WWII, the lake at this site had been drained and iron ore was recovered. It had since been refilling with water. Harris' job was to complete a risk assessment of the area. Slide found in the container labeled Hazardous Wastes.

TAC at Steep Rock Mine
Pièce · 1984
Fait partie de Walter Edgar Harris fonds

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) on a field trip to Steep Rock Mine in Atikokan, September 1984. TAC went as part of their efforts to research the Canadian Shield. During WWII, the lake at this site had been drained and iron ore was recovered. It had since been refilling with water. Harris' job was to complete a risk assessment of the area. Slide found in the container labeled Nuclear Waste.

UAA-1997-057 · Accession · 1935-1985
Fait partie de University of Alberta Archives fonds

Accession consists of a compilation of tests and exams from various departments and faculties at the University of Alberta.

Sans titre
Lucien Auclair fonds
UAA Fonds 0618 · Fonds · 1907-1986

Fonds contient des états financiers, des plans architecturaux, des procès verbaux, des documents constitutionnels, des listes des actionnaires, des lettres circulaires, des rapports, des listes et documents de comité, des bulletins, des organigrammes, de la correspondence, des programmes, des documents de recherche et conférences, des reçus, publicités, cartes géographiques, cartes de souhaits, budgets, notes, instructions, questionnaires, plans d'actions, pétitions, annuaires, mémoires, dépliants, catalogues, journaux, statuts et règlements, registres, invitations, livres, catéchismes, partitions de piano, revues, organes, et divers publications.

Fonds consists of financial documents, architectural plans, meeting minutes, constitutional documents, shareholder lists, circular letters, reports, committee lists and documents, bulletins, organizational chart, correspondance, programs, research and conference documents, receipts, advertisements, maps, greeting cards, budgets, notes, instructions, questionnaires, action plans, petitions, directories, memoirs, pamphlets, catalogs, journals, statutes and rules, registers, invitations, books, catechisms, piano sheet music, magazines, digests, and various publications.

Sans titre
UAA Fonds 0469 · Fonds · 1906-1986 [predominantly 1929-1986]

Le fonds ACFA permet de retracer le développement de certains accomplissements dans la francophonie albertaine ; il offre en effet de nombreux témoignages sur les activités, religieuses, politiques, économiques, pédagogiques ou culturelles, dans lesquelles les Franco-albertains se sont impliqués au cours du 20e siècle. Il comprend des documents nationaux, provinciaux, régionaux et locaux. On y retrouve, en particulier, des papiers administratifs et financiers, des procès-verbaux, de la correspondance et des publications. Le fonds inclut aussi des documents sur le poste de radio CHFA et sur les journaux La survivance et Le Franco.

The ACFA fonds enables to trace back the development of accomplishments in the Franco-albertan community ; it contains several testimonies on activities, religious, political, economic, pedagogical or cultural, in which Franco-albertans were involved over the course of the 20th century. It also contains national, provincial, regional and local documents. In particular, there are administrative and financial documents, meeting minutes, correspondence, and publications. The fonds also includes documents about the CHFA radio station and the journals La Survivance and Le Franco.

Sans titre
UAA-1987-020 · Accession · 1986

International Nursing Research Conference papers, brochures, leaflets and slides.

Sans titre
UAA Fonds 0582 · Fonds · 1870 [photocopied 198-?] - 1986

Le fonds Salon contient divers documents relié aux origines et la création du Salon d’histoire de la francophonie albertaine, incluant informations d’employés, bulletins d’information, et autres. Le fonds contient des documents photocopiés et transcrits relié à l’histoire ancienne des francophones dans l’Ouest Canadien, tel que les journaux personnels de missionnaires. Le fonds contient aussi des brouillons de plusieurs textes publiés par le Salon, des procès-verbaux de réunions, des rapports, des reçus, des correspondances, des fiches d’abonnements, et informations sur les dépenses et planifications de divers activités et événements organisés par le Salon.

The Salon fonds contains various documents pertaining to the origins and creation of the Salon d’histoire de la francophonie albertaine, including employee information documents, information bulletins, and more. It contains some photocopied and transcribed documents related to the early history of Francophones in Western Canada, such as diaries of missionaries and newspaper excerpts. It also contains drafts of many texts published by the organization, meeting minutes, reports, receipts, correspondences, subscription slips, and the expenses and planning information for the various activities and events held by the organization.

Sans titre
Accession · 1934-1986 [predominantly 1976-1986]
Fait partie de Donald B. Smith fonds

L'accession contient la documentation recueillie pour l'article et par la suite de celui-ci (entre 1979 et 1986). Il comprend quelques originaux de lettres envoyées au professeur Smith, des coupures de presse de textes inédits et tirées de divers journaux et, surtout, des photocopies d'articles de périodiques et de journaux relatifs à la francophonie albertaine.

Accession contains documentation collected for the purpose of the article and more (between 1979 and 1986). It contains a few original letters sent to professor Smith, clippings of unedited texts taken from various journals and, mostly, photocopies of articles from periodicals and journals related to Franco-Albertans.

Sans titre
Harris in Academic Gown
Pièce · 1987
Fait partie de Walter Edgar Harris fonds

Harris after the University of Waterloo's fifty-fourth Convocation wearing academic hood and gown. Pictured here with Chancellor James Hadsworth; [?]; WAE (Pete) McBryde, former Dean of Science; and Douglas Wright, President of Waterloo.

Harris Signing Register
Pièce · 1987
Fait partie de Walter Edgar Harris fonds

Harris signing register with registar CT Boyle at the University of Waterloo's fifty-fourth Convocation, where Harris received his Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science.

Harris and Friends
Pièce · 1987
Fait partie de Walter Edgar Harris fonds

Walter Harris, John Devereau and their wives posing in front of a sign at a gas station near Swan Hills Treatment Centre.

Hryhory Kostiuk fonds
UAA Fonds 0541 · Fonds · 1923 - 1988

This fonds consists of textual materials created by Hryhory Kostiuk and documents his prolific correspondences with a variety of individuals. The correspondence is often with friends and family but also frequently relates to the Slovo Association of Ukrainian Writers in Exile as well as other academic work.

Sans titre
UAA-1989-055 · Accession · 1900-1988
Fait partie de Theresa Alta Iddings fonds

Accession consists of memorabilia and photographs collected by Theresa Alta Iddings (later Mrs. Wilton) from the University of Alberta Class of '24.

Sans titre
UAA-2001-169 · Accession · 1983 - 1988
Fait partie de Candas Jane Dorsey fonds

Materials from the monthly arts newspaper Edmonton Bullet, including: author files, photocopied issues of the newspaper (April 1986 to Oct.1992).

Sans titre
Harris Accepting Award from Cantwell
Pièce · 1988
Fait partie de Walter Edgar Harris fonds

Harris accepting award from Fred Cantwell, a fellow University of Alberta chemistry staff member and presenter at the conference. This happened during the "Symposium in Honour of W.E. Harris : Analytical Chemistry- its Role in Socio-Economic Development" .

Pièce · 1988
Fait partie de Walter Edgar Harris fonds

Image of Ewing Galen, Walter and Phyllis Harris taken during the "Symposium in Honour of W.E. Harris [50 years of service to analytical chemistry] : Analytical Chemistry- its Role in Socio-Economic Development" that was organized by National Water Quality Laboratory and Research Applications Branch of National Water Research, Burlington, Ontario as well as Water Resources Branch and Ontario Ministry of Environment Toronto, Ontario. It was the third chemical congress of North America combining the meeting of the American Chemical Society, Canadian Chemical Conference and Sociedad Quimica de Mexico held June 5-10, 1988.

Ousmane Silla fonds
UAA Fonds 0611 · Fonds · 1921-1989 [predominantly 1970-1979]

Ce fonds est constituée des correspondances, des mémos, des quittances, des articles académiques, des répertoires d’universités et d’Instituts, un plan d’action des parents des écoles francophones, des communiqués, des formulaires, des journaux, des publications, des revues, des ordres de travail, des transcriptions d’entrevues, des bulletins d’information, des publicités, des annuaires, des formulaires d’inscriptions, des pamphlets, des rapports, des règlements généraux, des bulletins de nouvelles, des procès-verbaux, des photos, des programmes de conférences, des listes d’ateliers, des programmes de conférences, des budgets, des tableaux, des bibliographies, des guides, des questionnaires, des dissertations, des demandes de subventions, des notes d’un discours, des adresses, des répertoires, des appels de communications, des tableaux statistiques, des enquêtes, des annonces publicitaires, des listes de récentes acquisitions, des catalogues, des factures, des références, un organigramme, des notes de recherche, un mémoire de maîtrise, un mémorandum.

This fonds contains correspondence, memos, receipts, academic articles, a repertoire of universities and institutes, a plan of action of parents from francophone schools, statements, forms, journals, publications, magazines, a work agenda, interview transcriptions, information bulletins, public advertisements, directories, registration forms, pamphlets, reports, general rules, news bulletins, meeting minutes, photos, conference programs, lists of workshops, budgets, tables, bibliographies, guides, questionnaires, dissertations, grant applications, speech notes, addresses, repertoires, calls for communication, statistics tables, inquiries, lists of recent acquisitions, catalogues, bills, references, an organizational chart, research notes, a master’s degree memoire, and a memorandum.

Sans titre
Technical Advisory Committee
Pièce · 1989
Fait partie de Walter Edgar Harris fonds

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) photograph taken June 1989. Missing from the photo is John Convey. List of member credentials is attached to the original photo.

Accession · 1988-1989
Fait partie de Technical Services fonds

Accession consists of sound and video recordings of speeches and ceremonies of President Horowitz: "My Last Year in Office - 1988-1989."

Sans titre
UAA-2017-013 · Accession · 1986 - 1990

Manual of Administrative Policies, Procedures and Services

Sans titre
Germaine Dupont fonds
UAA Fonds 0625 · Fonds · 1930-1990

Fonds contient des bulletins d’information sur les Oblats, des albums souvenirs, des livres d’histoire sur l’église catholique en Alberta central, des albums souvenir sur le collège des jésuites, un livre de chant liturgique, des publications religieuses.

Fonds contains information bulletins on the Oblates, souvenir albums, books on the history of the Catholic church in central Alberta, souvenir albums on the Jesuit college, a book of liturgical songs, and religious publications.

Ku Klux Klan Collection
HS 2330 K63 K58 · Collection · 1920s to 1990s

This small research collection of printed ephemera documents some of the Ku Klux Klan’s activities to disseminate its beliefs and biases in favour of the white supremacy movement.

UAA-2024-019 · Accession · 1968 - 1991

This accession consists of academic conference papers by Dr. Brendan Gail Rule. Also included is a eulogy speech and a copy of her CV.

Sans titre
Roger Pocock archives
FC 3216.3 P63 R64 · Collection · 1880 - 1991, predominant 1881 - 1931

The Roger Pocock Archive comprises of records created by or about Roger Pocock. Records created and collected by Pocock were done so over the course of his life and reflect his travels, occupations, and correspondence. These records include his scrapbooks, diaries, letters, contracts, clippings, published materials, photographs, and postcards. Records about Pocock were mostly created posthumously and include biographies and documents about the Legion of Frontiersmen. The archive is arranged into three series: Personal Papers, Published/Printed Materials, and Photographs and Postcards.

Sans titre
Gratien Allaire fonds
UAA Fonds 0621 · Fonds · 1901-1991 [predominantly 1984-1991]

Le fonds est constitué de divers documents tels que des guides, des brouillons de documents de toutes sortes, des fiches de brouillon, des documents dactylographiés, des cartes, des annexes, des questionnaires, des brochures, des lettres, des formulaires, des factures, des photocopies des cartes d’appel et d’ébauche d’offre d’emploi, une liste de contacts, des notes dactylographiées de réunions, des formulaires d’information pour employés, les fiches de planification d’emploi, des demandes d’emploi, des horaires et descriptions de travail, un contrat de travail, une lettre de référence, des relevés de notes, des demandes de subventions, un mémorandum, des notes pertinentes de généalogies, des fiches de génération, des copies d’examens, des sondages d’enseignants, des notes de cours, des arbres généalogiques.

The fonds contains various documents such as guides, drafts of all sorts of documents, draft sheets, typewritten documents, cards, annexes, questionnaires, brochures, letters, forms, bills, calling cards, offers of employment, a list of contacts, typewritten notes from meetings, information forms for employees, employment planning documents, job applications, schedules and work descriptions, work contracts, a reference letter, a transcript, grant applications, a memorandum, pertinent notes on genealogies, generation documents, copies of exams, teacher surveys, class notes, and genealogical trees.

Sans titre
Byron Harmon Photos Collection
FC 219 H26 · Collection · ca. 1905 to 1992

The collection consists of postcards, postcard packages, souvenir booklets, photographs, greeting cards, and books. The materials span three eras of Byron Harmon and his successors’ photography and publishing business. The first part of the collection is of Byron Harmon’s work (ca. 1905 to ca. 1942) that was published under his name. The second part includes the publications created when Byron Harmon’s son Don Harmon took over the company and changed the name to Byron Harmon Photos (ca. 1946 to 1979). The final iteration of the company was Altitude Publishing (ca. 1979 to 2008), which was run by Don Harmon’s daughter Carole Harmon and Stephen Hutchings. In 1991 Carole Harmon left the company and Hutchings moved the business from Banff to Canmore, Alberta, where he continued operations until the company closed in 2008.

The early Byron Harmon series features photography mostly by Byron Harmon. As the company developed and became Byron Harmon Photos other family members and photographers are credited. The Harmon family members who are credited throughout the Byron Harmon Photos and Altitude Publishing eras are Aileen Harmon, Don Harmon, Carole Harmon, and Stephen Hutchings. The photographs are mostly of the Rocky Mountain and Columbia Mountain regions in Alberta and British Columbia and include sights in Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper, and the Yoho Valley. While Harmon and his successors specialized in nature photography, the collection has some groups of non-nature photographic postcards taken by Byron Harmon. These postcards feature urban views of Vancouver and Calgary, agricultural scenes, and scenes and portraits of Indigenous Peoples. There are also photographs of interior and exterior views of tourist destinations such as the Chateau Lake Louise and the Banff Springs Hotel.

The last series of the collection includes published books that span from 1978 to 1992. Two are from the Byron Harmon Photos era (published by Oxford University Press) and two are published by Altitude Publishing.

Sans titre
Accession · 1974-1992
Fait partie de Candas Jane Dorsey fonds

Accession consists of 207 5 1/4 inch floppy disks primarily of file backups of Candas Jane Dorsey’s literary career, containing short stories, novels, poems, drafts, editing and freelance work including the titles "Poetry - A Dancer in that Country - 1985 Revision," "Black Cat," "Machine Sex: And Other Stories," "Everybody's a Stranger in Somebody's Country," and "Hardwired Angel." Accession also contains 2 sound recordings consisting of poems and songs from the “Crystal - Edm. Folk Club.” Textual records are of Candas Dorsey’s personal papers.

Sans titre
UAA Fonds 0687 · Fonds · 1985-1993

Fonds consists of records pertaining to the Performing Arts Publicists Association of Alberta including administrative records.

Sans titre
Jean-Louis Lebel fonds
UAA Fonds 0610 · Fonds · 1965-1993 [predominantly 1968-1978]

Liste des documents relatifs à l’établissement des écoles bilingues de la région de Calgary et autres documents relatifs aux recherches de M. Jean-Louis Lebel.

List of documents related to the establishment of bilingual schools in the Calgary region and other documents related to Mr. Jean-Louis Lebel’s research.

Sans titre
Candas Jane Dorsey fonds
UAA Fonds 0663 · Fonds · 1957 - 1993

Candas Jane Dorsey Writing – Finding Aid

Sans titre
UAA-2023-018 · Accession · 1955 - 1994
Fait partie de Chuji Hiruki Fonds

Consisting of a wide range of teaching and research materials created by Dr. Hiruki and colleagues during his career, this accession represents his dedication and contributions to the field of plant pathology. With materials from the 1950s to the 1990s, the accession includes images and samples of plant specimens, presentation slides, lecture notes, laboratory notebooks, conference materials and other records related to the work conducted in Dr. Hiruki’s lab at the University of Alberta, as well as awards and certificates he received. Activities that led to the creation of these records include: field research, lecture and conference preparation, and laboratory work such as experiments using inoculation and fluorescence, camera testing, and documenting the progression of disease/infection in plants. The materials are arranged in accordance with media type.

Sans titre
Historical HIV/AIDS Pamphlet Collection
AEU-HVA · Collection · 1984-1995

This collection of health information is focused on pamphlets and fliers promoting primary prevention measures to the general public and, to a lesser degree, Health Professionals. The drop-down pages are organized as series level finding aids.

Most artifacts are in English and were produced in Canada or the United States of America. Also there are several artifacts in multiple versions by year, the changes in information between editions is both interesting and instructive.

Although primarily of interest for health researchers this collection may also be of interest to a variety of researchers; for example those interested in depictions of minorities including First Nations / Native Americans, Africans, Asians and sexual minorities. The collection may also be of interest to the following disciplines: Art (graphic design & illustration), Education, Counselling, Gender studies, Graphic novels, History, Linguistics (especially slang), Multiculturalism, Public Health policy, Social work, and Sociology.

Accession · 1927-1995
Fait partie de Ivan Rudnytsky fonds

Accession consists of personal papers of Ivan Rudnytsky.

Sans titre
Workshop West Theatre fonds
UAA Fonds 0432 · Fonds · 1978 - 1995

The records consist of administrative, production and play development records. There are eleven series in this fonds: Administration, Development, Finanical Records, Fundraising, Production Records, Publicity, Subscription, Miscellaneous, Contracts, Oversized Items, Photogrphs. While the bulk of the records are textual, the fonds also contains production photographs, set designs, promotional materials, and posters. The files in this accession are arranged in chronological order within the separate series beginning with the administrative files. The fonds also contains the University of Alberta’s Drama 681 course materials, resumes, diaries and weekly reports by artistic director Gerry Potter from 1981 to 1992.

Workshop West Theatre Fond – Descriptive Inventory 1978-1997

Sans titre
Walter Jungkind fonds
UAA Fonds 0463 · Fonds · 1960-1995

The fonds consists of nearly 31 meters of material mainly of correspondence and files from the dates of 1960-1995 from Walter Jungkind’s work in several organizations including Icograda, the Society of Graphic Designers of Canada; the Society of Graphic Designers of Alberta; the creation of Graphic Design at the University of Alberta and the University of Alberta’s Visual Identity.

Sans titre
Walter Harris Portrait
Pièce · ca 1996
Fait partie de Walter Edgar Harris fonds

Close up photograph of Harris. Cropped version of this photograph was used for the article "Chemists reflect on the legacy of Walter Harris, key builder of one of country's top analytical chemistry programs" appearing in Folio November 15, 1996.

Jean-Marcel Duciaume fonds
UAA Fonds 0620 · Fonds · 1929-1996

Ce fonds est constitué des manuscrits, des photocopies, des éditions critiques, des articles, des correspondances diverses, des lettres, des généralités, des photographies, des inventaires.

This fonds contains manuscripts, photocopies, critical editions, articles, diverse correspondence, letters, generalities, photographs, and inventories.

Sans titre
Pièce · 1996
Fait partie de Walter Edgar Harris fonds

Image of the University of Alberta's analytical chemists. Photograph taken for University of Alberta New Trail article "Chain reaction: One man's longtime dedication to the study of analytical chemistry continues to reap awards", regarding the three men from the same faculty each receiving major international scientific awards within seven days. These three men: Harrison, Dovichi and Horlick, all gave credit to Harris' work in Analytical Chemistry education.

UAA-2021-006 · Accession · 1905-1996
Fait partie de Walter Raymond Salt fonds

Accession consists of records pertaining to Walter Raymond (Ray) Salt and his wife Kathleen Salt. Records include scripts, research notes, correspondence, manuscript, articles, newspaper clippings, diaries, and reports. Accession also contains sketches and photographs of birds and wildlife, as well as photographs of trips and family.

Sans titre
Legal Studies Program fonds
UAA Fonds 0596 · Fonds · 1973-1997

Consists of materials from the University of Alberta's Faculty of Extension, Legal Studies. Materials include program files.

Sans titre
Accession · [ca.1970] - [ca.1997]
Fait partie de Department of Radio and Television fonds

Accession consists of transcripts, correspondence, production notes and videos from the Department of Radio and Television.

Sans titre
Low Dose Risk Assessment Lecture Notes
Pièce · 1997
Fait partie de Walter Edgar Harris fonds

Full lecture notes on Walter Harris' talk "Risk Assessment" given to Sigma Xi at Corbett Hall on September 24 1997. See accession no. 2012-27-235.2 for corresponding lecture slides and accession no. 2012-27-235.1 for a poster that advertised the public talk.

Low Dose Risk Assessment Poster
Pièce · 1997
Fait partie de Walter Edgar Harris fonds

Poster advertising the public lecture "Low Dose Risk Assessment" by Harris with opening remarks by Roger S Smith. The lecture was sponsored by the University of Alberta chapter Society of the Sigma XI- Research Society of North America and held on September 24, 1997. See accession no. 2012-27-235.2 for corresponding lecture slides and accession no. 2012-27-179.1 for respective lecture notes.

Low Dose Risk Assessment Slides
Pièce · 1997
Fait partie de Walter Edgar Harris fonds

Slides for the public lecture "Low Dose Risk Assessment" by Harris and sponsored by the University of Alberta chapter Society of the Sigma XI. The lecture was held on September 24, 1997. See accession no. 2012-27-179.1 for corresponding lecture notes and accession no. 2012-27-235.1 for a poster that advertised the public talk.

Harris with Family and Friends
Pièce · 1998
Fait partie de Walter Edgar Harris fonds

Harris wearing his Order of Canada medal surrounded by family and friends on November 7, 1988. The "family show and tell" celebration was organized by Harris' daughter Margaret in honour of him becoming a member of the Order of Canada.

UAA-2005-074 · Accession · 1892-1998
Fait partie de Alberta Law Reform Institute fonds

Materials relating to Project 66, Real Property (Mortgage Remedies). Includes board agendas and minutes; correspondence; research materials, notes/papers; and publications.

Sans titre
Harris with Family and Friends
Pièce · 1998
Fait partie de Walter Edgar Harris fonds

Harris wearing his Order of Canada medal surrounded by family and friends on November 7, 1988. The "family show and tell" celebration was organized by Harris' daughter Margaret in honour of him becoming a member of the Order of Canada.

Institut pour le patrimoine fonds
UAA Fonds 0627 · Fonds · 1983-1998

Fonds contient la correspondence, rapports, des documents, des documents de projets, des notes de comités, des documents de conférences, des coupures de journaux, des publications francophones relié au Centre d'études franco-canadiennes de l'Ouest (CEFCO), l'Association canadienne-française pour l'avancement des Sciences (ACFAS), Institut de Recherche (IR), FRANCALTA, ainsi que l'information sur l'histoire des Oblats qui inclus un colloque des Oblats, autres programmes de campus francophones au Canada, et l'histoire Franco-albertaine.

Fonds consists of correspondence, reports, papers, project work, committee notes, conference materials, newspaper clippings, various French language publications pertaining to the Centre d'études franco-canadiennes de l'Ouest (CEFCO), Association canadienne-française pour l’avancement des Sciences (ACFAS), Institut de Recherche (IR), FRANCALTA, as well as information on the history of the Oblates including an Oblates Colloquium, other French campus programs in Canada, and Franco-Alberta history.

Sans titre
UAA-2022-002 · Accession · 1963-1999
Fait partie de Epsilon Pi Tau fonds

Accession consists of records from Epsilon Pi Tau, especially from the Omicron Field Chapter. The records include general correspondence of Omicron Field Chapter (1965-1996), fraternity and chapter newsletters, meeting minutes, initiation programs, membership lists, the Code of Regulations, and other records. The correspondence includes planning records for initiations, symposiums, awards, and other events. The correspondence also includes correspondence from 1965-1972 between William E. Warner and Clarence H. Preitz about the establishment of the Omicron Field Chapter.

Sans titre