Accession consists of records from the Faculty of Extension related to administration, course development, governance, marketing, and program development.
Zonder titelCommittee files
Zonder titelFaculty committee and memoranda files
Zonder titelAccession consists of the papers of Henry Marshall Tory, President of the University of Alberta, including records from the Board of Governors, records from the Senate, correspondence, financial records, buildings files, and other President's Office files.
Zonder titelOffice files of Librarian Mary Dodds, photographs (1918-1940), professional materials, meeting minutes, policy decisions and correspondence (1926-1970).
Zonder titelAccession records, circulation records and account books
Zonder titelAccession consists of committee minutes and annual reports from the Summer Session and Evening Credit Program.
Zonder titelAccession consists of correspondence from the Herbert T. Coutts Retirement Committee, including correspondence about retirement arrangements and the Royal Bank Awards.
Accession consists of the 1975 issue of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Register of Research Directors.
Zonder titelDepartmental minutes and other materials
Zonder titelApparel Studies Association of Canada - office records
Zonder titelAccession consists of office files from Interdisciplinary Studies, including annual reports, Boreal Institute records, correspondence, Advisory Committee records, budgets, calendars, and other records.
Zonder titelAccession consists of: a brief about the establishment of a library school; space estimates; minutes from the Council of the School of Library Science; a program and statement from the School of Library Science; and a 1970 School of Library Science yearbook.
Zonder titelAccession consists of a photograph of the Medical Sciences Building.
Accession consists of plans for the Health Sciences Centre, including conceptual design reports, mechanical and electrical consultant reports, and blueprints. The project director was architect Ronald Clarke.
Zonder titelResearch grants files
Zonder titelAccession consists of departmental course work, information, programs, events course schedules, pamphlets, and newspaper clippings from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.
Zonder titelAccession consists of information and newspaper clippings from various Centres and Institutes in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, including the Department of Immunology, Cardiology, Laboratory Animal Facilities, Cancer Studies Division, Rheumatic Diseases Unit, Cancer Research Unit, Imaging Research, and other units.
Zonder titelAccession consists of photographs of pharmacy classrooms and labs, the Medicine class of 1919, the Pharmacy Club, and other subjects.
Records related to bid to host 1999 Pan-am Games in Edmonton. Minutes, repors, budget information.
Zonder titelAccession consists of a photograph of the University of Alberta rugby team, Provincial Champions, in 1914 in front of Athabasca Hall.
Accession consists of photographs of the Alberta Dept. of Field Ambulance, the University of Alberta basketball team (1920-1921), and the men's athletic executive (1923-1924). The individuals in each photograph are identified.
Dean's Office records.
Zonder titelAccession consists of summer session final exams from the Department of Geography.
Zonder titelOffice files, research materials and (John Allan Room) Library. Includes student research projects, field notes, graduate student records, office adminitstrative and operative records.
Zonder titelPhotographs of the Rocky Mountain Foothills north of Nordegg Alberta.
Zonder titelDepartment of Mathematics, minutes (1913-01-16 - 1961-05-08)
Mathematical Club, Math and Physics Club, minutes. (1913-10-29 - 1961-05-08)
Photographs of students, staff and library (1967) and committee files (1968-1980)
Zonder titel"Sixty Years of Psychology at the University of Alberta," by T.M. Nelson and R.M. Arvidson. Photographs of Psychology Department heads.
Tundra Conference files
Zonder titelPhotographs of opening of William Rowan Laboratory
Zonder titelOffice files and reviews
Zonder titelResearch materials for Hurlburt's book: Law Reform Commissions in the United Kingdom Australia and Canada.
Materials include correspondence, interviews, notes and articles.
Materials relating to Project 66, Real Property (Mortgage Remedies). Includes board agendas and minutes; correspondence; research materials, notes/papers; and publications.
Zonder titelBoard agenda materials, Dunlop materials, correspondence, remedies of unsecured creditors workshop, creditors remedy committee meeting minutes and materials, seizures chapters, correspondence, materials and comments, Business names survey responses, court ordered enforcement chapters, correspondence and materials and comments.
Parish records of the Basilian Fathers of St. Peter and St. Paul (Mundare, AB)
Zonder titelInstitute brochures, pamphlets and publications
Zonder titelMaterials from Conferences (1977-1981) and the Bilingual Program (1977-1979)
Zonder titelIllustrations for childrens' books.
Artwork, printer's copies and published book: "Try Vedmedi" [The Three Bears] by Xenia Turko.
Collected materials: videotape collection, published works and sound recordings
Zonder titelUkrainian newspapers
Zonder titelCorrespondence and office files.
Zonder titelCollection of video cassettes
Zonder titelAccession consists of financial estimates for the University of Alberta. Accession also contains materials for the Office of the Comptroller/Bursar.
Accession consists of financial ledgers from the Bursar (1911-1938), Department of Education contracts (1948), and Board of Governors, Senate, and Executive Committee minutes (1908-1913).
Zonder titelAccession consists of estimates and financial statements from the Office of the Bursar.
Zonder titelEstimates and Financial Statements, 1967-1972.
Zonder titelScrapbook, 1918-1921, 1927. Press Bulletin, 1914-1916
Zonder titelFinancial Statements, March 31, 1972.
Zonder titel"Summary of Capital and Operating Budgets for the Twelve Months Ending 31 March, 1973"
Zonder titelFinancial statements
Zonder titelGeneral ledgers
Zonder titelBursar estimates (annotated)
Zonder titelLedger printouts
Zonder titelTrust ledger cards
Zonder titelGeneral ledgers
Zonder titelDetailed ledgers
Zonder titelAccession consists of ledgers and other accounting files from the Office of the Comptroller.
Zonder titelAccession consists of a report and inventory of early financial records of the University of Alberta, including ledgers (1907-1939) and a description of an inquiry into the Bursar's accounts (1917). The report was compiled by E. H. Hunter.
Zonder titelContracts and specifications. These are copies of same from Vice-President (Planning and Development).
Zonder titelOffice files
Zonder titelContracts (1925-1965) and office files, financial estimates and budget working papers (1913-1968)
Zonder titelAccession consists of estate files related to Dr. J. E. State of Fort Assinoboia.
Zonder titelConference Funds Committee - Office files
Zonder titelAccession consists of photographs of students and staff, including: a gathering of students and staff in the dining hall of Athabasca Hall; a soap chute at Athabasca Hall for freshmen initiation; and an unidentified student theatrical production.
Accession consists of office files from the Students' Union Art Gallery.
Zonder titelAccession consists of Volumes 1-11, 14-15, 7, and 20-27 of Folio.
Zonder titelOffice files, project files, Director's Community service files and photographs of campus people, events and buildings
Zonder titelFolio newspapers and news releases (complete series).
Zonder titelAccession consists of issues of Folio from 1986-1993.
Zonder titelNewspaper clippings, news releases and advertisements
Zonder titelAccession consists of minutes, reports, office files and other material for: Senate, General Faculties Council, Departments and Schools of the University.
Zonder titelAccession consists of two photographs of the 1969 convocation.
Accession consists of University of Alberta calendars from 1980-1981 to 1984-1985.
Zonder titelConvocation speeches
Zonder titelInformation pamphlets & handbooks, reports, surveys, newspaper clippings and news releases.
Zonder titelOffice files
Zonder titelOffice Files
Zonder titelOffice files
Zonder titelAccession consists of office files from English Language Services.
Zonder titelCommittee on Student Affairs (minutes and reports, 1966-1967), Councilor Student Affairs (meeting files, 1967-1971)
Zonder titelOffice files
Zonder titelPhotographs of House Committees - Pembina Hall
Zonder titelAccession consists of correspondence, petitions, news stories, and other records from the Save Pembina Hall Campaign.
Zonder titelAccession consists of meeting minutes from the Committee on Student Affairs (1913-1961), the House Committee (1914-1955) and the General Residence Committee (1957-1962).
Accession consists of photographs of the University of Alberta campus and buildings.
Accession consists of correspondence, news clippings, press releases, and other records from the Publications Office.
Zonder titelAccession consists of photographs of University of Alberta campus, buildings, aerial views, ceremonies, and other subjects. The photographs are from Photographic Services and Wells' Studios.
Zonder titelAccession consists of photographs from the Publications Office, including photographs of faculty, deans, honorary degree recipients, convocations, receptions, and other subjects.
Zonder titelPoster map of the campus
Zonder titelConvocation photographs of dignitaries
Zonder titelPublic speech texts for Drs. Johns, Wyman, Tyndall and Worth
Zonder titelAccession consists of Volumes 12 and 13 of Folio.
Zonder titelDepartment of Radio and Television - Motion Picture Unit: Motion picture productions including audio tapes
Zonder titelAccession consists of video cassettes pertaining to Special Convocations (1982-1986), Whatsoever Things Are True (1980), and Investing in Canada (n.d.).
Zonder titelAccession consists of a convocation address by Peter Lougheed and the installations of Chancellor Tevie H. Miller.
Zonder titel