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Unidad documental simple · [ca. 2003]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Foldable, double-sided educational poster created by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) outlining the steps in the interrelated processes of Milling [including Durum Wheat; Wheat Intake; Cleaning; Tempering; The Milling Process; Semolina] and Pasta Making [including Mixing; Extrusion; Drying; Packaging].

Additionally includes 1 image showing a cross-section of an amber durum wheat kernel; 1 diagram of an amber durum wheat kernel highlighting its different components [Endosperm; Bran; Germ]; and 4 images showing different pasta products made with durum semolina [Dry Pasta (Long Products and Short Products); Fresh Pasta; and Couscous].

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Unidad documental simple · 2004
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"With the CWB's Producer Payment Options (PPOs), the choice is yours: you can market your wheat and barley and receive payment through the pool accounts, you can lock in a floor price for your grain and still benefit from future increases in the pool return or you can lock in a price for your grain based on future markets. ... There are three different options: the Basis Payment Contract (BPC), the Fixed Price Contract (FPC) and the Early Payment Option (EPO)."

Informational pamphlet designed to explain the differences between three different Producer Payment Options (PPOs) that are available to Canadian grain farmers. The pamphlet is organized into 5 sections separated by tabbed dividers and was produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) ahead of the 2004-2005 crop year.

Introduction ["PPO's at a glance"]; Basis Payment Contract (BPC) ["What is it?"; "How does it work?"]; Fixed Price Contract (FPC) ["What is it?"; "How does it work?"]; Early Payment Option (EPO) ["What is it?"; "How does it work?"]; Other Program Features and Glossary ["Target price for BPC and FPC"; "Exchange for physicals"; "Glossary"]; and PPO Questions and Answers.

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Unidad documental simple · 2001
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A monthly photo calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2001-2002 crop year, beginning with August 2001 and ending with December 2002.

Marks various holidays, special dates [including the beginning and ending of Daylight Savings Time, the first day of each season, and the dates of new and full moons], and important dates related to the CWB [including PRO (Pool Return Outlook) days, sign-up deadlines, and shipping weeks].

Included photographs have been chosen by a panel of judges from more than 400 entries submitted by photographers across Western Canada. Each month contains a unique photograph which reflects the contest's theme of "Prairie strong, worldwide." Selected photographs largely consist of agricultural landscapes. A smaller number of photographs show buildings, farm machinery and equipment, or people.

Front cover contains the Grand Prize-winning photograph, captioned "Combining linola on a hazy fall evening near Lloydminster, AB." which shows a combine in silhouette, working in an orange field under an orange sky. This photo is additionally used as the calendar's featured photograph for the month of October 2001.

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Unidad documental simple · 2004
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A monthly photo calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2004-2005 crop year, beginning with August 2004 and ending with December 2005.

Marks various holidays, special dates [including the beginning and ending of Daylight Savings Time, the first day of each season, and the dates of new and full moons], and important dates related to the CWB [including the CWB's 70th anniversary, PRO (Pool Return Outlook) days, sign-up deadlines, and shipping weeks].

Included photographs have been chosen by a panel of judges from more than 275 entries submitted by photographers across Western Canada. Each month contains a unique photograph which reflects the contest's theme of "Prairie Celebrations". Selected photographs largely consist of individual and group portraits, mostly of children. A smaller number of photographs additionally feature teenagers, adults, and animals on the farm, and various agricultural landscapes.

Front cover contains the Grand Prize-winning photograph, captioned "Trying to beat the buzzer at the annual rodeo." which shows a man wearing a cowboy hat riding a white bull at a rodeo while three people watch from the fence and another man hurries out of the way. This photo is additionally used as the calendar's featured photograph for the month of July 2005.

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Unidad documental simple · 2008
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A monthly photo calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2008-2009 crop year, beginning with August 2008 and ending with December 2009.

Marks various holidays, special dates [including the beginning and ending of Daylight Savings Time, the first day of each season, and the dates of new and full moons], and important dates related to the CWB [including PRO (Pool Return Outlook) days, various deadlines, and shipping weeks].

Included photographs have been chosen by a panel of judges from approximately 700 entries submitted by photographers across Western Canada. Each month contains a unique photograph which reflects the contest's theme of "Colours of the Grainbow". Selected photographs largely consist of brightly-coloured agricultural landscapes. A smaller number of individual and group portraits feature children, adults, and animals on the farm.

Front cover contains the Grand Prize-winning photograph, captioned "Prairie giant" showing the Arden, Manitoba grain elevator. This photo is additionally used as the calendar's featured photograph for the month of May 2009.

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Unidad documental simple · 2009
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A monthly photo calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2009-2010 crop year, beginning with August 2009 and ending with December 2010.

Marks various holidays, special dates [including the beginning and ending of Daylight Savings Time, the first day of each season, and the dates of new and full moons], and important dates related to the CWB [including PRO (Pool Return Outlook) days, various deadlines, and shipping weeks].

Included photographs have been chosen by a panel of judges from approximately 750 entries submitted by photographers across Western Canada. Each month contains a unique photograph which reflects the contest's theme of "In all Kinds of Weather". Selected photographs largely consist of agricultural landscapes. A smaller number of individual and group portraits feature children, adults, and animals on the farm as well as agricultural machinery.

Front cover contains the Grand Prize-winning photograph, captioned "Trudging through the snow" showing a man carrying a metal ladder through snow towards a grain bin. This photo is additionally used as the calendar's featured photograph for the month of December 2009.

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Unidad documental simple · 2004
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A foldable, standing monthly grain shipping calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2004-2005 crop year, beginning with August 2004 and ending with July 2005.

Calendar highlights Delivery Contract, Producer Payment Options (PPO), and Advance program deadlines, as well as Pool Return Outlook (PRO) dates, and numbers the 2004-05 shipping weeks (1-52) at the start of each week.

Additionally lists the locations of CWB offices and information about the CWB's website.

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Unidad documental simple · 2008
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A foldable, standing monthly grain shipping calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2008-2009 crop year, beginning with August 2008 and ending with July 2009.

Calendar highlights contract sign-up deadlines [Generic Programs; Identity Preserved Contract Programs; Pricing Programs] and Pool Return Outlook (PRO) dates, and numbers the 2008-09 shipping weeks (1-53) at the start of each week.

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Catalogues & Advertisements
Sub sub series
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Materials used to advertise various agricultural products and equipment, including trade publications, catalogues, brochures, veterinary drug pamphlets, order forms, etc.

Unidad documental simple · [1977]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A brochure titled “Flax Weed Control Guide” issued by May & Baker Ltd. in Calgary, Alberta. The brochure advertises two chemicals sold by May & Baker, ‘Buctril’ M for “Broad-leaved weed control in flax,” and Asulox F for “Wild oat control in flax.” The brochure contains various photographs and illustrations of different plants the chemicals can be used to eradicate, and also provides information about how to use each chemical and how to optimize their use. The year “1977” is handwritten on the cover page.

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Unidad documental simple · n.d.
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A one page advertisement for various poultry-related farm implements from Miller Hatcheries, "Home of Champion Chicks & Poults Since 1917." Products include turkey saddles, "Never-Pick" bits and applicator, and the "LYON Super Debeaker." A series of calculations are written in light blue ink on the verso.

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Unidad documental simple · [1949]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An advertising brochure for Aureomycin ointment for dairy cows, claimed the "new "wonder-drug" for mastitis, better than penicillin!" Includes a Q&A, list of advantages, and usage instructions. Stamp on the front reads "The Braun Drug Co., Ltd. Box 427 Altona, : Man."

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Unidad documental simple · n.d.
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An advertising brochure for the "Ayerst brand of sodium stop coccidiosis cheaply and easily and to treat animal infections." Includes a list of advantages, directions and various methods of apllication, dosage requirements, cost per bird, and "use in four-footed animals." Stamp on the front reads "The Braun Drug Co., Ltd. Box 427 Altona, : Man."

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Unidad documental simple · n.d.
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An advertising pamphlet for Rahr Malting Co, subtitled "Malt of Reputation since 1847." Includes information on the Rahr family, locations, an illustrated cross-section of a tower malthouse, and a list of the company's key strengths. The outer side of the brochure is one panoramic photograph of a Rahr malting facility.

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Unidad documental simple · 2022
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A seed catalogue from Nutrien Ag Solutions. Includes information on canola, mustard, flax, soybean, corn, forage, and cereal seeds and crops, as well as insecticides and seed treatments. Laid-in after the last page is a sheet on the "Proven Performance Trials" by Nutrien Ag Solutions, which includes information on the program, a map showing testing locations, and a QR code for viewing the 2021 plot trials.

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Unidad documental simple · 1966
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A Poulin Chemical Pest Control Catalogue for 1966. On the first page, there is an introductory message from the General Manager of Poulin Chemicals in Winnipeg, Manitoba. On each page, there is a description of each chemical accompanied by an illustration of the pest the chemical is supposed to control or the chemical container. The descriptions also indicate the price and container size for each chemical. On the final page of the catalogue is a blank order form.

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Unidad documental simple · [n.d.]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A catalogue for Canadian Farming titled “Farm Shop Ideas.” The catalogue is for Westman Equipment Co., a “truck, farm and recreation equipment store” in Brandon, Manitoba and was published by the International Harvester Company. The catalogue lists various tools and machinery for farm living. Each tool and machine is illustrated and includes a short write-up about the function of the tool and why it is useful on a farm. Some of the tools listed include a nail puller, a welder, a saw guard, a tool rack, and a sheet metal cutter. The catalogue also includes information about tips for safe farm welding and an article about how farm tools save time. On the back of the catalogue, there is a mailing sticker addressed to D.J. McFadden in Rivers, Manitoba.

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Unidad documental simple · [1977]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A brochure advertising Treflan, an herbicide for controlling the spread of the weed Green foxtail. Treflan is a product from the company Elanco in Calgary, Alberta. The brochure outlines the steps for using Treflan and includes illustrations of the process. On the back of the brochure, there are testimonials from farmers in Manitoba who have used the product, as well as a testimonial from Dr Elmer Stobbe from the Crop Science Department at the University of Manitoba. The year 1977 is handwritten on the cover of the brochure.

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Unidad documental simple · [n.d.]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A brochure advertising TOK E25, a selective herbicide for killing weeds. TOK E25 is a product from Rohm & Haas Company of Canada Limited and distributed by Chipman Chemicals Limited in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The brochure provides information about the herbicide such as why its use improves crops, when to use it, how much should be used per acre, how to use it, some testimonials from users, and various precautions that should be taken.

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Unidad documental simple · 2012
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"Meet the demands of tomorrow with today's new Patriot sprayers."

An illustrated catalogue produced by agricultural machinery manufacturer Case IH, advertising their 2012 Patriot series sprayer models. The lineup included the Case IH Patriot 4430, 3330, and 3230 sprayer models.

Leading the Industry (pp. 4-5)
Machine Configuration (pp. 6-7)
Quality of Application (pp. 8-9)
Aim Command (pp. 10-11)
Operator Environment (pp. 12-13)
Power & Productivity (pp. 14-15)
Patriot Family (pp. 16-19)
Maximum Uptime (pp. 20-21)
Systems Approach (p. 22)
Specifications (p. 23)

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Unidad documental simple · 2005
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A small souvenir diagram of a Saskatchewan Wheat Pool elevator. The diagram is formed in the shape of a grain elevator and when the diagram is opened, the inside workings and mechanisms of a grain elevator are colourized and labelled. Also inside the diagram is a short description of how a wheat elevator functions and lists notable highlights of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool. The diagram was created for the Saskatchewan Centennial in 2005.

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Unidad documental simple · [2018?]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A brochure for Winnipeg Livestock Sales Ltd. for the Spring 2018 season. Inside the brochure are four calendar months, January through April, and various days are marked with scheduled sales and days the company is open for receiving. The brochure also includes several small advertisements for local livestock dealers and buyers. Contact information for the company, as well as an illustrated map with the company location in Winnipeg, Manitoba, are listed on the back of the brochure. The brochure also includes several photographs of cattle and livestock enclosures.

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Unidad documental simple · 2007
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"In a short period of time, Nexera canola has changed the face of canola production. Its healthy, high oleic profile, lighter taste, and longer fry life guarantee continued strong demand in consumer-ready markets."

Corporate report produced and published by Dow AgroSciences regarding Nexera canola for their 2006 fiscal year. The report details the development and production of the Nexera variety of canola and canola oil and the consumer and market response to Nexera canola during the 2006 fiscal year.

Nexera Canola, the World's # 1 Specialty Canola (p. 3)
Executive Summary (p. 4)
A Growing Opportunity (p. 6)
A Made-in-Canada Solution (p. 7)
Growing Consumer Acceptance (p. 8)
Nexera Canola Contracts (p. 10)
Nexera Canola Growers (p. 11)
Growing Demand, Supported by Science (p. 13)
With Our Thanks (p. 14)
The Vision (p. 15)

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Unidad documental simple · [ca. 2007]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"For nearly 100 years, Paterson GlobalFoods has connected growers with buyers - diversifying to support those relationships, and expanding to create new ones. In addition to being a leading supplier to primary processors, Paterson GlobalFoods has become a major exporter to food manufacturers around the world. All that we do - supplying quality commodities processed to global standards, whether it be grains, pulses, organics, seeds, food products, animal nutrition, or transportation and financial services - now and in the future will be focused on our customers' satisfaction."

A promotional booklet produced by Paterson GlobalFoods Inc. [PGF] ca. 2007. The booklet includes information and photographs showing the various activities of PGF, a multinational agri-foods and related businesses conglomerate.

"A Message from the President"; "Field of Vision"; "Growing Opportunities"; "Making Progress"; "Moving Forward"; "Going Global".

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Unidad documental simple · 6-7 Nov. 2013
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"Welcome to Cereals North America 2013! Our initial conference is being held in Winnipeg, Canada during November 6th-7th to showcase the global grain and oilseed markets - and what lies ahead for world agriculture. The conference features leading speakers from; the US, Canada, China, Russia, and Europe. These speakers will provide regional outlooks along with expert analysis of Canada's crop quality and key influences that is producing the world's extreme weather patterns. The conference presentations should provide a price framework framework for North American (and world) producers and traders for the next 9 months."

A program booklet produced in accordance with Cereals North America 2013, an agricultural conference held in Winnipeg, Manitoba which includes the Table of Contents; Welcome; Conference Program; Speakers; Delegate List; and Exhibition Plan.

Additionally includes several print advertisements for various Canadian and international businesses.

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Unidad documental simple · [ca. 2006]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"Saskcan is the largest lentil and pea splitting company in the Americas, with over 60 years of global marketing experience."

A promotional pamphlet produced by agri-business Saskcan Pulse Trading ca. 2006, containing information on the corporate activities of the company as well as outlining and advertising their services [Sourcing; Processing; and Exporting].

Additionally includes 3 captioned photographs showing the "Saskcan Pulse Trading Inc. - Main Plant - Regina SK", the "Saskcan Pulse Trading - Rosetown SK" facility, and the "Saskcan Horizon - Aberdeen SK" facility, and several uncaptioned photographs showing varieties of legumes.

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Unidad documental simple · 2017
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An annual report titled “Working With the Value Chain” published by the Canadian International Grains Institute for the years 2016 to 2017. The institute is a non-profit organization located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The report outlines the institution’s vision, mission, purpose, and strategic focus, and includes a list of all the programs and missions carried out from 2016 to 2017. The report also includes information about the institution’s collaboration, innovation, communication, and financial efforts over the past two years. Various photographs of projects and missions are included throughout the report.

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Government Publications
Sub sub series
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Official government-produced literature on farm management and agricultural topics, primarily published by the Canada Department of Agriculture and the Manitoba Department of Agriculture.

PE001284 - Trapping for Profit
Unidad documental simple · Jan. 17, 1942
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An informational booklet supplied by HBC, and meant as an introductory text for novice fur trappers. The booklet provides tips on trapping, both general and specific to various types of animals, as well as information on the preparation of skins. Additionally enclosed is a postal envelope from the HBC, addressed to Ivan Diegel, of Craigmyle, Alberta.

Unidad documental simple · Nov. 1964
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A shipping tag from the Singer Fur Co., meant to be cut out of the larger brochure. On the reverse of the brochure, price quotes for furs from various animals, as well as for Ginseng root, are provided, as are shipping instructions for any furs.

PE001299 - Welcome to Calgary
Unidad documental simple · [19-?]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Advertising brochure from the HBC, which promotes the HBC department store in Calgary, as well of general tourism in Calgary. The brochure contains information on the types of items carried by the Bay department store and recommendations for tourist activities in Calgary, as well as customs' information for American visitors to Canada.

Unidad documental simple · Nov., 1955
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An insurance plan of the town of Banff, Alberta from November 1955. The population at the time of the insurance plan creation was 2850. The plan consists of a Master Title page, a Key of Sign page, and six detail sheets of the town. On the cover of the plan, there is a note indicating that the plan was made by and is the property of the Western Canada Insurance Underwriters’ Association and this particular plan is copy No. 67. The plan was created in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Each page of the detail sheets displays various streets and buildings in the town of Banff, Alberta and the colour of each building indicates the type of construction material used for that particular building.

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Unidad documental simple · Aug., 1960
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An insurance plan of the town of Olds, Alberta from August 1960. The population at the time of the plan creation was 2285. The plan consists of a master title page which includes a key of signs, an index, and 10 detail sheets of the town. On the cover of the plan, there is a note indicating that the plan was made by and is the property of the Underwriters’ Survey Bureau Limited. The copyright for the plan is registered in Ottawa, Ontario. No copy number or issue recipient is listed. Each page of the detail sheets displays various streets and buildings in the city of Olds and the colour of each building indicates the type of construction material used for that particular building. This particular plan consists of residential neighbourhoods, industrial and retail complexes, and main streets.

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Unidad documental simple · Sept., 1960
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An insurance plan of the town of Wainwright, Alberta from September 1960. The population at the time of the plan creation was 3275. The plan consists of a master title page with a key of signs, an index, and 8 detail sheets of the town. On the cover of the plan, there is a note indicating that the plan was made by and is the property of the Underwriters’ Survey Bureau Limited. The copyright for the plan is registered in Ottawa, Ontario. No copy number or issue recipient is. Each page of the detail sheets displays various streets and buildings in the city of Wetaskiwin and the colour of each building indicates the type of construction material used for that particular building.

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Unidad documental simple · 1961 - 1972
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

The General Index to the Insurance Plan of the City of Calgary for 1961 to 1972. The index was created by the Underwriters’ Survey Bureau, Limited and the copyright was registered in Ottawa, Ontario. No copy number for the index is listed. At the beginning of the booklet is a map of the Calgary area divided into 10 sections. The index is divided into several sections with paper dividers. The sections are “Blocks,” “Specials,” “ Streets,” and “Volume 1” through to 10.

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Unidad documental simple · Aug., 1960
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An insurance plan of the town of High River, Alberta from August 1960. The population at the time of the plan creation was 2250. The plan consists of a Master Title page which contains a Standard Key of Signs, two index pages, and 7 detail sheets. On the cover of the plan, there is a note indicating that the plan was made by and is the property of the Underwriters’ Survey Bureau Limited. The copyright for the plan is registered in Ottawa. This particular plan is listed as Copy No. 13 and was issued to Phoenix Assurance Company Limited of London in Calgary, Alberta. Each page of the detail sheets displays various streets and buildings in the town of High River and the colour of each building indicates the type of construction material used for that particular building. This plan consists of primarily retail areas.

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Unidad documental simple · Aug., 1960
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An insurance plan of the town of Didsbury, Alberta from August 1960. The population at the time of the plan creation was 1400. The plan consists of a Master Title page which includes a Standard Key of Signs, two index pages, one Key Plan page, and 5 detail sheets. On the cover of the plan, there is a note indicating that the plan was made by and is the property of the Underwriters’ Survey Bureau Limited. The copyright for the plan is registered in Ottawa. No copy number or issue recipient is listed. Each page of the detail sheets displays various streets and buildings in the town of Didsbury and the colour of each building indicates the type of construction material used for that particular building. This plan consists primarily of the main streets of the town.

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Unidad documental simple · Aug., 1953
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An insurance plan of the city of Edmonton, Alberta from August 1953. These particular plans are marked as Vol. 3. The plan consists of a Master Title page, a Key Plan page, and numerous detail sheets. On the cover of the plan, there is a note indicating that the plan was made by and is the property of the Western Canada Insurance Underwriters’ Association in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This particular plan is listed as Copy No. 114. Each page of the detail sheets displays various streets and buildings in the city of Edmonton and the colour of each building indicates the type of construction material used for that particular building. This plan consists primarily of residential areas surrounding the North Saskatchewan River.

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PE000823 - Orvis Kennedy documents
PE000823 · Unidad documental simple · 1955-1996
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

1. Documents pertaining to Orvis Kennedy:

A) undated newspaper clipping of a 22.5 x 13 cm photograph of Orvis Kennedy standing at a podium behind a ballot counter. The caption reads "Tense Moment Between Ballots."

B) undated Edmonton Journal clipping; headline reads "Tough, folksy ‘backroom boy’ retains role with Socreds." Story written by Bob Bell; it describes then league president Mr. Kennedy’s changing role with the Social Credit Party. Story includes an uncredited photograph of the subject.

C) undated newspaper clipping; headline reads "Hustling Party Organizer in Cross-Country Race." Story describes Mr. Kennedy’s core role with the Social Credit Party; includes a portrait of the subject with the caption "Man in a Hurry."

D) holiday greeting card with a green cover that opens to a colour portrait of Orvis and Gladys Kennedy. Two notes handwritten in blue read "Eph 3:20" and "Loving by, Orvis & Gladys."

E) holiday greeting card with a colour photograph of Orvis and Mary Kennedy on the cover. Handwritten message inside the card reads "Very best wishes to you both; Orvis and Mary."

F) newspaper clipping [Edmonton Journal] dated Thursday, February 7, 1997; headline reads "South Side Merchant Social Credit Nominee." Story outlines food merchants win at the Social Credit nomination for the federal constituency of Edmonton-Strathcona and includes a photograph of Mr. Kennedy (national organizer and president of the Alberta Social Credit League) congratulating Sydney H. Thompson.

G) Edmonton Journal newsprint cover page dated Sept 6, 1972. Includes story on Orvis Kennedy’s retirement and a portrait of the subject.

H) obituary for Gladys Kennedy (1919-Nov 23 1995).

I) obituary for Orvis Kennedy (1908-1997).

J) undated Edmonton Journal column on the death and legacy of Orvis Kennedy. Includes a photograph of the subject with the caption "Kennedy was the organizational czar of the party from 1940 to the 1960s."

PE000823 · Unidad documental simple · 1955-1996
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection
  1. Documents Pertaining to Ernest Manning and his family:

A) Two (2) 15 x 10cm pamphlets containing stanzas extolling the virtues of E.C. Manning. The cover contains the title "A Tribute to Hon. E. C. Manning," for his 50th birthday party to take place on Sept 30, 1958 at the Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium; credit given to Hon. A.J. Hooke. One copy has had the back cover partially ripped off while the second copy has had it completely removed and the cover is detached.

B) Edmonton Journal newsprint page dated Sept 27, 1968, p.85; headline- "New era beginning as premier retires." Fragile condition; ripped top.

C) Edmonton Journal newsprint front page dated Sept 27, 1968. Headline - "Manning Resigns." Includes large photograph of the subject at caucus. Fragile condition, several cut outs throughout the document.

D) Edmonton Journal newsprint dated Feb 25, 1996; A7; headline - "Alberta’s Master builder: Premier Ernest Manning presided over rebuilding of the province." A handwritten note on the top left corner contains funeral information. Commentary is a tribute to Mr. Manning and includes two photographs of him.

E) Duplicate of item D without the handwritten note.

F) Edmonton Journal cut out with a handwritten date as May 28, 1998; headline- "Moshing Manning: Preston’s Son is an alternative rocker." Includes a photograph of David Manning on stage and one of Preston Manning jamming with his son and nephew.

G) Edmonton Journal newsprint cut-out dated Sept 28, 1968; headline: "Manning hints retirement may bring new role solving social problems." Story includes a photograph of Preston Manning with a caption questioning whether he will follow his father’s footprints.

H) Newpaper clipping; headline: "Ernest Manning mourned;" colour photograph below headline depicts Preston Manning and mother Muriel following a service for Ernest Manning in Calgary’s First Alliance Church. Credit for the photograph is given to The Canadian Press. A handwritten note on the top right corner dates the clipping on Feb 24, 1996.

I) Edmonton Journal cut-out dated May 7, 1996; editorial headline- "Manning shows real leadership." Story outlines Preston Manning’s decision-making within the Reform Party.

J) Edmonton Journal cut-out, undated; headline- "The father of modern Alberta." Story outlines the subject’s prolific political career and impact on the province of Alberta; includes a large medium shot of the subject.

K) Edmonton Journal cut-out; undated; headline- "Socred caucus speaking with a younger voice." A photograph with the caption "Premier Manning with Dr. D.D. Bouvier…newly-elected Socred for Lac La Biche." Story elaborates on speculation regarding Preston Manning’s political role.

L) Edmonton Journal newsprint cut-out dated Oct 3, 1968, p18; headline- "She’d do it all over again, but dreams of the future." Includes a large portrait of Mrs. Manning with the following caption: "Mrs. Manning looks forward to retirement…husband’s announcement was happiest moment of her life."

M) Newspaper cut-out; undated; headline- "Suddenly, Social Credit was king: there was new hope in the land," author: Mark Lisak; Canadian Press. Story traces the origins and rise of the Social Credit Party in Alberta and includes a large photograph with the following caption: "Sen. Ernest Manning honors William Aberhart, 1976…in 1935 the whole world wondered at events in Alberta."

N) Edmonton Journal newsprint page dated Feb 20, 1996; A3; section headline- "Manning Remembered." Page contains fragments various columns and information about the late premier.

O) Edmonton Journal clipping; headline: "Ernest Manning mourned." Colour photograph below headline depicts Preston Manning and mother Muriel following a service for Ernest Manning in Calgary’s First Alliance Church. Credit for the photograph is given to The Canadian Press. A handwritten note on the top right corner dates the clipping on Feb 24, 1996.

P) Edmonton Journal clipping dated Oct 26, 1963; headline- "Premier, Mrs. Manning Impressed with Israel’s Great Progress." Includes a portrait of Mrs. Manning and a separate one of Ernest Manning. A handwritten note on the top left corner reads "Nice Picture of Mrs. Manning eh."

Q) 28.5 x 34.5 cm Edmonton Sun full newsprint page dated Feb 24, 1996; headline: "Manning laid to rest." B&W photograph below headline depicts family members, including Muriel Manning and son, Preston Manning, attending the funeral of Ernest Manning at Calgary’s First Alliance Church. Credit for the photograph is given to the Calgary Sun. Article below this is titled: "Tributes flow in for ex-premier," and contains a b&w photograph to the left of the caption showing 6 pallbearers carrying the casket of Ernest Manning.

R) 12 X 18 cm B&W photograph of Preston Manning, credited to the Canadian Press, with the caption: R"eform Leader Preston Manning laughs in response to a comment by Reform MP Deborah Grey during opening speeches Thursday morning." There is a handwritten note dating the picture to June 7, 1996.

S) 14 X 13.5 b&w photograph of Mrs. Manning and Mrs. M. S. Parker credited to Goertz Studios, with the caption: "Another Bouquet-The triumphant victory at the polls, Thursday, when the Social Credit government again swept back to power in Alberta was shared by the wife of Premier Ernest C. Manning. Mrs. Manning, left, is pictured as she received a sheaf of red roses from Mrs. M. S. Parker, secretary of the Alberta Social Credit League at the Social Credit headquarters."

T) 31.5 X 13 cm clipping with the headline: "Manning embodied conservative streak in Canadian character." Article written by Mark Lisac, and concerns the effect Ernest Manning had on Alberta.

U) Two related clippings taken from the Edmonton Journal dated May 29, 1997. One is 30.5 x 10 cm, the other is 19 x 11.2 cm. Headline is: "A stroll down memory lane," and the first clipping contains a photo of Preston and Sandra Manning walking along the High Level bridge in Edmonton. Photo credited to Ian Scott of The Journal.

V) 30.5 x 11.2 cm article from Southam Newspapers in the Calgary Herald titled: "Hundreds pay tribute to Manning." Contains a b&w photograph of Ernest Manning from 1980, credited as a File photo.

W) 7.8 x 10.5 cm clipping titled: "Keith Manning dies in hospital." There is a handwritten note dating the clipping to the summer of 1986.

X) 11.5 x 9.5 cm B&W photograph newspaper clipping depicting Ernest Manning, credited to File photo. Caption reads: "The late Ernest Manning, former Alberta premier, pictured in 1971."

Y) Full-page newspaper article, 10 x 58 cm, from the Edmonton Journal, dated Sept. 28, 1968, titled: "Premier remembers day when $100 bill was rare." Includes two b&w photographs of Premier Manning, one from 1968 and one from the 1940’s. Articles below it contain statements from various politicians regarding Premier Manning, and include two b&w photographs, one of Premier Thatcher with the handwritten note of Murdered his wife, and one of Mike Maccagno.

Z) 12.6x10 cm invitation from The Social Credit Women’s Auxiliaries for a reception in honor of Mrs. Ernest C. Manning.

PE000823 - Social Credit poster
PE000823 · Unidad documental simple · 1955-1996
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection
  1. Social Credit promotional collage-style poster. Contains contact information, black/white photographs of members, brief notes on building and expanding plans.   
PE000823 · Unidad documental simple · 1955-1996
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

12. Various articles pertaining to Social Credit Elections:

A) 30 x 60 cm full size newspaper article from the Edmonton Journal dating Dec 4, 1968, titled: "Socreds Set to Decide: Who will be the man to follow these giants?" There are two b&w portraits on both sides of the title, one of Premier Manning on the top left, and one of William Aberhart on the top right. The bottom center of the page contains a photo captioned: "The ‘hot seat’ that six men want, and depicts Premier Manning’s former office." The inside left page contains two b&w pictures of Dr. Walter Buck and Edgar Gerhart, along with their profiles and platforms. The inside right page contains two b&w photos of Alfred J. Hooke and Ray Reierson, along with their profiles and platforms. The back page contains two b&w photos of Harry Strom and Gordon Taylor, along with their profiles and platforms. The paper has been folded twice in the middle, and while it shows some wear and tear around the ages, is in generally good condition;

B) 30 x 60 cm full size newspaper article from the Edmonton Journal dating Dec 4, 1968, titled "Socred D-Day: Strom Still man they must beat," taken from the front page of the paper. Article is one of many on the page, and concerns the upcoming election after Premier Manning’s retirement. Article continues on back portion of the page. Front page contains b&w photo on top left side of 5 people with their faces obstructed by political posters of 5 candidates captioned: "Five of the Six Candidates…Mr. Hooke has no campaign literature." Paper has been folded once in the middle, and then twice more, but is in relatively good condition;

C) 20 x 33 cm newspaper clipping titled "Women Behind Each Candidate for Election," taken from the Edmonton Journal, dated March 12, 1963. Article concerns the work of women during the election campaigns, and their effect on those campaigns. Contains two b&w photos: one on the top right of a woman at a table writing notes on a notepad captioned: "Keeps track of thousands - Mrs. Arksey, secretary to Orivs [sic] Kennedy, Social Credit candidate, makes contact with more than 13,000 members of the Alberta Social Credit League, in preparation for the April federal election." The second photo is on the bottom right of the page, showing a woman painting a man’s face, captioned: "A Final Touch - Don Brinton, Liberal candidate for East Edmonton has a touch-up job by Mrs. Michael Powers, a tireless worker in the party’s committee rooms. Mr. Brinton’s larger-than-life size portrait graces the committee rooms’ main window." Clipping is folded once on the bottom, and is in good condition;

D) 18.5 x 24 cm newspaper clipping titled: "Election Forum." Article concerns the opinions of "Glen Cumming, a Social Credit candidate for Calgary-South." An additional article on the page is titled "4 Candidates In Drumheller," and is concerning the speaking of 4 candidates at a meeting in Drumheller. Clipping contains two b&w photos: one in the bottom left corner depicting a man in a suit with glasses, captioned: "Glen Cumming." The other is located on the top right side of the page, depicting two men shown at a table drinking. This is captioned: "Social Credit Leader Robert Thompson has his right hand bandaged at an election luncheon in Victoria. He injured it in car door while campaigning on Vancouver Island. With him is Dr. Charles Ennals, president of the National Young Social Credit Association." Clipping has a tear up the middle, but is otherwise in good condition;

E) 12.5 x 17 cm clipping titled: "16th Alberta Legislative Assembly," and details the number of candidates elected from each party, as well as the names, constituencies, and political affiliation of candidates who were elected to the Legislative Assembly of Alberta after the May 23, 1967 election. Clipping appears to have been taken from a magazine of some type, as it is printed on glossy paper. Clipping is in good condition.

Unidad documental simple · Aug. 5, 1940
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Two page report titled “Pale Western Cutworm in 1941,” dated August 5, 1940. Report delimits the areas in Alberta and Saskatchewan most likely affected by an infestation of pale western cutworms and explains how to avoid and treat infestations. Created by (Science Service News) Press and Publicity, Publicity and Extension Division, Department of Agriculture, Canada.

Unidad documental simple · 1892   
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Book titled: "Notes Historiques sue la vie de P.E. de Radisson. Par L.A Prud’Homme." (translated: Historical notes on the life of P.E. de Radisson by L.A Prud’Homme). The cover consists only of a rust-colored sheet of paper with a black border. The interior and cover consist of thin paper, and are quite fragile. The 60 pages which make up the interior are entirely in French, and there is a copyright note on the back stating Prud’Homme followed the rules set down by the Parliament of Canada and the Minister of Agriculture in Ottawa. Bottom of front cover indicates the printer/publisher: Imprimerie de L’agriculteur, Saint Boniface Man. 

Unidad documental simple · 1923
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Book titled: "Weeds: Their Identification and Control." Above the title it says: "Government of the Province of Saskatchewan." There is a price of 10 cents indicated below the title, and it was published under direction of the Hon. C.M. Hamilton, Minister of Agriculture. Printed in Regina by J. W. Reid, King’s Printer.

The first interior page notes that this is Bulletin No. 57, and was written by M.P. Tullis, Field Crops Commissioner. It is also noted that this is the third edition. 54 pages within the book contain information regarding weeds found in Saskatchewan, including drawings for identification. At the back there are 8 pages detailing the Saskatchewan Revised Statutes of 1920, chapter 167, regarding noxious weeds. A large purple faded stamp on the top of the first page of these statutes states: This act repealed and new act passed in 1924.

Unidad documental simple · [19-?]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Pamphlet promoting prevention of communicable diseases. It contains information on the nature of germs, causes for disease, and preventative methods. It also includes a chart of the most prevalent communicable diseases and their signs, symptoms, sources of infection, and signs to seek in order to assess when it is safe to return to school. Created by the Department of Health and Public Welfare, Province of Manitoba, Winnipeg.

Unidad documental simple · [19-?]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A booklet of “Instructions for Trappers, The Frost Drying Method of Preparing Beaver Pelts.” Published by the Department of Lands and Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division, of the Government of the Province of Alberta. Contains four (4) pages of written instructions and four (4) pages of photographed examples.  The textured gray paper of the cover is bound to the booklet by two staples. 

Unidad documental simple · Dec. 1950 - Oct. 1954
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Contains a record of provincial civil defense committee meetings, exercises and significant activities, from Dec. 12, 1950 to the end of Oct. 1954. The document comprises a summary record of activities (‘Civil Defense Diary’), 50 appendices, largely containing meeting minutes, but also including some administrative records, such as personnel lists, and miscellaneous other documentation, including additional meeting minutes, organizational charts of Alberta’s civil defense organization, and progress reports on civil defense planning.

PE001247 - Saskatchewan: A Few Facts
Unidad documental simple · 1935
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Informational booklet which describes various aspects of Saskatchewan’s geography, economy and government. The inside cover carries a list of contemporary executive council members and former premiers and lieutenant-governors. The back cover features a simple topographical map of the province.

Unidad documental simple · Oct. 1937
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Index for Peace River Electoral District, Alberta, showing the names of the Post Offices and Rural Mail Delivery Routes and number of English and French householders furnished with mail by each. Directory lists the names and occupations of persons who receive mail at each listed Post Office or Rural Mail Delivery Route. Published by the Post Office Department of the Government of Canada [Canada Post].

Sin título
Unidad documental simple · Jan. 1937
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Telephone directory [phone book] for Calgary and area published by Alberta Government Telephones.

Includes Calgary business and residential phone numbers; Calgary Classified Telephone Directory; and District business and residential phone numbers.

Print advertisements for businesses included throughout.

Sin título
Unidad documental simple · [ca. 1943]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"The Saskatchewan C.C.F. Provincial Program may be conveniently considered under the following four main heads: (1) Provision of Security for the People in their Homes and Jobs; (2) Provision of Social Services (Old Age Pensions, Health Services, etc.); (3) Provision of Educational Opportunity and Guarantee of Democratic Rights; (4) Public Ownership, Planned Development of Natural Resources, and Finance. While no aspect of the program can be rigidly separated from other aspects, and while all are equally important, the above is the order in which a C.C.F. Government in Saskatchewan might be expected to introduce its program."

Provision of Security: Farm Security ["stop foreclosure on and eviction from the farm home"; "protect them from seizure of that portion of a farmer's crop that is needed to provide for his family"; "debt moratorium"; "prevent accumulation of new debt"; "encourage the development of the co-operative movement"; and "press for the closing of the Winnipeg Grain Exchange and the setting of parity prices for agricultural products"]; and Urban Security [Union Organization; Collective Bargaining; The Minimum Wage; Workmen's Compensation; and Labor Representation].

Provision of Social Services: Health for All [Socialized Health Services]; Social Provision for the Aged and Incapacitated [Old Age Pensions; and Other Pensions]; Provision for Children and Young People [Mothers' Allowances; Child Protection; Adult Education in Child Welfare; Vocational Guidance; and Youth Training]; and Treatment of Wrongdoers [the Borstal System].

Education and Democratic Rights: Education [What Is Wrong?; What Will the C.C.F. Do?; Provincial Responsibility; Larger Unit of Administration; Salary Schedule; Consultation with Teachers and Trustees; Health Services; Free Textbooks and Supplies; Special Training; Higher Education; Adult Education; and Curriculum Revision]; and Democratic Rights [Freedom of Speech; Freedom of Elections; and Freedom of Religion].

Planning, Public Ownership, and Finance: Planning ["Adequate housing..."; "The development of the vast north land..."; and "Extended training courses for the thousands of men and women who are now serving in industrial plants and in the Armed Forces..."]; Public Ownership ["a survey and stock-taking [of natural resources] conducted by geologists, chemists, engineers and other specialists"]; and Financing the C.C.F. Program ["press for Federal aid"; "the elimination of graft and inefficiency in the public service"; "refuse to pay high interest charges"; "wholesale distribution of petroleum products"; "development of electrical power distribution"; "wholesale distribution of other staple commodities"; and "development of natural resources under public ownership"].

Sin título
PE002777 - Democracy Denied
Unidad documental simple · [ca. 1938]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Political pamphlet issued by the Bureau of Information and News [Edmonton, Alberta] regarding the political history and actions of the Alberta Social Credit Party.

"Three years of fight to give the people Freedom and Security still raging. Three years of Legislation to abolish Poverty and Distress ruled out by the Courts and the Ottawa Government. Three years telling Ottawa that Financial Dictatorship will not be tolerated but Ottawa says the Banks must be protected. Three years demanding the Will of the People is Supreme, but Ottawa says - Our Will shall over-rule the Will of the People. Freedom to Rule vs. Financial Dictatorship. Acts speak louder than words. Read for yourself and Judge."

List of Acts [Why Passed; What Happened; What It Would Have Done]:
Credit of Alberta Regulation Act; Bank Taxation Act; Reduction and Settlement of Debt Act; Act to Ensure Publication of Accurate News and Information; Home Owners Security Act; Securities Tax Act - 1938; and Credit of Alberta Regulation Act - 1937 Amendment.

Sin título
PE001734 - Military absence pass
Unidad documental simple · March 18, 1918
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Pass granting “No. 114094, Sgt. D. Lamont two drivers and two helpers with teams permission to be absent from his quarters from 3pm March 18 to 6pm March 18 for the purpose of proceeding to Mont St. Eloy.” 9th Canadian Infantry Brigade. Signed by commanding officer and stamped March 18, 1918.

Unidad documental simple · Oct. 1944?
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Birthday card from Jean Breadner. Colourful paper card with flowers, a ribbon, three notepads and a pencil on the cover. The cover reads “On Your Twenty-First Birthday Sis: Best Wishes for Today and Always”. Inside is a poem and a short note.s.l.

Sin título
PE000510 - Letter from Mrs. R. Watts
Unidad documental simple · Oct. 21, 1944
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

One page letter from Mrs. R. Watts (possibly Clara B. Watts?) describing her recent trip to the country, which prevented her from picking up her ration book on time. Oct. 21, 1944. Edmonton, AB.

PE001343 – Applicants for Membership
Unidad documental simple · 28th May 1913
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Lists new members names their occupation and who moved their application to join and who seconded. On the back of the sheet is a list with two columns that is illegible.

Sin título
Unidad documental simple · 1953
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1953. This printed account book was prepared by the Division of Agricultural Economics - Department of Economics of the University of Manitoba and is organized into sections listed in an Index. The "Farm Expenses" and "Farm & Personal Receipts" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates, and the "Real Estate" section is partially filled in. All other sections of the account book are left blank.

Inventory [Real Estate & Improvements; Farm Map; Crop Record; Cattle; Horses, Sheep; Hogs, Poultry, Bees; Grain & Feed, Supplies; Machinery & Equipment]; Cultivation & Standing Crops; Personal Assets, Accounts Receivable & Payable; Record of Payments Made & Received; Farm Expenses; Farm & Personal Receipts; Egg & Poultry Receipts; Dairy Receipts; Household & Personal Expenses; Produce Used in Home; Feeds Used, Livestock Checkout; Labor Record & Equipment Use; Summary of Farm Business.

Additionally includes "Instructions" for filling out the account book on the inner front cover, and "Rules for Estimating Quantities of Grains and Roughages" and "Standard Weights of Farm Products per Bushel" on the inner back cover. 1 receipt for Manitoba Pool Elevators 15-year Debentures and 3 loose handwritten notes ["Budget To Dec. 31/54 - Expenditures and Receipts"; "Record of Barley Cleaning - 1954; Seed Requirements - 1954; Fertilizer Requirements - 1954"; and "Budget - April 24 to Sept. 24/54 - Expenditures, Estimated, Actual"] are tucked in immediately following the front cover. 1 handwritten note listing "Net Grain Prices Received for 1952-53 Crop" [Wheat; Barley; Oats] and 1 news clipping listing "Final Barley Payments" are stapled to the top of the first page of the account book.

Sin título
Unidad documental simple · 1956
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the year 1956. On the first page of the account book, there is an index. The account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page including Co-op, Oil, Help, Fertilizer, Lumber, Grain, Margaret, Don, Feed Grain, and many others. In each section, there are handwritten notes about purchases for each category or income for the farm. There are several loose-leaf notes and papers placed between pages throughout the account book. On page 38 there are various entries describing the farm fields.

Sin título
Unidad documental simple · 1959
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the year 1959. There is an index on the first page and the rest of the account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page including Cop-op, Gas, Church & Charitable, House, Field & Crop, Grain Sales, Expenses, and many others. In each section, there are handwritten notes about purchases for each category or income for the farm.

Sin título
Unidad documental simple · 1960
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1960. This printed account book was prepared in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management of the University of Manitoba and is organized into sections listed in an Index. The "Farm Expenses" and "Farm & Personal Receipts" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. A list of "Payments To Mrs. [Etta] Greasley For 1960-61 Crop Year" is recorded on page 84 under "Notes or Special Transactions". All other sections of the account book are left blank.

Inventory [Real Estate & Improvements; Farm Map; Crop Record; Cattle; Horses; Hogs, Poultry, Bees, Sheep; Grain & Feed, Supplies; Machinery & Equipment]; Personal Assets; Accounts Receivable & Payable; Record of Special Credit Transactions; Farm Expenses; Farm & Personal Receipts; Egg & Poultry Receipts; Dairy Receipts; Household & Personal Expenses; Produce Used in Home; Feeds Used, Livestock Checkout; Labor Record & Equipment Use; Summary of Farm Business; Breeding Record; Notes.

Additionally includes "Instructions" for filling in the account book on the inner front cover, and "Rules for Estimating Quantities of Grains and Roughages" and "Standard Weights of Farm Products per Bushel" on the inner back cover. 2 Royal Bank of Canada receipts [dated 11 Oct. 1960 and 27 Dec. 1960] are stapled to the top of page 10. 1 receipt captioned "Total Hydro Paid During Year" is stapled to the top of page 39.

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