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Item · 1949
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented each time a grain transaction is made which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations, are required to be entered in the Permit."

"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Pendennis. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other station without proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1949-1950 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1949-50 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 29 July 1949, which records his owned lands, the size of his farm in 1949 in acres, and his seeded acres in 1949, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Oats, and Barley are made throughout the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the delivery of grain in excess of the quota or in breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchases" on inner back cover.

Some pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1959
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator agent each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1959-1960 crop year. An undated copy of Donald McFadden's 1959-60 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden, which records his lands owned and lands rented [from Mrs. Etta Greasley], and his seeded and total farm acres in 1959, is included. The selected Delivery Point is Carnegie, Manitoba.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat and Oats are made throughout the permit book. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act [PGAPA] is filled in by hand on page 13. "Form AR-E Cancellation of Endorsement", dated 10 August 1959, is affixed to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in applications and declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], a list of instructions for using the permit book titled "Important" on inner front cover, and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchased by Permit Holder" on back cover.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1979
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1979-1980 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's original permit book application dated 27 July 1979, and a copy of his amended permit book application dated 23 October 1979, which list his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1979-1980 crop year, are included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. Two typed "Statements of Account Advance Payment" are taped to the inner front cover of the permit book. One "Form AR-E - Cancellation of Endorsement" is attached to page 74. One "Seed Purchase Declaration" [with one duplicate copy] and one copy of "Form DP-7 Application for Amendments to 1979-80 Quota Acre Assignments" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" are attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1980
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1980-1981 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's original permit book application dated 13 August 1980, and a copy of his amended permit book application dated 5 May 1981, which list his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1980-1981 crop year, are included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. Two "Courtesy Weigh Scale Tickets", filled in by hand in blue ink, are tucked in immediately following the front cover of the permit book. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 80. One copy of "Form DP-7 Application for Amendments to 1980-81 Quota Acre Assignments" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" is attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1996
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1996-1997 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1996-97 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 2 September 1996, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included.

Three entries regarding deliveries of Wheat are made on page 6. The remainder of the permit book is left blank.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", "Deadline Dates to Sign-Up for a CWB Delivery Contract", "Codes to Use When Farmers Deliver", "Recording Deliveries" ["A new liquidated damages formula"], "CWB Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", "Deliveries to Purchase Pedigreed Seed", "Wheat and Barley Cleanout", a "Multi-Member Farm Declaration" form, "CWB Selected Barley Storage and Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", an "Index", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and "Important Information on Grain Sampling" [including Sampling Procedures].

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Item · 2010
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2010-2011 crop year. A yellow handwritten note which reads "Renewed By Phone July 15/10" is affixed to the front cover of the permit book.

The contents of the permit book are entirely blank.

Permit book additionally contains "Important Information" [regarding Delivery Permits and Delivery Contracts], "CWB Cash Advance - Advance Payments Program [APP] Wheat, Durum and Barley Cash Advances", "Delivery of Screenings for Wheat and Durum", and "CWB Information Services" [including "e-Services @"; "Online @"; "CWB Farm Business Team" contact information; "Farm Business Representatives"; "CWB Saskatoon Regional Office" contact information; and "The Canadian Wheat Board" contact information].

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Item · Nov. 2003
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A bimonthly Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) periodical which reports on matters of interest related to the grain industry.

"... it's up to the CWB to market your wheat, durum and barley for the best prices possible in an ever-changing international marketplace. The plans and challenges that face the CWB in 2003-04 are explained in this special edition, so please take time to read it through."

Inside this issue:
"Tendering and car awards" - Page 3
"Visiting "minor" exporters" - Page 5
"Malting barley news" - Pages 6-8
"Factors affecting wheat pool" - Pages 10-11

Additionally includes segment titled "Questions farmers are asking" which contains answers to questions submitted by farmers [p. 12].

PE003640 - "Grain Matters" - April/May 2007
Item · Apr. 2007
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A bimonthly Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) periodical which reports on matters of interest related to the grain industry.

"Paul Stow, Grain Services Coordinator at Mission Terminal in Thunder Bay - the 49th consecutive shipping season of the St. Lawrence Seaway is officially underway with some of the earliest starts on record."

Inside this issue:
"Level-of-service complaint" - Page 3
"E-services expanding" - Page 4
"Agronomist report" - Page 5
"PPOs [Producer Payment Options] make cents" - Page 6

Additionally includes segments titled "Questions farmers are asking" which contains answers to questions submitted by farmers, and "Just the Kernel", which contains several headlines with brief accompanying explanations [p. 8].

PE003641 - "Grain Matters" - August/September 2007
Item · Aug. 2007
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A bimonthly Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) periodical which reports on matters of interest related to the grain industry.

"Farmer Roger Dahl and CWB regional manager Craig Douglas load producer cars at Viceroy, Saskatchewan."

Inside this issue:
"Record durum exports" - Page 2
"Weather project launched" - Page 4
"Baking is Back" - Page 5
"Transportation year in review" - Page 7

Additionally includes segments titled "Questions farmers are asking" which contains answers to questions submitted by farmers, and "Just the Kernel", which contains several headlines with brief accompanying explanations [p. 8].

PE003642 - "Grain Matters" - October/November 2009
Item · Oct. 2009
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A bimonthly Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) periodical which reports on matters of interest related to the grain industry.

"Dear Minister Ritz, It's time for the Government of Canada to stand up for western Canadian farmers at the WTO [World Trade Organization]."

Inside this issue:
"CWB opens lab" - Page 2
"Variety Survey" - Page 3
"Time is running out at the WTO" - Page 4
"Spotlight on tendering" - Page 6
"Japan loves Prairie wheat" - Page 7

Additionally includes segment titled "Questions farmers are asking" which contains answers to questions submitted by farmers [p. 8].

PE003095 - The Canadian Wheat Board - Why and How It Works
Item · [ca. 1965]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Informational booklet written by William Riddel and produced by the Canadian Wheat Board [CWB] ca. 1965, intended to explain "the origin, nature and purpose of The Canadian Wheat Board".

Early Background; Present Wheat Board Organization; Producers' Marketing; Initial Payments; Delivery Quotas; Control of Grain Movement; Does Wheat Board Sell Grain?; Wheat Board Agents; Direct Government-to-Government Sales of Wheat; Pricing Policy; Sales Promotion; Co-operation with Other Government Agencies; Summary of Wheat Board Functions.

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Item · [ca. 2003]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Foldable, double-sided educational poster created by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) outlining the steps in the interrelated processes of Milling [including Durum Wheat; Wheat Intake; Cleaning; Tempering; The Milling Process; Semolina] and Pasta Making [including Mixing; Extrusion; Drying; Packaging].

Additionally includes 1 image showing a cross-section of an amber durum wheat kernel; 1 diagram of an amber durum wheat kernel highlighting its different components [Endosperm; Bran; Germ]; and 4 images showing different pasta products made with durum semolina [Dry Pasta (Long Products and Short Products); Fresh Pasta; and Couscous].

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Item · 2004
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"With the CWB's Producer Payment Options (PPOs), the choice is yours: you can market your wheat and barley and receive payment through the pool accounts, you can lock in a floor price for your grain and still benefit from future increases in the pool return or you can lock in a price for your grain based on future markets. ... There are three different options: the Basis Payment Contract (BPC), the Fixed Price Contract (FPC) and the Early Payment Option (EPO)."

Informational pamphlet designed to explain the differences between three different Producer Payment Options (PPOs) that are available to Canadian grain farmers. The pamphlet is organized into 5 sections separated by tabbed dividers and was produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) ahead of the 2004-2005 crop year.

Introduction ["PPO's at a glance"]; Basis Payment Contract (BPC) ["What is it?"; "How does it work?"]; Fixed Price Contract (FPC) ["What is it?"; "How does it work?"]; Early Payment Option (EPO) ["What is it?"; "How does it work?"]; Other Program Features and Glossary ["Target price for BPC and FPC"; "Exchange for physicals"; "Glossary"]; and PPO Questions and Answers.

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Item · 2001
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A monthly photo calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2001-2002 crop year, beginning with August 2001 and ending with December 2002.

Marks various holidays, special dates [including the beginning and ending of Daylight Savings Time, the first day of each season, and the dates of new and full moons], and important dates related to the CWB [including PRO (Pool Return Outlook) days, sign-up deadlines, and shipping weeks].

Included photographs have been chosen by a panel of judges from more than 400 entries submitted by photographers across Western Canada. Each month contains a unique photograph which reflects the contest's theme of "Prairie strong, worldwide." Selected photographs largely consist of agricultural landscapes. A smaller number of photographs show buildings, farm machinery and equipment, or people.

Front cover contains the Grand Prize-winning photograph, captioned "Combining linola on a hazy fall evening near Lloydminster, AB." which shows a combine in silhouette, working in an orange field under an orange sky. This photo is additionally used as the calendar's featured photograph for the month of October 2001.

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Item · 2004
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A monthly photo calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2004-2005 crop year, beginning with August 2004 and ending with December 2005.

Marks various holidays, special dates [including the beginning and ending of Daylight Savings Time, the first day of each season, and the dates of new and full moons], and important dates related to the CWB [including the CWB's 70th anniversary, PRO (Pool Return Outlook) days, sign-up deadlines, and shipping weeks].

Included photographs have been chosen by a panel of judges from more than 275 entries submitted by photographers across Western Canada. Each month contains a unique photograph which reflects the contest's theme of "Prairie Celebrations". Selected photographs largely consist of individual and group portraits, mostly of children. A smaller number of photographs additionally feature teenagers, adults, and animals on the farm, and various agricultural landscapes.

Front cover contains the Grand Prize-winning photograph, captioned "Trying to beat the buzzer at the annual rodeo." which shows a man wearing a cowboy hat riding a white bull at a rodeo while three people watch from the fence and another man hurries out of the way. This photo is additionally used as the calendar's featured photograph for the month of July 2005.

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Item · 2008
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A monthly photo calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2008-2009 crop year, beginning with August 2008 and ending with December 2009.

Marks various holidays, special dates [including the beginning and ending of Daylight Savings Time, the first day of each season, and the dates of new and full moons], and important dates related to the CWB [including PRO (Pool Return Outlook) days, various deadlines, and shipping weeks].

Included photographs have been chosen by a panel of judges from approximately 700 entries submitted by photographers across Western Canada. Each month contains a unique photograph which reflects the contest's theme of "Colours of the Grainbow". Selected photographs largely consist of brightly-coloured agricultural landscapes. A smaller number of individual and group portraits feature children, adults, and animals on the farm.

Front cover contains the Grand Prize-winning photograph, captioned "Prairie giant" showing the Arden, Manitoba grain elevator. This photo is additionally used as the calendar's featured photograph for the month of May 2009.

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Item · 2009
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A monthly photo calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2009-2010 crop year, beginning with August 2009 and ending with December 2010.

Marks various holidays, special dates [including the beginning and ending of Daylight Savings Time, the first day of each season, and the dates of new and full moons], and important dates related to the CWB [including PRO (Pool Return Outlook) days, various deadlines, and shipping weeks].

Included photographs have been chosen by a panel of judges from approximately 750 entries submitted by photographers across Western Canada. Each month contains a unique photograph which reflects the contest's theme of "In all Kinds of Weather". Selected photographs largely consist of agricultural landscapes. A smaller number of individual and group portraits feature children, adults, and animals on the farm as well as agricultural machinery.

Front cover contains the Grand Prize-winning photograph, captioned "Trudging through the snow" showing a man carrying a metal ladder through snow towards a grain bin. This photo is additionally used as the calendar's featured photograph for the month of December 2009.

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Item · 2004
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A foldable, standing monthly grain shipping calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2004-2005 crop year, beginning with August 2004 and ending with July 2005.

Calendar highlights Delivery Contract, Producer Payment Options (PPO), and Advance program deadlines, as well as Pool Return Outlook (PRO) dates, and numbers the 2004-05 shipping weeks (1-52) at the start of each week.

Additionally lists the locations of CWB offices and information about the CWB's website.

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Item · 2008
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A foldable, standing monthly grain shipping calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2008-2009 crop year, beginning with August 2008 and ending with July 2009.

Calendar highlights contract sign-up deadlines [Generic Programs; Identity Preserved Contract Programs; Pricing Programs] and Pool Return Outlook (PRO) dates, and numbers the 2008-09 shipping weeks (1-53) at the start of each week.

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Item · 1951
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented each time a grain transaction is made which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations, are required to be entered in the Permit."

"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Pendennis. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other station without proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1951-1952 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1951-52 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 21 July 1951, which records his owned lands, the size of his farm in 1951 in acres, and his seeded acres in 1951, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Oats, and Barley are made throughout the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the delivery of grain in excess of the quota or in breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchases" on inner back cover.

Some pages of the permit book are left blank.

Sem título
Item · 1952
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented each time a grain transaction is made which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations, are required to be entered in the Permit."

"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Pendennis. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other station without proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1952-1953 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1952-53 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 28 July 1952, which records his owned lands, the size of his farm in 1952 in acres, and his seeded acres in 1952, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat and Barley are made throughout the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the delivery of grain in excess of the quota or in breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchases" on inner back cover.

Some pages of the permit book are left blank.

Sem título
Item · 1954
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator agent each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Pendennis. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other station without proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1954-1955 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1954-55 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 26 August 1954, which records his lands owned and lands rented [from Mrs. Etta Greasley], and his seeded and total farm acres in 1954, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat and Barley are made throughout the permit book. Handwritten notes are made in black ink directly on pages 1, 4, 9, and 13, all regarding the cancellation of "Special Barley Permit #3663". One handwritten note, dated 21 May 1955, is made in blue ink on page 3 regarding the net bushels of barley to be covered with future quotas.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchased by Permit Holder" on inner back cover.

Some pages of the permit book are left blank.

Sem título
Item · 1963
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator agent each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1963-1964 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1963-64 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 6 September 1963, which records the details of his lands owned, and his seeded and total farm acres in 1963, is included. The selected Delivery Point is Rivers, Manitoba.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat and Oats are made throughout the permit book. "Form AR-E - Cancellation of Endorsement" in relation to advance payments is affixed to the top of page 13. "Balance Outstanding Transferred from 1962-63 Permit Book", dated 14 September 1963, is filled in by hand on inner back cover of permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in applications and declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], a list of instructions for using the permit book titled "Important" on inner front cover, and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchased by Permit Holder" on back cover.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

Sem título
Item · 1969
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1969-1970 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1969-70 Delivery Permit and permit application, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 29 August 1969, which records the details of his lands owned, and his seeded and total farm acres in 1969, is included. The selected Delivery Point is Rivers, Manitoba.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Oats, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the permit book. "The Manitoba Crop Insurance Corporation - Release from Prairie Farm Assistance Act" certificate, dated 2 June 1969, is affixed to inner front cover of the permit book. "Balance Outstanding Transferred from 1968-69 Permit Book", dated 31 July 1969, and "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act (PGAPA), are filled in by hand on page 10. One typed contract made between Donald J. McFadden and Maple Leaf Mills Limited on 28 April 1970, is included immediately before inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in applications and declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], and a list of instructions for using the permit book titled "Important" on inner front cover.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

Sem título
Item · 1972
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1972-1973 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's permit book application, filled in and signed in blue ink on 26 July 1972 by Donald J. McFadden, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1972-1973 crop year, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat and Barley are made throughout the book. Page 47 contains a "Record of Bushels Delivered 1972-73".

Permit book additionally includes information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", as well as "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

Sem título
Item · 1976
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1976-1977 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's permit book application, filled in and signed in black ink by Donald J. McFadden, which lists his owned lands, seeded land [in acres and hectares], and assignable and quota land [in acres and hectares] for the 1976-1977 crop year, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. Page 52 contains a completed copy of a form for a grain settlement with CSP Foods, stapled in. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 61.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

Sem título
Item · 1977
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1977-1978 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's original permit book application dated 18 August 1977, and a copy of his amended permit book application dated 16 December 1977, which list his owned lands, seeded land [in acres and hectares], and assignable and quota land [in acres and hectares] for the 1977-1978 crop year, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. One completed copy of a form for a grain settlement with CSP Foods is tucked in immediately following the permit book applications at the front of the permit book, and another CSP Foods grain settlement form is stapled to page 57. One "Form AR-E - Cancellation of Endorsement" is attached to page 67. Two "Seed Purchase Declarations" [with one duplicate copy] and one copy of "Form DP-7 Application for Amendments to 1977-78 Quota Acre Assignments" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" are attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

Sem título
Item · 1978
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1978-1979 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's original permit book application dated 1 August 1978, and a copy of his amended permit book application dated 18 January 1979, which list his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1978-1979 crop year, are included. One handwritten note regarding the amendment is attached by a metal paper clip to the original permit book application.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. Two handwritten notes regarding Donald McFadden's wheat deliverables are stapled to the inner front cover of the permit book, and one is tucked in between pages 6 and 7. Two "Statements of Sale of Bulk Certified Seed" and "Seed Purchase Declarations" and one copy of "Form DP-7 Application for Amendments to 1978-79 Quota Acre Assignments" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" are attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

Sem título
Item · 1981
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1981-1982 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's original permit book application dated 27 August 1981, and a copy of his amended permit book application dated 26 May 1982, which list his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1981-1982 crop year, are included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. One copy of "Form DP-7 Application for Amendments to 1981-82 Quota Acre Assignments" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" is attached between the original and amended permit book applications. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 80. One "Seed Purchase Declaration" [with one duplicate copy] and two copies of "Form DP-7" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" are attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1982
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1982-1983 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's original permit book application dated 6 August 1982, and copies of three amended permit book applications dated 22 December 1982, 5 May 1983, and 9 June 1983, which list his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1982-1983 crop year, are included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. One copy of "Form DP-7 Application for Amendments to 1982-83 Quota Acre Assignments" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" is attached between the original and amended permit book applications. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 80. One "Bulk Certified Seed" statement of record, one "Seed Purchase Declaration" [with one duplicate copy], and two copies of "Form DP-7" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" are attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1983
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1983-1984 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's original permit book application dated 27 July 1983, and copies of two amended permit book applications dated 30 September 1983 and 8 May 1984, which list his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1983-1984 crop year, are included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. One "Bulk Certified Seed" statement of record, one "Seed Purchase Declaration" [with one duplicate copy], and one typed letter from the CWB authorization of amended quota acres, are attached to the inner front cover of the permit book. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 80. One "Repayment Schedule - Advance Payments for Crops" is filled in by hand and stapled to page 80. One copy of "Form DP-7 Application for Amendments to 1983-84 Quota Acre Assignments" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" is attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1989
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1989-1990 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's permit book application dated 3 August 1989, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the 1989-1990 crop year, is included.

One handwritten entry regarding delivery of Canola/Rapeseed is made on page 70. The remainder of the permit book is left blank.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Canada Grain Act", the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", and the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", "General Instructions" [information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

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Item · 1990
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1990-1991 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1990-91 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 19 July 1990, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included. Two "Applications for Contract Barley Quota Acre Assignment 1990-91" and two "Applications for Amendment to Quota Acre Assignment" are also included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, Contract Barley, and Flaxseed are made throughout the book. One "Seed Purchase Declaration" is attached to page 37. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 38. Two "Guaranteed Delivery Barley Contracts" dated 31 October 1990 and 27 March 1991, are folded in half and laid in between pages 40 and 41.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Canada Grain Act", the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", and the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", "General Instructions" [information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", circumstances in which grain deliveries are not required to be entered in permit books, and "Penalties" for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat & Barley", "Important Information for Elevator Managers", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1991
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1991-1992 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1991-92 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 26 August 1991, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included. One "Application for Amendment to Quota Acre Assignment" dated 10 October 1991 is also included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Canola are made throughout the book. One "Form AR-E Cancellation of Endorsement" sticker dated 13 July 1992 is affixed to the bottom front cover of the permit book. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 39.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Canada Grain Act" and the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries" [regarding Delivery Contracts; Permit Book Entries for Wheat and Barley; Board, Off-Board, and Supplementary Quotas; and Recording Deliveries], "General Instructions" [regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", circumstances in which grain deliveries are not required to be entered in permit books, and "Penalties" for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], "Important Information for Elevator Managers", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1992
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1992-1993 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1992-93 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 30 July 1992, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included. Three "Applications for Amendment to Quota Acre Assignment" dated 2 September 1992, 11 December 1992, and 15 February 1993, are also included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Canola are made throughout the book. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 39.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Canada Grain Act" and the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries" [regarding Delivery Contracts; Permit Book Entries for Wheat and Barley; Board, Off-Board, and Supplementary Quotas; and Recording Deliveries], "General Instructions" [regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", circumstances in which grain deliveries are not required to be entered in permit books, and "Penalties" for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], "Important Information for Elevator Managers", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1993
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1993-1994 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1993-94 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 20 August 1993, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included.

A partial entry is made in the "Record of Quota Acre Assignments" table located on the inner front cover of the permit book. The remainder of the permit book is left blank.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Canada Grain Act" and the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", "Important Information for Elevator Managers", "Deliveries of Wheat and Barley" [regarding Producer's Certificates; Calculating Tonnes Deliverable (Quotas; Contracts); Recording Deliveries; and Penalties], as well as "Provisions of Canadian Wheat Board Delivery Contracts Reprinted for Information Purposes", "Other Contract Programs" [including Canada Feed Wheat; Grandin Wheat; and Hull-less Barley], and "Important Information on Grain Sampling" [including Sampling Procedures].

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Item · 1995
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1995-1996 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1995-96 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 14 August 1995, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included.

The contents of the permit book are entirely blank.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Canada Grain Act" and the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", as well as "Deadline Dates to Sign-Up for a CWB Delivery Contract", "CWB Contract Performance Clause", "Important Information for Elevator Managers", "Deliveries of Wheat and Barley" [regarding Producer's Certificates; Calculating Tonnes Deliverable (Acreage-Based Deliveries; Contracts); Recording Deliveries; and Penalties], "CWB Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", "Deliveries to Purchase Pedigreed Seed", "Wheat and Barley Cleanout", a "Multi-Member Farm Declaration" form, "CWB Selected Barley Storage and Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and "Important Information on Grain Sampling" [including Sampling Procedures].

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Item · 1998
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1998-1999 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1998-99 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 31 August 1998, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included.

The contents of the permit book are entirely blank.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act [PGAPA]" and the "Agricultural Marketing Programs Act [AMPA]", the "CWB Delivery Contracts Sign-up Deadline Dates", "Codes to Use When Farmers Deliver", "Recording Deliveries" [Liquidated Damages; Advance Payments], "CWB Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", "Deliveries to Purchase Pedigreed Seed", "Wheat, Durum Wheat and Barley Cleanout", a "Multi-Member Farm Declaration" form, "CWB Selected Barley Storage and Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and "Important Information on Grain Sampling" [including Sampling Procedures].

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Item · 1999
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1999-2000 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1999-2000 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 12 August 1999, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included.

One entry regarding delivery of Wheat is made on page 8. The remainder of the permit book is left blank.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act [PGAPA]" and the "Agricultural Marketing Programs Act [AMPA]", the "CWB Delivery Contracts Sign-up Deadline Dates", "Codes to Use When Farmers Deliver", "Recording Deliveries" [Liquidated Damages; Advance Payments], "CWB Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", "Deliveries to Purchase Pedigreed Seed", "Wheat, Durum Wheat and Barley Cleanout", a "Multi-Member Farm Declaration" form, "CWB Selected Barley Storage and Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and "Important Information on Grain Sampling" [including Sampling Procedures].

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Item · 1951-1952
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A collection of Donald McFadden's cancelled cheques and records of adjustment payments from the Canadian Wheat Board [CWB] and account sales with Manitoba Pool Elevators.

Includes cheques made out by Donald McFadden between 14 January and 19 April 1952 to various businesses and individuals for amounts not exceeding $200. All cheques cleared and were returned as cancelled cheques.

Records of adjustment payments from the CWB and of account sales with Manitoba Pool Elevators cover the period of 16 March 1951 to 20 December 1952 and record amounts of grains (wheat, oats, and barley) delivered by Donald McFadden, and the amount of payment received for them.

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Item · 20 Mar. 1966 - 31 Dec. 1966
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A stapled bundle of 6 invoices and receipts addressed to Donald McFadden from various agricultural organizations including Manitoba Dairy & Poultry Co-operative, the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB), North American Life Assurance Company, and Farm Credit Canada (FCC) [as Farm Credit Corporation].

Invoices and receipts span the period of time from 20 March 1966 to 31 December 1966. Contents largely consisted of various charges [interest; premiums; etc.] on farm loans and advance payments in Donald McFadden's name.

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Item · 2001
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Annual report with accompanying booklet of statistical tables, produced and published by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2000-2001 crop year.

The annual report includes the CWB's 2000-2001 performance highlights as well as information regarding their organizational structure and updates, and crop and financial records. The report additionally includes the CWB's "2000-01 Financial Highlights" and their Corporate Profile, Vision ["To create value for Prairie farmers by being an innovative world leader in marketing grain"], and Mission ["The CWB markets quality product and service in order to maximize returns to western Canadian grain producers"] statements.

Table of Contents:
Introductory statement (p. 1).
A message from the Chair of the Board of Directors and the President/CEO (p. 2)
CWB performance highlights (p. 3)
Board of Directors (p. 6)
From the land (Farmer issues) (p. 8)
On track (Transportation) (p. 10)
Setting sail (Customers) (p. 12)
Inside and ahead (Corporate and employees) (p. 14)
Management Discussions and Analysis (p. 16)
The wheat pool (p. 17)
The durum pool (p. 20)
The feed barley pool (p. 22)
The malting barley pool (p. 24)
Financial results (p. 35)
Notes to the financial statements (p. 46)
Glossary of financial terms (p. 57)
Senior management (p. 58)
Corporate governance (p. 60)

The accompanying statistical tables "provide both a historical reference and a more current snapshot of Canada's agricultural industry and world grain trade. They also highlight valuable information related to CWB operations and sales." The tables include information related to Canadian wheat, durum, barley, and coarse grains production, imports and exports, CWB employees, delivery permits, and payments, shipping and freightage of crops, and other figures related to the CWB and the world grain trade.

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PE003648 - Canadian Wheat Board 2004-2005 Annual Report
Item · 2005
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Annual report produced and published by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2004-2005 crop year.

The report includes the CWB's 2004-2005 performance highlights as well as information regarding their organizational structure and updates, and crop and financial records. The report additionally includes the CWB's "2004-05 Financial Highlights" and their Corporate Profile, Vision ["To unite western Canadian grain farmers as the world-recognized, premier grain marketer"], and Mission ["The CWB markets and provides quality products and services in order to maximize value to our owners, western Canadian grain farmers"] statements.

Table of Contents:
A message from the Chair of the board of directors and the President and CEO (p. 2)
Pursuing innovation (p. 4)
Corporate governance [CWB performance highlights; Farmer-controlled board of directors; Senior management] - (p. 14)
Management discussion and analysis [The wheat pool; The durum pool; The designated barley pool; The feed barley pool] - (p. 28)
Financial results [Notes to the financial statements; Glossary of financial terms] - (p. 51)

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PE003651 - Canadian Wheat Board 2007-2008 Annual Report
Item · 2008
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Annual report produced and published by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2007-2008 crop year.

The report includes the CWB's 2007-2008 performance highlights as well as information regarding their organizational structure and updates, and crop and financial records. The report additionally includes the CWB's "2007-08 Financial Highlights" and their Corporate Profile, Vision ["Canadian farmers innovatively leading the way in the global grain market"], and Mission ["Creating a sustainable competitive advantage for farmers and customers through our unique business structure, innovative marketing, superior service, profitable investments and effective partnerships"] statements.

Table of Contents:
A message from the chair of the board of directors and from the president and CEO - (p. 2)
Farmers First - (p. 4)
Corporate governance [CWB performance highlights; Board of directors; Leadership team] - (p. 16)
Management discussion and analysis [The wheat pool; The durum pool; The designated barley pool; The feed barley pool A & B] - (p. 32)
Financial results [Financial statements; Notes to the financial statements; Glossary of financial terms] - (p. 73)

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PE003098 - Blank Canadian Wheat Board notepad
Item · [n.d.]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Blank ruled notepad with Canadian Wheat Board [CWB] logo heading. The bottom of each page reads "Prairie strong, worldwide" and lists the address, phone number, fax number, and web page of the Canadian Wheat Board.

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Item · 14 Sep. 1990
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"In January of this year, the Commissioners of the Canadian Wheat Board appointed the Review Panel to examine the role of the Board in marketing Canada's grain in the global trading environment of the Nineties in order to maximize returns to Western Canadian producers. The Panel has now completed its study, and the members of the Panel are pleased to present their recommendations to the Canadian Wheat Board with the sincere hope of providing guidance for the future of the Board."

Members of the Review Panel included Barry Connell Steers [Chair], K. B. MacMillan [Vice-Chair], Douglas Livingstone, Jonathan Bamberger, Micheal Halyk, Murray Cormack, and Bill Duke.

Executive Summary; Introduction; Corporate Structure; Marketing; Getting the Grain to Market.

I. Introduction:
A. The Canadian Wheat Board; B. Pressures and Issues [1. Farm Income; 2. Policy Changes; 3. Global Trends]; C. Contents of the Report.

II. Corporate Structure:
A. Current Structure; B. Accountability; C. Future Corporate Needs.

III. Marketing:
A. Marketing in the World Marketplace [1. Background; 2. Preparing for the Nineties; 3. Research]; B. Marketing to the United States [1. Introduction; 2. Profile of the United States Market; 3. Sales Mechanisms Currently in Place; 4. New Directions for the United States Market; 5. Canadian Wheat Board Pricing Considerations: Use of Futures; 6. The Role of Accredited Exporters; 7. The Canadian Wheat Board in a North American Setting; 8. Summary]; C. Marketing to the Domestic Market for Further Processing [1. Milling Wheat and Durum; 2. The Domestic Feeding Industry; 3. Feed Processing; 4. Malting Barley; 5. General Comments]; D. Other Crops; E. Finance.

IV. Getting the Grain to Market:
A. Demands on the Canadian Grain Handling and Transportation System; B. Managing the Movement to Port [1. Objectives; 2. The Mechanics of Canadian Wheat Board Transportation Management]; C. The Transportation Policy Environment; D. Producer Delivery Commitments [1. Cost; 2. Equity and Pooling; 3. Compliance]; E. Efficiency with Equity: Moving the Grain to Port; F. Infrastructure Development.

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PE003287 - Freight Adjustment Factors 1998-1999 poster
Item · 1998
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Informational poster produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) outlining the 1998-1999 Freight Adjustment Factors (FAFs). The poster explains what FAFs are, and includes a table of figures reflecting the changes to FAFs from 1995-1999. The poster additionally includes 5 maps overlaid with colour-coded graphics showing the CWB's catchment areas for different crop types [Wheat; Durum; Canadian Western Extra Strong (CWES) Wheat; Designated Barley; and Feed Barley].

"What Are FAFs? FAFs were established in 1995, when the federal government changed the CWB pooling basis points. FAFs are an adjustment to wheat, durum wheat and barley freight costs based on where farmers deliver and the destination of their grain. As such, FAFs may change from year to year, with the variations in the CWB's overall sales program. ... FAFs are updated yearly to reflect expected production, market factors and port shipping capacities. FAFs remain constant during the crop year."

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PE003288 - Freight Adjustment Factors 1999-2000 poster
Item · 1999
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Informational poster produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) outlining the 1999-2000 Freight Adjustment Factors (FAFs). The poster explains what FAFs are, and includes a table of figures reflecting the changes to FAFs from 1995-2000. The poster additionally includes 5 maps overlaid with colour-coded graphics showing the CWB's catchment areas for different crop types [Wheat; Durum; Canadian Western Extra Strong (CWES) Wheat; Designated Barley; and Feed Barley].

"What Are FAFs? FAFs were established in 1995, when the federal government changed the CWB pooling basis points. FAFs are an adjustment to wheat, durum wheat and barley freight costs based on where farmers deliver and the destination of their grain. As such, FAFs may change from year to year with the variations in the CWB's overall sales program. ... FAFs are updated yearly to reflect expected production, market factors and port shipping capacities. FAFs remain constant during the crop year."

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PE003655 - Label it Canadian - Label it CWB
Item · 2005
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"... the CWB logo is used extensively on a variety of different consumer products to signify a level of quality that enhances the manufacturer's own name. Other manufacturers have also capitalized on the premium reputation of Prairie wheat and barley by identifying the Canadian origin on their product packaging. ... These labeling efforts are a source of pride at the CWB and a strong indication of our vital role as a supplier of premium wheat and barley in world markets."

A promotional booklet about grain product labelling in Canada and globally. The booklet was produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) in 2005.

Includes several examples of national and international companies which have labelled their grain products with the CWB logo or as being "Canadian" in origin, including Robin Hood flour (Canada), ADM Milling flour (Canadian branch), Dover Industries flour (Ontario), Grupo Altex flour (Mexico), George Marriage flour (Britain), Vogel Kimuraya bakery (Japan), "Flourbin" flour (Britain), Danuta pasta products (Poland), CO-OP high-protein flour (Japan), Tsingtao beer (China), and Mister Donut bakery (Japan), as well as flour millers in Italy and Greece.

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Item · 2008
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"As your marketing agency for wheat, durum and barley, the CWB works hard to provide the tools you need to meet your business needs. Each farming operation is a unique business, so the CWB offers a portfolio of options to suit your farm management plan. ... This booklet is designed to serve as a simple guide to help you make sense of the choices available and learn how these programs can work for you."

Informational guide designed to explain various different programs and Producer Payment Options (PPOs) available to Canadian grain farmers. The booklet is organized into 5 sections separated by coloured dividers and was produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) ahead of the 2008-2009 crop year.

Risk Management [Price Pooling; Early Payment Option (EPO); CashPlus; FlexPro; Fixed Price Contract (FPC); Basis Price Contract (BPC); Exchange for Physicals (EFP); Target Price Service; Force Majeure Option; PPO contract fulfillment; New Pool Pricing; Producer Direct Sale] (pp. 9-33)
Delivery Programs [The Delivery Offer and Contract; Selected Barley Programs; GrainFlo; Guaranteed Delivery Contract (GDC); Delivery Exchange Contract (DEC); Producer Car Program; Organic Marketing Options] (pp. 35-49)
Cash Flow Management [Direct Deposit; Payment Deferral Service; Advance Payment Program (APP); Pre-delivery Top-up (PDT)] (pp. 51-57)
Value Added [Weatherbug; Identity Preserved Contract Program (IPCP); Value-added Incentive Program (VIP); Wheat Storage Program (WSP); Churchill Storage Program (CSP); New Generation Co-operative (NGC); Field to Plate Program] (pp. 59-73)
Reference [Acronyms; Reference Grades] (p. 74)

Additionally includes one "Quick Reference" insert. This insert "lists program sign-up and deadline dates for the current crop year, as well as FBR [Farm Business Representatives] contact information".

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Item · 2003
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A monthly photo calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2003-2004 crop year, beginning with August 2003 and ending with December 2004.

Marks various holidays, special dates [including the beginning and ending of Daylight Savings Time, the first day of each season, and the dates of new and full moons], and important dates related to the CWB [including PRO (Pool Return Outlook) days, sign-up deadlines, and shipping weeks].

Included photographs have been chosen by a panel of judges from more than 290 entries submitted by photographers across Western Canada. Each month contains a unique photograph which reflects the contest's theme of "Faces of the Farm." Selected photographs largely consist of individual or group portraits of children or children with animals. A smaller number of photographs feature adults.

Front cover contains the Grand Prize-winning photograph, a B&W photo of a young girl with a ponytail sitting in a doorway and looking out at a field. This photo is additionally used as the calendar's featured photograph for the month of June 2004.

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Item · 2011
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A monthly photo calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2011-2012 crop year, beginning with August 2011 and ending with December 2012.

Marks various holidays, special dates [including the beginning and ending of Daylight Savings Time, the first day of each season, and the dates of new and full moons], and important dates related to the CWB [including PRO (Pool Return Outlook) days, various deadlines, and shipping weeks].

Included photographs have been chosen by a panel of judges from 390 entries submitted by photographers across Western Canada. Each month contains a unique photograph which reflects the contest's theme of "A Slice of Life". Selected photographs largely consist of colourful agricultural landscapes. A smaller number of photographs include individual and group portraits featuring children, adults, and animals on the farm.

Front cover contains the Grand Prize-winning photograph, captioned "The original rain gauge", showing a young girl sitting in a field of grass and pouring water out of her pink rubber boot. This photo is additionally used as the calendar's featured photograph for the month of April 2012.

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Item · 22-24 Feb. 2004
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Conference packet produced in accordance with the 13th Annual Grain World Grain and Livestock Conference held at the Fairmont in Winnipeg (Man.) from 22-24 February 2004. Packet includes workbook, 2004 conference program, miniature "Pocket Program", and participant list. Lined note pages in workbook are left blank.

Grain World Organizing Committee [includes members representing the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB), Canadian Grain Commission, Winnipeg Commodity Exchange, Manitoba Agriculture and Food, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Farmers' Independent Weekly, University of Manitoba, Alberta Agriculture - Food and Rural Development, and Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food, as well as Free Agents]; Thank You to Our Sponsors; Greetings from the Grain World Conference Chair; Message from the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food; Message from the Premier of Manitoba; Message from the Mayor of Winnipeg; Grain World 2004 program; Panel: China - The Once and Future Market [Moderator: Dr. Ed Tyrchniewicz; Dr. Funing Zhong; Dr. Scott Rozelle; presentation slides titled "China Grain and Oilseed Overview" by Jacqueline Wu]; Wheat Outlook [Rick Steinke]; Luncheon - The Economic Outlook [Dr. Sherry Cooper]; Oilseeds Outlook [Dr. Parry Dixon]; Pulse and Special Crops Outlook [Stan Skrypetz]; Coarse Grains Outlook [Emily S. French]; Barley Outlook [Bob Cuthbert]; Banquet [with Comedian Big Daddy Tazz]; Breakfast - Weather in 2004 [Douglas Le Comte]; Beef Outlook [James Robb]; Pork Outlook [Shawn Mills]; Panel: World Hunger - Case Critical [Moderator: Jim Cornelius; Paul E. Arès; Dr. Barbara Macdonald; Dr. James L. McDonald]; Luncheon [Stephen Lewis].

Additionally contains several print advertisements for various local and Canadian businesses and corporate bodies.

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Item · 27 Feb. - 1 Mar. 2011
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Conference workbook produced in accordance with the 21st Annual Grain World Grain and Livestock Conference held at the Fairmont in Winnipeg (Man.) from 27 February - 1 March 2011. Includes 2011 conference program. Lined note pages in workbook are left blank.

Grain World Organizing Committee [includes members representing the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB), Manitoba Agriculture - Food and Rural Initiatives, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, University of Manitoba, and Alberta Agriculture - Food and Rural Development]; 2011 Program; A Message from the Premier [Greg Selinger, Manitoba]; Greetings from the Grain World Conference Chair; Thank You to Our Sponsors; Economic outlook for Asia Pacific; Opening remarks; Flight to commodities; Ocean freight outlook; Wheat outlook 2011; Luncheon: U.S. Ethanol policy and global commodity markets - why burning our food is never good; Barley outlook 2011; Oilseeds outlook 2011; Pulse and special crops outlook 2011; Droughts to flood - what's causing these extreme climatic events?; Global economic outlook; Panel: Reaping rewards from research; Beef outlook 2011; Pork outlook 2011; Luncheon: The Newman Briefing.

Additionally contains several print advertisements for various local and Canadian businesses and corporate bodies.

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PE003658 - Producer Car Loading - Best Practices Manual
Item · [ca. 2003]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A step-by-step informational guide to the process of loading producer cars with grain. The booklet was composed by transportation consultant Paul Beingessner ca. 2003, with contributions from the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC), the Saskatchewan Grain Car Corporation, and the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM). The booklet is organized into 10 sections separated by 7 tabbed dividers.

I. Introduction
II. Analyzing Your Options [Producer Car Loading Options; Choosing an Administrator]
III. Know Your Grain [Proper Sampling is Key; Importance of Objective Third Party Grading; Keep Your Grain in Condition]
IV. Ordering and Authorization of Producer Cars [Ordering a Producer Car; Authorization of a Producer Car]
V. Preparation and Loading Day [Before Your Car Arrives; Loading Day; Tracking Your Car Enroute]
VI. Unload and Settlement [Weighing and Grading; Notification of Unload Results; Settlement]
VII. Troubleshooting [Car Supply Issues; Insect Infestations; Contamination; Re-inspection; Claims Against Leaks or Derailments; Overloaded Cars; Bulkhead Cars; Sampling; Rail Line and Hopper Car Capacities]
VIII. Frequently Asked Questions
IX. Contacts
X. Documents

Additionally includes several print advertisements for various Western Canadian grain transportation businesses.

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Item · 1950
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented each time a grain transaction is made which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations, are required to be entered in the Permit."

"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Pendennis. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other station without proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1950-1951 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1950-51 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 7 August 1950, which records his owned lands, the size of his farm in 1950 in acres, and his seeded acres in 1950, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Oats, and Barley are made throughout the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the delivery of grain in excess of the quota or in breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchases" on inner back cover.

Some pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1953
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented each time a grain transaction is made which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations, are required to be entered in the Permit."

"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Pendennis. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other station without proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1953-1954 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1953-54 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 28 July 1953, which records his lands owned and lands rented [from Mrs. Etta Greasley], the size of his farm in 1953 in acres, and his seeded acres in 1953, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Barley are made throughout the permit book. "Greasley's -- 140 Cult." [cultivated land] is handwritten in black ink on inner front cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchased by Permit Holder" on inner back cover.

Some pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1955
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator agent each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Pendennis. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other station without proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1955-1956 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1955-56 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 30 August 1955, which records his lands owned and lands rented [from Mrs. Etta Greasley], and his seeded and total farm acres in 1955, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat and Barley are made throughout the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchased by Permit Holder" on inner back cover.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

Sem título
Item · 1956
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator agent each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1956-1957 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1956-57 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 8 August 1956, which records his lands owned and lands rented [from Mrs. Etta Greasley], and his seeded and total farm acres in 1956, is included. The selected Delivery Point is Pendennis, Manitoba.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Oats, and Barley are made throughout the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchased by Permit Holder" on back cover.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

Sem título
Item · 1957
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator agent each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1957-1958 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1957-58 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 6 August 1957, which records his lands owned and lands rented [from Mrs. Etta Greasley], and his seeded and total farm acres in 1957, is included. The selected Delivery Point is Pendennis, Manitoba.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Oats, and Barley are made throughout the permit book. One typed "Cancellation of Endorsement" form regarding advance payments, filled in by hand in blue ink, is pasted in to the inner back cover of the permit book. Some calculations are written in blue ink at top right of back cover.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchased by Permit Holder" on back cover.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1962
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator agent each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Rivers, Man. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other delivery point without the proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1962-1963 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1962-63 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 30 August 1962, which records the details of his lands owned, and his seeded and total farm acres in 1962, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat and Oats are made throughout the permit book. "Balance Outstanding Transferred from 1961-62 Permit Book", dated 26 October 1962, is filled in by hand on inner back cover of permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in applications and declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], a list of instructions for using the permit book titled "Important" on inner front cover, and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchased by Permit Holder" on back cover.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

Sem título
Item · 1964
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator agent each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1964-1965 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1964-65 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 11 September 1964, which records the details of his lands owned, and his seeded and total farm acres in 1964, is included. The selected Delivery Point is Rivers, Manitoba.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Oats, and Rapeseed are made throughout the permit book. "Balance Outstanding Transferred from 1963-64 Permit Book", dated 13 October 1964, is filled in by hand on inner back cover of permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in applications and declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], a list of instructions for using the permit book titled "Important" on inner front cover, and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchased by Permit Holder" on back cover.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1965
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator agent each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1965-1966 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1965-66 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 23 August 1965, which records the details of his lands owned, and his seeded and total farm acres in 1965, is included. The selected Delivery Point is Rivers, Manitoba.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Oats are made throughout the permit book. "Balance Outstanding Transferred from 1964-65 Permit Book", dated 22 October 1965, is filled in by hand on inner back cover of permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in applications and declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], a list of instructions for using the permit book titled "Important" on inner front cover, and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchases by Permit Holder" on back cover.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1968
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1968-1969 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1968-69 Delivery Permit and permit application, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 19 July 1968, which records the details of his lands owned, and his seeded and total farm acres in 1968, is included. The selected Delivery Point is Rivers, Manitoba.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the permit book. "The Manitoba Crop Insurance Corporation - Release from Prairie Farm Assistance Act" certificate, dated 1 June 1968, is affixed to inner front cover of the permit book. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act (PGAPA) is filled in by hand on page 11.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in applications and declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], and a list of instructions for using the permit book titled "Important" on inner front cover.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1971
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1971-1972 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's permit book application, filled in and signed in blue ink on 20 August 1971 by Donald J. McFadden, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and calculations of his assignable and quota acres for the 1971-1972 crop year, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, Oats, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. One "Form AR-E - Cancellation of Endorsement" is attached to page 29.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain".

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1973
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1973-1974 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's permit book application, filled in and signed in blue ink on 15 September 1973 by Donald J. McFadden, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1973-1974 crop year, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Oats, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. Page 51 contains a "Record of Bushels Delivered 1973-74".

Permit book additionally includes information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", as well as "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1975
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1975-1976 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's permit book application, filled in and signed in blue ink on 8 July 1975 by Donald J. McFadden, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1975-1976 crop year, is included. An approved "DP-8 Endorsement" regarding amendments to his 1975-76 quota acres is attached to the application.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. Page 51 contains a "Record of Other Grain Deliveries 1975-76". A copy of "Form DP-7 Application for Amendments to 1975-76 Quota Acre Assignments" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" is attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", as well as "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1983
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Chester James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1983-1984 crop year. A copy of Chester McFadden's permit book application dated 12 August 1983, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1983-1984 crop year, is included.

One partial entry for a delivery of Durum Wheat is made on page 18. The remainder of the permit book is left blank.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Sem título
Item · 1984
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

"The holder of this delivery permit book has stocks or has seeded an unlicensed variety of wheat on the lands described herein. UNLICENSED GRAIN - Canada Grain Act, Section 22 (5)".

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1984-1985 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's original permit book application dated 23 August 1984, and a copy of an amended permit book application dated 13 November 1984, which list his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1984-1985 crop year, are included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. Two typed letters from the CWB regarding Donald McFadden's authorization to deliver unlicensed wheat varieties are stapled to the original permit book application. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 80. One copy of "Form 032-DP-7 Application for Amendments to 1984-85 Quota Acre Assignments" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" is attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1985
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

"The holder of this delivery permit book has stocks or has seeded an unlicensed variety of wheat on the lands described herein. UNLICENSED GRAIN - Canada Grain Act, Section 22 (5)".

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1985-1986 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's original permit book application dated 19 July 1985, and a copy of an amended permit book application dated 2 May 1986, which list his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the 1985-1986 crop year, are included. One copy of "Form 032-DP-7 Application for Amendments to Quota Acre Assignment 1985-86" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" is attached between the original and amended applications.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. One plastic CWB producer identification plate in Donald McFadden's name is attached to the inner front cover of the permit book. One handwritten note on pink paper regarding Donald McFadden's Present and Future Wheat and Barley and Overdelivery of Seeds is tucked in between pages 12 and 13. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 82. One typed two-page letter from the CWB regarding Donald McFadden's authorization to extend his barley quota is tucked in immediately before the back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as "General Instructions", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1988
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1988-1989 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's permit book application dated 11 August 1988, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the 1988-1989 crop year, as well as information regarding his landlord and renter relationship with one Peter Luchuck, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Durum Wheat, Barley, and Canola/Rapeseed are made throughout the book. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 81.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Canada Grain Act", the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", and the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", "General Instructions" [information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 2000
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2000-2001 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 2000-01 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 14 July 2000, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and assigned acres for the crop year, is included.

One entry regarding delivery of Wheat is made on page 8. The remainder of the permit book is left blank.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act [PGAPA]", the "Agricultural Marketing Programs Act [AMPA]", and the "Spring Credit Advance Program [SCAP]", the "CWB Delivery Contracts Sign-up Deadline Dates", "Codes to Use When Farmers Deliver", "Recording Deliveries" [Liquidated Damages; Advance Payments], "CWB Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", "Deliveries to Purchase Pedigreed Seed", "Wheat, Durum Wheat and Barley Cleanout", a "Multi-Member Farm Declaration" form, "CWB Selected Barley Storage and Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", "Fixed Price Contracts [FPC] Instructions for Recording Deliveries", and "Important Information on Grain Sampling" [including Sampling Procedures].

Sem título
Item · 2001
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2000-2001 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 2001-02 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 23 July 2001, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and assigned acres for the crop year, is included. One handwritten yellow sticky note which reads "Don McFadden for Pick Up" in pencil is affixed to the inner front cover of the permit book.

The contents of the permit book are entirely blank.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act [PGAPA]", the "Agricultural Marketing Programs Act [AMPA]", and the "Spring Credit Advance Program [SCAP]", the "CWB Delivery Contracts Sign-up Deadline Dates", "Codes to Use When Farmers Deliver", "Recording Deliveries" [Liquidated Damages; Advance Payments], "CWB Producer Payment Options [PPO] Program - Terms and Conditions", "PPO Instructions for Recording Deliveries", "CWB Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", "Deliveries to Purchase Pedigreed Wheat, Durum and Barley Seed", "Wheat, Durum Wheat and Barley Cleanout", a "Multi-Member Farm Declaration" form, "CWB Selected Barley Storage and Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", and "Important Information on Grain Sampling" [including "Sampling Your Bin"].

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Item · 2002
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Annual report with accompanying booklet of statistical tables, produced and published by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2001-2002 crop year.

The annual report includes the CWB's 2001-2002 performance highlights as well as information regarding their organizational structure and updates, and crop and financial records. The report additionally includes the CWB's "2001-02 Financial Highlights" and their Corporate Profile, Vision ["To create value for Prairie farmers by being an innovative world leader in marketing grain"], and Mission ["The CWB markets quality products and services in order to maximize returns to western Canadian grain producers"] statements.

Table of Contents:
Core values (p. 2)
A message from the Chair of the board of directors and the President/CEO (p. 14)
CWB performance highlights (p. 15)
Board of directors (p. 16)
Corporate governance (p. 18)
Senior management (p. 22)
Management discussion and analysis (p. 24)
The wheat pool (p. 26)
The durum pool (p. 28)
The feed barley pool (p. 30)
The designated barley pool (p. 32)
Financial results (p. 39)
Notes to the financial statements (p. 49)

The accompanying statistical tables "provide both a historical reference and a more current snapshot of Canada's agricultural industry and world grain trade. They also highlight valuable information related to CWB operations and sales." The tables include information related to Canadian wheat, durum, barley, and coarse grains production, imports and exports, CWB employees, delivery permits, and payments, shipping and freightage of crops, and other figures related to the CWB and the world grain trade.

Sem título
Item · 2003
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Annual report with accompanying booklet of statistical tables, produced and published by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2002-2003 crop year.

The annual report includes the CWB's 2002-2003 performance highlights as well as information regarding their organizational structure and updates, and crop and financial records. The report additionally includes the CWB's "2002-03 Financial Highlights" and their Corporate Profile, Vision ["To create value for Prairie farmers by being an innovative world leader in marketing grain"], and Mission ["The CWB markets quality products and services in order to maximize returns to western Canadian grain producers"] statements.

Table of Contents:
A message from the Chair of the board of directors and the President and CEO (p. 1)
Farm faces (p. 3)
Corporate governance (p. 14)
CWB performance highlights (p. 14)
Farmer-controlled board of directors (p. 16)
Senior management (p. 22)
Management discussion and analysis (p. 24)
The wheat pool (p. 26)
The durum pool (p. 29)
The feed barley pool (p. 31)
The designated barley pool (p. 33)
Financial results (p. 43)
Notes to the financial statements (p. 54)
Glossary of financial terms (p. 65)

The accompanying statistical tables "provide both a historical reference and a more current snapshot of Canada's agricultural industry and world grain trade. They also highlight valuable information related to CWB operations and sales." The tables include information related to Canadian wheat, durum, barley, and coarse grains production, imports and exports, CWB employees, delivery permits, and payments, shipping and freightage of crops, and other figures related to the CWB and the world grain trade.

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PE003649 - Canadian Wheat Board 2005-2006 Annual Report
Item · 2006
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Annual report produced and published by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2005-2006 crop year.

The report includes the CWB's 2005-2006 performance highlights as well as information regarding their organizational structure and updates, and crop and financial records. The report additionally includes the CWB's "2005-06 Financial Highlights" and their Corporate Profile, Vision ["Canadian farmers innovatively leading the way in the global grain market"], and Mission ["Creating a sustainable competitive advantage for farmers and customers through our unique business structure, innovative marketing, superior service, profitable investments and effective partnerships"] statements.

Table of Contents:
A message from the chair of the board of directors and the president and CEO (p. 2)
We're evolving (p. 4)
Corporate governance [CWB performance highlights; Farmer-controlled board of directors; Leadership team] - (p. 14)
Management discussion and analysis [The wheat pool; The durum pool; The designated barley pool; The feed barley pool A & B] - (p. 28)
Financial results [Financial statements; Notes to the financial statements; Glossary of financial terms] - (p. 59)

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PE003650 - Canadian Wheat Board 2006-2007 Annual Report
Item · 2007
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Annual report produced and published by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2006-2007 crop year.

The report includes the CWB's 2006-2007 performance highlights as well as information regarding their organizational structure and updates, and crop and financial records. The report additionally includes the CWB's "2006-07 Financial Highlights" and their Corporate Profile, Vision ["Canadian farmers innovatively leading the way in the global grain market"], and Mission ["Creating a sustainable competitive advantage for farmers and customers through our unique business structure, innovative marketing, superior service, profitable investments and effective partnerships"] statements.

Table of Contents:
A message from the chair of the board of directors (p. 2)
Farmers First (p. 4)
Corporate governance [CWB performance highlights; Board of directors; Leadership team] - (p. 14)
Management discussion and analysis [The wheat pool; The durum pool; The designated barley pool; The feed barley pool A & B] - (p. 30)
Financial results [Financial statements; Notes to the financial statements; Glossary of financial terms] - (p. 65)

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PE003652 - Canadian Wheat Board 2010-2011 Annual Report
Item · 2011
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Annual report produced and published by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2010-2011 crop year.

"This annual report provides an overview of the 2010-11 crop year. It underscores the broad range of activities, the performance levels and the governance structure of the CWB during the 2010-11 crop year, ending July 31, 2011."

The report is divided into sections titled Corporate Governance, Management Discussion & Analysis, and Financial Results, and additionally includes the CWB's "2010-11 Financial Highlights" and their Corporate Profile, Vision ["Canadian farmers innovatively leading the way in the global grain market"], and Mission ["Creating a sustainable competitive advantage for farmers and customers through our unique business structure, innovative marketing, superior service, profitable investments and effective partnerships"] statements, and "A message from the president and CEO".

Corporate Governance - Table of Contents:
Board of directors (pp. 8-15)
The board's mandate (p. 8)
Thinking strategically (p. 8)
Commitment to good governance (p. 8)
Committee structure (p. 9)
Director biographies (pp. 10-13)
Remuneration and meeting attendance (p. 14)
Director participation in Producer Payment Options (p. 15)
Director representation on external boards and committees (p. 15)
CWB leadership team (pp. 16-17)
Summary compensation table (p. 16)

Management Discussion and Analysis - Table of Contents:
Our business (p. 20)
Operational environment (p. 21)
Business structure (p. 23)
How the financial statements capture the business (p. 26)
Our vision and strategies (p. 28)
CWB performance highlights (p. 29)
Measuring success (p. 32)
Current year results (p. 34)
Combined pool results (p. 37)
The pools (pp. 38-50)
Indirect income and expenses (p. 51)
Producer Payment Options (PPOs) (p. 53)
Cash trading (p. 57)
Liquidity and capital resources (p. 60)
Reconciliation of non-GAAP measures (p. 62)
Financial risk management (p. 63)
Outlook (p. 65)

A third section, Financial Results, begins on p. 67 and does not have its own Table of Contents. This section includes Financial statements (p. 68), Notes to financial statements (p. 73), and a Glossary of financial terms (p. 98).

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Item · July 1985
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"... this issue is dedicated entirely to the history of the [Canadian Wheat] Board, with a few looks at the organization today and in the future."

Introduction; The Thirties [Collapse of the Central Selling Agency; Bennett and John McFarland; The Wheat Board of 1935; Operations through 1939; The Wheat Board's ad campaign]; The Forties [The War and Grain Sales; The Wheat Board in 1943; George H. McIvor; The Five-Year Pool; The Board Takes on Oats and Barley; When the U.S. was our largest customer]; The Fifties [Surpluses Build Again; The U.S. Begins to Buy Market Share; The Temporary Wheat Reserves Act; From grain storage to skating rinks; Cash Advances; The Seaway]; The Sixties [The Board Begins to Change Gears; The Rise and Fall of the IGA (International Grains Arrangement); Was that ton short or long?; Wheat Stocks Build to a Billion]; The Seventies [Lower Inventory for Tomorrow (LIFT); A Complete Review; The Billion Disappears; The 1985 Target; The Bottleneck; The Board Grabs the Bull by the Horns]; The Eighties [The CWB Hoppers Pay Off; The Quantum Leap; The Target is Reached; Today's Wheat Board]; The Board in 1985 [W. Esmond Jarvis (Chief Commissioner); Dr. R. L. (Larry) Kristjanson; Forrest M. Hetland; Dr. J. L. (Jim) Leibfried; W. H. (Bill) Smith]; The Future.

PE003636 - "Grain Matters" - March/April 2003
Item · March 2003
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A bimonthly Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) periodical which reports on matters of interest related to the grain industry.

"Cover photo: In February, CWB farmer-directors Ken Ritter and Larry Hill travelled to Australia to meet with grain industry officials. They toured the AusBulk facility in Adelaide, South Australia with Ausbulk director Adrian Glover and chief operating officer John Warda. AusBulk is the major bulk handling company in southern Australia."

Inside this issue:
"Promoting Canadian Wheat in Japan" - Page 2
"Grain Marketing Report" - Page 4-5
"U.S. imposes tariffs" - Page 6

Additionally includes segment titled "Questions farmers are asking" which contains answers to questions submitted by farmers [pp. 7-8].

PE003637 - "Grain Matters" - July/August 2003
Item · July 2003
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A bimonthly Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) periodical which reports on matters of interest related to grain production and the grain industry.

"Improved weather and soil moisture conditions across much of Western Canada should mean an early harvest in some areas this year."

Inside this issue:
"CWHW [Canada Western Hard White wheat] development" - Page 3
"[Wheat; Feed barley; Malting barley] Market outlook" - Page 4
"[CWB] Fellowship winners" - Page 6

Additionally includes segment titled " "Questions farmers are asking" which contains answers to questions submitted by farmers [pp. 7-8].

PE003289 - Freight Adjustment Factors 2000-2001 poster
Item · 2000
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Informational poster produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) outlining the 2000-2001 Freight Adjustment Factors (FAFs). The poster explains what FAFs are, and includes a table of figures reflecting the changes to FAFs from 1995-2001. The poster additionally includes 5 maps overlaid with colour-coded graphics showing the CWB's catchment areas for different crop types [Wheat; Durum; Canadian Western Extra Strong (CWES) Wheat; Designated Barley; and Feed Barley].

"What Are FAFs? FAFs were established in 1995, when the federal government changed the CWB pooling basis points. FAFs are an adjustment to wheat, durum wheat and barley freight costs based on where farmers deliver and the destination of their grain. As such, FAFs may change from year to year, with the variations in the CWB's overall sales program. ... FAFs are updated yearly to reflect expected production, market factors and port shipping capacities. FAFs may also change during the crop year to reflect changes in freight rates."

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Item · 2006
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A monthly photo calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2006-2007 crop year, beginning with August 2006 and ending with December 2007.

Marks various holidays, special dates [including the beginning and ending of Daylight Savings Time, the first day of each season, and the dates of new and full moons], and important dates related to the CWB [including PRO (Pool Return Outlook) days, various deadlines, and shipping weeks].

Included photographs have been chosen by a panel of judges from 545 entries submitted by photographers across Western Canada. Each month contains a unique photograph which reflects the contest's theme of "Generations". Selected photographs largely consist of individual and group portraits, mostly of children. A smaller number of portraits additionally feature teenagers, adults, and animals on the farm.

Front cover contains the Grand Prize-winning photograph, captioned "Families that play together..." which shows a group of 7 children posing on a metal fence, some smiling and others making funny faces. This photo is additionally used as the calendar's featured photograph for the month of August 2007.

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Item · 2007
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A monthly photo calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2007-2008 crop year, beginning with August 2007 and ending with December 2008.

Marks various holidays, special dates [including the beginning and ending of Daylight Savings Time, the first day of each season, and the dates of new and full moons], and important dates related to the CWB [including PRO (Pool Return Outlook) days, various deadlines, and shipping weeks].

Included photographs have been chosen by a panel of judges from more than 400 entries submitted by photographers across Western Canada. Each month contains a unique photograph which reflects the contest's theme of "Farm Hands". Selected photographs largely consist of close-up shots of people's hands. A smaller number of individual and group portraits additionally feature children, adults, and animals on the farm.

Front cover contains the Grand Prize-winning photograph, captioned "The hands of experience" which is a close-up of the hands of an older man holding grain. This photo is additionally used as the calendar's featured photograph for the month of October 2007.

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Item · 2002
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A foldable, standing monthly grain shipping calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2002-2003 crop year, beginning with August 2002 and ending with July 2003.

The calendar highlights the Delivery Contract Deadlines and numbers the 2002-03 shipping weeks (1-52) at the start of each week.

Note that the first 3 days of August 2002 are included as part of shipping week 53 of the 2001-02 crop year.

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Item · 2006
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A foldable, standing monthly grain shipping calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2006-2007 crop year, beginning with August 2006 and ending with July 2007.

Calendar highlights Delivery Contract sign-up deadlines, Identity Preserved Contract Program dates, and Pool Return Outlook (PRO) dates, and numbers the 2006-07 shipping weeks (1-52) at the start of each week.

Note that the final 2 days of July 2007 are included as part of shipping week 1 of the 2007-08 crop year.

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Item · 2009
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A foldable, standing monthly grain shipping calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2009-2010 crop year, beginning with August 2009 and ending with July 2010.

Calendar highlights contract sign-up deadlines, Identity Preserved Contract Program and Pricing Program dates, and Pool Return Outlook (PRO) dates, and numbers the 2009-10 shipping weeks (1-52) at the start of each week.

Note that the first day of August 2009 is included as part of the final shipping week of the 2008-09 crop year.

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Item · 2011
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A foldable, standing monthly grain shipping calendar produced by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2011-2012 crop year, beginning with August 2011 and ending with July 2012.

Calendar highlights Delivery Contract sign-up deadlines, Identity Preserved Contract Program and other program dates, and Pool Return Outlook (PRO) dates, and numbers the 2011-12 shipping weeks (1-52) at the start of each week.

Note that the last 3 days of July 2012 is included as part of shipping week 1 of the 2012-13 crop year.

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Item · Dec. 2010
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"The following report details the performance of Canada's Grain Handling and Transportation System (GHTS) for the crop year ended 31 July 2010, and focuses on the various events, issues and trends manifest in the movement of Western Canadian grain during the past year."

An annual report produced by Quorum Corporation as the Monitor appointed under the Government of Canada's Grain Monitoring Program (GMP) which details the performance of Canada's GHTS for the 2009-2010 crop year. The report is separated into six sections, being "Production and Supply", "Traffic and Movement", "Infrastructure", "Commercial Relations", "System Efficiency and Performance", and "Producer Impact".

Table of Contents:
Executive Summary
Section 1: Western Canadian Production and Supply
[Production and Supply]
Section 2: Traffic and Movement
[Country Elevator Throughput; Railway Traffic; Terminal Elevator Throughput]
Section 3: Infrastructure
[Country Elevator Infrastructure; Railway Infrastructure; Terminal Elevator Infrastructure]
Section 4: Commercial Relations
[Trucking Rates; Country Elevator Handling Charges; Railway Freight Rates; Terminal Elevator Handling Charges; Tendering Program; Advance Car Awards Program; Commercial Developments]
Section 5: System Efficiency and Performance
[Country Elevator Operations; Railway Operations; Terminal Elevator Operations; Port Operations; System Performance]
Section 6: Producer Impact
[Calculation of the Export Basis; CWB Commodities; Non-CWB Commodities; Cash Ticket Analysis; Producer Cars]
Appendix 1: Program Background
Appendix 2: Commodities Guide
Appendix 3: Producer Netback Calculator
Appendix 4: Acknowledgements
Appendix 5: Data Tables

The report includes approximately 130 pages of data tables. These data tables contain figures and information related to various aspects of each of the six sections included within the annual report.

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PE003286 - Canadian Barley - The Malting & Brewing Process
Item · [ca. 2003]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Foldable, double-sided educational poster created by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) outlining the steps in the interrelated processes of Malting [including Malting Barley; Steep Tank; Germination Compartment; Kilning; and Malt] and Brewing [including Milled Malt; Cereal Adjunct; Cooker; Mash Tun; Lauter Tun; Brew Kettle (Hops); Fermentation (Yeast); Storage & Filtration; and End Product] beer.

Additionally includes 2 images showing malting barley and malt as viewed under an electron microscope; and 1 diagram of a barley kernel highlighting its components [Endosperm; Aleurone Layer; Embryo].

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Item · 1958
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator agent each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1958-1959 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1958-59 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 23 August 1958, which records his lands owned and lands rented [from Mrs. Etta Greasley], and his seeded and total farm acres in 1958, is included. The selected Delivery Point is Carnegie, Manitoba.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat and Barley are made throughout the permit book. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act [PGAPA] is filled in by hand on page 13.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchased by Permit Holder" on back cover.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1960
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator agent each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Carnegie 1076. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other delivery point without the proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1960-1961 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1960-61 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 25 August 1960, which records his lands owned and lands rented [from Mrs. Etta Greasley], and his seeded and total farm acres in 1960, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Oats, and Barley are made throughout the permit book. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act [PGAPA] is filled in by hand on page 13.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in applications and declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], a list of instructions for using the permit book titled "Important" on inner front cover, and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchased by Permit Holder" on back cover.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1986
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

"The holder of this delivery permit book has stocks or has seeded an unlicensed variety of wheat on the lands described herein. UNLICENSED GRAIN - Canada Grain Act, Section 22 (5)".

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1986-1987 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's permit book application dated 12 July 1986, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the 1986-1987 crop year, are included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 82. One "Seed Purchase Declaration" [with one attached duplicate copy], four blue "Certified Seed" cards [Argyle Barley; Glenlea Wheat; Neepawa Wheat; and Ellice Barley], one copy of "Form 032-DP-7 Application for Amendments to Quota Acre Assignment 1986-87" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only", and one advance payment endorsement from the Prairie Canola Growers' Council, are attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as "General Instructions", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1987
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1987-1988 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's permit book application dated 5 August 1987, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the 1987-1988 crop year, as well as information regarding his landlord and renter relationship with one Peter Luchuck, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Canola/Rapeseed are made throughout the book. One orange CWB producer identification card in Peter Luchuck's name is attached to the inner front cover of the permit book. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 80.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Canada Grain Act", the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", and the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", "General Instructions" [information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1994
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1994-1995 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1994-95 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 21 July 1994, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included.

One entry regarding delivery of Wheat is made on page 6. The remainder of the permit book is left blank.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Canada Grain Act" and the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", as well as "Deadline Dates to Sign-Up for a CWB Delivery Contract", "CWB Contract Performance Clause", "Important Information for Elevator Managers", "Deliveries of Wheat and Barley" [regarding Producer's Certificates; Calculating Tonnes Deliverable (Acreage-Based Deliveries; Contracts); Recording Deliveries; and Penalties], "CWB Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", "CWB Delivery Contract - Grandin Wheat (And Other Non-Registered Varieties)", "Deliveries to Purchase Pedigreed Seed", "CWB Selected Barley Storage and Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and "Important Information on Grain Sampling" [including Sampling Procedures].

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Item · 2000
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Annual report with accompanying statistical tables produced and published by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1999-2000 crop year.

The annual report includes the CWB's 1999-2001 goals and results, as well as information regarding their organizational structure and updates, and crop and financial records. The report additionally includes the CWB's "1999-2000 Financial Highlights" and their Vision ["To create value for Prairie farmers by being an innovative world leader in marketing grain"] and Mission ["The CWB markets quality product and services in order to maximize returns to western Canadian grain farmers"] statements.

Table of Contents:
A message from the President/CEO and the Chair of the Board of Directors (p. 2)
1999-2000 Chart of Goals and Results (p. 4)
Innovative Marketers (p. 6)
Accountable (p. 10)
Flexible (p. 13)
Efficient (p. 16)
Farmer Advocates (p. 19)
Management Discussion and Analysis (p. 22)
1999-2000 Crop Year in Review (p. 23)
1999-2000 Pool Accounts (p. 27)
Wheat Results (p. 29)
Durum Results (p. 32)
Feed Barley Results (p. 34)
Designated Barley Results (p. 36)
Financial Results (p. 51)
Notes to the Financial Statements (p. 62)
Glossary of Financial Terms (p. 71)
Corporate Governance: A Report from the Board of Directors (p. 73)
Accomplishments of Board of Director Committees (p. 75)
Board of Directors (p. 78)
Senior Management (p. 79)

The accompanying statistical tables "provide both a historical reference and a more current snapshot of Canada's agricultural industry and world grain trade. They also highlight valuable information related to CWB operations and sales." The tables include information related to Canadian wheat, durum, barley, and coarse grains production, imports and exports, CWB employees, delivery permits, and payments, shipping and freightage of crops, and other figures related to the CWB and the world grain trade.

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Item · 2004
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Annual report with accompanying booklet of statistical tables, produced and published by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2003-2004 crop year.

The annual report includes the CWB's 2003-2004 performance highlights as well as information regarding their organizational structure and updates, and crop and financial records. The report additionally includes the CWB's "2003-04 Financial Highlights" and their Corporate Profile, Vision ["To unite western Canadian grain farmers as the world-recognized, premier grain marketer"], and Mission ["The CWB markets and provides quality products and services in order to maximize value to our owners, western Canadian grain farmers"] statements.

Table of Contents:
A message from the Chair of the board of directors and the President and CEO (p. 2)
All in a day's work (p. 4)
Corporate governance [CWB performance highlights; Farmer-controlled board of directors; Senior management] - (p. 16)
Management discussion and analysis [The wheat pool; The durum pool; The feed barley pool; The designated barley pool] - (p. 28)
Financial results [Notes to the financial statements; Glossary of financial terms] - (p. 51)

The accompanying statistical tables "provide both a historical reference and a more current snapshot of Canada's agricultural industry and world grain trade. They also highlight valuable information related to CWB operations and sales." The tables include information related to Canadian wheat, durum, barley, and coarse grains production, imports and exports, CWB employees, delivery permits, and payments, shipping and freightage of crops, and other figures related to the CWB and the world grain trade.

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