"This permit must be presented each time a grain transaction is made which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations, are required to be entered in the Permit."
"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Pendennis. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other station without proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."
A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1949-1950 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1949-50 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 29 July 1949, which records his owned lands, the size of his farm in 1949 in acres, and his seeded acres in 1949, is included.
Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Oats, and Barley are made throughout the permit book.
Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the delivery of grain in excess of the quota or in breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchases" on inner back cover.
Some pages of the permit book are left blank.
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