Accession consists of minutes of the Executive Committee and General Faculties Council.
Zonder titelAccession consists of minute books of the General Faculties Council (1980-1981) and the Executive Committee (1980-1981).
Zonder titelAccession consists of records from the University Secretariat and General Faculties Council Academic Planning Committee, Board Educational Affairs Committee, Academic Standards Committee, Committee on the Learning Environment, Campus Law Review Committee, Chairs' Council, Executive Committee, Facilities Development Committee, Academic Standards Committee Subcommittee on Standards, Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards Committee, University Teaching Awards Committee, Course and Program Changes, Nominating Committee, Administrative Committees, Deans' Council, and President's Advisory Committee of Chairs.
Zonder titelAccession consists of minutes, correspondence, reports, and other records from General Faculty Council, Executive Committee, Administrative Committee, and committees of the General Faculties Council.
Zonder titelAccession consists of minutes from the General Faculty Council and Executive Committee.
Zonder titel