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1846 (Feb) from Anne Alsop to Smithurst
FC 3213 L55 020.014 · Unidad documental simple · February 7, 1846
Parte de Life, Events, and Players in the North-West

Place: Matlock Bath [Derbyshire, England]

From: A. Alsop

To: Rev’d John Smithurst, Church Missionary House, London

Delivery: Forwarded by the Church Missionary Society to Red River Settlement via Hudson’s Bay Company supply ship and canoe brigade, and thence by courier to the Indian Settlement at Netley Creek

Details: 3pp + integral address face

Notes: In her annual letter to Rev. Smithurst, Anne Alsop sends news, largely relating various marriages, births, and deaths in the community. She mentions that William Wass died and Catherine [presumably her niece, Catherine Wasse] is ill with grief. Mr. George Saxton plans on enclosing a letter of his own to Rev. Smithurst. The winter was surprisingly mild. Anne Alsop now lives in Matlock Bath and is dismayed over the tenant who now resides in her old home, Sycamore Cottage. She adds a postscript commenting on the widespread speculation occurring as railroads are being built across England.

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