Documents related to the Leilani Muir Case.
15 cm of Annual Reports to the Community (2000-2001 to 2013-2014)
Zonder titel40 Years of WW production materials including programs, previews, reviews, and media and production reports. Includes multiple media: CDs, DVDs, VHS, Cassettes, photographs and textual materials of productions, promotional posters for productions, media reviews, scripts, annotated scripts, news releases, seasonal promotional materials, video and still productions, performance schedules, program materials, design information, as well as, administrative records of the company including financial statements, year end statements, tax information, lease agreements, annual returns, File contains agendas, minutes, corresponds, reports, director lists, artisitic director's reports, budget, general manager's reports, un-audited year end statement, funding applications, sponsorship information for various seasons and festivals.
Zonder titelAccession consists of Studio Theatre playbills (1950-2001), season brochures (1968-1993), an anniversary booklet (1982-1983), and campaign mailouts (1988-1995).
Zonder titelAccession consists of the papers of Henry Marshall Tory, President of the University of Alberta, including records from the Board of Governors, records from the Senate, correspondence, financial records, buildings files, and other President's Office files.
Zonder titelAccession consists of photographs of the University of Alberta campus and buildings.
Accession consists of: reports and other records from the Board of Governors; Home Universities Conference proceedings; papers from the International Association of Universities; annual reports from the Provincial Laboratory; annual reports from University departments (1962-1965); summaries of statistics (1963-1969); calendars; and other records.
Accession consists of memoirs, publications, and translations by Francis Owen. Some publications were written or edited by Erich Muller.
Zonder titelAccession consists of original administrative and teaching records of the Department of Classics. The records included original attendance records and department meeting minutes signed by the Chair.
Zonder titelAccession consists of correspondence, news clippings, press releases, and other records from the Publications Office.
Zonder titelAccession consists of photographs created by the Department of Extension serving the university's photograph services requirements.
Accession consists photographs, prints, and negatives pertaining to the University of Alberta, accumulated by the Rare Books and Archives since 1963
Photographs, correspondence, reports, memoirs from career of Dr. R. M. Shaw.
Zonder titelPhotographs, newspapers, clippings and miscellaneous papers relating to Professor J.W. Porteous, Department of Electrical Engineering, 1927-1967.
Accession consists of records related to W. D. McDougall's education and career, including theses, lecture material, correspondence about publications, speeches, publication contracts, and other records.
Zonder titelAccession consists of volumes of the Gateway Newspaper. Volumes XIII to XXVI bound and volumes XVII to XXX are unbound.
Zonder titelAccession consists of records related to the Soldiers' Comforts Club, including graduation issues of the Gateway, honour rolls, active service letters, and weekly newsletters.
Zonder titelAccession consists of photographs of University of Alberta campus, buildings, aerial views, ceremonies, and other subjects. The photographs are from Photographic Services and Wells' Studios.
Zonder titelAccession consists of manuscripts, correspondence, addresses and sermons, bulletins and other periodicals, drawings, and other records related to the work of William Rowan. The accession also contains photographs of Rowan and other subjects.
Zonder titelAccession consists of: Volumes VI-IX of The Gateway; "Feeders' Day" press bulletin from the Department of Animal Science; issue number 2 of "The Edge"; pamphlets from oil companies; reports and studies from the Canada Department of Agriculture; newspaper clippings; photographs of the U of A Det. 11, Field Ambulance and the COTC; and Vol. 1 no. 1 of "Western Universities Battalion - 196th."
Zonder titelFriends of the Indian Society: minutes, correspondence, and papers.
Zonder titelAccession consists of publications and other records related to student and faculty clubs and associations at the University of Alberta. These include the Athletic Association, the Bluestocking Club, the Class of 1912, the Dramatic Society, the English Club, the Soldier's Comforts Club, the Writer's Club, the Association of the Academic Staff of the University of Alberta, the Old Country University Association, and the Science Association. The accession also contains a manuscript by W. W. Greag titled "Christ Among the Doctors."
Accession consists of interviews conducted by Mrs. Naomi Radford with Dr. John M. MacEachran, Ernest Pelluet, Mrs. Stanley H. McCuaig, and Mrs. E. W. Sheldon. The interviews were recorded for an oral history project at the Provincial Archives of Alberta.
Zonder titelAccession consists of the student notebooks, manuscripts, papers, photographs, and other records of Dr. L. P. V. Johnson. The accession also contains issues of The Press Bulletin.
Zonder titelAccession consists of photographs and negatives of University of Alberta faculty and staff. Accession also consists biographical information regarding faculty and staff.
Accession consists of records from the Department of Extension including memorabilia and programmes, "Chipmunk".
Zonder titelAccession consists of graphic materials from McDermid Studios.
Zonder titelAccession consists of President's Office: papers and photographs.
Zonder titelAccession consists of senate papers: 1) List of persons nominated for the position of Chancellor of the University of Alberta together with the number of votes recieved by each at the first election held on Wed. March 18, 1908; 2) List of persons nominated for teh position of Senator together with the number of votes received by each at the first election of the University of Alberta, held Wed. March 18, 1908; 3) Voting papers of the first Election of Chancellor and Senate, March 21, 1908, documents sealed with wax.
Zonder titelAccession consists of photographs of the University of Alberta campus, including: University of Alberta Det. 11 Field Ambulance (1916); U of A Summer School for Teachers (1915); U of A Summer School for Teachers (1916); U of A Company 196th O. (W.U.) Battallion C.E.F. Edmonton, Alberta (June 22, 1916); unidentified men; and an aerial view of campus (1953).
Department of Soil Sciences Examination paper, 1968-1969
1 Soil Science 250 Exam Section 01, April 18, 1969, 7 pp
2 Soil Science 250 Exam, Section 02, April 24, 1969, 7 pp
- Soil Science 430 Exam, April 25, 1969
- Soil Science 460 Exam, December 19, 1968.
Accession consists of three programs from the first recital and rededication of the memorial organ.
Accession consists of photographs from the Students' Union.
Zonder titelPublic Relations, 1969-1970 student handbook and two photographs
1 Photograph of Dr. William A. Preshing, 1969
2 Photograph of Dr. Henry Marshall Tory, autographed (This photograph was taken in Tory's 81st year and he sent it to Dr. E.W. Shelden. Mrs. Shelden gave to to Mrs McCuaig who gave it to President Johns.
3 Student handbook (1969-1970)
4 Triangulation assignments, Instructor Gads, assignment #6 Days 3, 5, 13, 14, April 1959
Photo of Alexander Cameron Rutherford, Premier of Alberta. Photographer: Elliott & Fry, Ltd. London. Thought to be taken during Rutherford's attendance at the Imperial Conference of 1909
Zonder titelRadio talks on C.K.U.A. by D. Dahlgren
1 Medical Department - University of Alberta
2 Mr. Wolferston
3 Dr. Irene Parlby
4 Dept. of Computer Science - University of Alberta
5 Dept. of Utter Confusion - the changeover of C.K.U.A. to 10,000 watts
6 The case of the pesky mosquito
7 Building Prgram on campus
8 Lethbridge - Col. Mewburn
9 History test at U. Alberta
10 What's new in Alberta
11 U.of A.' new swimming pool
12 James Patrick Nolan
13 Radio Station C.K.U.A. History
14 Sheila Marriot - Program director C.K.U.A
15 Alberta Legislature
16 High River Dr. G. Stanley
17 Morning Comment 1952 - Scholarships put up by Alberta Hotel Association
18 Edward Brice
19 New Medical Teaching
20 Mrs. Harold Riley
Accession consists of a photograph of the University of Alberta rugby team, Provincial Champions, in 1914 in front of Athabasca Hall.
Accession consists of talks and papers by Porteous, J. W.:
1 Talk given by J. W. Porteous in London on the occaision of the opening of Leonardo da Vinci's models of invention, 34 pp. [1950]
2 Talk "The Possiblity of Adopting Wartime Program in Radio and Rada to Domesic Affairs," by J. W. Porteous, 2 pp. [ca. 1955]
3 Talk "C.K.U.A., 1927-45" by J. W. Porteous. Histocal sketch of C.K.U.A. Radio Station, 4pp. [ca 1950]
4 Talk, "In connection with the visiti to C.K.U.A. of the Edmonton Branch of Engineering Institute of Canada." by J. W. Porteous, 9 pp
- Talk , "Voltage, Current and Impedance" by J. W. Porteous, 5 pp.
- Correspondence, William Rowan to J. W. Porteous, 1952-11-13
- Log Book, VE 4AJS. From 1937-09-24
- Correspondence, Charles E. Garnett to J. W. Porteous, 1960-03-29, 2pp.
- Royal Society of Arts. List of Fellows. 1959-11-01
- Royal Society of Arts. Descriptive Bulletin. 1960
- Journal of the Royal Society of Arts 1960-03
- Royal Society of Arts. Calendar of Meetings. 1962-02
- Royal Society of Arts. Charter and By-Laws.
The Edmonton Academy of Medicine: minutes, history, consitution, and by-laws.
Zonder titelAccession consists of photographs of the Alberta Dept. of Field Ambulance, the University of Alberta basketball team (1920-1921), and the men's athletic executive (1923-1924). The individuals in each photograph are identified.
John James Ower, Lena C. Anderson Ower Certificates 1900-59.
Zonder titelAccession consists of: a photograph of the Executive of the first Students' Council at the University of Alberta; and a photograph of the YWCA, possibly Student Faculty or the Wauneita Society. The names of individuals in the photographs are included.
Zonder titelAccession consists of papers from President, Office of Vice President, Provost.
Zonder titelOwer, John James
Correspondence, articles, photographs
Thomas Blench
Regime Behavious of Canals and Rivers
Hydraulics of Canals and Rivers of Mobile Boundary
1 Book Bound, 1 Reprint
Accession consists of records from the papers of Robert A. Logan, including a letter to Bruce Peel, a photograph of prisoners-of-war in Germany from Lieut. Reg. Henry, "Beaver Hill House" from the Sportsman Pilot by R. A. Logan, and press clippings.
Zonder titelAccession consists of published newsletters, reports, finding aids, books, and other archival reference material.
Photo albums, negatives, and memoires of A.E. Cameron.
Zonder titelBound papers of Professor of Biochemistry Dr. J. Bertram Collip.
Zonder titelAccession consists of the personal papers of Alexander Rutherford.
Zonder titelPost-War Reconstruction Committee, correspondence, reports.
Zonder titelAccession consists of published books, predominantly written or edited by University of Alberta faculty members.
Accession consists of office files from the Department of Elementary Education and Chairman W. H. Worth, including annual reports, minutes, correspondence, departmental work, committee records, conference records, and other records.
Zonder titel"Education Archives" Faculty of Education Normal Schools, papers, photographs, 1929-1953. 56 b&w photos loose and in photo album; 40 cm of papers and one wall poster of the class of 1936.
Zonder titelAccession consists of 13 black and white photographs of the Arts Building, the University Hospital, medical class pictures, family pictures, Prof. and Mrs. Gaetz, Dr. McEachran, Gov. Gen. Michener, the Gaetz Cornett Drug Store, and other subjects.
Accession consists of Edmonton Academy of Medicine, minutes, proceedings.
Zonder titelThe Friends of the University, correspondence, records
Zonder titelAccession consists of publications from the Department of Educational Administration, largely "The Canadian Administrator."
Zonder titelAccession consists of published material from the University of Alberta, including campus maps, histories, faculty calendars and bulletins, student handbooks, publications from the Students' Union, and other records.
Accession consists of office files from the University of Alberta's Chief Librarian.
Zonder titelAccession consists of plans and drawings of the North Lab.
Zonder titelAccession consists of photographs, handbooks, minutes and other materials from the Class of 1912.
Zonder titelAccession consists of booklets and files related to the joint Committee to Co-ordinate University and High School Curricula and the Matriculation Study Committee.
Office files
Zonder titelAccession consists of photographs of CKUA players.
Zonder titelAccession consist of a report on the North Garneau Development, a parking study for the Health Sciences Centre, and a master plan for interim development of the Health Sciences Centre.
Accession consists of minutes, reports, office files and other material for: Senate, General Faculties Council, Departments and Schools of the University.
Zonder titelAccession consists of publications, reprints and offprints from the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology at the University of Alberta.
Zonder titelAccession consists of photographs of students.
Zonder titelNotebooks and programmes from student days (1927-1933) and correspondence and manuscripts (1949-1967)
Zonder titelManuscripts, professional files and photographs
Zonder titelAccession consists of financial estimates for the University of Alberta. Accession also contains materials for the Office of the Comptroller/Bursar.
Photographs and negatives
Zonder titelAccession consists of University of Alberta campus maps, a brochure for the SUB Art and Craft Centre, and a brochure for an international track and field competition.
Accession consists of records collected by Marilyn Pilkington, including President's files, Vice-President's files, and excerpts from personal scrapbooks.
Zonder titelPersonal notebooks (1928, 1939) and Obituary notice for Dr. Rowan (1957)
Zonder titelAccession consists of the University of Alberta Honour Roll (corrected to November 30, 1917) and Feeders' Day press bulletins (1953, 1954, 1958).
Accession consists of financial ledgers from the Bursar (1911-1938), Department of Education contracts (1948), and Board of Governors, Senate, and Executive Committee minutes (1908-1913).
Zonder titelAccession consists of the 1951 and 1960 Evergreen and Gold yearbooks.
Zonder titelAccession consists of: a brief about the establishment of a library school; space estimates; minutes from the Council of the School of Library Science; a program and statement from the School of Library Science; and a 1970 School of Library Science yearbook.
Zonder titelAccession consists of office files from CUSO International, including
Zonder titelAccession consists of the office files of Mr. E. R. Shedden, Assistant to the Vice-President (Planning and Development).
Zonder titel"Sixty Years of Psychology at the University of Alberta," by T.M. Nelson and R.M. Arvidson. Photographs of Psychology Department heads.
Accession consists of estimates and financial statements from the Office of the Bursar.
Zonder titelAcademic Planning Committee. Agendas, Minutes.
Zonder titelBoard Building Committee, agendas, minutes.
Zonder titelDeans' Council. Minutes, committees.
Zonder titelAccession consists of office files from Dr. Walter D. Neal, Vice-President (Planning and Development).
Zonder titelScrapbooks, Friends of the Indian Society.
Zonder titelAccession consists of minutes from meetings of the Board of Governors and the Executive Committee.
Zonder titelScience Association of the University of Alberta. Minutes
Department of Mathematics, minutes (1913-01-16 - 1961-05-08)
Mathematical Club, Math and Physics Club, minutes. (1913-10-29 - 1961-05-08)
Office Files
Zonder titelAccession consists of papers of W. Dewar McDougall, including index cards (1935-1965), "The Chatterbox," issues of the Normal Practice School paper, and classroom poetry.
Zonder titelPhotographs predominantly depicting J.J. Ower, the Provincial Lab, and University Medicine related staff and scenes.
Zonder titelFonds consists of correspondence related to M. E. Hartnett's term as a member of the Senate.
Zonder titelPhilosophical Society and Humanities Association of Canada, correspondence
Department of Linguistics, office files.
Zonder titelAccession consists of two post cards, one depicting the Dentistry/Pharmacy building, referred to in the photo as the Medical Building. The second is a photo of the University Hospital.
Dr. Thomas Blench, Professor of Civil Engineering. Origianl maps and charts, personal papers.
Zonder titel