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Native student services
Native student services
Advisor on native affairs
Advisor on native affairs
Native students
Native students
Poundmaker file
Poundmaker file
School of Native Studies
School of Native Studies
"From Life-Histories of Northern Animals: An Account of teh Mammals of Manitoba, Byb Ernet Thompson Seton, 1909." Collected by J.Dewey Soper.
"From Life-Histories of Northern Animals: An Account of teh Mammals of Manitoba, Byb Ernet Thompson Seton, 1909." Collected by J.Dewey Soper.
"Field Notes on Birds Observed in Dakota and Mountains Along the Forty-Nineth Parallel During the Seasons of 1873 and 1874 by Dr. Elliott Coues, U.S.A., Late Surgeon and Naturalist of the U.S. Northern Boundary Commission." Copy collected by J. Dewey Soper.
"Field Notes on Birds Observed in Dakota and Mountains Along the Forty-Nineth Parallel During the Seasons of 1873 and 1874 by Dr. Elliott Coues, U.S.A., Late Surgeon and Naturalist of the U.S. Northern Boundary Commission." Copy collected by J. Dewey Soper.
The Scrap-Book of Natural History Subjects: newspaper clippings. Includes a page of Cree script [syllabics] found north of Hinton in 1913 (p.103).
The Scrap-Book of Natural History Subjects: newspaper clippings. Includes a page of Cree script [syllabics] found north of Hinton in 1913 (p.103).
A Preliminary Annotated List of the Mammals of Manitoba, Canada by J. Dewey Soper, Dominion Wildlife Officer of the Prairie Provinces.Revised 1947 and 1959.
A Preliminary Annotated List of the Mammals of Manitoba, Canada by J. Dewey Soper, Dominion Wildlife Officer of the Prairie Provinces.Revised 1947 and 1959.
"Catalogue and Field Notes 1970 and Bird Sightings in Edmonton Region 1971." Faunal Investigations in Alberta for the University of Alberta During the Season 1970 and catalogue of zoological specimens collected during the autumn of 1971.
"Catalogue and Field Notes 1970 and Bird Sightings in Edmonton Region 1971." Faunal Investigations in Alberta for the University of Alberta During the Season 1970 and catalogue of zoological specimens collected during the autumn of 1971.
Faunal Investigations in the Province of Alberta for the University of Alberta During the Season of 1969. Specimens collected by J. Dewey Soper, Zoologist.
Faunal Investigations in the Province of Alberta for the University of Alberta During the Season of 1969. Specimens collected by J. Dewey Soper, Zoologist.
Faunal Investigations in the Province of Alberta during the season of 1968 and specimens collected for the Zoology Museum by J. Dewey Soper, Zoologist.
Faunal Investigations in the Province of Alberta during the season of 1968 and specimens collected for the Zoology Museum by J. Dewey Soper, Zoologist.
Birds observed in Waterton Lakes and Jasper National Parks and birds collected in Waterton Lakes National Park, 1960-1965 by J. Dewey Soper, Honourary Associate Research Zoologist.
Birds observed in Waterton Lakes and Jasper National Parks and birds collected in Waterton Lakes National Park, 1960-1965 by J. Dewey Soper, Honourary Associate Research Zoologist.
Catalogue and Field Notes on Birds of Jasper National Park 1960 - 1963 by J. Dewey Soper, Honourary Associate Research Zoologist.Includes tourist map and brochures.
Catalogue and Field Notes on Birds of Jasper National Park 1960 - 1963 by J. Dewey Soper, Honourary Associate Research Zoologist.Includes tourist map and brochures.
"Catalogue and Field Notes 1967."Faunal Investigations in Alberta during the season of 1967 and an abbreviated copy of specimens catalogue for the same season.
"Catalogue and Field Notes 1967."Faunal Investigations in Alberta during the season of 1967 and an abbreviated copy of specimens catalogue for the same season.
"Catalogue and Field Notes 1966."Faunal Investigations in Alberta during the season of 1966 by Dr. J. Dewey Soper, and specimens collected for the University of Alberta.
"Catalogue and Field Notes 1966."Faunal Investigations in Alberta during the season of 1966 by Dr. J. Dewey Soper, and specimens collected for the University of Alberta.
"Catalogue and Field Notes 1965." Catalogue of zoological specimens collected by J. Dewey Soper for the University of Alberta season of 1965, as well as faunal investigations in Alberta, and observations on mammals and birds in Waterton and Jasper National Parks.Contains a bibliography 1913-1965.
"Catalogue and Field Notes 1965." Catalogue of zoological specimens collected by J. Dewey Soper for the University of Alberta season of 1965, as well as faunal investigations in Alberta, and observations on mammals and birds in Waterton and Jasper National Parks.Contains a bibliography 1913-1965.
"Catalogue and Field Notes 1964." Catalogue of zoological specimens collected by Dr. J. Dewey Soper for the University of Alberta, season of 1964 and faunal investigations in Alberta during the same season.
"Catalogue and Field Notes 1964." Catalogue of zoological specimens collected by Dr. J. Dewey Soper for the University of Alberta, season of 1964 and faunal investigations in Alberta during the same season.
"Catalogue and Field Notes 1963." Catalogue of specimens collected by J. Dewey Soper for the University of Alberta during the season of 1963, and observations on mammals and birds in Waterton Lakes and Jasper National Parks and other areas of Alberta.
"Catalogue and Field Notes 1963." Catalogue of specimens collected by J. Dewey Soper for the University of Alberta during the season of 1963, and observations on mammals and birds in Waterton Lakes and Jasper National Parks and other areas of Alberta.
Catalogue of zoological specimens collected by J. Dewey Soper, season of 1962, including reports and observations on birds and mammals in the Milk River Valley and vicinity, in Waterton Lakes and Jasper National Parks. Also contains a bibliography and "Highlights in the Career of Dr. J. Dewey Soper, Naturalist-Explorer (1893-1961)".
Catalogue of zoological specimens collected by J. Dewey Soper, season of 1962, including reports and observations on birds and mammals in the Milk River Valley and vicinity, in Waterton Lakes and Jasper National Parks. Also contains a bibliography and "Highlights in the Career of Dr. J. Dewey Soper, Naturalist-Explorer (1893-1961)".
Specimens of birds and mammals collected by J. Dewey Soper during the season 1961 and observations on mammals and birds in Waterton Lakes and Jasper National Parks.
Specimens of birds and mammals collected by J. Dewey Soper during the season 1961 and observations on mammals and birds in Waterton Lakes and Jasper National Parks.
"Catalogue and Field Notes 1960." Specimens collected for the University of Alberta by J.Dewey Soper, season of 1960 [birds and mammals], as well as observations on birds and mammals in Waterton Lakes and Jasper National Parks in the same year.
"Catalogue and Field Notes 1960." Specimens collected for the University of Alberta by J.Dewey Soper, season of 1960 [birds and mammals], as well as observations on birds and mammals in Waterton Lakes and Jasper National Parks in the same year.
"Summer Field Notes, 1958-1959."Observations on mammals and birds in a total of thirty-four locations in the Province of Alberta during the summer of 1958 and 1959 by J. Dewey Soper.
"Summer Field Notes, 1958-1959."Observations on mammals and birds in a total of thirty-four locations in the Province of Alberta during the summer of 1958 and 1959 by J. Dewey Soper.
Catalogue of photography of Birds and Mammals of Alberta; three entries from Manitoba.
Catalogue of photography of Birds and Mammals of Alberta; three entries from Manitoba.
Catalogue of Mammals in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Catalogue of Mammals in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Comments on North American Mammals and Bird Life-Lists by J. Dewey Soper. Compiled December, 1943, revised January, 1956 and December, 1963.
Comments on North American Mammals and Bird Life-Lists by J. Dewey Soper. Compiled December, 1943, revised January, 1956 and December, 1963.
Observations on mammals in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, arranged by species, made during the International Boundary Expedition. Typed entries pasted on letter size paper, 55pp. Originally included with Item 21.
Observations on mammals in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, arranged by species, made during the International Boundary Expedition. Typed entries pasted on letter size paper, 55pp. Originally included with Item 21.
"Field Notes: International Boundary Expeditions June 1-November 3, 1927." Notes concern primarily observations on mammals with some notes on birds. Transcribed by the National Museum of Canada and based on the catalogue of mammals and birds found in Item 5. Includes two lists of birds observed at Birchbark and Harper-Lakes (Saskatchewan) in November and December, 1927.
"Field Notes: International Boundary Expeditions June 1-November 3, 1927." Notes concern primarily observations on mammals with some notes on birds. Transcribed by the National Museum of Canada and based on the catalogue of mammals and birds found in Item 5. Includes two lists of birds observed at Birchbark and Harper-Lakes (Saskatchewan) in November and December, 1927.
Catalogue of zoological specimens collected for scientific purposes in the prairie provinces of Canada etc., by J. Dewey Soper, 1944-1960, Volume No. 6, manuscript.
Catalogue of zoological specimens collected for scientific purposes in the prairie provinces of Canada etc., by J. Dewey Soper, 1944-1960, Volume No. 6, manuscript.
Catalogue of mammals and birds collected by J. Dewey Soper [Chief Federal Migratory Bird Officer for the Prairie Provinces] in the Prairie Provinces of Canada during the years 1934-1944, Volume No. 5; manuscript.1934-1953.
Catalogue of mammals and birds collected by J. Dewey Soper [Chief Federal Migratory Bird Officer for the Prairie Provinces] in the Prairie Provinces of Canada during the years 1934-1944, Volume No. 5; manuscript.1934-1953.
Catalogue of mammals and birds collected by J.Dewey Soper in Wood Buffalo Park, Alberta and Northwest Territories in the years 1932-1934, Volume No. 4, manuscript.
Catalogue of mammals and birds collected by J.Dewey Soper in Wood Buffalo Park, Alberta and Northwest Territories in the years 1932-1934, Volume No. 4, manuscript.
Catalogue of birds and mammals collected by J. Dewey Soper on the Baffin Island Expeditions of 1928-1929 and 1930-1931, Volume 3, manuscript. Includes lists of insects, fish and plants in the same area
Catalogue of birds and mammals collected by J. Dewey Soper on the Baffin Island Expeditions of 1928-1929 and 1930-1931, Volume 3, manuscript. Includes lists of insects, fish and plants in the same area
Catalogue of birds and mammals collected by J. Dewey Soper in Baffin Island, N.W.T., 1925-26, for the National Museum of Canada. Volume No. 2, recording specimens (#468-#18310); manuscript.Contains also a catalogue of birds and mammals collected on the International Boundary Expedition and north, 1927. See also items 21 and 22.
Catalogue of birds and mammals collected by J. Dewey Soper in Baffin Island, N.W.T., 1925-26, for the National Museum of Canada. Volume No. 2, recording specimens (#468-#18310); manuscript.Contains also a catalogue of birds and mammals collected on the International Boundary Expedition and north, 1927. See also items 21 and 22.
"Catalogue of birds and mammals collected by J. Dewey Soper in eastern and western Canada, 1915 - 1924." Volume No. 1 recording his original private collection (#1-824) manuscript. Contains also a catalogue of birds and mammals collected by J. Dewey Soper on the C.G.S. Arctic Expedition (1923) to Greenland, Ellesmere, Devon and Baffin Islands, etc., for the National Museum of Canada.
"Catalogue of birds and mammals collected by J. Dewey Soper in eastern and western Canada, 1915 - 1924." Volume No. 1 recording his original private collection (#1-824) manuscript. Contains also a catalogue of birds and mammals collected by J. Dewey Soper on the C.G.S. Arctic Expedition (1923) to Greenland, Ellesmere, Devon and Baffin Islands, etc., for the National Museum of Canada.
"Natural history notes from central and western Alberta,chiefly including territory at Edmonton, Camrose, St.Albert and Rocky Pass,southwest of Mountain Park, from December,1921 to December,1922,by J.Dewey Soper, Naturalist." Includes sketches and photographs; typed,[155]pages. Transcribed from handwritten notebook February 20, 1922.
"Natural history notes from central and western Alberta,chiefly including territory at Edmonton, Camrose, St.Albert and Rocky Pass,southwest of Mountain Park, from December,1921 to December,1922,by J.Dewey Soper, Naturalist." Includes sketches and photographs; typed,[155]pages. Transcribed from handwritten notebook February 20, 1922.
Field Notes on the Birds and Mammals of the Islay, Alberta, District and North to Laurier Lake
Field Notes on the Birds and Mammals of the Islay, Alberta, District and North to Laurier Lake
"Field notes on the birds and animals of the Islay, Alberta, Diostrict and north to Laurier Lake from August 27 to November 30, 1919 by J. Dewey Soper, Naturalist." Includes sketches, photographs, and introductory note by the author. Typed, 58 pp. Transcribed from handwritten notebooks January 24, 1971. Also includes 51 pages of notes from two naturalist expeditions in 1921 and 1965.
"Field notes on the birds and animals of the Islay, Alberta, Diostrict and north to Laurier Lake from August 27 to November 30, 1919 by J. Dewey Soper, Naturalist." Includes sketches, photographs, and introductory note by the author. Typed, 58 pp. Transcribed from handwritten notebooks January 24, 1971. Also includes 51 pages of notes from two naturalist expeditions in 1921 and 1965.
Outfitting notes, Baffin Island by J. Dewey Soper.
Outfitting notes, Baffin Island by J. Dewey Soper.
Life history observations on the bison of Wood Buffalo Park by J. Dewey Soper, Investigator, 1932-34.
Life history observations on the bison of Wood Buffalo Park by J. Dewey Soper, Investigator, 1932-34.
Notes on the mammals of the Athabasca-Slave River-Wood Buffalo Park region by J. Dewey Soper, Investigator 1932-1934.
Notes on the mammals of the Athabasca-Slave River-Wood Buffalo Park region by J. Dewey Soper, Investigator 1932-1934.
"Birds collected by J. Dewey Soper in Wood Buffalo Park, Alberta and Northwest Territories, from 1932-1934." Part 1. Critical notes by P.A. Taverner, December, 1934.
"Birds collected by J. Dewey Soper in Wood Buffalo Park, Alberta and Northwest Territories, from 1932-1934." Part 1. Critical notes by P.A. Taverner, December, 1934.
"Observation on the birds of Wood Buffalo Park and adjacent regions, Province of Alberta and the Northwest Territories, Canada, by J. Dewey Soper, Investigator 1932-1934." Volume 2: land birds, 307pp.
"Observation on the birds of Wood Buffalo Park and adjacent regions, Province of Alberta and the Northwest Territories, Canada, by J. Dewey Soper, Investigator 1932-1934." Volume 2: land birds, 307pp.
"Observations on the birds of Wood Buffalo Park and adjacent regions, Province of Alberta and the Northwest Territories, Canada, by J. Dewey Soper, Investigator,1932-1933." Volume 1: water birds, game birds and birds of prey, 301 pp.
"Observations on the birds of Wood Buffalo Park and adjacent regions, Province of Alberta and the Northwest Territories, Canada, by J. Dewey Soper, Investigator,1932-1933." Volume 1: water birds, game birds and birds of prey, 301 pp.
Notes on the mammals and birds of Lake Harbour region,southern Baffin Island expedition of 1930-1931 by J. Dewey Soper.""On March 30, 1969 the author added three typed pages of birds observed at Fort Churchill on August 8-10, 1931.
Notes on the mammals and birds of Lake Harbour region,southern Baffin Island expedition of 1930-1931 by J. Dewey Soper.""On March 30, 1969 the author added three typed pages of birds observed at Fort Churchill on August 8-10, 1931.
Catalogue of zoological specimens collected for scientific purposes in the Province of Alberta, Canada, by J. Dewey Soper, 1965-1972, Volume No. 8, manuscript.
Catalogue of zoological specimens collected for scientific purposes in the Province of Alberta, Canada, by J. Dewey Soper, 1965-1972, Volume No. 8, manuscript.
Catalogue of zoological specimens collected for scientific purposes in the Province of Alberta, Canada by J. Dewey Soper, 1960-1965, Volume No. 7, manuscript.
Catalogue of zoological specimens collected for scientific purposes in the Province of Alberta, Canada by J. Dewey Soper, 1960-1965, Volume No. 7, manuscript.
"Notes on the wildlife of Wellington and Waterloo Counties in Ontario, Canada, during 1915 to 1918, Vol. 1 by J. Dewey Soper." Includes records of bird migration 1915 to 1917 and a list of published references. Typed. 106 pp. Transcribed from handwritten notebook, December 10-11, 1970.
"Notes on the wildlife of Wellington and Waterloo Counties in Ontario, Canada, during 1915 to 1918, Vol. 1 by J. Dewey Soper." Includes records of bird migration 1915 to 1917 and a list of published references. Typed. 106 pp. Transcribed from handwritten notebook, December 10-11, 1970.
Dewey Soper with Dog Team
Dewey Soper with Dog Team
Sin título
Sin título
Note and Sketch Book: C.G.S. Arctic and Baffin Island, 1924
Note and Sketch Book: C.G.S. Arctic and Baffin Island, 1924
"Notes on the Physical Geography of Wood Buffalo Park, Alberta and the Northwest Territories, by J. Dewey Soper, 1932-1933. Vol.2"
"Notes on the Physical Geography of Wood Buffalo Park, Alberta and the Northwest Territories, by J. Dewey Soper, 1932-1933. Vol.2"
"Notes on the Physical Geography of Wood Buffalo Park, Alberta and the Northwest Territories, by J. Dewey Soper, 1932-1933. Vol.1"
"Notes on the Physical Geography of Wood Buffalo Park, Alberta and the Northwest Territories, by J. Dewey Soper, 1932-1933. Vol.1"
"Catalogue of Photographs taken in Wood Buffalo Park, 1932-1934."
"Catalogue of Photographs taken in Wood Buffalo Park, 1932-1934."
"Day Journal: Wood Buffalo Park and Vicinity in Alberta and Northwest Territories. Vol. 3." for the Department of the Interior.
"Day Journal: Wood Buffalo Park and Vicinity in Alberta and Northwest Territories. Vol. 3." for the Department of the Interior.
"Day Journal: Wood Buffalo Park and Vicinity in Alberta and Northwest Territories. Vol. 2." for the Department of the Interior.
"Day Journal: Wood Buffalo Park and Vicinity in Alberta and Northwest Territories. Vol. 2." for the Department of the Interior.
"Day Journal: Wood Buffalo Park and Vicinity in Alberta and Northwest Territories. Vol. 1" for the Department of the Interior.
"Day Journal: Wood Buffalo Park and Vicinity in Alberta and Northwest Territories. Vol. 1" for the Department of the Interior.
Unpublished field notes on the birds observed and collected in Manitoba from October, 1927 to August 1948.
Unpublished field notes on the birds observed and collected in Manitoba from October, 1927 to August 1948.
Note and sketch book. C.G.S. Arctic and Baffin Island, N.W.T.
Note and sketch book. C.G.S. Arctic and Baffin Island, N.W.T.
Day Journal: Lake Harbour District, Baffin Island, Northwest Territories.
Day Journal: Lake Harbour District, Baffin Island, Northwest Territories.
Catalogue of photographs taken by Dewey Soper on teh Baffin Island Expedition of 1928-1929. Held in the Offices of the Department of the Interior with other material used in publications until returned to Soper.
Catalogue of photographs taken by Dewey Soper on teh Baffin Island Expedition of 1928-1929. Held in the Offices of the Department of the Interior with other material used in publications until returned to Soper.
Unpublished records of Alberta birds assembled through Soper's private studies and presented to the department of Zoology, University of Alberta.
Unpublished records of Alberta birds assembled through Soper's private studies and presented to the department of Zoology, University of Alberta.
Unpublished field notes on the birds observed and collected in the province of Saskatchewan in 1914, 1921, 1927, and from July 1937 to September 1947.
Unpublished field notes on the birds observed and collected in the province of Saskatchewan in 1914, 1921, 1927, and from July 1937 to September 1947.
Annotated check-list of the mammals of Alberta, Canada for the year 1972. Also includes field notes on the mammals of Alberta, for the years 1912 to 1970 with range maps for various species. Document is supplemented with small photocopied maps and illustrations.
Annotated check-list of the mammals of Alberta, Canada for the year 1972. Also includes field notes on the mammals of Alberta, for the years 1912 to 1970 with range maps for various species. Document is supplemented with small photocopied maps and illustrations.
Course and program changes
Course and program changes
Project "Morning Star"
Project "Morning Star"
[3 strips of 110 colour negative film]
[3 strips of 110 colour negative film]
"35mm negative of The Harrops -"
"35mm negative of The Harrops -"
"Negatives July 1980 Great Bear Lake"
"Negatives July 1980 Great Bear Lake"
"Negatives, K Markham grand children, Sara, Serina, Finn, Lander, Victoria - 1977"
"Negatives, K Markham grand children, Sara, Serina, Finn, Lander, Victoria - 1977"
"Negatives, Family - Jasper 1927 & 77, Grannie Dickins"
"Negatives, Family - Jasper 1927 & 77, Grannie Dickins"
[Fast Foto envelope containing plastic sleeve]
[Fast Foto envelope containing plastic sleeve]
"negs - 2 negs of steam boat at dock & on lake - Senneterre - ? where?"
"negs - 2 negs of steam boat at dock & on lake - Senneterre - ? where?"
"Riley Cooper & trout catch negatives at Bear Lake, Cam 1932 negatives good keep"
"Riley Cooper & trout catch negatives at Bear Lake, Cam 1932 negatives good keep"
"Mis. negatives - Fort McMurray"
"Mis. negatives - Fort McMurray"
"Negatives, McKenzie R, Various places, Norman, Providence etc, [illeg.] river etc"
"Negatives, McKenzie R, Various places, Norman, Providence etc, [illeg.] river etc"
"McKenzie [sic] R River Keep negs - valuable, unidentified & Ft Smith"
"McKenzie [sic] R River Keep negs - valuable, unidentified & Ft Smith"
"Negatives - Ingenika etc BC 1930"
"Negatives - Ingenika etc BC 1930"
"negatives, Barren Lands in Winter, 1929-1930"
"negatives, Barren Lands in Winter, 1929-1930"
"Keep, McKenzie [sic] R + Bear L negatives, mostly 1929-30-31-32, Eldorado & Cameron Bay"
"Keep, McKenzie [sic] R + Bear L negatives, mostly 1929-30-31-32, Eldorado & Cameron Bay"
"Negatives, Family, Granny Dickins & John at Jasper, Summer 1929, Grannie Dickins & Constance & CHD Edmonton 1926"
"Negatives, Family, Granny Dickins & John at Jasper, Summer 1929, Grannie Dickins & Constance & CHD Edmonton 1926"
"Negatives First flight down McKenzie [sic], Winter, Jan 1929"
"Negatives First flight down McKenzie [sic], Winter, Jan 1929"
[film negative of group of people]
[film negative of group of people]
"MacAlpine trip 1928, 2 negatives of party on River Bank and at Cold Lake"
"MacAlpine trip 1928, 2 negatives of party on River Bank and at Cold Lake"
"Negs, used in 2 in the Bush [i.e. chapter in I married a bush pilot], Gold Pines, Summer 1928, negatives"
"Negs, used in 2 in the Bush [i.e. chapter in I married a bush pilot], Gold Pines, Summer 1928, negatives"
"B&W neg. at Jasper Sept 2 - 1927, 2 prints of neg"
"B&W neg. at Jasper Sept 2 - 1927, 2 prints of neg"
"Keep, Negative of opening airfield at Edmonton 1927. Siskin Aircraft, R.C.A.F."
"Keep, Negative of opening airfield at Edmonton 1927. Siskin Aircraft, R.C.A.F."
"Negative of Picture at Edmonton airfield - 1927 Jan 25th with L to R, 1 Professor Robb U of Alberta, 2 Bert Haddow City Engineer, 3 F.O. C.H. Dickins pilot, 4 Mayor K. Blatchford, 5 Fred Ferguson City Clerk"
"Negative of Picture at Edmonton airfield - 1927 Jan 25th with L to R, 1 Professor Robb U of Alberta, 2 Bert Haddow City Engineer, 3 F.O. C.H. Dickins pilot, 4 Mayor K. Blatchford, 5 Fred Ferguson City Clerk"
"Negatives Con - 1919 and 1934, keep"
"Negatives Con - 1919 and 1934, keep"
"Negatives, McMurray, Cooking Lake, Seaplane Base Edmonton & ambulance case unloading at Winnipeg"
"Negatives, McMurray, Cooking Lake, Seaplane Base Edmonton & ambulance case unloading at Winnipeg"
"Negatives, High River & Edm., RCAF Mar 31 1924 to Mar 31/1927, Keep, not for 60 ann"
"Negatives, High River & Edm., RCAF Mar 31 1924 to Mar 31/1927, Keep, not for 60 ann"
[two negatives]
[two negatives]
"negatives, 1929, first plane to land at Fond du Lac, Lake Athabasca Sask, keep"
"negatives, 1929, first plane to land at Fond du Lac, Lake Athabasca Sask, keep"
"negatives Gold Pines, used for Book, winter 1928"
"negatives Gold Pines, used for Book, winter 1928"
"negatives Cameron Bay?"
"negatives Cameron Bay?"
"Negatives, Keep, North country, Cameron Bay, Gt Bear Lake"
"Negatives, Keep, North country, Cameron Bay, Gt Bear Lake"
"Negatives, CHD – Tall, Mar 1930 Reeves, Eskimo - Eskimo with family - Cooper with fish Grt Bear Lake, 1930"
"Negatives, CHD – Tall, Mar 1930 Reeves, Eskimo - Eskimo with family - Cooper with fish Grt Bear Lake, 1930"
"People, negative of Bonnycastle in parka & miscel, Bonnycastle negs, Cornwall"
"People, negative of Bonnycastle in parka & miscel, Bonnycastle negs, Cornwall"
"Negatives McKenzie [sic] Riv. Ft Rae - etc H McLean & McQuay charter keep"
"Negatives McKenzie [sic] Riv. Ft Rae - etc H McLean & McQuay charter keep"
[various negatives]
[various negatives]
"Negatives, Ft Resolution NWT arrival first mail by air. Jan 1929 - refuelling at Resolution Jan 1929, Starting up - 40 below zero Resolution 1929, Crack up - Jan 1929 -"
"Negatives, Ft Resolution NWT arrival first mail by air. Jan 1929 - refuelling at Resolution Jan 1929, Starting up - 40 below zero Resolution 1929, Crack up - Jan 1929 -"