A report published by the Canola Council of Canada titled “Lifecycle Analysis: Canola Biodiesel.” The report was prepared for the Canola Council of Canada in Winnipeg, Manitoba, by (S&T)² Consultants Inc. in Delta, British Columbia. The purpose of the report is to analyze the lifecycle of biodiesel because “the environmental performance of products and processes has become a key operational issue” for governments, industries, and businesses. The report consists of an Introduction, an overview of canola production, methods of canola crushing, biodiesel manufacturing methods, lifecycle results, a discussion and conclusions section, and references. Throughout the booklet, there are various information tables and charts supporting the claims made in the report.
Sem títuloA printed report titled “Canadian Canola Biotechnology” published by the Canola Council of Canada in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The purpose of the report is to “discuss not only the benefits of canola in general but the benefits provided by genetic engineering technology.” The report provides information such as an overview of canola, the fight against weeds, a new way to manage weeds, biotechnology and canola, the types of biotechnology available, the benefits of genetically engineered canola such as higher farmer incomes, reduced herbicide usage, reduced environmental impact, and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. At the end of the report, there is a list of sources supporting the information in the report.
Sem títuloArticle written for the Canadian Naturalist by George M. Dawson, Assoc. R.S.M., F.G.S. regarding the appearance and migration patterns of locusts in Manitoba and the Northwest Territories in the summer of 1875.
"During the summer of 1875 two distinct elements were concerned in the locust manifestation. First, the insects hatching in the Province of Manitoba and surrounding regions from eggs left by the western and north-western invading swarms of the previous autumn; second, a distinct foreign host, moving, for the most part, from south to north."
Sem títuloList of short descriptions of townships in Manitoba, Keewatin and the North-West Territories extracted from surveyors' reports in 1882. The descriptions generally relate to the geographical features and the suitability for farming of each township. The townships are located in the electoral districts of Provencher, Lisgar, Selkirk, Keewatin, Marquette East, Marquette West, and the North-West Territories. Many, but not all, of the townships in the listed ranges are described and listed in numerical order.
Ranges East of the 1st Principal Meridian [Range I - Range XXXI]; Ranges West of the 1st Principal Meridian [Range I - Range XXXIV].
Report regarding agricultural products from Manitoba exhibited at the Dominion Exhibition, held in Saint John, New Brunswick, and at the American Exposition, held in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1883. Includes lists of the products exhibited, the names of exhibitors, and flattering "Press Comments on Manitoba Exhibits" [from both N.B. and Mass. news sources].
Sem títuloA Second Supplement report from May 5, 1885, in Regina, Saskatchewan. The report outlines the battle at Battleford and the attack on Poundmaker’s Reserve where 100 Indigenous people were killed. On the back of the report, there is information about Lord Dufferin’s resignation and a funeral for two men.
A report titled “The Abortive Fenian Raid on Manitoba” which was written by the Honourable Gibert McMicken in 1888. The report was delivered to the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba on May 11, 1888. The subject of the report is “An Irish Republic in Manitoba planned but crushed early” and McMicken outlines the series of events that led to the avoidance of a raid by the Fenian Brotherhood, an Irish republican organization.
Sem títuloA printed copy of a speech delivered to the Historical Society of Manitoba by vice-president Charles N. Bell on May 4, 1888. It consists mostly of quotes and summaries from a work titled "Journal of Alexander Henry to Lake Superior, Red River, Assiniboine, Rocky Mountains, Columbia and the Pacific, 1799 to 1811, to establish the fur trade" and focuses on the time period between July 1800 and June 1801 and Henry's interactions with the Saulteaux (Ojibwa, Nakawe) First Nations people. There is a second document included in the booklet between the cover and first page titled "Transactions and Proceedings of the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, from it's Organization in 1879 till the close of the Society's Year 1888-89; being Transactions Nos. 1 to 34, and Annual Reports for the Years 1880-1888." It consists only of the first leaf of what was presumably another booklet and contains the table of contents.
Sem títuloReports and proceedings of the Grand Council of the Royal Templars of Temperance of Manitoba's Twelfth Annual Session in 1895.
Officers of the Grand Council 1895; Proceedings; First Day - Opening Sessions: Grand Officers; Representatives; Sessions; Sessional Committees; Appeals and Grievances; Temperance Work; Memorials; State and Extension; Finance; Distribution; White Cross Work; Legislation; Fraternal Courtesies; By-laws; Grand Councilor's Report [Organization]; Grand Secretary's Report [Preface; Membership; Councils Organized; Councils Resuscitated; Councils Dormant; Select Degree; Liabilities; Assets; Amalgamation]; Grand Treasurer's Report [Receipts; Disbursements]; Dominion Representative's Report [Old Per Capita Debt; Templar Mailing Lists; "Weekly Templar"; Representative's Account]; Afternoon Session; Memorials and Letters; Grand Auditor's Report [Grand Secretary's Cash account; Treasurer's books]; Finance Committee's Report [Assets; Expenditure; Liabilities]; series of reporting letters; Evening Session.
Wednesday Morning: Committee on Temperance Work; Memorials; Afternoon Session; Temperance Work; Memorial Committee; Legislative Committee; State and Extension; Appeals and Grievances; White Cross Work; Evening Session; Communications; R. D. Rorison's Report.
Thursday - Morning Session; Communications; Finance Committee's Report No. 2; Fraternal Courtesies; By-laws; Afternoon Session; W.C.T.U.; Select Degree; Legislative Committee, 2nd Report; Independent Order of Oddfellows; State and Extension; Finance Committee, 3rd Report; District Deputy's Report; Election of Officers; Trustees; Representatives to Dominion Council; Evening Session.
Appendix I - By-laws. Grand Council of Manitoba.
Preamble; Art. I - Sessions; Art. II - Memorials and Resolutions; Art. III - Reports; Art. IV - Finances; Art. V - Organization; Art. VI - Whine [sic] [White] Cross Work; Art. VII - Cadet Work; Art. VIII - Bonds; Art. IX - Finance Committee; Art. X - Amendments; Art. XI - Miscellaneous; Memo; Election of Grand Councillor.
Promotional account by the Canadian government in the German language regarding immigration, settlement, farming and industrial possibilities, specifically in Western Canada. Some brief mentions of other provinces [Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, and Ontario]. Includes a section on German immigrants to Canada who settled in the Waterloo County of Ontario, as well as reports by German immigrants who settled in Western Canada on the prairies.
"Kanada und Seine Verbindungen mit Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten" [Canada and Its Connections with Europe and the United States] [J. Johnston, cartographer] published by the Department of the Interior.
Collection of reports by government delegates and by settlers, regarding the prospects and viability of various districts in Western Canada and the prairies for homesteading, including suitability for mixed farming; climate; soil type; and natural resources.
Pages 104-109 are dedicated to survey answers provided by various settlers who had settled in their present locations between 1878-1894.
Delegates' Reports [pp. 3-81]; Settlers' Experiences [pp. 83-142].
"Harvesting in Western Canada"; "Ranching Scene in Western Canada"; "Reaping Wheat in Western Canada"; "Sheep Ranching in Western Canada"; "Reaping Wheat in Western Canada" [alternate view]; "Grain Shipping Station in Western Canada"; "Oats in Western Canada"; "R. Turner's "Shropshires" in Western Canada" [2 photographs]; "R. J. Robinson's Corrals in Western Canada"; "Freight Wagons at Yale, British Columbia"; "View of Kaslo, British Columbia"; "Flax and Wheat in Western Canada"; "Harvest Scene in Western Canada"; "Extensive Reaping in Western Canada"; "Ready for the Thresher"; and an untitled illustration of a white-bearded man standing in a field of tall crops.
A document and cover letter sent by Frank Pedley in Ottawa, Ontario to Rev. J. R. Conn(?) at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. The letter refers the recipient to the document, which outlines the policy on bonuses and commissions to those engaging in "immigration work" with special mention of the Doukhobors, and denies preferential treatment to foreign settlers over Canadian citizens in regards to homesteading land distribution, among other agency-related issues.
Sem títuloA report titled “Notes and Observations of Travels on the Athabasca and Slave Lake Regions in 1899” written by W.J. McLean, an ex-factor of the Hudson’s Bay Company, in 1901. The report was presented to the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba on February 12, 1901. The report, labelled transaction no. 58, was published by the Manitoba Free Press Company. The report details W.J. McLean’s experiences travelling in the north such as hiking, fishing, hunting, and interacting with locals.
Sem títuloA booklet about Regina, the capital of Saskatchewan and “its advantages as a commercial and residential centre” in 1906. The booklet highlights some of the notable buildings and developments in Regina, the growing industry, and the general progress of the city. The photographs included in the booklet depict different parts of the city such as farm scenes, government buildings, banks, residential homes, and various street scenes. The final page of the booklet is a fallout panoramic printed photograph of a bird’s eye view of Regina. The booklet was published by The Regina Board of Trade and printed by The Leader Press in Regina, Saskatchewan.
Sem títuloA collection of documents reporting on the cost, production, delivery, location, bylaws, and other details associated with development in order to provide hydro-electric power to the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, dated from April 25 to July 3, 1906. Front cover reads "Vote And Use Your Influence To Make Winnipeg a Manufacturing Center."
Sem títuloA summary of the first convention of the Alberta Provincial School Board held at Unity Hall in Edmonton, dated January 23-24, 1907. Consists primarily of notes on the decisions reached through various discussions, with topics including "Teacher's Salary," "Conveyance of Children," "School Sites," and "Compulsory Attendance and Truancy Act." Also includes a "Chairman's Address," schedule, and a note that Calgary, Alberta was decided upon as the location of the next year's meeting.
Sem títuloA French language report titled “Exposition International du Canada et Seculaire de Selkirk” which translates to “Canadian International and Selkirk Secular Exhibition.” The report was written in Winnipeg, Manitoba on July 22, 1909. The report, put together by a committee, is the report that was presented to Sir Wilfred Laurier and members of government regarding the proposed Exposition that was to be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1912. The report outlines the details of the proposed Exhibition (which never ended up taking place) such as the finances, the intended results of the exhibition, and notes from various persons of importance in Canada in favour of the exhibition. The report was printed by the Winnipeg Free Press Job Department.
Two reports detailing the work done and expenses accrued of maintaining the gardens and grounds of various railway stations throughout Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, and the supplying nursery. Contains 32 b&w photographs of the station gardens and nursery plants, all captioned. Photograph locations include Moosejaw, Portage la Prairie, Virden, Oak Lake, and Saskatoon. Issued by the Forestry Branch of the Natural Resources Department of "C. P. Ry. Co."
Sem títuloA report from Winnipeg’s City Planning Commission from October 4th, 1911 to January 27th, 1913. The report is addressed to the mayor of Winnipeg and the members of the city council. The report first investigates and discusses the conditions of the city and then makes recommendations for infrastructure updates and expansions.
Sem títuloThe annual report of the Provincial Board of Health for Manitoba in 1914. The report was written by R. M. Simpson, M.D., the Chairman of the Provincial Board of Health. The report covers various topics such as infant mortality rates, Winnipeg’s water supply, water pollution, cases of consumption, and urban overcrowding.
Sem títuloPreface [pp. 5-6]
Chapter 1 - Introduction [p. 7]
Origin and Purpose of the Survey.
Chapter 2 - Economic Conditions [pp. 8-16]
General [Tendency to Large Farms; Land Valuation; Tenantry and the Share System of Rent; Methods of Farm Practice; Clover and Corn; Stock; Summer Fallow; Farm Labour; Noxious Weeds; Power Machinery; Capital]; and Co-operative Organizations [Beef Rings; Grain Growers' Associations; Farmers' Co-operative Society].
Chapter 3 - Social Conditions [pp. 17-31]
General [Population; Tenantry; Housing and Household Conditions; Means of Communication; Social Equality; Informal and Community Gatherings; Farmers' Reading]; Community Organizations [Secret Orders; Home Economics; Athletic Clubs; Moral Conditions; Social Life and Attendance]; and Special Community Study [the Marsden District].
Chapter 4 - Educational Conditions [pp. 33-47]
Function of the School; Material Equipment; School Sanitation; A Standard School; Organized Play; Religious Exercises; Educational Expenditure; Enrolment and Attendance; Few Obtain Common School Education; Need for Compulsory Education; Children's Act; School Garden; Consolidation of Rural Schools; Influence of Schools on Vocational Desire; Consolidation at Geographical Centre.
Chapter 5 - Religious Conditions and Activities [pp. 49-72]
Distribution of Population and Religious Services; Material Equipment; Horse-sheds; Ministerial Support and Finance; Missions and Benevolences; Local Expenses; Ministry; Economic Classes in the Open Country; More Intensive Church Work Needed; Comparison of Growth in Population and Church Membership; The Tenant, the Hired Help, and the Church; Tenantry and Church Membership; Church Growth; Church Membership and the Teen Age; Methods of Evangelism; Pastoral Visitation; Church Attendance; Overlapping; The Church and Recreation; Church Membership by Families; Other Organizations in the Church [Women's Missionary Societies and Mission Bands; Ladies' Aid Societies; Young People's Societies; Sunday Schools]; and Country Church Programme.
Appendix [pp. 75-77]
Reports of Committees on Social Service and Evangelism; and List of Books.
The ffep is a map of district showing churches with and without resident Ministers [denominations included: Methodist, Presbyterian, Anglican, Holiness Movement, and Roman Catholic] and schoolhouses with and without church services in schools.
Photographs cover agriculture, farm buildings, horses, houses, roads, cemeteries, town buildings, Métis living conditions, "Country White" living conditions, schools, horticulture, and churches.
Sem títuloReport of the proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Convention of the Alberta Agricultural Fairs Association, held 1 and 2 March 1916 in at the Hotel McDonald in Edmonton, Alberta.
Contents include:
List of names of officers [Honorary President; Honorary Vice-President; President; Vice-President; Directors; Secretary-Treasurer]; list of names of convention attendees; "Minutes of Last Meeting"; "Address by Mr. Galbraith" [Superintendent of Fairs and Institutes]; "Financial Report of the Alberta Agricultural Fairs Association - Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the Twelve Months Ending 31st December, 1915"; "Report of the Executive Committee"; "Letter from Shorthorn Breeders' Association"; "Address by Premier [A. L.] Sifton"; "Address by Hon. Duncan Marshall" [Minister of Agriculture - first of two addresses]; "Discussion on Dairy Shorthorns"; "Address by Professor Reynolds" [Manitoba Agricultural College - first of two addresses]; "Address by Professor Bracken" [Saskatchewan University]; "Address by Mr. Hunter" [President of the Provincial Poultry Association]; "Address by Mr. [E. L.] Richardson" [President of the Alberta Agricultural Fairs Association] on "An Improved System for the Payment of Prizes at Exhibitions"; "Address by Deputy Mayor Frith" [Acting Mayor of the City of Edmonton]; "Address by Professor Howes" [Dean of Alberta Agricultural College]; "Address by Professor Reynolds" [second of two addresses]; "Address by Hon. Duncan Marshall" [second of two addresses]; "General Discussion"; "Resolution" [No. 1]; "Report of Fair Dates Committee"; "Schedule of Fair Dates for 1916"; "Resolutions No. 3 - No. 8"; "Rules and Regulations" [regarding Resolution No. 8]; "Resolution No. 9 - No. 10"; "Place of Next Convention" [Claresholm, Alberta]; "Election of Officers" [Honorary President and Vice-President; President; Vice-President; Directors]; and "Directors' Meeting".
The third annual report booklet of the Manitoba Mothers' Allowances Commission, in Winnipeg, Manitoba from January 1920.
Sem títuloFinancial reports for the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, for the fiscal year 1926. Also contains lists of city officials for 1927, and list of mayors of Winnipeg from 1873-1927 inclusive.
Sem títuloAn August 1930 issue of the Orange Home News, containing the Annual Report of the Orange Benevolent Society of Saskatchewan for the year ending December 31, 1929.
Lists of Officers and Committees of the Orange Benevolent Society of Saskatchewan for 1930; President's Report [Mrs. W. A. Adams, President]; The Grand Mistress; The Grand Master; The Matron; The Secretary Treasurer; The Placement of Children; The School Agreement; Tags and Dime Banks; The Froom Endowment Fund; Remember the Children in Your Will; Financial Report; Revenue Account; Balance Sheet [As at 31st December, 1929]; Liabilities; Contributions; Our Prayer.
Additionally contains print advertisements for various local businesses.
Sem títuloReprint of research report by Henry M. Leppard of the University of Chicago, originally published in the Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, regarding the geography and agriculture of the Peace River Country in Alberta and British Columbia.
Includes 5 black and white [B&W] figures illustrating the location, settlements, and crops [Field Crops; Spring Wheat, and Oats] of the Peace River District ca. 1926, and 2 tables: 1 recording the classification of land [as either improved or unimproved/raw] in occupied farms, and 1 recording the distribution of the total acreage in field crops among the major crops grown in 1926, in the Peace River Block.
The first Annual report booklet of the Family Bureau of Winnipeg, Building a Foundation, October 1, 1936 - August 31, 1937.
Sem títuloAnnual financial statement and Auditor's report for the town of Stavely, Alberta, for the year 1939. Lists statistics and figures for the town's finances.
Receipts [Balances December 31, 1938; Receipts on Account Municipal Taxation; Municipal Revenue Other Than Taxes; Loans; Trust Moneys Received; Outstanding Cheques, Treasury Branch Vouchers, or Overdraft, Dec. 31, 1939]; Payments [Outstanding Cheques, Treasury Branch Vouchers, or Overdraft, Dec. 31, 1938; Administration; Protection of Person and Property; Social Services; Health, Relief, Etc.; Public Works; Loans; Trust Moneys or Requisitions remitted; Balances December 31, 1939]; Assets [Balances December 31, 1939 (Municipal only); Municipal Taxes; Accounts Receivable; Inventories - Supplies on Hand; Fixed Assets; Trust Assets, Balances December 31, 1939; Uncollected Trust Taxes, December 31, 1939; Uncollected Trust Taxes on Forfeited Lands (not included above)]; Liabilities [Outstanding Cheques, Treasury Branch Vouchers, Dec. 31, 1939 (Municipal only); Accounts Payable; Loans; Trust Liabilities - Outstanding Cheques, Treasury Branch Vouchers, Dec. 31, 1939 (Trust only); Uncollected Trust Taxes and Collections Not Remitted Dec. 31, 1939; Uncollected Trust Taxes on Forfeited Lands (not included above)]; Tax Statement; Method of Levy; Details of Municipal Assessment and Tax Levy; Valuation of Town Property; Services Tax; Statistical Information; Lands Under the Tax Recovery Act; Standing of Lands Finally Acquired by Town; Verification of Cash on Hand at Dec. 31, 1939; Auditor's Certificate.
The Saskatchewan Historical Society Annual Report of the Secretary for 1942 to 1943 written by J.M. Hamilton. The report was submitted to J.A. Gregory, the president of The Saskatchewan Historical Society. The report covers many subjects such as the difficulty of finding historically accurate information, information regarding the cattle industry in Saskatchewan, the spending of the Society, collaborations with various organizations and groups, and the locations of temporarily marked historic sites.
Sem títuloReport on co-operative and collective farming published by the Canadian Economic Research Bureau (C.E.R.B.) in response to the election of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (C.C.F.) government in Saskatchewan. The report discusses Mennonites, Hutterites, and "Other Collective Farming Experiments" in Canada, as well as the "Collective Farm Experiment in Russia", to make their position.
Sem título"I herewith submit a general report of the activities of the [Saskatchewan Historical] Society during the period following the annual meeting held on the 28th day of October, 1943." Topics of this report to the President of the Saskatchewan Historical Society include the Society's administrative work and work in acquiring and processing records related to Saskatchewan's pioneers, Indigenous and Métis histories, religious histories, military and Royal Canadian Mounted Police [R.C.M.P.] histories, and other local histories.
Expansion; Reciprocal Societies; Authors; Alberta; Public Addresses; Records of the Pioneers; Remarkable Pioneers; Prizes Offered; Maple Creek; Wood Mountain; George Shepherd; Lloydminster; Battleford; Rebellion Territory; Fort Pitt; The Seige [sic] [Siege]; Brave Mr. McLean; The Site of Fort Pitt; Historical Sites; Old Buildings in Battleford District; Old Mounted Police Detachment; Old Government House; Yorkton; Prominent Citizens; Wolseley; Public Spirited Citizens; Branch Societies; New Light on the Riel Question; The Archives of Canada; Racial Immigration; Missionary and Church History; Presbyterian Missions in the Early Days of Settlement; The Methodists; Farmers' Organizations; Manuscripts; Lord Tweedsmuir; Their Excellencies [the Earl of Athlone and Her Royal Highness, the Princess Alice]; A Delegation from the Society; War Records; Winnipeg Enlistments; The Air Force; The Files ["large cards filed for Saskatchewan personnel representing at least seventy-five thousand individuals]; Casualty Lists; Military Co-Operation; Inventory; General Index; The Chronicle ["a yearly chronicle of everything that has happened within the boundaries of what is now Saskatchewan since 1819"].
A series of papers outlining the policies, opinions, campaign platform, and stance of the LPP on the political climate of the mid-1940s.
Sem títuloA manuscript of a report for the Game and Fisheries Branch of the Department of Mines and Natural Resources, dated August, 1948 and compiled of data gathered in May, July, and August of 1947. The report examines the potential effects of the Manitoba Central Basin Project on the birds, fish, and "fur animals" along the Saskatchewan River, and includes information on topography, geology, soils, climate, hydrology, and vegetation, as well as a description of the project, and conclusions and recommendations. 48 b&w numbered and captioned photographs, primarily of terrain and river-related facilities and activities, have been mounted onto various pages, and a large fold out map of the Manitoba central basin is laid-in after the last page.
Sem títuloA reprinted section of Vol. 31 of a periodical titled "Scientific Agriculture" providing information on cereal smuts. Consists primarily of the results of surveys and testing conducted on seed samples taken at random from farmers in Manitoba.
Sem títuloA letter from John Mitchell, Professor of Soils at the University of Saskatchewan to Don McFadden, dated July 20, 1951. It contains the results of an analysis on three soil samples, the most important of which, according to Prof. Mitchell, are the clay texture and the presence of free lime, as well as his suggestions on how to make the soil more productive. The letter includes a personal note at the bottom about a recent trip and a violin gift from Uncle Bill. The attached second page contains the analysis results in numerical values.
Sem títuloThe first annual report of Logan Neighborhood House (294 Ellen Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba), a drop-in and programming centre affiliated with The Community Chest designed to provide social and recreational services for community members, from preschool-aged children to senior citizens. The report suggests that 154 families [as many as 750 individuals] took out $1.00 family memberships to Logan Neighbourhood House in its first year of operation, and those memberships were used an average of 1800 times each month.
History of Logan Neighbourhood House - 1953; The President's Report, 1953; The Executive Director's Report, 1953; Programme Report - 1953; Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements For period of September 16, 1952 to December 31, 1953; Balance Sheet As on December 31, 1953; Board of Directors of Logan Neighbourhood House 1952-1953 [Officers; Chairmen of Committees; Other Board Members].
A booklet titled “Dominion Forest Nursery Stations Progress Report 1947-1952” by John Walker, Superintendent of the Dominion Forest Nursery Station in Indian Head, Saskatchewan, and W.L. Kerr, Superintendent of the Dominion Forest Nursery Station in Sutherland, Saskatchewan. The booklet was published by the Canada Department of Agriculture in 1954. The booklet outlines the tree-planting activities over a period of six years at the two Forestry Nursery Stations. The report outlines the distribution of trees for shelterbelt and hedge planting on farms, permanent plantations, farm shelterbelts, special cooperative projects, rodent control, publicity, and tree physiology.
Sem título"Publication No. 272." Results of a survey on the quality of seed grade varieties of wheat, oats, and barley, conducted by the "Soils & Crops Branch" in Manitoba.
Sem títuloA paper providing information on "FACTORS influencing crop production on stubble land." Figures are based on the "1955 Results at Brandon Experimental Farm."
Information on the Historic Sites program, launched to commemorate Saskatchewan's Golden Jubilee in 1955. The program placed "rustic-style" markers at historically significant sites throughout the province, including trails, river crossings, fur trade posts, and locations associated with the territorial government and the North-West Mounted Police.
Sem títuloThe annual report of the Alberta Protestant Home for Children [10621 92nd Street], for the year ending of December 31, 1958.
Report for the Year Ending December 31, 1958; "Others" [a poem by Mr. and Mrs. N. A. McPherson, Superintendent and Matron]; Report of President; Secretary's Report; Auditors' Report; Treasurer's Report [Receipts; Disbursements]; Cash Donations; Endowment Fund [Receipts; Assets; Home Improvement Fund]; Gifts in Kind (Food, Clothing, and Services); Committees (1959); Officers; Board of Directors.
The Report and Account of the 289th Annual General Court of the Hudon’s Bay Company which was held on May 2, 1958 at Beaver Hall in Garlick Hill, London. At the beginning of the report, there is an introductory letter written by E.F. Newlands, the Secretary of the Canadian Committee in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The report includes an outline of the events of the meeting, a list of board members, a consolidated financial summary of the company, and an address and report to proprietors, both written by W.J. Keswick, Governor of the Board. The report also includes a consolidated profit and loss account of the Hudson’s Bay Company.
Sem títuloA book of reports and accounts of The Governor And Company of Adventurers of England Trading Into Hudson's Bay.
A typed report detailing the history of Northern Alberta Railways from the first charter in 1907 to the crop season of 1961-62. The last page consists of unspecified statistical information on locomotives owned by the N.A.R.
A “Turkey Statistics” report written by Don Waddell, a poultry specialist, in June 1968. In the top left corner of the title page “Office Copy. Please bring back” is handwritten in ink and pencil. The first page provides information on the different total weights of turkey weight categories from different provinces between the years 1962 to 1967. The second page provides information about “Heavy Weight Turkey Poults Hatched or Placed” in the Canadian provinces between 1962 to 1967. The third page provides information about “Turkey broiler Weight Poults Hatched or Placed” in the Canadian provinces between 1962 to 1967. The final page provides information about the “% of Canada’s Turkey Tonnage (CDA) by Province and Year.”
Sem títuloA small collection of meeting minutes and reports from the Turkey Marketing Boards Regional Meeting on June 10, 1968. The representatives present at the meeting came from British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. Donald J. McFadden was present as one of the representatives from Manitoba. The meeting was held in Regina, Saskatchewan. The meeting minutes list the date, and the names of people present for the meeting, and provide details about the topics discussed. Also included are a report from the Saskatchewan Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board written by F.W. Longstaff, a report from the British Columbia Turkey Marketing Board written by E. Pratt, and a report from the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board written by J.P. Tanchak. The Alberta report was delivered verbally and there is no written copy.
Sem títuloA collection of meeting minutes from the Regional Co-ordinating Committee meetings. The minutes range from December 4, 1968, to December 6, 1969. The locations of the meetings are listed as Calgary, Alberta, and the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Each document lists the date, location, and the names of people present for the meeting, and provides details about the topics discussed. Each document also includes copies of reports or supplemental materials mentioned in the minutes. Some of the discussion topics for the meetings included provincial reports, various motions, regional minimum prices, and promotion and merchandising.
Sem títuloA red duotang with a sticker label on the cover that indicates the contents are a report of the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board Second Annual Meeting at the Niakwa Hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on January 29, 1971. The first page inside the duotang outlines the order of events for the second annual meeting. The remaining pages in the duotang are the minutes from the annual meeting of the previous year which was held on January 30, 1970. The minutes cover topics such as freight charges, handling of birds, electing directors, price and pricing, market planning and controls, promotional projects, and the number of meetings held the previous year. Also included in the duotang are a statement of revenue and expenditures, a balance sheet, and a pie chart depicting the disposition of revenue for 1970.
Sem títuloA collection of meeting minutes from the National Turkey Co-ordinating Committee meetings. The minutes range from September 9, 1969, to November 15, 1972. The locations of the meetings are listed as the Airport Inn in Vancouver, British Columbia, Holiday Inn in Ottawa, Ontario, International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Blue Boy Motor Hotel in Vancouver, British Columbia, U.C.C. Offices in Montreal, Quebec, North Star Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Vagabond Motor Inn in Regina, Saskatchewan, Airline Inn in Calgary, Alberta, and Hotel Saskatchewan in Regina, Saskatchewan. Each document lists the date, location, and the names of people present for the meeting, and provides details about the topics discussed. Some of the discussion topics for the meetings included various reports from committees, radio promotion, marketing research, discussions of Bill C-176, national marketing plans, and provincial reports. The name "D. McFadden" is handwritten in pencil along the top edge of the first document.
Sem títuloA green duotang with a printed title on the cover that indicates the contents are a report of the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board Third Annual Meeting at the Niakwa Hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on February 25, 1972. The meeting is noted to be a combined meeting between the Manitoba Turkey Association (17th Annual Meeting) and the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board (3rd Annual Meeting). The first page lists the board members and the second page outlines the schedule of events for the meeting. The remaining pages in the duotang are the minutes from the annual meeting of the previous year which was held on January 29, 1971. The minutes cover topics such as auditor reports, elections for different districts, meetings with other boards, and current production. Also included in the duotang are a balance sheet, a statement of revenue and expenditures, a pie chart depicting the disposition of revenue, and a report titled “Marketing Alternatives for the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board.” On the front of the duotang, there is a label sticker with the handwritten name "D. J. McFadden."
Sem títuloA green plastic folder with a printed title page on the cover that indicates the contents are a report of the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board Fourth Annual Meeting at the Niakwa Hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on February 23, 1973. The first page is a title page, the second page lists the board members, and the third page outlines the schedule of events for the meeting. The remaining pages in the folder are the minutes from the annual meeting of the previous year which was held on February 26, 1972. Also included in the folder are several reports, a marketing plan, some correspondence, a statement of revenue and expenditures, and a list of registered turkey producers in Manitoba. The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the first page.
Sem títuloThe Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Fifth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the Ramada Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 7, 1974. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and loose-leaf papers such as a list of elected directors, a schedule for the meeting, meeting minutes from the previous annual meeting on February 23, 1973, a producer board report, several estimated production cost sheets for 1974, an economist report, a chairman’s report, balance sheets for the previous year, and an updated producer list. The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page.
Sem títuloTwo printed booklets outlining the history and activities of the Regina Council of Women. The first book (1895-1965) outlines council histories, activities, meetings, and participations, commemorates Saskatchewan’s 60th Jubilee, and contains Part I to Part IV. The second book (1966-1974) outlines council activities, meetings, and participations, commemorates the Council’s 80th anniversary, and contains Part V.
Sem títuloThe Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Sixth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the Ramada Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 5, 1975. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and loose-leaf papers such as a list of elected directors, an agenda for the meeting, meeting minutes from the previous annual meeting on March 7, 1974, a producer board report, an updated turkey broiler policy, an order for the marketing board from 1971, several estimated production cost sheets for 1975, an economist report, and an updated producer list.
Sem títuloThe Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Seventh Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the Ramada Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on February 26, 1976. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and loose-leaf papers such as a list of elected directors, an agenda for the meeting, meeting minutes from the previous annual meeting on March 5, 1975, a producer board report, a budget plan for 1976, three graphs depicting price spreads, an economist report, financial statements, and an updated producer list. The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page.
Sem títuloThe Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Eighth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on February 24, 1977. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and single pages such as a meeting agenda, a list of current directors, meeting minutes from the previous annual meeting on February 26, 1976, a producer board report, an estimated cost sheet of turkey production in Manitoba, the budget for the year, an economist report, a list of current turkey producers, and several others. There are four blue tabs attached to pages in the report and they are titled “Prod. Brd.,” “Financial,” “Home Ec.,” and “C.T.M.A.”
Sem títuloThe Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Ninth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on February 22, 1978. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and single pages such as a meeting agenda, a list of current directors, meeting minutes from the previous annual meeting on February 24, 1977, a producer board report, the budget for the year, an economist report, financial records, a list of current turkey producers, and several others. The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page.
Sem títuloThe Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Tenth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 8, 1979. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and single pages such as a meeting agenda, a list of current directors, meeting minutes from the previous annual meeting on February 22, 1978, a producer board report, quotas, cost of production updates, the budget for the year, an economist report, financial records, a list of current turkey producers, and several others. The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page.
Sem títuloA collection of meeting minutes and appendices from the Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency 45th meeting, which was held June 17 to 18, 1980 at the Banff Springs Hotel in Banff, Alberta. The first document is a roll call of all the representatives who were present at the meeting. The list includes their names, addresses, and which board they are representing. The second document is the meeting minutes which lists the date, time, and location of the meeting, and provides details about the topics discussed. The remainder of the documents are appendices which are mentioned in the minutes. The appendices include various types of documents such as correspondences, reports, quotas, and a media report. The name "D. McFadden" is handwritten in pencil in the top left corner of the first document.
Sem títuloThe Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Eleventh Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 5, 1980. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and single pages such as a meeting agenda, a list of current directors, meeting minutes from the previous annual meeting on March 8, 1979, a producer board report, a marketing agency report, the budget for the year, an economist report, financial records, a list of current turkey producers, and several others. The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page.
Sem títuloThe Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Twelfth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 5, 1981. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and single pages such as a meeting agenda, a list of current directors, a producer board report, a marketing agency report, the budget for the year, an economist report, financial records, a list of current turkey producers, and several others. The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page.
Sem títuloThe Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Thirteenth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 3, 1982. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and single pages such as a meeting agenda, a list of current directors, a producer board report, a marketing agency report, a promotion report, the budget for the year, financial records, a list of current turkey producers, and several others. The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page.
Sem títuloA collection of meeting minutes, appendices, reports, and schedules from the Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency 64th Meeting which was held from June 22 to June 23, 1983, at the Skyline Hotel in Toronto, Ontario. The first document is a roll call of all the representatives who were present at the meeting. The list includes their names, addresses, and which board they are representing. The second document is the meeting minutes which lists the date, time, and location of the meeting, and provides details about the topics discussed. The remainder of the documents are appendices and reports which are mentioned in the minutes. The appendices include various types of documents such as balance sheets, a seminar report, a project proposal, a promotion report, staff reports, and a national summary of turkey stocks. The name "D. McFadden" is handwritten in pencil in the top left corner of the first document.
Sem títuloThe Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Fourteenth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 1, 1983. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and single pages such as a meeting agenda, a list of current directors, a producer board report, a marketing agency report, the budget for the year, financial records, a list of current turkey producers, and several others. The four tabs on the annual report indicate sections for “Producer Board Report,” “C.T.M.A. Report,” “Auditors Report,” and “Promotion Report.” The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page.
Sem títuloBrief illustrated report on the Alberta Heritage Fund for the years 1982-1983 produced by the Alberta Treasury. The report explains what programs the Heritage Fund has invested in over these years and what it provides to Albertans. "The spectrum of projects includes agricultural research, irrigation upgrading, food processing development, oil sands and oil field research, forest replenishment, occupational health and safety, public parks, community air terminals, and educational learning aids."
"Building the Economy" - "the Heritage Fund is strengthening our overall economy" [Vencap Equities Alberta; Interest Shielding for Albertans; Alberta Opportunity Company; Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority; Conventional Oil Enhanced Recovery Program; Airport Terminal Buildings];
"Agriculture" - "Fund programs are increasing production and ensuring long-term viability" [Alberta Agricultural Development Corporation; Farming for the Future; New Rail Hopper Cars; Prince Rupert Grain Terminal; Irrigation Rehabilitation and Expansion; Grazing Reserves Development; Food Processing Centre];
"Health" - "the Fund helps ensure that our programs remain among the most modern and comprehensive in North America. It is also helping Alberta become the medical research capital of Canada" [Applied Cancer Research; Applied Heart Disease Research; Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Endowment Fund; Southern Alberta Cancer Centre and Specialty Services Facility; Walter C. Mackenzie Health Services Centre; Alberta Children's Provincial General Hospital];
"Education" - "The Fund education program helps Albertans of all ages gain basic knowledge, learn new skills and develop their talents" [Alberta Heritage Scholarship Fund; Alberta Heritage Learning Resources Project; Library Development Grants; Occupational Health and Safety Grant Program];
"Housing" - "providing affordable housing for seniors, low to middle income families, and other Albertans" [Alberta Housing Corporation; Alberta Home Mortgage Corporation];
"Recreation" - "helped to create a series of urban and rural parks for family and community activities" [Kananaskis Country Recreation Development; Capital City Park, Edmonton; Fish Creek Provincial Park, Calgary; Urban Parks Program];
"Environment" - "helping reclaim wasteland, control flooding, release more agricultural land, improve water distribution and replant forests" [Land Reclamation; Lesser Slave Lake Outlet; Paddle River Basin Development; Alberta Reforestation Nursery; Forest Maintenance; Irrigation Headworks and Main Irrigation Systems Improvement];
Balance Sheet [Assets; Deemed Assets; Liabilities and Fund Equity]; Investments [Commercial Investment Division; Alberta Investment Division; Canada Investment Division; Energy Investment Division; Deposits and Marketable Securities; Capital Projects Division].
The Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Fifteenth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 7, 1984. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and single pages such as a meeting agenda, a list of current directors, a producer board report, a marketing agency report, the budget for the year, financial records, a list of current turkey producers, and several others. The four tabs on the annual report indicate sections for “Producer Board Report,” “Promotion Report,” “Export Report,” and “Salmonella Report.” The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page.
Sem títuloA collection of supplementary documents produced by or regarding various Turkey Marketing Groups in Canada. The document creation dates range from 1972 to 1984. The collection includes documents such as “Manitoba’s Comments on the Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency,” veterinary reports, quota allocation formulas, bundles of correspondence, “What Farmers Should Known About Bill C-176,” news reports, a draft of “Overview Paper in Economic Intervention and Regulation in Canadian Agriculture,” and several others. The collection also includes two newspaper clippings. One article details a farm policy, and the other is titled “Farm setup under attack.” The name D.J. McFadden" is handwritten in pencil on one of the documents.
Sem títuloThree folders previously containing the 77th, 78th, and 79th annual reports of the United Grain Growers cooperative for the years (ending on July 31) of 1983, 1984, and 1985. They consist primarily of photographs and illustrations of various tractor models. The 77th annual report folder contains "Appendix G" which provides details on the tractors on the folder and includes a photograph of a computerized dashboard inside a tractor cab.
Sem títuloThe Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Sixteenth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on February 26, 1985. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and single pages such as a meeting agenda, a list of current directors, a producer board report, a marketing agency report, an export report, financial reports, and a proposed budget for the year. The five tabs on the annual report indicate sections for “C.T.M.A. Report,” “Budget,” “Export Report,” “Promotion Report,” and “K.A.P. Report.” The name "Don McFadden" is printed in the top right corner of the front cover page.
Sem títuloThe Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Seventeenth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on February 26, 1986. The annual report consists of several smaller reports such as a meeting agenda, a list of current directors, a page of portrait photographs of all the board directors and staff, a producer board report, financial reports, a marketing agency report, the proposed budget for the year, an export report, and many others. The name “Don McFadden” is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page.
Sem títuloThis sub-series consists of materials dealing public and school libraries in the United States and Canada that were collected by Dr. Margaret Mackey and donated to the University of Alberta Libraries. The reports deal mainly with library services as they pertain to teaching and the availability of reading materials.
A collection of meeting minutes and appendices from the Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency 93rd Meeting which was held from February 4 to February 5, 1987, at the Skyline Hotel in Toronto, Ontario. The first document is a roll call of all the representatives who were present at the meeting. The list includes their names, addresses, and which board they are representing. The second document is the meeting minutes which lists the date, time, and location of the meeting, and provides details about the topics discussed. The remainder of the documents are appendices and reports which are mentioned in the minutes. The appendices include various types of documents such as a chairman’s report, a director’s report, interoffice memos, a staff report, and committee meeting reports. The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in pen in the top left corner of the first document along with the note “My Last Agency Meeting.”
Sem títuloThe Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Eighteenth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 4, 1987. The annual report consists of several smaller reports such as a meeting agenda, a list of current directors, a producer board report, financial reports, a marketing agency report, charts, the proposed budget for the year, an export report, and many others.
Sem títuloA collection of numerous correspondence letters and several supplementary materials such as reports, maps, and lists for the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The majority of the correspondences are addressed to or from Don J. McFadden. The dates of the correspondences and other materials range between 1969 and 1987, although the majority are from 1986 and 1987. The correspondences discuss a wide variety of topics such as poultry trade negotiations between Canada and the United States, discussion of meeting minutes, membership fees, quota allocations and allowances, appraisal of farm properties, turkey raising and breeding methods, and a marketing mission to Japan.
Organization letterheads: Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board, Ministry of Agriculture, Manitoba Natural Products Marketing Council, Manitoba Chicken Broiler Producers’ Marketing Board, National Farmers Union, Scarth Dooley Olsen Barristers & Solicitors, Managra Consultants, Charison’s Turkey Hatchery LTD, Swift Canadian Co. Limited, and Forest Guenette Chaput Chartered Accountants.
The Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Nineteenth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 9, 1988. The annual report consists of several smaller reports such as a meeting agenda, a list of current directors, a producer board report, financial reports, a manager’s report, charts, the proposed budget for the year, an export report, and many others. Also inside the report booklet is a list of the 1988 Producers Plus Quota List. The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page.
Sem títuloThe Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Twentieth Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 1, 1989. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and items such as a meeting agenda, a list of current directors and staff members along with their portrait photographs, a producer board report, financial reports, a director report, an export report, and many others. The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page. Also included with the report booklet is a leaflet from the Poultry Product Producers of Manitoba advertising an Income Replacement Plan, an export report, a copy of the minutes from the 1989 Semi-Annual Meeting, and a list of the Producer Plus Quota List for 1989.
Sem título"In January of this year, the Commissioners of the Canadian Wheat Board appointed the Review Panel to examine the role of the Board in marketing Canada's grain in the global trading environment of the Nineties in order to maximize returns to Western Canadian producers. The Panel has now completed its study, and the members of the Panel are pleased to present their recommendations to the Canadian Wheat Board with the sincere hope of providing guidance for the future of the Board."
Members of the Review Panel included Barry Connell Steers [Chair], K. B. MacMillan [Vice-Chair], Douglas Livingstone, Jonathan Bamberger, Micheal Halyk, Murray Cormack, and Bill Duke.
Executive Summary; Introduction; Corporate Structure; Marketing; Getting the Grain to Market.
I. Introduction:
A. The Canadian Wheat Board; B. Pressures and Issues [1. Farm Income; 2. Policy Changes; 3. Global Trends]; C. Contents of the Report.
II. Corporate Structure:
A. Current Structure; B. Accountability; C. Future Corporate Needs.
III. Marketing:
A. Marketing in the World Marketplace [1. Background; 2. Preparing for the Nineties; 3. Research]; B. Marketing to the United States [1. Introduction; 2. Profile of the United States Market; 3. Sales Mechanisms Currently in Place; 4. New Directions for the United States Market; 5. Canadian Wheat Board Pricing Considerations: Use of Futures; 6. The Role of Accredited Exporters; 7. The Canadian Wheat Board in a North American Setting; 8. Summary]; C. Marketing to the Domestic Market for Further Processing [1. Milling Wheat and Durum; 2. The Domestic Feeding Industry; 3. Feed Processing; 4. Malting Barley; 5. General Comments]; D. Other Crops; E. Finance.
IV. Getting the Grain to Market:
A. Demands on the Canadian Grain Handling and Transportation System; B. Managing the Movement to Port [1. Objectives; 2. The Mechanics of Canadian Wheat Board Transportation Management]; C. The Transportation Policy Environment; D. Producer Delivery Commitments [1. Cost; 2. Equity and Pooling; 3. Compliance]; E. Efficiency with Equity: Moving the Grain to Port; F. Infrastructure Development.
The Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Twenty-First Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the International Inn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 14, 1990. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and items such as a producer board report, market allotments, the proposed budget for the year, a list of elected directors, an export report, and several others. Also included with the annual report booklet is a copy of the minutes from the previous annual meeting in 1989, and a producer plus basic quota list for 1990.
Sem títuloThe Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Board Twenty-Second Annual Meeting report. The annual meeting was held at the Radisson Suite Hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 7, 1991. The annual report consists of several smaller reports and items such as a producer board report, market allotments, the proposed budget for the year, a list of elected directors, an export report, and several others. The name "Don McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner of the front cover page. Also included with the annual report booklet is a a report titled “1990 Broiler Cost of Production Figures,” and a producer plus basic quota list for 1991.
Sem títuloThis sub-subseries consists materials dealing with the quality of education (mainly English and literature) and school curriculum in the United Kingdom and North America. Which were collected by Dr. Margaret Mackey and donated to the University of Alberta Libraries.
A report for donors to the University of Manitoba for the year of 1992. Includes a message from the president, fund raising report, articles on specific donors and donations, expenditure examples, university news highlights, etc.
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