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Item · [193-?]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

One blank page of hotel stationery for the Hotel MacDonald of the Grand Trunk Pacific Hotels in Edmonton, Alberta. The resident manager of the hotel is listed as J.V. Henderson. At the top of the page is a blue vignette of the Hotel MacDonald. The other Grand Trunk Pacific Hotels are listed as Chateau Laurier in Ottawa, Ontario, The Fort Garry in Winnipeg, Manitoba, The Qu’Appelle in Regina, Saskatchewan, and The Prince Rupert in Prince Rupert, British Columbia.

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Item · [196-?]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A list of turkey producers' application decisions and details. Each page is divided into five columns. The first column lists the name of the turkey producer. The second column lists the amount of the refund for the application and only about half of the producers have an amount listed beside their name. The third column lists the basic quota amount for each producer. The fourth column lists the producers’ marketing plans for 1969 although very few of these sections are filled out. The final column lists a producer’s supplementary quota requests and very few of these sections are filled out. The names of the producers are organized alphabetically by last name.

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PE002623 - Dominion of Canada. Immigration.
Item · 1873
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Print advertisement encouraging immigration to and settlement in Manitoba and other parts of Canada. Includes information on available land grants; Assisted Passages for Emigrants from the United Kingdom; and Care of Emigrants.

"Free Grants of 160 Acres of PRAIRIE LAND are offered to actual Settlers in the Province of MANITOBA. Dominion Lands sold for $1 per acre. Free Grants of 100 to 200 acres of WOOD LAND are offered to actual Settlers in other parts of Canada. Partially cleared Farms and Buildings may be bought at reasonable prices."

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Item · [1880]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A booklet in German titled “Allgemeine Waisen-Verordnung der Gemeinde Chortik, Eastern Reserve, Manitoba” which translates to “General Ordinance for Orphans of the Municipality of [Chortik], Eastern Reserve, Manitoba.” The booklet was published by the Northwest Publishing Company in Winnipeg, Manitoba and written by K.L. Frans Dück in 1880. The booklet, when translated to English, outlines guidelines created by a group of Mennonites who immigrated to Manitoba, regarding special property and inheritance regulations with regard to the benefit of orphans.

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Item · Jan. 9, 1884
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

The president’s report from the annual meeting of the Qu’Appelle Valley Farming Co. Limited, proprietors of the Bell Farm, on January 9, 1884, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The report was printed by the “Times” Steam Book and Job Printing House. The report covers various subjects such as cultivation, improvements, the town site, squatters, expenditure and receipts, and a colonization scheme.

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Item · May 4, 1888
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A printed copy of a speech delivered to the Historical Society of Manitoba by vice-president Charles N. Bell on May 4, 1888. It consists mostly of quotes and summaries from a work titled "Journal of Alexander Henry to Lake Superior, Red River, Assiniboine, Rocky Mountains, Columbia and the Pacific, 1799 to 1811, to establish the fur trade" and focuses on the time period between July 1800 and June 1801 and Henry's interactions with the Saulteaux (Ojibwa, Nakawe) First Nations people. There is a second document included in the booklet between the cover and first page titled "Transactions and Proceedings of the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, from it's Organization in 1879 till the close of the Society's Year 1888-89; being Transactions Nos. 1 to 34, and Annual Reports for the Years 1880-1888." It consists only of the first leaf of what was presumably another booklet and contains the table of contents.

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Item · 1892
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Two copies of a Pastoral Letter of His Grace the Most Reverend Alexandre Antonin Taché Declaring the Decrees of The First Council of St. Boniface. One copy is written in English and the other copy is written in French. The letter was written in 1892 in St. Boniface, Winnipeg, Manitoba by Reverend Alexandre Antonin Taché. The letter was written in celebration of two anniversaries: the anniversary of the first Apostles landing on the banks of the Red River, and the anniversary of the First Provincial Council of the Ecclesiastical Province opening.

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Item · 1900
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A segment taken from the book “The Engineers Club of Philadelphia Volume XVII, No 2”, and published separately as “The Canadian Pacific Railway, from Laggan to Revelstoke B.C” by William S. Vaux Jr. in 1900. The book outlines the construction, the history, and the current course of the Canadian Pacific Railway. The book includes several maps and graphs demonstrating the ground conditions and varying elevations of the railway route.

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Item · [1904]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A booklet provided by the Government of the Dominion of Canada containing photographs, maps, and predominantly agricultural information intending to encourage settlement in the western provinces. Published prior to 1905 and the present-day provincial configuration, the maps display boundaries for the territories of Assiniboia, Athabasca, Mackenzie, Franklin, Keewatin, and Ungava. The title reads "Homes for Millions in Western Canada's Vast Agricultural Domain of Virgin Opportunity and Infinite Resources."

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Item · 1905
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A large fold-out paper brochure, written in French, providing information on farming and homesteading in Manitoba and the territories of Assiniboia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. The verso is a map of Canada, dated 1905 but prior to September and the formation of modern provincial borders, and includes the territories of Athabasca, Mackenzie, Franklin, Keewatin, and Ungava.

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Item · [before 1905]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A copy of a speech " Delivered Before the Young Men's Liberal Club of Calgary" by Charles A. Stuart of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Ontario. He is billed as a "Barrister at Law, Advocate, Sometime Fellow in English and Canadian Constitutional History in the University of Toronto." He discusses the formation of the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, formerly the Northwest Territories, the financial implications, and relations with the Dominion Government and the British monarchy.

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Item · c. 1905
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An immigration enticement publication issued by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company that includes information on "farming, mining, lumbering, ranching, and fruit growing" in the province of British Columbia. A fold-out map is tipped in before the first page "showing the lines of the Canadian Pacific Railway" in southern B.C. and Alberta, and includes some of northern Washington and Montana. Another map printed on the inside of the front cover shows the C.P.R. across Canada, and another closer view of the area around Ottawa, Ontario showing "Eastern lines and connections," dated February 2, 1905. The name C. Green is handwritten on the top of both front and back covers, as well as on page 5 and dated September 4, 1908.

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Item · 1906
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A booklet about Regina, the capital of Saskatchewan and “its advantages as a commercial and residential centre” in 1906. The booklet highlights some of the notable buildings and developments in Regina, the growing industry, and the general progress of the city. The photographs included in the booklet depict different parts of the city such as farm scenes, government buildings, banks, residential homes, and various street scenes. The final page of the booklet is a fallout panoramic printed photograph of a bird’s eye view of Regina. The booklet was published by The Regina Board of Trade and printed by The Leader Press in Regina, Saskatchewan.

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PE002802 - "Power Prospectus;" Winnipeg (Man.), 1906
Item · 1906
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A collection of documents reporting on the cost, production, delivery, location, bylaws, and other details associated with development in order to provide hydro-electric power to the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, dated from April 25 to July 3, 1906. Front cover reads "Vote And Use Your Influence To Make Winnipeg a Manufacturing Center."

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Item · 1907-01-23 - 1907-01-24
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A summary of the first convention of the Alberta Provincial School Board held at Unity Hall in Edmonton, dated January 23-24, 1907. Consists primarily of notes on the decisions reached through various discussions, with topics including "Teacher's Salary," "Conveyance of Children," "School Sites," and "Compulsory Attendance and Truancy Act." Also includes a "Chairman's Address," schedule, and a note that Calgary, Alberta was decided upon as the location of the next year's meeting.

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Item · 1909
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"A Handbook of Manitoba and the City of Winnipeg" prepared by the Publication Committee of the Winnipeg Local Executive Committee to present to the members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for their visit from August 25 to September 1, 1909 (with options for extension based on member interests). Includes a proposed program and tentative itinerary, photographs, meteorological observations, information on locations within Winnipeg, Manitoba including a map marked with "probable meeting places," and another fold-out colored map of Canada.

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Item · 1909
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

The account of a journey from Fort Abercrombie, North Dakota to Fort Garry (Winnipeg), Manitoba and back again in 1864, reproduced and printed by the North Dakota Historical Society. A two page letter dated May 1909 from the author to the Massachusetts Historical Society, mostly concerning the translation of Indigenous names into English, is pasted into the book between the last page and endpaper.

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PE002724 - Immigration promotion booklet for Canada, 1910
Item · 1910
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A booklet from the Canadian Emigration Department advertising immigration to Canada issued by the authority of the Minister of the Interior in Ottawa, Canada in 1910. The booklet calls for farmers, farm labourers, and domestic servants to immigrate to Canada to find work and states they are “the only people the Canadian immigration department advises to emigrate to Canada” and everyone else should get definite assurance of work or employment before moving to the country. The booklet covers topics such as persons wanted for work, wages, opportunities for farming in the Prairies, times to emigrate, ocean travel rates, and letters from satisfied settlers.

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Item · December, 1911
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

The first student publication from the Nutana Collegiate Institute, when it was still the Saskatoon Collegiate Institute, and bearing the title "The Collegiate Hermes." Subtitled "Semper Paratus" (Always Ready), it includes history and information on the collegiate, student writing samples, athletics report, notable alumni (some names redacted), and advertisements for local businesses. The name Clifford Bell [?] is written on the front cover.

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Item · June, 1911
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Vol. 3 No. 5 of the Trail Magazine. Primarily short stories, titles include "Imperial Defence," "Nash of the Royal Mounted," "Crusty's Coup," and "Heads or Tails." Also includes poetry, photographs and illustrations, a Q&A section with "Sure-Shot Bill," and advertisements for local businesses.

Item · [c. 1912]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Information on the grain trade in Canada, prior to World War I but after the establishment of the Grain Act, and in-depth proposals for its improvement. Subtitle reads "Conditions which make such a system necessary. A detail of the system showing its practicability. Results of such a system in operation."

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Item · [1912]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A booklet from The Tuttle Land Company in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, titled “Evidence.” The company sells and rents out farmland. The booklet includes various testimonies from farmers and photographs of farms and farmers in the Macoun-Halbrite District in Saskatchewan. The photographs were taken in the Fall of 1911. The purpose of the booklet is to provide evidence that scientific farming produces results and that “Farming Pays” in the district. The Tuttle Land Company advertises their propositions such as securing renters from their customer's land, refunding money to farmers who purchase their land and cultivate at least 75% of it, and they will refund car fare and expenses to anyone who inspects their land and is unsatisfied. The final page of the booklet includes a cropped photograph print of the private train car owned by The Tuttle Land Company.

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Item · August, 1912
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A pamphlet titled "Land Seekers Guide also Free Homestead Lands along the Grand Trunk Pacific in Western Canada," dated August, 1912. Provides information and photographs of southern Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, to encourage settlement of the area. Map is stamped in red ink to indicate railways, and includes notes on how to "find lands on the map" and "in the field."

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PE002280 - Watrous School souvenir booklet 1912-1913
Item · 1912-1913
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A 1912 to 1913 souvenir booklet for Watrous School outlining the school's history. The booklet also includes information about the board of trustees, staff members, anecdotes, student biographies, B&W photographs, and advertisements for local businesses.

Item · February 11, 1914
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A menu and toast list for the first annual banquet held by United College in Winnipeg, Manitoba at "The Fort Garry" campus, dated February 11, 1914. The toast list includes musical numbers and a "Presentation of Prizes." Also included are photographs of various college buildings, the track and football teams, and several cartoons. Stamp in upper right corner of front cover reads "T. W. B. Hinch" and there is a list of signatures on the back cover.

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Item · 1913-1914; 1914-1915
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A set of 2 booklets, 1 covering the academic session for 1913-14 and 1 covering the session for 1914-1915, containing information on the first University of Calgary.

The 1913-1914 calendar includes: Outline of Dates [important dates for students and faculty], University of Calgary faculty and staff registers [Visitor; Board of Governors; Advisory Members; Senate; Faculty of Arts; Lecturers in Faculty of Law]; its Purpose and Plan ["A Strong Arts Course"; "A Training That Shall Be Practical"; "The Strongest Men as Teachers"; "A University on Private Foundation"]; Historical Resume [and a note on its "Temporary Quarters" at the Calgary Public Library]; The Site; Prospects and Advantages; Entrance Requirements ["Ad Eundem Statum"; "Matriculation Examinations"; "Supplemental Examinations"]; Outline of Requirements for the B.A. [Bachelor of Arts] Degree [First Year; Second Year]; Fees; Scholarships; Medals; Social and Athletic; Courses of Instruction in the Faculty of Arts [Greek; Latin; French; German; History; English Literature; English Composition; Mathematics; Physics; Chemistry; Economics]; Information Concerning the Department of Law [First Intermediate; Second Intermediate; Final]; and list of "Our Donors".

The 1914-1915 calendar includes updates to all of the information in the previous year, as well as additional information regarding: Scholarships and Medals [awarded the previous year]; Student Societies; and information regarding courses offered under a new "Department of Extension".

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Item · [1904-1917]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A brochure providing information on employment prospects in Canada, and advertisement for travel by "Allan Royal Mail Line Express Turbine Steamers." Photographs include second and third class accommodations, prairie towns and farms, Montreal, and the R.M.S. "Virginia" steamer. The front page reads "For Handbooks of Information, Sailing dates, &c., apply to G. F. Burnham, King Street, RYE."

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Item · 1918-1919
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A bound copy of two volumes of the Canadian Rusyn publication, printed in Ukrainian. When translated the English, the title of each publication is “Calendar.”The first volume was published in 1918 and the second volume was published in 1919. The covers and binding appear handmade from hide. The two volumes when translated to English contain articles about current events and cultural events relevant to the Ukrainian settlers in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Throughout the volumes, there are multiple illustrations and photographs. The volumes also include several advertisements for local companies.

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Item · c. 1919
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A record book and score card for baking and sewing competitions for the Manitoba Boys' and Girls' Clubs exhibit at the 1919 Farm Congress and Soil Products' Exhibition in Winnipeg. Includes rules for the contests, recipe suggestions for the baking contest, and blank forms to record works completed. There are two entries in the baking contest record for 13 loaves of white bread and 27 buns. A small metallic-silver colored paper heart is laid-in between pages 6 and 7.

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Item · 1919
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Correspondence to Mr. Walter Kendrew of Red Deer, Alberta. from "A.B. Shubert, Limited, The Largest House in the World Dealing Exclusively in North American Raw Furs." Contains an unused shipping notice, identification tag, and envelope. The shipping notice also includes "The Shubert Guarantee" on the verso, which outlines their shipping policy.

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Item · [c. 1920]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An advertisement for the Mount Royal Hotel in Banff, Alberta. Includes "Facts and Figures," a list of names of surrounding mountains and their peak altitudes, distance (in miles) from various Rocky Mountain locations, photographs, and mentions of other amenities and offerings. Manager N. H. Murray's name has been crossed out, and "Bert McCallum, Manager" printed underneath. Date estimate is dealer-provided.

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PE002166 - "Alberta School Fairs" booklet; 1920
Item · Feb. 1920
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Cover reads "An Outline of the Plan under which School Fairs are Conducted, together with Directions to Local Committees, Teachers, and Pupils regarding their respective parts in such Fairs." It is primarily focused on agricultural education but also includes sections on subjects such as "Insect Collection" and "Sewing, Ten Years Old and Under."

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Item · May, 1920
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A card featuring information and a photographic print of Arthur Thibaudeau, a 25 year old French-Canadian globe trotter and potential con artist, who claimed to be walking around the world in answer to the challenge of the Revel Athletic Association of Paris, France (a fictional organization). The card claims he had walked more than 52,000 miles on foot and had 24,000 miles left to win the "World's Championship" and the $100,000 prize. Sales of these cards were his "only means of subsistance" and provided purchasers with the rules of the competition.

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Item · 1921-12-03 - 1921-12-05
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Correspondence from W. A. Weston, General Secretary of the Children's Aid Society of Winnipeg, Manitoba to Mr. L. D. Smith, thanking him for his donation of $5 and providing him a receipt. Both the receipt and letterhead include addresses and phone numbers of the society's general office and shelter, and the receipt also lists the "Objects of the Society" and a notice on confidentiality on the verso.

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Item · [1907-1921?]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A notice from the Recorder of Brands under the Department of Agriculture in Medicine Hat, Alberta, containing information on the use, application, registration, and regulation of brands for cattle and horses. Section titles include "Brands as Evidence of Ownership," "Penalties," "Vents," "Hoof Marks and Ear Tags," "Movement of Stock," and "Remittance of Fees."

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Item · [after 1922]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A pamphlet addressed to the "Workers of Saskatoon" calling them to attend an anti-capitalist demonstration and parade on Tuesday, May 1 (no year given). It refers to the Soviet Union as "a beacon in the darkness" and discusses the hardships faced by the working class including low wages and denied right of assembly.

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Item · February 8, 1923
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"In commemoration of the One Hundred and Eleventh Anniversary of the birth of Charles Dickens. Born February 7th." Dated Thursday, February 8, [1923], held at the Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Contains a menu, with each item accompanied by a related Dickens quote, and a programme that includes toasts, selected sketches, and songs. The last page is an illustration of No. 48, Doughty Street in London, "To be the fellowships Headquarters, Library, Museum and Picture Gallery."

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Item · April, 1926
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A school paper, reminiscent of a yearbook, from Kelvin Technical High School in Winnipeg, dated April 1926. Includes stories, poetry, photographs, athletics reports, and advertisements for local businesses, as well as general information about the school and a list of the editorial staff. This copy appears to have belonged to Margaret Forsyth, and the inside of the front cover and first page are covered with classmate signatures.

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Item · 1927
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An advertisement calender for "McKercher's, Everything for the Farm and Home, Olds, Alta." Two John Deere logos printed on both the left and right sides. Art print is a painting of a young woman with a loose finger wave hairstyle, and captioned "Joyce" in the bottom left and "Made in U. S. A." in the bottom right. Calendar contains moon phase information.

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PE002587 - Vol. XIII, No. 2 of "The Hermes;" June, 1928
Item · June, 1928
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Vol. XIII, No. 2 of the Hermes. Includes composite photographs and write-ups on the graduating classes of the year, short stories and poems by students, an autograph page (signed by Norma Bennett and Lissetta Elviss [?]), a list of pieces collected for an art gallery and prints of selected pieces, information and photographs of various clubs and sports teams, and advertisements for local businesses. The front cover bears a gold foil image of a version of the caduceus with winged shoes, and the name J. M. Bishop (Room VI) is written at the top.

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Item · 1927 - 1928
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Year books from the nurses school at St. Boniface Hospital in Winnipeg, Manitoba, one for the 1926-1927 school year and two copies for 1927-1928. They include lists of names and photographs of graduating students, history, photographs, and general information on the hospital, inspirational poems, jokes, and speeches, and advertisements for local businesses.

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Item · 1928
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A guide to hotels, resorts, "bungalow camps," and destinations in the Rocky Mountains, published by Canadian Pacific Railways in 1928. The pages of the booklet are folded in half vertically as a group in order to tuck inside a cover half their size. It includes b&w photographs, coloured art prints, and information on activities, sights, and other offerings available at various locations along the Canadian Pacific route.

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PE002589 - Vol. XIV, No. 2 of "The Hermes;" June, 1929
Item · June, 1929
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Vol. XIV, No. 2 of the Hermes. Includes photographs and write-ups on the graduating classes of the year, short stories and poems by students, an autograph page with many signatures, information and photographs of various clubs and sports teams, and advertisements for local businesses. The front cover bears a gold foil image of a version of the caduceus with winged shoes, and the name J. M. Bishop is written at the top.

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Item · 1930
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

The fourteenth annual Vegreville Summer Fair Prize list and Exhibition Guide which was held in Vegreville, Alberta, from July 28 to July 30, 1930. The guide includes two entry forms, one for livestock and one for all departments aside from livestock, that could be submitted to the exhibition before July 25, 1930. The book includes information about the rules and regulations for the exhibition, prize options for the different livestock categories, and prize options for the various agriculture and horticulture categories. The booklet also includes various advertisements for local businesses.

Item · 1930
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An advertisement calendar for "Public Lunch, Wong Pong Prop., Best Eating Place in Town" in Olds, Alberta. Two logos for different Buckingham tobacco products are printed in the bottom left and right corners. Art print is a painting of a woman in a chair with a little boy holding a toy elephant and sitting in her lap while they both look at a yellow bird singing in a hanging cage. It is captioned "Mother's Hour" and the artist's signature has been slightly cropped out but the surname may be "Hintermeister." The print can be lifted from the bottom and underneath is a "List of Premiums" that can be paid for with certain collectable cigarette cards. Calendar contains moon phase information.

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PE003150 - "The Grain Trader's Guide;" [1931]
Item · [1931]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An information booklet, subtitled "Being a Guide to the Method of Trading in Grain Futures, Explanation of Grain Terms and Statistics Relating to Grain Crops." Pages 22-28 consist of an unused "Record of Trades" logbook, with columns to keep track of amounts bought and sold, and to document finances.

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PE002590 - Vol. XVI, No. 1 of "The Hermes;" June, 1931
Item · June, 1931
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

VOL. XVI, No. 1 of the Hermes. Includes photographs and write-ups on the graduating classes of the year, short stories and poems by students, information and photographs of various clubs and sports teams and other school updates, and advertisements for local businesses. The front cover bears a gold foil image of a version of the caduceus with winged shoes.

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Item · 1932
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An instruction booklet for the 27th Annual Camp of the Alpine Club of Canada, written by W.R. Tweedy, the Secretary-Treasurer of the club. The camp was scheduled for July 18 to August 1, 1932, at the Mt. Sir Donald Camp in Glacier National Park in the Selkirk Mountains. The instruction booklet includes rules and regulations regarding the objective of the camp, the date, the closest railway stations, transportation, baggage, outfits, camp location, climbs, expeditions, and campfires. There are also instructions about how someone can become a member of the Alpine Club of Canada. The booklet was printed by G.A. Roedde LTD in Vancouver, BC.

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Item · 1933
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An advertisement calender for "Revillon Frères Trading Company Limited, 10356 101st Street Edmonton, Alta." Lists 10 locations as Eastern and Western Agencies. Art print is a painting of two men preparing to launch a canoe, one with a large sack (presumably camping gear) and captioned "Far from Human Haunts." Calendar contains moon phase information.

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Item · [1933]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

An advertisement by "American Express Travel Service" with information on a selection of guided tours to different locations throughout the United States and the Canadian Rockies. Title reads "National Parks, Canadian Rockies, California-Alaska," and included lists of destinations, schedules, prices, and photographs. The last page contains "General Information" on topics such as hotels, meal, baggage, rates for children, and withdrawals and cancellations.

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Item · [c. 1934]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Ephemeral information on the Social Credit movement founded by former Alberta Premier William Aberhart, circa 1934. "Study Group Feature No. 5" consists of academic material on the Social Credit System with handwritten notes, featuring "The Perfect Circle, the Blood Stream of the State." An unanswered questionnaire measuring agreement with the demand to increase the food quota and implement a clothing allowance has handwritten notes and doodles on the verso by Mr. Aberhart, dated Tuesday, February 5, and includes an illustration titled "Do it at once moment." Two of the newspaper clippings are articles titled "Chronicle Question Box" and consist of separated questions and answers on Social Credit, and the third is a photographic print of Aberhart.

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Item · 1936
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Four financial statements for the United Church in Rivers, Manitoba for the year 1936. The leaflets include a financial statement for July 1936, a statement of receipts and liabilities from January 1, 1936, to August 31, 1936, a list of estimated finances required for balancing the year from September 1, 1936, to December 31, 1936, and an inclusive statement of givings by envelope contributors from January 1, 1936, to August 31, 1936.

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Item · June 7, 1936
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A "Programme Souvenir" of the ordination of Catholic Bishop Jean-Louis-Antoine-Joseph Coudert in St. Albert, Alberta on June 7, 1936. The first two pages are photographic prints of "Son Eminence Le Cardinal Villeneuve" and Coudert. Includes a list of "Officers of the Mass," schedule, and brief description of ceremonies.

Item · [1924-1936?]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A hardcover farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the years [1924-1936?]. The account book tracks the various purchasing of cows for the farm including the year they were purchased, their mother’s identification number, their government number, and their physical description. The book also includes several other sections such as Expenses, Income, Livery, and Hen Feed, although the majority of the account book is blank.

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Item · 1934 - 1937
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A book of farm records, dated 1934-1937. Includes financial information and seasonal weather accounts, and laid-in materials include receipts, correspondence from the Manitoba Wheat Pool, detached pages containing various notes and calculations, a small printed booklet titled "Precautions in Using Rusted Wheat for Seed," an unused envelope for a weekly church offering, correspondence from the Canadian Farm Loan Board, and a typed letter of recommendation for a chicken feed product from Canada Packers Limited.

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Item · 1939
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A children's illustrated rhyming book about the evolution of transportation in Canada, provided by the Canadian Pacific Railway to young passengers. There is a blue card attached to the last page that reads "A Secret - This little book has been printed especially for the many Children who travel on the Canadian Pacific. It is all for them except the next two pages which are for Mother, Father or Grown-ups only - Tear off at perforation and the secret is out." The perforation has not been opened, but is known to contain information on dining accommodations available to passengers travelling with children. The inside of the back cover contains photographs of Canadian Pacific Hotels and a list of hostelries.

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Item · January 17, 1939
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A schedule for the annual meeting of the Local Council of Women of Regina, dated Tuesday, January 17, 1939, held at the City Hall Auditorium and followed by a banquet at the Kitchener Hotel. Program includes a silent prayer, minutes from the previous meeting, speeches by members, election of officers, and "Other Business." The last page consists of a "List of Affiliated Societies."

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Item · 1938 - 1939
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A hardcover farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the years 1938 to 1939. The first lined page outlines an index for the book and includes sections such as General, Hardware, Gas & Oil, Help, Blacksmith, Misc. Income, and many others. In each section, there are handwritten notes about purchases or income for the farm. Throughout the account book, there are also several diary entries written by Chester McFadden regarding the operations of the farm, although there are some personal accounts as well.

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PE003347 - "Capons and Caponizing;" 1939
Item · December, 1939
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"Publication 613, Farmers' Bulletin 58." An informational booklet on caponizing (castrating) male chickens. Topics include justification, best breeds and ages, equipment, preparations, procedures, and after-care.

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PE003334 - "Rootrots of Cereals;" 1940
Item · April, 1940
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"Publication No. 699, Circular No. 164." A brief informational brochure on different types of root rot diseases, as well as "Prematurity Blight," and how they affect cereal crops.

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Item · 1941
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A booklet titled “An Illustrated Guide to Prairie Weeds” was originally prepared by K.W. Neatby and was then revised and enlarged by F.J. Greaney. This particular issue is listed as Bulletin No. 2. The booklet was published by Line Elevators Farm Service in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The first edition was published in October 1941, and the second edition was published in July 1947. The booklet provides information about various weed families such as buckwheat, mustard, spurge, parsley, milkweed, and plantain. On the back cover page, there is a list of sponsors. On the cover page, "D. J. McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner.

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Item · c. 1941
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Tourist information for travelers to the Rocky Mountains, covering locations in Alberta and B.C., by the Lands, Parks and Forests Branch of the National Parks Bureau of the Department of Mines and Resources. Includes information on accommodation, points of interest, wildlife, captioned photographs, and opportunities for recreation in the National Parks of Banff, Jasper, Waterton Lakes, Yoho, Kootenay, Glacier, and Mount Revelstoke. One map is titled "Main Routes to the National Parks in Alberta and British Columbia" and the other shows National Parks across Canada.

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PE003427 - "Diseases of Poultry;" 1943
Item · March, 1943
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"Bulletin 394." An informational booklet on a variety of poultry diseases including nutritional, bacterial, viral, and protozoan diseases, mycoses, parasites, tumours, etc. Also contains information on diagnosis, treatment, prevention, quarantine, sanitation, and post-mortem examinations. The name "N. A. Campbell" is written in the top right corner.

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Item · 1944
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A booklet titled “Ornamental Shrubs and Small Trees for the Canadian Prairies” by S.W. Edgecombe, an Associate Professor of Horticulture at the University of Manitoba. The booklet was published by Line Elevators Farm Service in April 1944, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The booklet covers topics such as the use of ornamental shrubs in home plantings, plant maintenance, and recommended shrubs and information about their care. Throughout the booklet, there are various photographs of shrubs and small trees. On the back cover page of the booklet, there is a list of sponsors. On the cover page "D. J. McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner.

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Item · [1935-1944]
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A collection of loose photographs of various aircraft, and pilot Archie Vance. Includes a typed page with details on the different varieties of planes, and a book on the life of Ted Nagle, a pilot, explorer, and geological surveyor, titled "The Prospector North of Sixty," by Ted Nagle & Jordan Zinovich, published in 1989.

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PE003151 - "Special Crops" information bulletin; 1944
Item · February, 1944
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"Publication No. 187." Agricultural information on flax, peas, soybeans, sunflowers, and Argentine rape, specific to the province of Manitoba. Topics include adaptability, soil, varieties, sowing, and yields, as well as notes and tips on factors such as insects, birds and weeds. A note on the front reads "Don:- Sorry! We have no bulletin on Buckwheat. -Bonar"

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Item · August 25, 1944
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Vol. II No. 32 of Out of the Scramble ("Hot off the Tarmac"), a World War II-era newsletter for the No. 17 Service Flying Training School in Souris, Manitoba. Includes local news, book recommendations, jokes and anecdotes, comics, lists of graduates and transfers, athletics report, a call for submissions, and an apology for the print quality, as they were "really having trouble in getting the good quality mimeo paper."

PE003225 - "Bees And How To Keep Them" bulletin
Item · May, 1945
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A bulletin titled “Bees And How To Keep Them” by C. B. Gooderham, a Dominion Apiarist. The pamphlet was published by the Bee Division of the Experimental Farms Service and issued in May 1945. The pamphlet is listed as publication number 578 and Farmers’ Bulletin 37. The bulletin covers topics related to bees such as locations for apiaries, races of bees, hives and movable frames, spring management, swarming, pollen, requeening and many others. The bulletin includes numerous B&W photograph prints depicting caring for apiaries, various plants, and different hives. The name “D. J. McFadden” is handwritten in the top right corner of the cover page.

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PE003428 - "Diseases of Poultry;" 1945
Item · September, 1945
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"Bulletin No. 45." An informational booklet on a variety of poultry diseases including nutritional, bacterial, viral, fungous, and protozoan diseases, as well as parasites, reproductive disorders, cannibalism, etc. Laid-in before the first page is a letter addressed to Don McFadden from J. M. Isa in response to a request for information on blackhead disease. It includes the author's opinion that the recommended medications "act as a vermifuge and eliminate the caecal worm which carries the infection."

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Item · 1945
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A booklet titled “Growing Small Fruits in the Prairie Provinces” by W.R. Leslie, the Superintendent of the Dominion Experimental Station in Morden, Manitoba. The booklet was published by Line Elevators Farm Service in March 1945, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The booklet provides information about the care and maintenance of strawberries, raspberries, bush fruits, blueberries, cranberries, sweetberry honeysuckle, pembinas, and Saskatoon berries among others. Throughout the booklet, there are various photographs of berries, fields, and small plants. On the back of the cover page, there is a list of sponsors. The name "D.J. McFadden" is handwritten in the top right corner.

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Item · Mar., 1945
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Two duplicate booklets titled “Field Crop Insects in the Prairie Provinces.” The booklets were published by Line Elevator Farm Service in March 1945, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This particular issue is listed as Bulletin No. 5. The booklets provide information about different orders of insects such as Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, and Hymenoptera. Several insects are listed in each order section and the booklet provides advice and methods for dealing with them in crops. Throughout the booklets, there are various photographs and illustrations of different insects. On the back of the cover pages, there is a list of sponsors.

Item · Dec., 1945
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A pamphlet titled “Dividing over-Wintered Colonies for Increased Honey Production” by Ed. Braun from the Dominion Experimental Farm in Brandon, Manitoba. The pamphlet was published by the Dominion of Canada Department of Agriculture and issued in December 1945. The pamphlet is marked as Publication No. 774 and Farmers’ Bulletin 130. The pamphlet includes several information tables about various divisions of colonies. There are also several charts depicting colony production of honey, average colony strength, and average number of colonies for each strength group. The pamphlet also provides information about queen bees, preparation of hives for division, and making the divisions.

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PE003368 - "Pasture for Poultry;" 1945
Item · May, 1945
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

"Publication 771, Farmer's Bulletin 128." Informational booklet on poultry pastures. Topics include nutrition, sanitation, annual and perennial pastures, grazing rate, shade, silage, etc. Pages 14-18 consist of a list of recommended poultry species and practises specific to locations in Canada, sorted by and including all provinces from east to west.

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Item · Oct. 24, 1945
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A Canadian Wheat Board permit booklet for the 1945 to 1946 season belonging to Harold J. Seal in Leduc, Alberta. The permit was granted to Harold Seal on October 24, 1945, and expired on December 3, 1946. Harold Seal reported owning an 80-acre farm, 56 acres of which were seeded acres of wheat and oats. Thirteen of those acres were authorized for wheat deliveries. Throughout the booklet are a few handwritten records of deliveries and grain purchases. At the back of the booklet are three pages outlining the Western Grain Regulations for 1945 to 1946.

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Item · 1942 - 1945
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A hardcover farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the years 1942 to 1945. The account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page such as General, Concentrates, Hardware, Grease & Oil, Insurance, Seed Purchased, and many others. Six sections are marked by a yellow paper tab. The tabs indicate sections for 1944, Hardware, Co-op, Help, Machinery, and House Account. In each section, there are handwritten notes about purchases or income for the farm. There are various loose-leaf papers and notes throughout the account book and numerous pages that have been ripped out and placed out of order.

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Item · Jan., 1946
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

A bulletin titled “ Farm Business Agreements For Father And Son” by J.B. McNulty. The bulletin was published by the University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in January 1946. The bulletin is marked as Extension Bulletin 248. The bulletin discusses methods for fostering successful farm partnerships between fathers and sons. The bulletin discusses topics such as how to get started, ways to share income from the farm business, having separate farms, keeping good farm accounts, written agreements, and a few plan suggestions. The bulletin includes several B&W photographs of men working on farms.

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Item · May, 1946
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Vol. 11, No. 1 of "Historical Bulletin," a supplement to the "Historical Nights" publication from the Calgary Associate Clinic, dated May, 1946. Article titles are "Dr. Hermann Biggs," "Medical Anomalies," "Medical Pioneering in Alberta," "Unforgettable Incidents in Private Practice," and "A Medical Miscellany." A label and note on the front covers calls attention to a "Salutation to Dr. G.D. Stanley on the occasion of his seventieth birthday" on page ten.

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Item · September, 1925 - June 1947
Parte de Prairie Ephemera Collection

Two year books from "S.N.S." (Saskatoon Normal School) for the school years of 1925-1926 and 1946-1947. They both include composite photographs of graduating students, writing samples and poetry, yearbook staff lists, athletics reports, editorials, and messages from the principal. The 1925-1926 copy has the inscription "Margaret M. Rennie, Room A. S.N.S." on the first page, many handwritten signitures under "Autographs" on pages 56-57, and the signature of orchestra conductor Mrs. Helen Davies Sherry on page 115. The 1946-1947 copy has two newspaper clippings attached to the inside of the front cover reporting on the death of Dr. Frederick James Gathercole, one being from the Leader-Post of Regina, Saskatchewan and dated Tuesday, December 28, 1993. Another clipping on the funeral service for Mrs. E. J. Ouellette is taped to page 34, and an obituary for Michael Joseph Schafer is taped to page 65 underneath his portrait, dated 1947. A retirement notice for Roy Lockert, also clipped from the Leader-Post and dated Friday, July 4, 1980, is attached to page 101. Pages 102-104 contain various other materials taped in including graduation programs, a red heart-shaped autograph book with signatures, and a typed memo on the decision of the Saskatoon Normal School Student's Assembly during their executive meeting on Tuesday, June 17, 1947 to "allot a sum of $50 to the next assembly for the buying of a radio." It also includes advertisements for local businesses.

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