Affichage de 121 résultats
Description archivistique
PE002765 - St. John's College Magazine, Easter 1916
PE002765 - St. John's College Magazine, Easter 1916
PE004009 - Ukrainian bound copy of the Canadian Rusyn Calendar, 1918-1919
PE004009 - Ukrainian bound copy of the Canadian Rusyn Calendar, 1918-1919
PE003037 - The Church of England and Higher Education in the Prairie West Before 1914
PE003037 - The Church of England and Higher Education in the Prairie West Before 1914
PE003033 - Calgary Associate Clinic Historical Bulletin - Notes and Abstracts Dealing with Medical History - Tenth Anniversary Number
PE003033 - Calgary Associate Clinic Historical Bulletin - Notes and Abstracts Dealing with Medical History - Tenth Anniversary Number
PE003962 - “Canadian Sailings: Transportation & Trade Logistics” magazine
PE003962 - “Canadian Sailings: Transportation & Trade Logistics” magazine
PE003403 - "This is West-Man" - Manitoba Department of Agriculture periodical [1976]
PE003403 - "This is West-Man" - Manitoba Department of Agriculture periodical [1976]
PE003506 - “Easy Breathing” newsletter
PE003506 - “Easy Breathing” newsletter
PE003642 - "Grain Matters" - October/November 2009
PE003642 - "Grain Matters" - October/November 2009
PE003641 - "Grain Matters" - August/September 2007
PE003641 - "Grain Matters" - August/September 2007
PE003640 - "Grain Matters" - April/May 2007
PE003640 - "Grain Matters" - April/May 2007
PE003637 - "Grain Matters" - July/August 2003
PE003637 - "Grain Matters" - July/August 2003
PE003639 - "Grain Matters" - June/July 2005
PE003639 - "Grain Matters" - June/July 2005
PE003635 - "Grain Matters" - July/August 2002
PE003635 - "Grain Matters" - July/August 2002
PE003636 - "Grain Matters" - March/April 2003
PE003636 - "Grain Matters" - March/April 2003
PE003638 - "Grain Matters" Special Edition - Grain Marketing Report - November/December 2003
PE003638 - "Grain Matters" Special Edition - Grain Marketing Report - November/December 2003
PE003097 - "Grain Matters" Special Edition - A History of the Canadian Wheat Board - July 1985
PE003097 - "Grain Matters" Special Edition - A History of the Canadian Wheat Board - July 1985
PE003515 - “Canola Digest” newsletter
PE003515 - “Canola Digest” newsletter
PE003513 - “Canola Meal for Livestock and Poultry” booklet
PE003513 - “Canola Meal for Livestock and Poultry” booklet
PE003508 - “Provincial Feed Analysis Service” pamphlet
PE003508 - “Provincial Feed Analysis Service” pamphlet
PE003480 - "The Fence Post Bi-Annual Newsletter;" 2020
PE003480 - "The Fence Post Bi-Annual Newsletter;" 2020
PE003428 - "Diseases of Poultry;" 1945
PE003428 - "Diseases of Poultry;" 1945
PE003427 - "Diseases of Poultry;" 1943
PE003427 - "Diseases of Poultry;" 1943
PE003267 - “Planning and Planting Field Shelterbelts” pamphlet
PE003267 - “Planning and Planting Field Shelterbelts” pamphlet
PE003266 - “Planting Trees and Hardwood Cuttings on the Canadian Prairies” pamphlet
PE003266 - “Planting Trees and Hardwood Cuttings on the Canadian Prairies” pamphlet
PE003265 - “Protection of Farm-Stored Grain in Western Canada” pamphlet
PE003265 - “Protection of Farm-Stored Grain in Western Canada” pamphlet
PE003264 - “Directions for Collecting And Preserving Insects” pamphlet
PE003264 - “Directions for Collecting And Preserving Insects” pamphlet
PE003365 - "Brooder House and a Range Shelter;" 1947
PE003365 - "Brooder House and a Range Shelter;" 1947
PE003368 - "Pasture for Poultry;" 1945
PE003368 - "Pasture for Poultry;" 1945
PE003369 - "Poultry Houses for Manitoba;" 1958
PE003369 - "Poultry Houses for Manitoba;" 1958
PE003259 - “Hay and Hay Making in the Prairie Provinces” pamphlet
PE003259 - “Hay and Hay Making in the Prairie Provinces” pamphlet
PE003367 - "Turkey Brooder House;" n.d.
PE003367 - "Turkey Brooder House;" n.d.
PE003258 - “Alfalfa for Hay, Silage and Pasture” booklet
PE003258 - “Alfalfa for Hay, Silage and Pasture” booklet
PE003257 - “Equipment for Harvesting Hay and Silage” booklet
PE003257 - “Equipment for Harvesting Hay and Silage” booklet
PE003366 - "Pastures and Ranges for Poultry;" 1949
PE003366 - "Pastures and Ranges for Poultry;" 1949
PE003255 - “The Sweetclover Weevil” pamphlet
PE003255 - “The Sweetclover Weevil” pamphlet
PE003249 - “Balance Manitoba Farming with Forage Crops” pamphlet
PE003249 - “Balance Manitoba Farming with Forage Crops” pamphlet
PE003254 - “Field Crop Insects and Their Control” pamphlet
PE003254 - “Field Crop Insects and Their Control” pamphlet
PE003253 - “Farm Animal Insect and Their Control” pamphlet
PE003253 - “Farm Animal Insect and Their Control” pamphlet
PE003250 - “Chemicals Revolutionize Weed Control” pamphlet
PE003250 - “Chemicals Revolutionize Weed Control” pamphlet
PE003251 - “Questions Dealing With Weed Control” pamphlet
PE003251 - “Questions Dealing With Weed Control” pamphlet
PE003073 - Farm Account Book - 1926-1931 - Chester McFadden
PE003073 - Farm Account Book - 1926-1931 - Chester McFadden
PE003247 - “Insect Pests and Diseases of Rape and Mustard” booklet, 1977
PE003247 - “Insect Pests and Diseases of Rape and Mustard” booklet, 1977
PE003246 - “Insect Pests and Diseases of Rape and Mustard” booklet, 1972
PE003246 - “Insect Pests and Diseases of Rape and Mustard” booklet, 1972
PE003239 - Newsletters from the Manitoba Turkey Association
PE003239 - Newsletters from the Manitoba Turkey Association
PE003245 - “The First Six Years 1967-1973” booklet
PE003245 - “The First Six Years 1967-1973” booklet
PE003337 - "Smuts of Coarse Grains in Manitoba;" 1951
PE003337 - "Smuts of Coarse Grains in Manitoba;" 1951
PE003339 - "Smut Diseases of Cultivated Plants in Canada;" 1953
PE003339 - "Smut Diseases of Cultivated Plants in Canada;" 1953
PE003335 - "Treatment of Cereal Seed;" 1950
PE003335 - "Treatment of Cereal Seed;" 1950
PE003232 - "Simplifying 2, 4-D" pamphlet
PE003232 - "Simplifying 2, 4-D" pamphlet
PE003225 - "Bees And How To Keep Them" bulletin
PE003225 - "Bees And How To Keep Them" bulletin
PE003231 - "Preparing Bees For Winter" pamphlet
PE003231 - "Preparing Bees For Winter" pamphlet
PE003229 - "Dividing Over-Wintered Colonies for Increased Honey Production" bulletin
PE003229 - "Dividing Over-Wintered Colonies for Increased Honey Production" bulletin
PE003226 - "Farm Business Agreements for Father And Son" bulletin
PE003226 - "Farm Business Agreements for Father And Son" bulletin
PE003238 - Newsletters and memos from the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board
PE003238 - Newsletters and memos from the Manitoba Turkey Producers’ Marketing Board
PE003155 - "Small Grains for Profit;" 1952
PE003155 - "Small Grains for Profit;" 1952
PE003151 - "Special Crops" information bulletin; 1944
PE003151 - "Special Crops" information bulletin; 1944
PE003142 - "Fertilizer Recommendations For Manitoba;" 1949
PE003142 - "Fertilizer Recommendations For Manitoba;" 1949
PE003141 - "Fertilizer, Manure and Management Practises;" 1942
PE003141 - "Fertilizer, Manure and Management Practises;" 1942
PE003200 - "Farmstead Planning and Beautification" bulletin
PE003200 - "Farmstead Planning and Beautification" bulletin
PE003351 - "Guide to Culling Hens;" 1950
PE003351 - "Guide to Culling Hens;" 1950
PE003350 - Pamphlet on smale-scale farm egg production; 1950
PE003350 - Pamphlet on smale-scale farm egg production; 1950
PE003346 - "Turkey Poults for Profit;" 1947
PE003346 - "Turkey Poults for Profit;" 1947
PE003349 - "Producing Fall and Winter Eggs in Manitoba;" 1950
PE003349 - "Producing Fall and Winter Eggs in Manitoba;" 1950
PE003348 - "Capons and Caponizing;" 1955
PE003348 - "Capons and Caponizing;" 1955
PE003347 - "Capons and Caponizing;" 1939
PE003347 - "Capons and Caponizing;" 1939
PE003345 - "Modern Methods of Marketing Turkey;" 1952
PE003345 - "Modern Methods of Marketing Turkey;" 1952
PE003344 - "Fattening and Preparing Poultry for Market;" 1947
PE003344 - "Fattening and Preparing Poultry for Market;" 1947
PE003341 - "Smut Control of Barley;" [c. 1952]
PE003341 - "Smut Control of Barley;" [c. 1952]
PE003194 - "Wild Oat Control by Cultural Methods" pamphlet
PE003194 - "Wild Oat Control by Cultural Methods" pamphlet
PE003197 - Two copies of "Field Crop Insects in the Prairie Provinces" bulletin
PE003197 - Two copies of "Field Crop Insects in the Prairie Provinces" bulletin
PE003198 - "An Illustrated Guide to Prairie Weeds" bulletin
PE003198 - "An Illustrated Guide to Prairie Weeds" bulletin
PE003338 - "Smut Control in Barley;" 1954
PE003338 - "Smut Control in Barley;" 1954
PE003379 - Brandon College Quill - Commencement Number - 1927
PE003379 - Brandon College Quill - Commencement Number - 1927
PE003148 - "Proper Care of Malting Barley From Harvest to Market;" n.d.
PE003148 - "Proper Care of Malting Barley From Harvest to Market;" n.d.
PE003152 - "Sunflower Seed Production;" 1952
PE003152 - "Sunflower Seed Production;" 1952
PE002672 - "The Alberta Sun" newspaper; Calgary (Alta.), April 9, 1926
PE002672 - "The Alberta Sun" newspaper; Calgary (Alta.), April 9, 1926
PE002811 - "The Light" yearbooks from the Provincial Normal School; Saskatoon (Sask.), 1926-1947
PE002811 - "The Light" yearbooks from the Provincial Normal School; Saskatoon (Sask.), 1926-1947
PE002231 - Records and promotional material for United West political association; Brooks (Alta.), [1980-1981]
PE002231 - Records and promotional material for United West political association; Brooks (Alta.), [1980-1981]
PE003149 - "Produce and Play" test publication series; 1952
PE003149 - "Produce and Play" test publication series; 1952
PE003145 - "Barley Varieties for Western Canada;" 1950
PE003145 - "Barley Varieties for Western Canada;" 1950
PE003146 - "Threshing Barley For Malting Purposes;" 1951
PE003146 - "Threshing Barley For Malting Purposes;" 1951
PE003181 - “Gardening with Gus” collection of newspaper columns
PE003181 - “Gardening with Gus” collection of newspaper columns
PE002313 - "The Lethbridge Daily Herald" newspaper; June 21, 1924
PE002313 - "The Lethbridge Daily Herald" newspaper; June 21, 1924
PE002290 - The United Scottish Association Hallowe’en Annual publication
PE002290 - The United Scottish Association Hallowe’en Annual publication
PE002376 - Slim's - Satirical Wit - September 1923
PE002376 - Slim's - Satirical Wit - September 1923
PE001436 - Fur News Magazine (May and June 1913)
PE001436 - Fur News Magazine (May and June 1913)
PE003031 - In-Site Presents Alberta 75 - 1905-1980
PE003031 - In-Site Presents Alberta 75 - 1905-1980
PE002668 - Materials in German relating to Mennonite immigration to Manitoba; 1934
PE002668 - Materials in German relating to Mennonite immigration to Manitoba; 1934
PE002662 - "Out of the Scramble" magazine; Souris (Man.), August 25, 1944
PE002662 - "Out of the Scramble" magazine; Souris (Man.), August 25, 1944
PE002599 - "The Central Perroquet" school publication; Moose Jaw (Sask.), 1933
PE002599 - "The Central Perroquet" school publication; Moose Jaw (Sask.), 1933
PE002591 - "Prince Albert Times, Lumbering and Industrial Edition;" 1907
PE002591 - "Prince Albert Times, Lumbering and Industrial Edition;" 1907
PE002587 - Vol. XIII, No. 2 of "The Hermes;" June, 1928
PE002587 - Vol. XIII, No. 2 of "The Hermes;" June, 1928
PE002590 - Vol. XVI, No. 1 of "The Hermes;" June, 1931
PE002590 - Vol. XVI, No. 1 of "The Hermes;" June, 1931
PE002589 - Vol. XIV, No. 2 of "The Hermes;" June, 1929
PE002589 - Vol. XIV, No. 2 of "The Hermes;" June, 1929
PE002588 - Vol. XIV, No. 1 of "The Hermes;" December, 1928
PE002588 - Vol. XIV, No. 1 of "The Hermes;" December, 1928
PE002585 - Vol. I, No. 1 of "The Collegiate Hermes;" December 1911
PE002585 - Vol. I, No. 1 of "The Collegiate Hermes;" December 1911
PE002586 - Vol. XI, No. 2 of "The Hermes;" March 26, 1926
PE002586 - Vol. XI, No. 2 of "The Hermes;" March 26, 1926
PE002175 - "The Chinook" periodicals from Mount Royal College; Calgary (Alta.), 1919, 1930
PE002175 - "The Chinook" periodicals from Mount Royal College; Calgary (Alta.), 1919, 1930
PE002981 - Royal Canadian Air Force Windy Wings Anniversary Issue, 1944
PE002981 - Royal Canadian Air Force Windy Wings Anniversary Issue, 1944
PE003026 - Forward - Vancouver Chinese High School and University Students' Association magazine (1931)
PE003026 - Forward - Vancouver Chinese High School and University Students' Association magazine (1931)