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Item · 1975-1979
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

An account book maintained by Donald James McFadden as a record of the expenses, profits, receipts, and shipping information related to his poultry breeder flocks between the years 1975-1979. The information is kept in a Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) "Farmers' Account Book", which has been retitled "Breeder Record - 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978 & 1979" by Donald McFadden and is filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates.

The ledger contains detailed handwritten storage records as well as records regarding shipments, expenses, and profits of Donald McFadden's breeder flocks recorded on pp. 5-24. Additionally includes various handwritten and typed notes and calculations stapled in between pp. 5-24.

All remaining pages of the ledger are left blank.

"Proceeds From Egg Sales" [1975; 1976; 1977; 1978; 1979]
"Poultry Accounts" [1975; 1976; 1977; 1978]
"Insemination Record" [1975; 1976; 1977; 1978]

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Item · 1960-1963
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

An account book maintained by Donald James McFadden as a record of the expenses, profits, receipts, and shipping information related to his chicken flocks over the crop years between 1960-1963. The ledger is kept in a Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) "Farmers' Account Book" which has been retitled "Chicken Records - 1960 & 1961 & 1962" by Donald McFadden, and is filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates.

The ledger contains detailed handwritten records of orders, sales, shipments, gifts, feed, and the profits and costs associated with the chicken flocks, recorded on pp. 5-21 and 25. The ledger additionally contains handwritten scratch calculations in the margin of page 4 and on the inner back cover. All remaining pages of the ledger are left blank.

"Wheat Used For Chickens" [1960; 1961]
"Miscellaneous Items To Charge To Chickens" [1960]
"Chickens Shipped" [1960; 1961; 1962]
"Returns From Sales" [1960]
"Expenses on Chickens" [1960; 1961; 1962]
"Record of Foley Account" [1961; 1962]
"Receipts From Chickens" [1961; 1962; 1963].

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Item · 1960-1961
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

An account book maintained by Donald James McFadden as a record of the expenses, profits, receipts, and shipping information related to his turkey flocks for the 1960-1961 crop year. The ledger is kept in a Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) "Farmers' Account Book" which has been retitled "Turkey Records 1960" by Donald McFadden, and is filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates.

The ledger contains detailed handwritten records regarding orders, sales, shipments, gifts, feed, and the profits and costs associated with the turkey flock, recorded on pp. 5-13 and pp. 24-26. All remaining pages of the ledger are left blank.

"Turkey Orders" [Date; Name; No.; Form - (New York Dressed (NYD); Eviscerated) H or T (hen or tom); Price]
"Turkey Sales" [Date; No.; Name; Form [Eviscerated; NYD; Live]; H or T; Weight; Price; Receipts]
"Record of Flock" [Killed or Sold; On Hand for Breeders; Mortality; Total Birds Accounted For; Poults Received; Unaccounted For]
"Record of Turkeys Shipped" [Date; Name; Toms; Hens]
"Value of Turkeys Purchased from Co-op for Gifts Charged to Expenses"
"Gifts" [Name; Toms; Hens]
"Extra Feed To Charge To Turkeys"
"Record of Grain Purchases & Disposal - 1960" [Date; Purchased From; Turkeys; Elevator; Chickens; Cost].

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Item · 1966-1967
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

An account book maintained by Donald James McFadden as a record of the expenses, profits, receipts, and shipping information related to his turkey and chicken flocks for the 1966-1967 crop year. The ledger is kept in a Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) "Farmers' Account Book" which has been retitled "Turkey Records 1966" by Donald McFadden, and is filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates.

The ledger contains detailed handwritten records regarding orders, sales, shipments, gifts, feed, and the profits and costs associated with the turkey and chicken flocks, recorded on pp. 5-18 and 45-47. Additionally includes 1 copy of a typed letter [from Donald McFadden to Public Cold Storage Ltd. regarding firms and persons authorized to draw turkeys from his stock] and 1 handwritten note [containing calculations regarding turkeys in storage until Aug. 31/67] stapled in to page 4. All remaining pages of the ledger are left blank.

"Turkey Orders 1966" & "1967" [Date; Name; No.; H or T (hen or tom); Form - (Eviscerated); Price; Weight; Remarks]
"Turkey Sales 1966 Flock" & "After Jan. 1/67" [Date; Name; No.; H or T; Grade; Price; Weight; Receipts; Paid]
"Record of Monthly Sales - Private Trade Only 1967" [Date (monthly); dollar amount]
"Chicken Sales 1966" [ Date; No.; Name; Form (New York Dressed (NYD); Live; Eviscerated); Weight; Price; Receipts; Paid]
"Chickens To Keep"
"Chicken Disposal" [Date; Name; Mortality; Total Accounted For; Short (unaccounted for)]
"Shipping & Killing Record" [Date; To (Shipped/Killed); Flock No. 1 (Hens; Toms); Flock No. 2 (Hens; Toms); Breeders (Hens; Toms)]

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Item · 1967-1968
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

An account book maintained by Donald James McFadden as a record of the expenses, profits, receipts, and shipping information related to his turkey and chicken flocks for the 1967-1968 crop year. The ledger is kept in a Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) "Farmers' Account Book" which has been retitled "Turkey Records 1967" by Donald McFadden, and is filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates.

The ledger contains detailed handwritten records regarding orders, sales, shipments, gifts, feed, and the profits and costs associated with the turkey and chicken flocks, recorded on pp. 5-6, 14, 25-26, and 46-47. Additionally includes 1 handwritten note ["Breeder Hens Processed At Home"] stapled in to p. 7. All remaining pages of the ledger are left blank.

"Turkey Orders 1967" [Delivered; Date; Name; No.; H or T (hen or tom); Price; Weight; Remarks]
"Monthly Sales Totals - 1968" [Date (monthly); dollar amount]
"Value of Chicken Gifts & Donations" [Date; Name; Personal; Business]
"Turkey Gifts & Donations - Personal" & "Business" [Date; Name; No.; H or T; Grade; Weight; Value]
"Shipping & Killing Record 1967" [Date; To (Shipped; Killed); Flock No. 1 (Hens; Toms); Flock No. 2 (Hens; Toms); Breeders (Hens; Toms); Chickens; Hospital Turkeys (Hens; Toms)]

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Item · 1967-1968
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

An account book maintained by Donald James McFadden as a record of information related to the cold storage of his poultry stock for the 1967-1968 crop year. The ledger is kept in a Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) "Farmers' Account Book" which has been retitled "Storage Record 1967-68" by Donald McFadden, and is filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates.

The ledger contains detailed handwritten records regarding the storage of Donald McFadden's poultry stock, organized by Grade (A; B; C; Utility) and recorded on pp. 5-26. Additionally includes 1 typed receipt [captioned "Approx. total non. neg. (non-negotiable) stock at May 1/68"] laid in between pp. 4 and 5. All remaining pages of the ledger are left blank.

Non-negotiable Stock [Grade (A; B; C; Utility); Item; In (Weight; Containers); Out (Weight; Containers); Balance (Weight; Containers)]
Negotiable Stock [Grade (A; B; C; Utility); Item; In (Weight; Containers); Out (Weight; Containers); Balance (Weight; Containers)]

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Item · 1962
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1962. This printed account book was prepared in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management of the University of Manitoba and is organized into sections listed in an Index. The "Real Estate & Improvements", "Poultry; Grain & Feed, Supplies; Machinery & Equipment" Inventories, "Personal Assets", "Accounts Receivable & Payable", "Farm Expenses", "Farm & Personal Receipts" and "Summary of Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. All other sections of the account book are left blank.

Inventory [Real Estate & Improvements; Farm Map; Crop Record; Cattle; Horses; Hogs, Poultry, Bees, Sheep; Grain & Feed, Supplies; Machinery & Equipment]; Personal Assets; Accounts Receivable & Payable; Record of Special Credit Transactions; Farm Expenses; Farm & Personal Receipts; Egg & Poultry Receipts; Dairy Receipts; Household & Personal Expenses; Produce Used in Home; Feeds Used, Livestock Checkout; Labor Record & Equipment Use; Summary of Farm Business; Breeding Record; Notes.

Additionally includes "Instructions" for filling in the account book on the inner front cover, and "Rules for Estimating Quantities of Grains and Roughages" and "Standard Weights of Farm Products per Bushel" on the inner back cover. 2 newspaper clippings of articles titled "Final Payment Set" and "Wheat Board Payment Highest in History" regarding payments for wheat and oats are stapled to the top of the first page of the account book. 1 handwritten note titled "New Purchase Items Not Included As Expenses in Income Tax Returns" is stapled to the top of page 50. 1 handwritten note titled "Repairs to Improvements" is tucked in between pages 50 and 51.

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Item · 1965 - 1966
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the years 1965 to 1966. There is an index on the first page and the rest of the account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page including Cop-op, Royal Bank, Don, Insurances, Off Farm Receipts, 1966 Crop, Income, and many others. In each section, there are handwritten notes and calculations about purchases for each category or income for the farm. There are several loose-leaf notes and papers placed between pages throughout the account book.

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Item · 1967
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book for Chester McFadden’s farm in Rivers, Manitoba from 1967. This printed account book is marked as being recommended by the Department of Agriculture and the University of Manitoba. The account book is divided into sections by paper dividers labelled Inventories, Expenses, Receipts, Household Personal, Summary Farm Bus., Physical Records, Enterprise Summary, and Income Tax. In each section, there are various handwritten notes and calculations regarding farm expenses and income. At the beginning of the account book, there is a loose-leaf folded paper from the “Brandon Regional Heritage Fair ‘97 Keystone Centre.” The paper belongs to Kendra McFadden who is listed as being in Grade 9 at Rivers Collegiate and the project for this presumed school visit was titled “The Cost of Living.” Kendra is Chester McFadden’s great-granddaughter.

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Item · 1967 - 1968
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the years 1967 to 1968. There is an index on the first page and the rest of the account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page such as Co-op, Gas, Bank, and many others. Nine sections are marked by small tape tabs. The tabs indicate sections for Co-op, Credit Union, Telephone and Hydro, Insurance, Don, Field, Crop Reporting, and a second tab for Don. In each section, there are handwritten notes and calculations about purchases for each category or income for the farm. There are several loose-leaf notes and papers placed between pages throughout the account book. At the end of the account book is the draft of a letter, presumably addressed to a neighbour of the farm. One of the supplementary items placed between the cover and the first page of the account book is Chester McFadden's drivers license.

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Item · 1968
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1968. This printed account book was recommended by the Departments of Agriculture of Alberta and Manitoba and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses" section is partially filled in. The "Physical Records", "Enterprise Summary", and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on Previous Year's Outstanding Farm Accounts; Payments on Farm Loans; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December; Summary]; Summary of the Farm Business [Cash Balance Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings [Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity]; Physical Records [Monthly Count of Livestock and Poultry; Physical Record of Livestock Production; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 2 copies of a single-page typed document titled "Financial Statement - Jan. 1, 1969" written by Donald J. McFadden are tucked in immediately following the front cover of the account book. 1 handwritten note titled "Turkeys On Hand (Frozen) Dec. 31/68" is stapled to the top of page 7. 1 handwritten note titled "Grain + Feed On Hand Dec. 31/68 - Jan. 1/69" is tucked in between pages 8 and 9. 1 handwritten note titled "Misc. Accts Payable at Dec. 31/68" is stapled at the top of page 10. 1 handwritten note titled "Misc. Accts Receivable" is stapled at the top of page 11. 2 handwritten notes regarding payments for turkeys are tucked in between pages 28 and 29. 1 handwritten note regarding personal expenses is stapled at the top of page 34. 1 handwritten note regarding Royal Bank of Canada interest is stapled to the top of page 37. 1 handwritten note titled "Total Receipts Per Bus. for Barley + Oats 1966/67" is stapled to the back of the divider immediately before page 39. 1 handwritten note titled "Total Receipts from Sale of Storage Stocks" is stapled to the top of page 42. 1 receipt captioned "Turkey Accts at Dec. 31/67" is stapled to the top of page 47. 1 handwritten note regarding borrowed cash on hand is tucked between pages 62b [divider] and 63.

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Item · 1970
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book for Chester McFadden’s farm in Rivers, Manitoba from 1970. This printed account book is marked as being recommended by the Department of Agriculture and the University of Manitoba. The account book is divided into sections by paper dividers labelled Inventories, Expenses, Receipts, Household Personal, Summary Farm Bus., Physical Records, Enterprise Summary, and Income Tax. In each section, there are various handwritten notes and calculations regarding farm expenses and income. At the back of the account book, there is a torn-out page with the date 1969 in the top right corner, presumably from a previous account book.

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Item · 1972
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book for Chester McFadden’s farm in Rivers, Manitoba from 1972. This account book is marked as being recommended by the Department of Agriculture and the University of Manitoba. The account book is divided into sections by paper dividers labelled Inventories, Expenses, Receipts, Household Personal, Summary Farm Bus., Physical Records, Enterprise Summary, and Income Tax. In each section, there are various handwritten notes and calculations regarding farm expenses and income. Inside the account book are several loose-leaf and stapled notes, receipts, and letters, including a letter from Statistics Canada which includes a small log for farm records.

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Item · 1973
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1973. This printed account book was recommended by the Departments of Agriculture of Alberta and Manitoba and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses" section is partially filled in. The "Physical Records", "Enterprise Summary", and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine and Swather; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on Previous Year's Outstanding Farm Accounts; Payments on Farm Loans; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December; Summary]; Summary of the Farm Business [Monthly Cash Flow Chart; Cash Balance; Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings (Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity)]; Physical Records [Monthly Count of Livestock and Poultry; Physical Record of Livestock Production; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 1 handwritten note regarding accounts, settlements, tickets, and receipts is tucked in immediately following the front cover of the account book. 1 handwritten note titled "Misc. Accounts Payable Farm Dec. 31/73" is stapled to the top of page 10. 1 typed note titled "Net Farm Income - Earned Financial Progress Check" is tucked in between pages 14 and 14a. 1 handwritten note titled "Allocation of Wages 1973" is stapled to the top of page 35a. 1 typed receipt captioned "Gross Taxable Income Less Operating Exp." is stapled to the top of page 48a. 1 typed receipt captioned "Farm; Personal; Gord; Jamie; Barb; Bruce; Marg" is tucked in between pages 62b and 63.

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Item · 1973 - 1974
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the years 1973 to 1974. There is an index on the first page and the rest of the account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page such as Credit Union, Insurances, Don, Jim, Rivers House, Crop Reporting, and many others. In each section, there are handwritten notes and calculations about purchases for each category or income for the farm. There are numerous loose-leaf notes and papers placed between pages throughout the account book. On page 48 of the account book there is, what appears to be, a wedding toast for Denise and Wayne.

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Item · 1974
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book for Chester McFadden’s farm in Rivers, Manitoba from 1974. This account book is marked as being recommended by the Department of Agriculture and the University of Manitoba. The account book is divided into sections by paper dividers labelled Inventories, Expenses, Receipts, Household Personal, Summary Farm Bus., Physical Records, Enterprise Summary, and Income Tax. In each section, there are various handwritten notes and calculations regarding farm expenses and income. There is also a “CO-OP Petroleum Booking Order” paper form stapled to page 14b, and some notes stapled to page 27a.

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Item · 1977
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1977. This printed account book was recommended by the Departments of Agriculture of Alberta and Manitoba and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses" is partially filled in. The "Physical Records", "Enterprise Summary", and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal Inventory; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine and Swather; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on Previous Year's Outstanding Farm Accounts; Payments on Farm Loans; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December; Summary]; Summary of the Farm Business [Monthly Cash Flow Chart; Cash Balance; Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings (Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity)]; Physical Records [Monthly Count of Livestock and Poultry; Physical Record of Livestock Production; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 1 handwritten note titled "Additions to Farm Tools In 1977" is stapled to the top of page 6. 1 handwritten note titled "Misc. Accts Payable Dec. 31/77 - Farm" is stapled to the top of page 10. 1 handwritten note titled "Fertilizer Purchases from Redfern - 1977" is stapled to the top of page 27a. 1 handwritten note titled "Feed Transfers 1977" is stapled to the top of page 28. 1 handwritten note titled "Estimate of Propane Used For No. 3 Flock & Roasters" is stapled to the top of page 30. 1 handwritten note titled "1977 - Capital Expenditures" is stapled to page 36. 1 handwritten note titled "Net Farm Income" is stapled to the top of page 66.

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Item · 1978
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1978. This printed account book was recommended by the Departments of Agriculture of Alberta and Manitoba and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses", "Physical Records", "Enterprise Summary", and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Metric Conversion; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment Inventory; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal Inventory; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine and Swather; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on Previous Year's Outstanding Farm Accounts; Payments on Farm Loans; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December; Summary]; Summary of the Farm Business [Monthly Cash Flow Chart; Cash Balance; Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings (Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity)]; Physical Records [Monthly Count of Livestock and Poultry; Physical Record of Livestock Production; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 1 handwritten note titled "Items From Small Tools To Add To Inventory" is stapled to the top of page 6. 3 handwritten notes titled "Fuel & Oil & Grease Division - 1978", "Fuel, Oil & Grease Division - 1979", and "Uniflow Use - 1978" are stapled to the top of page 14b. 1 handwritten note titled "1978 Capital Purchases" is stapled to page 36. 1 handwritten note titled "Grain Sales From Boys 1977 Crop" is stapled to the back of the tabbed divider immediately before page 39. 1 handwritten note titled "Producer Car - Barley Sept. 20/78" is tucked in between the tabbed divider and page 39. 1 typed receipt is stapled to the top of page 62b. 1 incomplete handwritten note titled "1979 - Personal (Clothing Charges); Credit Card; Personal (Accomm. Meals); Chrysler" [note includes titles only] is tucked in between pages 78 and 78a.

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Item · 1984
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1984. This printed account book was recommended by Manitoba Agriculture and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by colour-coded tabbed dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses", "Physical Records", "Enterprise Summary", and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Metric Conversion; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment Inventory; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal Inventory; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine and Swather; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on Previous Year's Outstanding Farm Accounts; Payments on Farm Loans; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December; Summary]; Summary of the Farm Business [Monthly Cash Flow Chart; Cash Balance; Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings (Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity)]; Physical Records [Monthly Count of Livestock and Poultry; Physical Record of Livestock Production; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 1 handwritten note titled "Items Included As Off Farm Income" is stapled to the top of page 13. 1 handwritten note regarding fuel and oil allocation for 1984 is stapled to page 14b. 1 handwritten note titled "Custom Income From Trucking" is stapled to the top of page 18. 1 handwritten note titled "Overhead Expenses Charged To McF. Bros - 1984" is stapled to the top of page 33b. 1 handwritten note titled "Total receipts from No. 1 Flock" is stapled to the top of page 42. 1 handwritten note titled "Value of Own Use + Gift Turkeys -1984" is tucked in between pages 42 and 43.

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Item · 1984 - 1986
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the years 1984 to 1986. There is an index on the first page and the rest of the account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page such as Royal Bank, Certificates, Groceries, Insurances, Misc. Income, and many others. In each section, there are handwritten notes and calculations about purchases for each category or income for the farm. There are numerous loose-leaf notes, receipts, and papers placed between pages throughout the account book. Near the back of the account book, there are eight pages of names and the majority have addresses listed beside them.

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Item · 1985
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1985. This printed account book was recommended by Manitoba Agriculture and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by colour-coded tabbed dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses", "Physical Records", "Enterprise Summary", and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Metric Conversion; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment Inventory; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal Inventory; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine and Swather; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on Previous Year's Outstanding Farm Accounts; Payments on Farm Loans; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December; Summary]; Summary of the Farm Business [Monthly Cash Flow Chart; Cash Balance; Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings (Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity)]; Physical Records [Monthly Count of Livestock and Poultry; Physical Record of Livestock Production; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 2 handwritten notes titled "Canada Savings Bonds" and "Items Included As Off Farm Income" are stapled to the tops of pages 12 and 13, respectively. 4 handwritten notes regarding propane, fuel and oil allocation for 1985 are stapled to page 14b. 1 handwritten note titled "Fertilizer Transactions Spring 1985" is stapled to the top of page 27a. 1 handwritten note titled "Roaster Feed Consumption - 1985" is stapled to the top of page 31. 1 handwritten note titled "Overhead Expenses Charged To McF. Bros 1985" is stapled to the top of page 33b. 1 handwritten note titled "Add to 1985 Taxable Income" is stapled to the top of page 41.

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Item · 1986
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A book of financial records produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba. The ledger is divided into sections with coloured tabs, labels read "Inventories," "Expenses," "Receipts," "Household Personal," "Summary Farm Bus.," "Physical Records," "Enterprise Summary," and "Income Tax." Many of the pages contain handwritten information, and various supplemental documents, also containing handwritten notes and calculations, have been attached or laid-in.

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Item · 1992
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A book of financial records produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba. The ledger is divided into sections with coloured tabs, labels read "Inventories," "Expenses," "Receipts," "Household Personal," "Summary Farm Bus.," "Physical Records," "Enterprise Summary," and "Income Tax." Many of the pages contain handwritten information, and various supplemental documents, also containing handwritten notes and calculations, have been attached.

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Item · 1949
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented each time a grain transaction is made which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations, are required to be entered in the Permit."

"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Pendennis. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other station without proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1949-1950 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1949-50 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 29 July 1949, which records his owned lands, the size of his farm in 1949 in acres, and his seeded acres in 1949, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Oats, and Barley are made throughout the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the delivery of grain in excess of the quota or in breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchases" on inner back cover.

Some pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1959
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator agent each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1959-1960 crop year. An undated copy of Donald McFadden's 1959-60 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden, which records his lands owned and lands rented [from Mrs. Etta Greasley], and his seeded and total farm acres in 1959, is included. The selected Delivery Point is Carnegie, Manitoba.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat and Oats are made throughout the permit book. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act [PGAPA] is filled in by hand on page 13. "Form AR-E Cancellation of Endorsement", dated 10 August 1959, is affixed to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in applications and declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], a list of instructions for using the permit book titled "Important" on inner front cover, and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchased by Permit Holder" on back cover.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1979
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1979-1980 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's original permit book application dated 27 July 1979, and a copy of his amended permit book application dated 23 October 1979, which list his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1979-1980 crop year, are included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. Two typed "Statements of Account Advance Payment" are taped to the inner front cover of the permit book. One "Form AR-E - Cancellation of Endorsement" is attached to page 74. One "Seed Purchase Declaration" [with one duplicate copy] and one copy of "Form DP-7 Application for Amendments to 1979-80 Quota Acre Assignments" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" are attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1980
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1980-1981 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's original permit book application dated 13 August 1980, and a copy of his amended permit book application dated 5 May 1981, which list his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1980-1981 crop year, are included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. Two "Courtesy Weigh Scale Tickets", filled in by hand in blue ink, are tucked in immediately following the front cover of the permit book. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 80. One copy of "Form DP-7 Application for Amendments to 1980-81 Quota Acre Assignments" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" is attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1996
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1996-1997 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1996-97 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 2 September 1996, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included.

Three entries regarding deliveries of Wheat are made on page 6. The remainder of the permit book is left blank.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", "Deadline Dates to Sign-Up for a CWB Delivery Contract", "Codes to Use When Farmers Deliver", "Recording Deliveries" ["A new liquidated damages formula"], "CWB Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", "Deliveries to Purchase Pedigreed Seed", "Wheat and Barley Cleanout", a "Multi-Member Farm Declaration" form, "CWB Selected Barley Storage and Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", an "Index", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and "Important Information on Grain Sampling" [including Sampling Procedures].

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Item · 2010
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 2010-2011 crop year. A yellow handwritten note which reads "Renewed By Phone July 15/10" is affixed to the front cover of the permit book.

The contents of the permit book are entirely blank.

Permit book additionally contains "Important Information" [regarding Delivery Permits and Delivery Contracts], "CWB Cash Advance - Advance Payments Program [APP] Wheat, Durum and Barley Cash Advances", "Delivery of Screenings for Wheat and Durum", and "CWB Information Services" [including "e-Services @"; "Online @"; "CWB Farm Business Team" contact information; "Farm Business Representatives"; "CWB Saskatoon Regional Office" contact information; and "The Canadian Wheat Board" contact information].

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Item · 1953
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1953. This printed account book was prepared by the Division of Agricultural Economics - Department of Economics of the University of Manitoba and is organized into sections listed in an Index. The "Farm Expenses" and "Farm & Personal Receipts" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates, and the "Real Estate" section is partially filled in. All other sections of the account book are left blank.

Inventory [Real Estate & Improvements; Farm Map; Crop Record; Cattle; Horses, Sheep; Hogs, Poultry, Bees; Grain & Feed, Supplies; Machinery & Equipment]; Cultivation & Standing Crops; Personal Assets, Accounts Receivable & Payable; Record of Payments Made & Received; Farm Expenses; Farm & Personal Receipts; Egg & Poultry Receipts; Dairy Receipts; Household & Personal Expenses; Produce Used in Home; Feeds Used, Livestock Checkout; Labor Record & Equipment Use; Summary of Farm Business.

Additionally includes "Instructions" for filling out the account book on the inner front cover, and "Rules for Estimating Quantities of Grains and Roughages" and "Standard Weights of Farm Products per Bushel" on the inner back cover. 1 receipt for Manitoba Pool Elevators 15-year Debentures and 3 loose handwritten notes ["Budget To Dec. 31/54 - Expenditures and Receipts"; "Record of Barley Cleaning - 1954; Seed Requirements - 1954; Fertilizer Requirements - 1954"; and "Budget - April 24 to Sept. 24/54 - Expenditures, Estimated, Actual"] are tucked in immediately following the front cover. 1 handwritten note listing "Net Grain Prices Received for 1952-53 Crop" [Wheat; Barley; Oats] and 1 news clipping listing "Final Barley Payments" are stapled to the top of the first page of the account book.

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Item · 1956
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the year 1956. On the first page of the account book, there is an index. The account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page including Co-op, Oil, Help, Fertilizer, Lumber, Grain, Margaret, Don, Feed Grain, and many others. In each section, there are handwritten notes about purchases for each category or income for the farm. There are several loose-leaf notes and papers placed between pages throughout the account book. On page 38 there are various entries describing the farm fields.

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Item · 1959
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the year 1959. There is an index on the first page and the rest of the account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page including Cop-op, Gas, Church & Charitable, House, Field & Crop, Grain Sales, Expenses, and many others. In each section, there are handwritten notes about purchases for each category or income for the farm.

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Item · 1960
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1960. This printed account book was prepared in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management of the University of Manitoba and is organized into sections listed in an Index. The "Farm Expenses" and "Farm & Personal Receipts" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. A list of "Payments To Mrs. [Etta] Greasley For 1960-61 Crop Year" is recorded on page 84 under "Notes or Special Transactions". All other sections of the account book are left blank.

Inventory [Real Estate & Improvements; Farm Map; Crop Record; Cattle; Horses; Hogs, Poultry, Bees, Sheep; Grain & Feed, Supplies; Machinery & Equipment]; Personal Assets; Accounts Receivable & Payable; Record of Special Credit Transactions; Farm Expenses; Farm & Personal Receipts; Egg & Poultry Receipts; Dairy Receipts; Household & Personal Expenses; Produce Used in Home; Feeds Used, Livestock Checkout; Labor Record & Equipment Use; Summary of Farm Business; Breeding Record; Notes.

Additionally includes "Instructions" for filling in the account book on the inner front cover, and "Rules for Estimating Quantities of Grains and Roughages" and "Standard Weights of Farm Products per Bushel" on the inner back cover. 2 Royal Bank of Canada receipts [dated 11 Oct. 1960 and 27 Dec. 1960] are stapled to the top of page 10. 1 receipt captioned "Total Hydro Paid During Year" is stapled to the top of page 39.

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Item · 1961 - 1964
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book for Chester McFadden’s farm in Rivers, Manitoba from 1962. The ledger is divided into handwritten sections such as Gasoline Permits, Gas, Diesel, Concentrates, Hydro, Help, and Grain Sales among many others. Under each section are various markings of different costs. Near the end of the ledger are a few sections listing expenses for various years and income sources for 1961 and 1964.

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Item · 1964
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book for Chester McFadden’s farm in Rivers, Manitoba from 1964. The ledger is divided into handwritten sections such as Gas, Help, Lumber, Truck, Grain, Oats, and Credit Union among many others. Under each section are various markings of different costs and notes about each purchase or sale. There are various loose-leaf papers tucked inside the ledger such as receipts, handwritten notes, and calculations. The ledger was printed by Blue Line in Canada.

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Item · 1965
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book for Chester McFadden’s farm in Rivers, Manitoba from 1965. This printed account book is marked as being recommended by the Department of Agriculture and the University of Manitoba. The account book is divided into sections by paper dividers which are labelled Inventories, Expenses, Receipts, Household Personal, Summary Farm Bus., Physical Records, Enterprise Summary, and Income Tax. In each section, there are various handwritten notes and calculations regarding farm expenses and income. The account book also includes a map of Manitoba soil types stapled to the inside of the front cover page. This particular account book is noted on the cover to be recommended by The Departments of Agriculture and The University of Manitoba and was printed by R.S. Evans, Queen's Printer.

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Item · 1967
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1967. This printed account book was recommended by the Departments of Agriculture of Alberta and Manitoba and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses" and "Physical Records" sections are partially filled in. The "Enterprise Summary" and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on Previous Year's Outstanding Farm Accounts; Payments on Farm Loans; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December; Summary]; Summary of the Farm Business [Cash Balance Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings [Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity]; Physical Records [Monthly Count of Livestock and Poultry; Physical Record of Livestock Production; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 1 handwritten note titled "Miscellaneous Accts Outstanding" is stapled to the top of page 10. 1 handwritten note with scratch calculations is tucked in between pages 28 and 29. 2 handwritten notes titled "Feed Consumed by Turkeys 1967" and "Per Bird Cost Estimate For Commercial Turkeys - 1967" are tucked in between pages 30 and 31.

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Item · 1968
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book for Chester McFadden’s farm in Rivers, Manitoba from 1968. This printed account book is marked as being recommended by the Department of Agriculture and the University of Manitoba. The account book is divided into sections by paper dividers labelled Inventories, Expenses, Receipts, Household Personal, Summary Farm Bus., Physical Records, Enterprise Summary, and Income Tax. In each section, there are various handwritten notes and calculations regarding farm expenses and income. The account book also has various loose-leaf receipts and notes placed in between pages.

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Item · 1969 - 1970
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the years 19679 to 1970. There is an index on the first page and the rest of the account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page such as Co-op, Car Gas, and many others. Seven sections are marked by small tape tabs. The tabs indicate sections for Bank, Credit Union, Gas, Don, Jim, Crop, and House. In each section, there are handwritten notes and calculations about purchases for each category or income for the farm. There are numerous loose-leaf notes and papers placed between pages throughout the account book.

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Item · 1970
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1970. This printed account book was recommended by the Departments of Agriculture of Alberta and Manitoba and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses" section is partially filled in. The "Physical Records", "Enterprise Summary", and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on Previous Year's Outstanding Farm Accounts; Payments on Farm Loans; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December; Summary]; Summary of the Farm Business [Cash Balance Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings [Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity]; Physical Records [Monthly Count of Livestock and Poultry; Physical Record of Livestock Production; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 2 handwritten notes titled "Additions to Miscellaneous Poultry Equipment 1970" and "Value of Turkey Stocks - Dec. 31/70" are stapled to the top of pages 6 and 7, respectively. 2 handwritten notes regarding accounts payable and receivable are stapled to the tops of pages 10 and 11, respectively. 11 handwritten notes regarding accounts payable and receivable, outstanding accounts, and budgeting [dated from 1969-1971] are all tucked in between pages 10 and 11. 1 handwritten note titled "Personal Accounts Payable" is stapled to the top of page 12. 1 handwritten note titled "Summary of Capital Purchases 1970" is stapled to the top of page 36.

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Item · 1972
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1972. This printed account book was recommended by the Departments of Agriculture of Alberta and Manitoba and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses" section is partially filled in. The "Physical Records", "Enterprise Summary", and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine and Swather; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on Previous Year's Outstanding Farm Accounts; Payments on Farm Loans; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December; Summary]; Summary of the Farm Business [Monthly Cash Flow Chart; Cash Balance; Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings (Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity)]; Physical Records [Monthly Count of Livestock and Poultry; Physical Record of Livestock Production; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 1 handwritten note titled "Value of Turkeys on Hand Dec. 31/72 - Jan. 1/73" is stapled to the top of page 7. 1 handwritten note titled "Misc. Accounts Payable Farm" is stapled to the top of page 10. 1 handwritten note titled "Misc. Accounts Payable Personal" is stapled to the top of page 12. 1 handwritten note titled "Paid on Old Personal Accts in 1972" is stapled to the top of page 61. 1 stapled booklet containing 4 handwritten notes titled "Est. Income Aug 1 - Dec. 31/72", "C.J.M. (Estimate - Oct. 5/72)", "Budget To Aug. 31/72" and "Budget - Sept. 1 - Dec. 31/72" is tucked in immediately before the back cover of the account book.

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Item · 1975 - 1976
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book for Chester McFadden’s farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the years 1975 to 1976. This account book is marked as being recommended by the Department of Agriculture and the University of Manitoba. The account book is divided into sections by paper dividers labelled Inventories, Expenses, Receipts, Household Personal, Summary Farm Bus., Physical Records, Enterprise Summary, and Income Tax. Includes one paper note stapled to page 32.

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Item · 1979
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1979. This printed account book was recommended by the Departments of Agriculture of Alberta and Manitoba and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses", "Physical Records", "Enterprise Summary", and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Metric Conversion; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment Inventory; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal Inventory; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine and Swather; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on Previous Year's Outstanding Farm Accounts; Payments on Farm Loans; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December; Summary]; Summary of the Farm Business [Monthly Cash Flow Chart; Cash Balance; Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings (Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity)]; Physical Records [Monthly Count of Livestock and Poultry; Physical Record of Livestock Production; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 2 handwritten notes, one regarding reminders to adjust specific figures for tax schedules and one titled "Items From Small Tools To Add To Inventory", are stapled to the top of page 6. 1 handwritten note titled "11-55 To Old Black Portable - Aug. 22/79" is stapled to the top of page 9. 3 handwritten notes, two titled "Fertilizer/Equipment Data" and "Record of 11-55 Transactions With Boys - Spring /79", and one regarding fuel allocation, are stapled to page 14b. 1 handwritten note titled "UI CPP Tax Payments" is tucked in between pages 34 and 35a. 1 newspaper clipping regarding 1978-1979 Canadian Wheat Board payments and 1 handwritten note titled "Cash Advance Record - 1979 CWB Refund" are stapled to the back of the tabbed divider immediately before page 39.

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Item · 1981
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1981. This printed account book was recommended by the Departments of Agriculture of Alberta and Manitoba and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses", "Physical Records", "Enterprise Summary", and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Metric Conversion; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment Inventory; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal Inventory; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine and Swather; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on Previous Year's Outstanding Farm Accounts; Payments on Farm Loans; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December; Summary]; Summary of the Farm Business [Monthly Cash Flow Chart; Cash Balance; Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings (Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity)]; Physical Records [Monthly Count of Livestock and Poultry; Physical Record of Livestock Production; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 1 handwritten note titled "Depreciation + Values For McF. Bros. Cost Calculations 1981" is stapled to the top of page 4. 2 handwritten notes titled "Grain Etc. On Hand Dec. 31/81" and "Value of Millet Fed in 1981" are stapled to the tops of pages 8 and 9, respectively. 1 handwritten note regarding fuel allocation in 1981 is stapled to the top of page 14b. 1 handwritten note titled "[Behlen?] Bin Completion - Structural (Class 6); Equipment (Class 8)" is stapled to the top of page 36. 2 handwritten notes regarding grain stabilization deductions for 1981 and 1 newspaper clipping captioned "1980/81 Final Points" regarding Canadian Wheat Board payments are stapled to the tabbed divider immediately before page 39. 2 handwritten notes titled "CWB Deliveries 81/82 Crop Year" and "CWB Cash Advance Transactions 1981" are stapled to the top of page 39. 1 handwritten note titled "IAAC - Mutual Life" is stapled to page 48a.

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Item · 1983
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1983. This printed account book was recommended by Manitoba Agriculture and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses", "Physical Records", "Enterprise Summary", and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Metric Conversion; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment Inventory; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal Inventory; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine and Swather; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on Previous Year's Outstanding Farm Accounts; Payments on Farm Loans; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December; Summary]; Summary of the Farm Business [Monthly Cash Flow Chart; Cash Balance; Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings (Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity)]; Physical Records [Monthly Count of Livestock and Poultry; Physical Record of Livestock Production; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 1 handwritten note titled "Tools Added To Inventory - 1983" is stapled to the top of page 6. 2 handwritten notes titled "Feed Wheat On Hand Jan. 1/84" and "Inventory of grain & supplies" are stapled to the top of page 9. 2 handwritten notes, one titled "Redfern Accounts" and one regarding fuel and oil allocation for 1983, are stapled to the top of page 14b. 1 handwritten note titled "Propane Conv. Cost" is stapled to the top of page 16. 1 typed table regarding the Canadian Wheat Board's final payments for 1982-83 is stapled to the back of the tabbed divider immediately before page 39. 1 handwritten note titled "Add to 1983 Taxable Income" is stapled to the top of page 41. 2 handwritten notes titled "Receipts from No. 1 Flock turned over to McF. Bros" and "Total No. 2 Flock" are stapled to the top of page 42. 2 handwritten notes, one titled "Depreciation Paid by McF. Bros" and one with scratch calculations, are tucked in between pages 64 and 65.

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Item · 1987
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A book of financial records produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba. The ledger is divided into sections with coloured tabs, labels read "Inventories," "Expenses," "Receipts," "Household Personal," "Summary Farm Bus.," "Physical Records," "Enterprise Summary," and "Income Tax." Many of the pages contain handwritten information, and various supplemental documents, also containing handwritten notes and calculations, have been attached.

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Item · 1988
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A book of financial records produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba. The ledger is divided into sections with coloured tabs, labels read "Inventories," "Expenses," "Receipts," "Household Personal," "Summary Farm Bus.," "Physical Records," "Enterprise Summary," and "Income Tax." Many of the pages contain handwritten information, and various supplemental documents, also containing handwritten notes and calculations, have been attached.

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Item · 1951
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented each time a grain transaction is made which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations, are required to be entered in the Permit."

"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Pendennis. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other station without proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1951-1952 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1951-52 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 21 July 1951, which records his owned lands, the size of his farm in 1951 in acres, and his seeded acres in 1951, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Oats, and Barley are made throughout the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the delivery of grain in excess of the quota or in breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchases" on inner back cover.

Some pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1952
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented each time a grain transaction is made which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations, are required to be entered in the Permit."

"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Pendennis. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other station without proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1952-1953 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1952-53 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 28 July 1952, which records his owned lands, the size of his farm in 1952 in acres, and his seeded acres in 1952, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat and Barley are made throughout the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the delivery of grain in excess of the quota or in breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchases" on inner back cover.

Some pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1954
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator agent each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Pendennis. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other station without proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1954-1955 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1954-55 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 26 August 1954, which records his lands owned and lands rented [from Mrs. Etta Greasley], and his seeded and total farm acres in 1954, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat and Barley are made throughout the permit book. Handwritten notes are made in black ink directly on pages 1, 4, 9, and 13, all regarding the cancellation of "Special Barley Permit #3663". One handwritten note, dated 21 May 1955, is made in blue ink on page 3 regarding the net bushels of barley to be covered with future quotas.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchased by Permit Holder" on inner back cover.

Some pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1963
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator agent each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1963-1964 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1963-64 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 6 September 1963, which records the details of his lands owned, and his seeded and total farm acres in 1963, is included. The selected Delivery Point is Rivers, Manitoba.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat and Oats are made throughout the permit book. "Form AR-E - Cancellation of Endorsement" in relation to advance payments is affixed to the top of page 13. "Balance Outstanding Transferred from 1962-63 Permit Book", dated 14 September 1963, is filled in by hand on inner back cover of permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in applications and declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], a list of instructions for using the permit book titled "Important" on inner front cover, and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchased by Permit Holder" on back cover.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1969
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1969-1970 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1969-70 Delivery Permit and permit application, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 29 August 1969, which records the details of his lands owned, and his seeded and total farm acres in 1969, is included. The selected Delivery Point is Rivers, Manitoba.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Oats, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the permit book. "The Manitoba Crop Insurance Corporation - Release from Prairie Farm Assistance Act" certificate, dated 2 June 1969, is affixed to inner front cover of the permit book. "Balance Outstanding Transferred from 1968-69 Permit Book", dated 31 July 1969, and "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act (PGAPA), are filled in by hand on page 10. One typed contract made between Donald J. McFadden and Maple Leaf Mills Limited on 28 April 1970, is included immediately before inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in applications and declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], and a list of instructions for using the permit book titled "Important" on inner front cover.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1972
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1972-1973 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's permit book application, filled in and signed in blue ink on 26 July 1972 by Donald J. McFadden, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1972-1973 crop year, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat and Barley are made throughout the book. Page 47 contains a "Record of Bushels Delivered 1972-73".

Permit book additionally includes information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", as well as "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1976
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1976-1977 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's permit book application, filled in and signed in black ink by Donald J. McFadden, which lists his owned lands, seeded land [in acres and hectares], and assignable and quota land [in acres and hectares] for the 1976-1977 crop year, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. Page 52 contains a completed copy of a form for a grain settlement with CSP Foods, stapled in. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 61.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1977
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1977-1978 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's original permit book application dated 18 August 1977, and a copy of his amended permit book application dated 16 December 1977, which list his owned lands, seeded land [in acres and hectares], and assignable and quota land [in acres and hectares] for the 1977-1978 crop year, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. One completed copy of a form for a grain settlement with CSP Foods is tucked in immediately following the permit book applications at the front of the permit book, and another CSP Foods grain settlement form is stapled to page 57. One "Form AR-E - Cancellation of Endorsement" is attached to page 67. Two "Seed Purchase Declarations" [with one duplicate copy] and one copy of "Form DP-7 Application for Amendments to 1977-78 Quota Acre Assignments" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" are attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1978
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1978-1979 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's original permit book application dated 1 August 1978, and a copy of his amended permit book application dated 18 January 1979, which list his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1978-1979 crop year, are included. One handwritten note regarding the amendment is attached by a metal paper clip to the original permit book application.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. Two handwritten notes regarding Donald McFadden's wheat deliverables are stapled to the inner front cover of the permit book, and one is tucked in between pages 6 and 7. Two "Statements of Sale of Bulk Certified Seed" and "Seed Purchase Declarations" and one copy of "Form DP-7 Application for Amendments to 1978-79 Quota Acre Assignments" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" are attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1981
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1981-1982 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's original permit book application dated 27 August 1981, and a copy of his amended permit book application dated 26 May 1982, which list his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1981-1982 crop year, are included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. One copy of "Form DP-7 Application for Amendments to 1981-82 Quota Acre Assignments" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" is attached between the original and amended permit book applications. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 80. One "Seed Purchase Declaration" [with one duplicate copy] and two copies of "Form DP-7" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" are attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1982
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1982-1983 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's original permit book application dated 6 August 1982, and copies of three amended permit book applications dated 22 December 1982, 5 May 1983, and 9 June 1983, which list his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1982-1983 crop year, are included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. One copy of "Form DP-7 Application for Amendments to 1982-83 Quota Acre Assignments" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" is attached between the original and amended permit book applications. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 80. One "Bulk Certified Seed" statement of record, one "Seed Purchase Declaration" [with one duplicate copy], and two copies of "Form DP-7" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" are attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1983
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1983-1984 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's original permit book application dated 27 July 1983, and copies of two amended permit book applications dated 30 September 1983 and 8 May 1984, which list his owned lands, seeded acres, and assignable and quota acres for the 1983-1984 crop year, are included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Rapeseed are made throughout the book. One "Bulk Certified Seed" statement of record, one "Seed Purchase Declaration" [with one duplicate copy], and one typed letter from the CWB authorization of amended quota acres, are attached to the inner front cover of the permit book. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 80. One "Repayment Schedule - Advance Payments for Crops" is filled in by hand and stapled to page 80. One copy of "Form DP-7 Application for Amendments to 1983-84 Quota Acre Assignments" marked "Not Approved - For Information Purposes Only" is attached to the inner back cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", "Penalties" [for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", and the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", as well as a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", "Instructions for Recording Deliveries of Grain", "Instructions Regarding Producer Identification Plates", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are blank.

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Item · 1989
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit book must be presented to the elevator manager each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit book at the time of delivery."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1989-1990 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's permit book application dated 3 August 1989, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the 1989-1990 crop year, is included.

One handwritten entry regarding delivery of Canola/Rapeseed is made on page 70. The remainder of the permit book is left blank.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Canada Grain Act", the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", and the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", "General Instructions" [information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat, Oats, & Barley", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

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Item · 1990
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1990-1991 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1990-91 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 19 July 1990, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included. Two "Applications for Contract Barley Quota Acre Assignment 1990-91" and two "Applications for Amendment to Quota Acre Assignment" are also included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, Contract Barley, and Flaxseed are made throughout the book. One "Seed Purchase Declaration" is attached to page 37. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 38. Two "Guaranteed Delivery Barley Contracts" dated 31 October 1990 and 27 March 1991, are folded in half and laid in between pages 40 and 41.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Canada Grain Act", the "Western Grain Stabilization Act", and the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", "General Instructions" [information regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", circumstances in which grain deliveries are not required to be entered in permit books, and "Penalties" for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries for Wheat & Barley", "Important Information for Elevator Managers", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1991
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1991-1992 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1991-92 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 26 August 1991, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included. One "Application for Amendment to Quota Acre Assignment" dated 10 October 1991 is also included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Canola are made throughout the book. One "Form AR-E Cancellation of Endorsement" sticker dated 13 July 1992 is affixed to the bottom front cover of the permit book. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 39.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Canada Grain Act" and the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries" [regarding Delivery Contracts; Permit Book Entries for Wheat and Barley; Board, Off-Board, and Supplementary Quotas; and Recording Deliveries], "General Instructions" [regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", circumstances in which grain deliveries are not required to be entered in permit books, and "Penalties" for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], "Important Information for Elevator Managers", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1992
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1992-1993 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1992-93 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 30 July 1992, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included. Three "Applications for Amendment to Quota Acre Assignment" dated 2 September 1992, 11 December 1992, and 15 February 1993, are also included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Barley, and Canola are made throughout the book. "Form AR-C" regarding advance payments under the Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act is filled in by hand on page 39.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Canada Grain Act" and the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", "Instructions for Recording Permit Book Entries" [regarding Delivery Contracts; Permit Book Entries for Wheat and Barley; Board, Off-Board, and Supplementary Quotas; and Recording Deliveries], "General Instructions" [regarding the issuance of "Producers' Certificates", circumstances in which grain deliveries are not required to be entered in permit books, and "Penalties" for making false statements or making deliveries in excess of quota], "Important Information for Elevator Managers", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and a Table of Contents listing all of the types of grain deliveries that can be recorded in the permit book.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1993
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1993-1994 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1993-94 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 20 August 1993, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included.

A partial entry is made in the "Record of Quota Acre Assignments" table located on the inner front cover of the permit book. The remainder of the permit book is left blank.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Canada Grain Act" and the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", "Important Information for Elevator Managers", "Deliveries of Wheat and Barley" [regarding Producer's Certificates; Calculating Tonnes Deliverable (Quotas; Contracts); Recording Deliveries; and Penalties], as well as "Provisions of Canadian Wheat Board Delivery Contracts Reprinted for Information Purposes", "Other Contract Programs" [including Canada Feed Wheat; Grandin Wheat; and Hull-less Barley], and "Important Information on Grain Sampling" [including Sampling Procedures].

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Item · 1995
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1995-1996 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1995-96 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 14 August 1995, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included.

The contents of the permit book are entirely blank.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Canada Grain Act" and the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act", as well as "Deadline Dates to Sign-Up for a CWB Delivery Contract", "CWB Contract Performance Clause", "Important Information for Elevator Managers", "Deliveries of Wheat and Barley" [regarding Producer's Certificates; Calculating Tonnes Deliverable (Acreage-Based Deliveries; Contracts); Recording Deliveries; and Penalties], "CWB Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", "Deliveries to Purchase Pedigreed Seed", "Wheat and Barley Cleanout", a "Multi-Member Farm Declaration" form, "CWB Selected Barley Storage and Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and "Important Information on Grain Sampling" [including Sampling Procedures].

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Item · 1998
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1998-1999 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1998-99 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 31 August 1998, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included.

The contents of the permit book are entirely blank.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act [PGAPA]" and the "Agricultural Marketing Programs Act [AMPA]", the "CWB Delivery Contracts Sign-up Deadline Dates", "Codes to Use When Farmers Deliver", "Recording Deliveries" [Liquidated Damages; Advance Payments], "CWB Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", "Deliveries to Purchase Pedigreed Seed", "Wheat, Durum Wheat and Barley Cleanout", a "Multi-Member Farm Declaration" form, "CWB Selected Barley Storage and Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and "Important Information on Grain Sampling" [including Sampling Procedures].

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Item · 1999
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1999-2000 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1999-2000 Crop Year Delivery Permit, dated 12 August 1999, which lists his owned lands, seeded acres, and quota acres for the crop year, is included.

One entry regarding delivery of Wheat is made on page 8. The remainder of the permit book is left blank.

Permit book additionally contains information regarding the "Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act [PGAPA]" and the "Agricultural Marketing Programs Act [AMPA]", the "CWB Delivery Contracts Sign-up Deadline Dates", "Codes to Use When Farmers Deliver", "Recording Deliveries" [Liquidated Damages; Advance Payments], "CWB Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", "Deliveries to Purchase Pedigreed Seed", "Wheat, Durum Wheat and Barley Cleanout", a "Multi-Member Farm Declaration" form, "CWB Selected Barley Storage and Delivery Contracts - Terms and Conditions", a "Reference Conversion Table From Tonnes to Bushels", and "Important Information on Grain Sampling" [including Sampling Procedures].

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Item · 1960-1964
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

An account book maintained by Donald James McFadden as a record of the expenses, profits, receipts, and shipping information related to his poultry breeder flocks over the crop years between 1960-1964. The information is kept in a Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) "Farmers' Account Book" which has been retitled "Breeder Flock Records 1960-1961" by Donald McFadden and is filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates.

The ledger contains detailed handwritten records regarding shipments, expenses, and profits of Donald McFadden's breeder flock recorded on pp. 6-22. All remaining pages of the ledger are left blank.

"Eggs Shipped" [1960-61; 1961-62; 1962-63]
"Proceeds from Egg Sales" [1960-61]
"Orders for Breeders"
"Proceeds from Flock Disposal" [1960-61; 1961-62; 1962-63; 1963-64]
"Egg Shipments + Receipts" [1963-64]

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Item · 1964-1974
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

An account book maintained by Donald James McFadden as a record of the expenses, profits, receipts, and other information related to his poultry breeder flocks over the crop years between 1964-1974. The information is kept in a Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) "Farmers' Account Book" which has been retitled "Breeder Flock Records [1964-65, ... 1973-74]" by Donald McFadden and is filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates.

The ledger contains detailed handwritten records of shipments, expenses, and profits regarding Donald McFadden's breeder flocks recorded on pp. 6-26. Additionally includes 1 sheet of typed calculations, stapled in on p. 25, and 1 handwritten note ["Estimate of Egg Receipts - 1974"] stapled in on p. 23. All remaining pages of the ledger are left blank.

"Proceeds From Egg Sales" [1965; 1966; 1967; 1968; 1969; 1970; 1971; 1972; 1973; 1974]
"Proceeds from Flock Disposal" [1966]
"Insemination Record" [n.d.; 1969; 1970; 1971; 1972; 1973]
"Deductions for Poults" [1972; 1974]

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Item · 1961-1962
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

An account book maintained by Donald James McFadden as a record of the expenses, profits, receipts, and shipping information related to his turkey flocks for the 1961-1962 crop year. The ledger is kept in a Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) "Farmers' Account Book" which has been retitled "Turkey Records 1961" by Donald McFadden, and is filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates.

The ledger contains detailed handwritten records regarding orders, sales, shipments, gifts, feed, and the profits and costs associated with the turkey flock, recorded on pp. 5-16. All remaining pages of the ledger are left blank.

"Turkey Orders" [Date; Name; No.; Form - (Eviscerated); H or T (hen or tom); Price; Remarks]
"Turkey Sales 1961" [Date; No.; Name; Form [Eviscerated; New York Dressed (NYD); Giblets; Live]; H or T; Weight; Price; Receipts]
"Record of Turkeys Put In Storage" [Date; Item; "Barney"; "Prince Edward"; "Maxwell House (A); (B); (C)"; Payments For Storage]
"Required for Gifts, Etc." [Name; Toms; Hens]
"Record [of Flock] as of Nov. 22" [Killed or Sold; Birds Bought; Mortality; "Short" (unaccounted for)]
"Record of Shipments & Killing" [Date; Name (Shipped; Killed); Hens; Total Hens; Toms; Total Toms]
"Comparison of Returns from Different Processors" [Hens (Co-op; Turtle Mountain; Swift); Toms (Co-op; Swift)]
"Gifts, Etc." [No.; Name; H or T; Price; Weight; Turkey Expenses; Personal (Receipts)]

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Item · 1963-1964
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

An account book maintained by Donald James McFadden as a record of the expenses, profits, receipts, and shipping information related to his turkey flocks for the 1963-1964 crop year. The ledger is kept in a Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) "Farmers' Account Book" which has been retitled "Turkey Records 1963" by Donald McFadden, and is filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates.

The ledger contains detailed handwritten records regarding orders, sales, shipments, gifts, feed, and the profits and costs associated with the turkey flock, recorded on pp. 5-16. Additionally contains 1 handwritten note ["Turkeys for Legion - June 19"] stapled in to p. 7. All remaining pages of the ledger are left blank.

"Turkey Orders" [Date; Name; No.; H or T (hen or tom); Form - (Eviscerated); Price; Remarks]
"Turkey Sales 1963" & "After Jan. 1/64" [Date; No.; To Whom Sold (Name); H or T; Weight; Price; Receipts]
"Gifts, Own Use, Etc." [Date; Name; No.; H or T; Weight; Price; and Value]
"Shipping & Killing Record" [Date; Name (Shipped; Killed); Hens; Total Hens; Toms; Total Toms]
"Record of Turkeys in M.D.P.C. Storage" [Date; Item; No.; Weight; Weight Balance; No.]
"Monthly Sales Totals" [Date (monthly); dollar amount]

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Item · 1968-1977
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

An account book maintained by Donald James McFadden as a record of the expenses, profits, receipts, and shipping information related to his turkey and chicken flocks over the crop years between 1968-1977. The ledger is kept in a Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) "Farmers' Account Book" which has been retitled "Turkey Records 1968 & 1969" by Donald McFadden, and is filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates.

The ledger contains detailed handwritten records regarding orders, sales, shipments, gifts, feed, and the profits and costs associated with the turkey and chicken flocks. Approximately 20 pages of the ledger are left blank.

"Turkey Orders - [1968]; 1969; 1970; 1971; 1972; 1973; 1975; 1976; 1977" & "Tentative Turkey Orders - 1974" [Date; Name; No.; H or T (hen or tom); Form [Eviscerated]; Price; Weight; Grade; Remarks]
"Turkey Sales -1968; 1969; 1970; 1971" [Date; Name; No.; Weight; Price; Receipts]
"Roaster Orders - 1970; 1971; 1972; 1973; 1974" [Date; Name; Form (New York Dressed (NYD); Eviscerated); No.; Remarks]
"Turkey Gifts - 1968; 1969; 1970; 1971; 1972; 1973" [Date; Name; Weight; Price; Value; Personal; Business]
"Chicken Gifts - 1970; 1971; 1973" [Date; Name; Weight; Price; Value; Business; Personal]
"Own Use - 1968; 1969; 1970; 1971; 1972" [Date; Purpose; Weight; Price; Value]
"Turkeys & Chickens To Bob Glenn" [Date; Item; Value]
"Roaster Record - 1969; 1970; 1971
"Feed Used - 1969; 1970; 1971"
"Kids Chicken Record - 1968"
"Shipping & Killing Record - 1968; 1969; 1970; 1971; 1972" [Date; Breeders (Hens; Toms); To (Shipped; Killed); Flock No. 1 (Hens; Toms); Flock No. 2 (Hens; Toms); Chickens]
"Kids Hospital Turkeys - 1968; 1969"
"Bookings 1969" [Date; Name; No. 1 Hens & Toms; No. 2 Hens & Toms; Chickens; Loads; Price]

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Item · 1951
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1951. This printed account book was prepared by the Agricultural Economics Staff of the University of Manitoba and is organized into sections listed in an Index. Most sections are at least partially filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates - however, the final 21 pages are blank.

Inventory [Real Estate & Improvements; Farm Map; Crop Record; Cattle; Horses, Sheep; Hogs, Poultry, Bees; Grain & Feed, Supplies; Machinery & Equipment]; Cultivation & Standing Crops; Personal Assets, Accounts Receivable & Payable; Record of Payments Made & Received; Farm Expenses; Farm & Personal Receipts; Egg & Poultry Receipts; Dairy Receipts; Household & Personal Expenses; Produce Used in Home; Feeds Used, Livestock Checkout; Labor Record & Equipment Use; Summary of Farm Business.

Additionally includes 1 lined sheet of loose-leaf paper titled "Car Gas 1951", containing records of the amounts of money spent on car gasoline (per month and yearly total) in 1951, tucked in between pages 38 and 39.

This particular account book appears to contain both legitimate financial and personal records kept by Donald McFadden for the year 1951, and "sample" records used for "A.H.S." in 1951/1952. Pages 15 and 37 are marked with handwritten notes "Sample Only - Used at A.H.S. 1951/52" and "Not D.J.M. - AHS - Sample Only" respectively, while pages 23 and 38 are marked with handwritten notes "D.J.M.'s 1951 Acct's" and "D.J.M. Expenses 1951" respectively. Additionally, all but 2 of the first 9 pages [being pages 2 and 4] are crossed through with large X's marked in pencil.

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Item · 1954
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1954. This printed account book was prepared by the Division of Agricultural Economics - Department of Economics of the University of Manitoba and is organized into sections listed in an Index. The "Farm Expenses" and "Farm & Personal Receipts" sections are meticulously filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates, and the "Record of Payments Made & Received" section is partially filled in. All other sections of the account book are left blank.

Inventory [Real Estate & Improvements; Farm Map; Crop Record; Cattle; Horses, Sheep; Hogs, Poultry, Bees; Grain & Feed, Supplies; Machinery & Equipment]; Cultivation & Standing Crops; Personal Assets, Accounts Receivable & Payable; Record of Payments Made & Received; Farm Expenses; Farm & Personal Receipts; Egg & Poultry Receipts; Dairy Receipts; Household & Personal Expenses; Produce Used in Home; Feeds Used, Livestock Checkout; Labor Record & Equipment Use; Summary of Farm Business.

Additionally includes "Instructions" for filling out the account book on the inner front cover, and "Rules for Estimating Quantities of Grains and Roughages" and "Standard Weights of Farm Products per Bushel" on the inner back cover. 1 loose handwritten note regarding "Hail Insurance - 1954" and "Second Policy", 1 notification of an additional payment to be made to Donald McFadden by the Manitoba Dairy & Poultry Co-operation Ltd., and 1 Certificate of Share Capital and Patronage Dividends for Donald McFadden from Brandon Co-op are tucked in immediately after the front cover. 2 undated loose pages of calculations are tucked in between pages 48 and 49. 1 typed booklet titled "Details of Grain Production & Disposal From S.E. ¼ - 6-12-20 for Purpose of Settlement with Mrs. Greasley - Crop Year 1954-1955" containing figures, calculations, and explanatory notes is tucked in immediately before the back cover of the account book.

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Item · 1955
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A hardcover farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the years 1955. The account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page such as Co-op, Tractor Gas, Concentrates, Diesel Fuel, and many others. Seven sections are marked by small paper tabs. The tabs indicate sections for [Telephone], Hardware, Help, Machine Repairs, Grain, Stock, and Feed. In each section, there are handwritten notes about purchases or income for the farm. There are various loose-leaf paper and notes throughout the account book and one diary entry written on January 30, 1955.

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Item · 1957
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the year 1957. There is an index on the first page and the rest of the account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page including Tractor Gas, Stationary, Car Repairs, Wheat, Seed Sold, Cattle Sold, Don, and many others. In each section, there are handwritten notes about purchases for each category or income for the farm. There are several loose-leaf notes and papers placed between pages throughout the account book.

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Item · 1958
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the year 1958. There is an index on the first page and the rest of the account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page including Oil & Grease, Antifreeze, Insecticides, Blacksmith, Hardware, Machinery, Grain Sold, and many others. In each section, there are handwritten notes about purchases for each category or income for the farm. There are a few loose-leaf notes and newspaper clippings placed between pages throughout the account book.

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Item · 1959
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1959. This printed account book was prepared in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management of the University of Manitoba and is organized into sections listed in an Index. The "Farm Expenses" and "Farm & Personal Receipts" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. A list of "Payments To Mrs. [Etta] Greasley For 1959-60 Crop Year" is recorded on page 84 under "Notes or Special Transactions". All other sections of the account book are left blank.

Inventory [Real Estate & Improvements; Farm Map; Crop Record; Cattle; Horses; Hogs, Poultry, Bees, Sheep; Grain & Feed, Supplies; Machinery & Equipment]; Personal Assets; Accounts Receivable & Payable; Record of Special Credit Transactions; Farm Expenses; Farm & Personal Receipts; Egg & Poultry Receipts; Dairy Receipts; Household & Personal Expenses; Produce Used in Home; Feeds Used, Livestock Checkout; Labor Record & Equipment Use; Summary of Farm Business; Breeding Record; Notes.

Additionally includes "Instructions" for filling in the account book on the inner front cover, and "Rules for Estimating Quantities of Grains and Roughages" and "Standard Weights of Farm Products per Bushel" on the inner back cover. 1 handwritten note titled "Mar. 5 - Paid to Dad" and 1 typed receipt captioned "Swift + Co-op Processing & Transportation Charges (Does not include M.T.A.)" are tucked in between pages 46 and 47. 1 handwritten note regarding "expenses to charge to /59 turkey enterprise" stapled to the top right corner of page 48.

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Item · 1965-01-18 - 1966-01-25
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A page from an official government-produced account book that has been detached and altered for use on its own. Paginated 17-18, the original title of "Truck Expenses" ("Tractor Expenses" on the verso) has been crossed out and "In Account With: H. G. Treloar" has been added, as well as the indicated year of 1965. Column titles have also been altered to read "Debit," "Credit," and "Balance." Entries appear to be carbon copied onto the page and are slightly off the lines. The year, last entry, and running total (dated January 25, 1966) are added in blue pen, and a note reading "Marked up" in red pen.

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Item · [ca. 1957-1962]
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A blank farm account book. This printed account book was prepared in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management of the University of Manitoba and is organized into sections listed in an Index. The contents of the account book are left entirely blank.

Item · February 25, 1985
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

An unused book for keeping farm records. The ledger is divided into sections with coloured tabs, labels read "Inventory & Net Worth," "Farm Expenses," "Farm Income," "Problem Transactions," "Labor Records," "Accounts Payable & Receivable," "Cash Flow," "Physical Records," and "Income Tax." Laid-in before the first page is a letter from Mel Jones on behalf of Statistics Canada to Mr Donald J. McFadden regarding the "Census of Agriculture test questionnaire." Jones responds to specific comments made by McFadden on the questionnaire and thanks him for his input. The blank account book was included with the correspondence "as an example" of recent progress in updating record-keeping methods for farmers.

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Item · 1948
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A hardcover journal containing farming financial accounts from 1949. Some pages have handmade tabs for easier navigation, with topics including "Bank," "B Smith," "Grain," "Stock," etc. Receipts for wages paid to Norman Murray, W. H. Rice (x2), and Steve Boss are stapled or paperclipped to the top edges of pages 19 and 70, as well as a newspaper article titled "Fertilizer Pays Off On Manitoba Farms" on page 50.

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Item · 1938 - 1939
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A hardcover farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the years 1938 to 1939. The first lined page outlines an index for the book and includes sections such as General, Hardware, Gas & Oil, Help, Blacksmith, Misc. Income, and many others. In each section, there are handwritten notes about purchases or income for the farm. Throughout the account book, there are also several diary entries written by Chester McFadden regarding the operations of the farm, although there are some personal accounts as well.

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Item · 1961
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the year 1961. There is an index on the first page and the rest of the account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page including Diesel, Lumber, Grain Sales, Stock Sales, Don, Bank, and many others. In each section, there are handwritten notes about purchases for each category or income for the farm. There are a few loose-leaf notes and papers placed between pages throughout the account book.

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Item · 1964
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1964. This printed account book was recommended by the Departments of Agriculture of Alberta and Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventory", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household & Personal Expenses" [except for the "Personal car share" line on page 61], "Physical Records", "Enterprise Summary", and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Inventory [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on previous year's Outstanding Accounts; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December]; Summary of the Farm Business [Cash Balance Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings [Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity]; Physical Records [Physical Efficiency Factors; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 1 handwritten note titled "Include in 1964 Income Tax" is stapled to the top of page 18. 1 Royal Bank of Canada deposit slip is tucked between pages 28 and 29. 1 handwritten note dated May 18 regarding payment of $45 for turkey saddles is stapled to the top of page 37. 2 handwritten notes and 1 newspaper clipping regarding 1963-1964 final payments and gross returns for wheat and oats are stapled to the back of the paper divider immediately before page 39. 1 handwritten note titled "Rough Analysis of 1964 Crop Enterprises" is stapled to the top of page 63.

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Item · 1965
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1965. This printed account book was recommended by the Departments of Agriculture of Alberta and Manitoba and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", "Summary of Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses" and "Physical Records" sections are partially filled in. The "Enterprise Summary" and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on previous year's Outstanding Accounts; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December]; Summary of the Farm Business [Cash Balance Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings [Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity]; Physical Records [Physical Efficiency Factors; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 2 Royal Bank of Canada "Farmers' Account Book" ledgers [1 listing "Building Construction Expenses 1965" and 1 listing "Time + Wage Records"] are stapled to the first page and divider of the account book. "Building Construction Expenses 1965" contains 1 handwritten note titled "Building Costs To Date" tucked in immediately following the front cover. "Time + Wage Records" contains 1 receipt captioned "Wages + U.I. Stamps - Shingling Estimates - Total Wages" stapled to the top of the inner front cover.

2 copies of a typed note titled "Cost of Big Barn" are tucked in between pages 36 and 37. However, they do not appear original to the account book.

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Item · 1966
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1966. This printed account book was recommended by the Departments of Agriculture of Alberta and Manitoba and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses" and "Physical Records" sections are partially filled in. The "Enterprise Summary" and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on previous year's Outstanding Accounts; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December]; Summary of the Farm Business [Cash Balance Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings [Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity]; Physical Records [Physical Efficiency Factors; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 1 handwritten note with scratch calculations is tucked in between pages 14b and 15. 1 handwritten note titled "Operating Cost Estimate New Truck 1966" is stapled to the top of page 18. 1 receipt and 2 handwritten notes, stapled and folded together, regarding cost of truck repairs is tucked between pages 18 and 19. 2 handwritten notes titled "1966 Crop Expenses" and "1966 Crop Values" are stapled to the back of the divider immediately before page 39.

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Item · 1969
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book for Chester McFadden’s farm in Rivers, Manitoba from 1969. This printed account book is marked as being recommended by the Department of Agriculture and the University of Manitoba. The account book is divided into sections by paper dividers labelled Inventories, Expenses, Receipts, Household Personal, Summary Farm Bus., Physical Records, Enterprise Summary, and Income Tax. In each section, there are various handwritten notes and calculations regarding farm expenses and income. The account book also has various loose-leaf receipts and notes placed in between pages.

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Item · 1969
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1969. This printed account book was recommended by the Departments of Agriculture of Alberta and Manitoba and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses" section is partially filled in. The "Physical Records", "Enterprise Summary", and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on Previous Year's Outstanding Farm Accounts; Payments on Farm Loans; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December; Summary]; Summary of the Farm Business [Cash Balance Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings [Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity]; Physical Records [Monthly Count of Livestock and Poultry; Physical Record of Livestock Production; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 1 handwritten note titled "Capital Improvement to Household Goods in 1969" is tucked in between pages 2 and 3. 2 handwritten notes titled "Changes in Misc. Poultry Improvement" and "Value of Turkey Stocks - Dec. 31/69" are stapled to the tops of pages 6 and 7, respectively. 2 handwritten notes titled "Grain On Hand Dec. 31/69" and "Total Grain Fed to Poultry" are tucked between pages 8 and 9. 2 handwritten notes titled "Misc. Accts Payable" and "Misc. Accts Receivable" are stapled to the tops of pages 10 and 11, respectively.

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Item · 1971 - 1972
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the years 1971-1972. There is an index on the first page and the rest of the account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page such as Co-op, Propane Gas, Don, Jim, Town House, 1972 Expenses, and many others. One section is marked by a small tape tab. The tab indicates a section for Bank. In each section, there are handwritten notes and calculations about purchases for each category or income for the farm. There are numerous loose-leaf notes, newspaper clippings, and papers placed between pages throughout the account book.

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Item · 1974
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1974. This printed account book was recommended by the Departments of Agriculture of Alberta and Manitoba and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses" section is partially filled in. The "Physical Records", "Enterprise Summary", and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine and Swather; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on Previous Year's Outstanding Farm Accounts; Payments on Farm Loans; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December; Summary]; Summary of the Farm Business [Monthly Cash Flow Chart; Cash Balance; Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings (Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity)]; Physical Records [Monthly Count of Livestock and Poultry; Physical Record of Livestock Production; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 1 handwritten note titled "1974 Tax Estimate" is tucked in immediately following the front cover of the account book. 1 handwritten note titled "Misc. Accounts Payable Farm - Dec. 31/74" is stapled to the top of page 10. 1 handwritten note titled "Misc. Accounts Payable Personal Dec. 31/74" is stapled to the top of page 12. 1 handwritten note titled "Bulk Fuel and Oil Division 1974" is stapled to the back of page 14b. 1 handwritten note titled "Roaster Feed Purchases" is tucked in between pages 30 and 31. 1 handwritten note titled "New House Expenditures - 1974" is tucked in between pages 36 and 37.

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Item · 1975 - 1976
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the years 1975 to 1976. There is an index on the first page and the rest of the account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page such as Royal Bank, Rivers Credit Union, Don, Margaret, Farm Income, and many others. In each section, there are handwritten notes and calculations about purchases for each category or income for the farm. There are numerous loose-leaf notes, receipts, and papers placed between pages throughout the account book.

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Item · 1976
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1976. This printed account book was recommended by the Departments of Agriculture of Alberta and Manitoba and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses", "Physical Records", "Enterprise Summary", and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal Inventory; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine and Swather; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on Previous Year's Outstanding Farm Accounts; Payments on Farm Loans; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December; Summary]; Summary of the Farm Business [Monthly Cash Flow Chart; Cash Balance; Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings (Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity)]; Physical Records [Monthly Count of Livestock and Poultry; Physical Record of Livestock Production; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 1 handwritten note titled "Additions to Farm Tools 1976" is stapled to the top of page 6. 1 handwritten note titled "Misc. Accts Payable Dec. 31/76 - Farm" is stapled to the top of page 10. 1 handwritten note titled "Misc. Accts Payable Personal Dec. 31/76" is stapled to the top of page 12. 1 handwritten note titled "Copy - Agreement with M. [Wareham?] Re Wheat Settlement Dec. 21/74" is tucked between pages 28 and 29. 1 handwritten note titled "Expenditures On Mill In 1976" is stapled to page 36. 1 handwritten note titled "Value of Gift & Home Used Chickens & Turkeys - Personal" is stapled to the top of page 42. 1 handwritten note titled "Personal Receipts To Include in Adjusting Financial Progress" is stapled to the top of page 48.

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Item · 1977 - 1978
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book for Chester McFadden’s farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the years 1977 to 1978. This account book is marked as being recommended by the Department of Agriculture and the University of Manitoba. The account book is divided into sections by paper dividers labelled Inventories, Expenses, Receipts, Household Personal, Summary Farm Bus., Physical Records, Enterprise Summary, and Income Tax. Inside the account book is a Transfer of Warranty form, and two invoices from the Brandon Consumers Co-op Ltd.

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Item · 1977 - 1978
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the years 1977 to 1978. There is an index on the first page and the rest of the account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page such as Insurances, Misc. Income, Rivers Credit Union, Propane, Co-op, and many others. In each section, there are handwritten notes and calculations about purchases for each category or income for the farm. There are numerous loose-leaf notes, receipts, and papers placed between pages throughout the account book.

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Item · 1980 - 1983
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Chester McFadden for his farm in Rivers, Manitoba for the years 1980 to 1983. There is an index on the first page and the rest of the account book is divided into various sections which are written at the top of each page such as Co-op, Royal Bank, Credit Union, Insurances, Don, Misc. Income, and many others. In each section, there are handwritten notes and calculations about purchases for each category or income for the farm. There are numerous loose-leaf notes, receipts, and papers placed between pages throughout the account book.

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Item · 1982
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

A farm account book produced by Donald James McFadden regarding his farm in Rivers, Manitoba, for the year beginning 1 January 1982. This printed account book was recommended by Manitoba Agriculture and the University of Manitoba. The account book is organized into 8 sections and separated by tabbed paper dividers. The "Inventories", "Expenses", "Receipts", and "Summary of the Farm Business" sections are filled in with meticulous handwritten figures, calculations, notes, and dates. The "Household and Personal Expenses", "Physical Records", "Enterprise Summary", and "Income Tax" sections of the account book are left blank.

Preface; Metric Conversion; Inventories [Depreciating Farm Assets; Owned Real Estate; Rented Real Estate; Machinery and Equipment Inventory; Livestock Inventory and Checksheet; Grain and Feed Inventory and Checksheet; Supplies Inventory; Farm Accounts Payable; Farm Accounts Receivable; Personal Accounts Payable and Receivable; Household and Personal Inventory; Operating Net Worth Statement]; Expenses [Bulk Fuel Purchases; Car; Truck; Tractor; Combine and Swather; Other Equipment; Building and Other Improvement Repairs; Crop; Cattle; Swine; Poultry; Other Livestock; Farm Overhead; Hired Labour; Purchase of Small Tools & Equipment; Purchase of Capital Items; Payments on Previous Year's Outstanding Farm Accounts; Payments on Farm Loans; Record of Landlord Transactions]; Receipts [Crop; Miscellaneous; Livestock; Milk and Cream; Egg; Farm Produce Used in Home; Capital Sales; Money Borrowed; Old Accounts Received; Personal Non-Farm Receipts]; Household & Personal Expenses [January-December; Summary]; Summary of the Farm Business [Monthly Cash Flow Chart; Cash Balance; Summary of Inventories; Summary of Farm Business Earnings (Gross Profit; Net Farm Income; Operator's Labor Earnings, General Farm Performance, and Return to Operator's Equity)]; Physical Records [Monthly Count of Livestock and Poultry; Physical Record of Livestock Production; Farm Map; Record of Land Use and Crop Production; Labor Record; Feed Record]; Enterprise Summary [Summary of Building & Machine Costs; Building, Machinery & Miscellaneous Joint Costs by Enterprise; Seed, Feed, Roughage Bedding, and Pasture Costs by Enterprise; Crop Enterprise; Livestock Enterprises]; Income Tax.

Additionally includes Instructions for filling in each section, and an Index for each section, printed on the front of each tabbed paper divider. 1 handwritten note titled "Additions to McF. Bros" is attached with a metal paper clip to the top of page 4. 1 handwritten note titled "Motors On Hand Dec. 31/82" is stapled to the top of page 5. 1 handwritten note titled "Tools Added To Inventory - 1982" is stapled to the top of page 6. 1 handwritten note titled "Inventory Values of Mutual Life Annuity Policy" is stapled to the top of page 12. 2 handwritten notes regarding fuel and oil allocation for 1982 are stapled to page 14b. 1 handwritten note titled "Summary of Capital Purchases" is stapled to the top of page 36. 3 handwritten notes and 1 newspaper clipping regarding grain stabilization and Canadian Wheat Board final points and payments for 1981-1982 are stapled or paper-clipped to the back of the tabbed divider immediately before page 39. 1 handwritten note titled "Add to 1982 Taxable Income" is stapled to the top of page 39.

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Item · 1950
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented each time a grain transaction is made which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations, are required to be entered in the Permit."

"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Pendennis. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other station without proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1950-1951 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1950-51 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 7 August 1950, which records his owned lands, the size of his farm in 1950 in acres, and his seeded acres in 1950, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat, Oats, and Barley are made throughout the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the delivery of grain in excess of the quota or in breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchases" on inner back cover.

Some pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1953
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented each time a grain transaction is made which, under The Canadian Wheat Board Act, or Regulations, are required to be entered in the Permit."

"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Pendennis. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other station without proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1953-1954 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1953-54 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 28 July 1953, which records his lands owned and lands rented [from Mrs. Etta Greasley], the size of his farm in 1953 in acres, and his seeded acres in 1953, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Barley are made throughout the permit book. "Greasley's -- 140 Cult." [cultivated land] is handwritten in black ink on inner front cover of the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchased by Permit Holder" on inner back cover.

Some pages of the permit book are left blank.

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Item · 1955
Part of Prairie Ephemera Collection

"This permit must be presented to the elevator agent each time a grain delivery is made, the details of which, under the Canadian Wheat Board Act, must be entered in the permit at the time of delivery."

"Deliveries of grain under this Permit must be made at Pendennis. Deliveries of grain cannot be made to any other station without proper authority from The Canadian Wheat Board."

A grain delivery permit book issued to Donald James McFadden by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for the 1955-1956 crop year. A copy of Donald McFadden's 1955-56 Delivery Permit, signed by Donald J. McFadden and dated 30 August 1955, which records his lands owned and lands rented [from Mrs. Etta Greasley], and his seeded and total farm acres in 1955, is included.

Various handwritten entries regarding deliveries of Wheat and Barley are made throughout the permit book.

Permit book additionally includes information regarding "Producers' Certificates" and "Penalties" ["for the making of false statements in declarations in permit books or for delivery of grain in excess of the quota and any other breach of The Canadian Wheat Board Act or Regulations"], and a blank form titled "Record of Grain Purchased by Permit Holder" on inner back cover.

Several pages of the permit book are left blank.

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