Pearce writes the Department of Justice to obtain information on the career of Colonel James Farquharson Macleod. The information will be used to design a plaque commemorating the city of Calgary by Col. Macleod.
Без названияPearce sends his manuscript to F.M. Black requesting comments. He also asks if Mr. Black will send the manuscript on to, Mr. Healy, Provincial Librarian of Manitoba, for comments.
Без названияA query on the origins of the town of Livingstone and Ft. Pelly, the establishment of the NWMP in Battleford and the arrival of Hon. David Laird as Lieutenant Governor of the North-West Territories.
Без названияColeman provides Pearce with information regarding the selection of the capital of the North-West Territories including the origins of Ft.Livingstone Saskatchewan.
Без названияPearce asks Hume to provide him with information regarding the development of the Postal Service in the West.
Без названияPearce sends Mr. Cambpell an early draft of a manuscript concerning land titles asking for comment. Comments on publishing the work.
Без названияBlack requests information on land division in the Western Prairie Provinces. Black intends to use the information in a 1917 address to the Association of Dominion Chartered Accountants.
Без названияPearce provides more detail about a paper he wrote for Black for the 1917 Association of Chartered Accountants meeting. He also comments on writing a Historical Manuscript documenting the development of the West.
Без названияBlack comments on the reception of Pearce's paper regarding the settlement of the West at a meeting of the Association of Dominion Chartered Accountants.
Без названияPearce asks Nanton for a critique of his paper on the Railway Land Grants given by the Dominion Government in the three Prairie Provinces. Pearce reflects on writing a Historical Manuscript.
Без названияPearce sends Dennis changes to his paper on "Land Matters in the West."
Без названияPearce aks Naismith to forward his paper "Titles to Land in Three Prairie Provinces" to Dr. Rutherford. He also aks Dr. Rutherford to critique the paper.
Без названияGodsal discusses the need to preserve early prairie history before it is lost. He laments the lack of interest in this topic the local and federal governments display.
Без названияHistoric Sites and Monuments Board of Canada discusses historic sites in Western Canada.
Без названияPearce describes his understanding of the origins of the name Kicking Horse River
Без названияJudge Howay is inquirying for Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada concerning "Indian wintering quarters"
Без названияBuilding of earliest rail lines, includes reference to related Winnipeg Telegram article.
Без названияConcerns construction contract with Hudson Bay Railway
Без названияHeaman offers Pearce detailed information on Western railway construction.
Без названияDetailed information on the track from Port Arthur to Vancouver
Без названияPearce asks Mr. Lynch from the Dept. of the Interior for a copy of his 1885 "The North-West Half-Breed Grant."
Без названияDumas comments on the paper Pearce presented to the Alberta Military Institute regarding land titles in the West.
Без названияTaylor proposes to write a biography of Pearce, and Pearce offers his assitance.
Без названияIn pursuit of wriiting a history of the causes of the Second Riel Rebellion, Grogan writes to Pearce.
Без названияPearce writes to Payne notifiying him of his paper, "Titles to Land in the Three Prairie Provinces," and requests information on "the early development of railways and telegraphs" on the Canadian prairies.
Без названияEdward Taylor comments on the address to the Alberta Military Institute published in "The Morning Albertan."
Без названияPearce sends Shanks a copy of his address to the Alberta Mlitary Institue "Reminiscences Concerning Surveys" and comments on the causes of the 1885 Riel Rebellion.
Без названияPearce sends Grogan personal observations on the Riel uprising help Grogan write his article. Also comments on the difficuly of locating his 1886 "half-breed" report.
Без названияPearce comments on his work for the Dominion Land Board, and scrip.
Без названияPearce reflects on Coleman's critique of his paper "Titles to Land in Three Prairie Provinces."
Без названияPearce thanks Godfrey for his comments on the paper he wrote for a meeting of The Association of Dominion Chartered Accountants.
Без названияPearce informs MacDonald of his paper "Titles to Land in the Three Prairie Provinces", and requests information regarding telegraph development in the West.
Без названияPearce comments on the causes of the Riel Rebellion and the Louis Riel Trial.
Без названияPearces writes to former colleague at the Department of the Interior for a copy of his 1886 North-West Half-Breed Grant report. Also provides brief summary of report.
Без названияPearce thanks Rothwell for his unsuccessful efforts in locating his 1886 Federal Half-Breed Reportq
Без названияLynch sends Pearce 12 photostat copies of the "Detailed Report on the North-West Half-Breed Grant" in response to Pearce's request. He also thanks Pearce for sending him a copy the paper he delivered before the Alberta Military Institute.
Без названияSmith comments on the "Wild Land Tax Act." This Act direcly affected the Hudson's Bay Company.
Без названияR.F. Clarke requests information on land settlement in the West for the Dominion Land Surveyors Historical and Biographical Committee.
Без названияPearce requests information regarding an early map of the C.P.R. land holdings from Montreal to the Pacific.
Без названияPayne replies to an inquiry from Pearce and informs Pearce that he cannot answer his inquiry regarding telegraph development, but states that he will send him a copy of Railway Statistics from 1908.
Без названияPearce sends L.J. Reycraft a copy of his memorandum on the establishment of Ft. Livingstone as the first capital of the North-West Territories. Pearce also attaches a photo of a "monolith" erected by the Saskatchewan Historical Society to commemorate the location of Ft. Livingstone.
Без названияMacdowell provides Pearce with information regarding telegraphs.
Без названияPearce provides Frank Oliver with several copies of questions regarding the development of telegraph lines and asks Oliver to distribute the questions to informed parties.
Без названияPearce provides Hume with a list of questions regarding the development of telegraph lines in the West.
Без названияPearce discusses the development of Livingstone.
Без названияPearce apologizes to King for blaming the Department of Pubilc Works for his inability to locate records relating to the construction of Government buildings in Livingstone.
Без названияLasoie offers editorial comments on Pearce's historical manuscript, questions Pearce's depiction of aborignal script.
Без названияPearce responds to Tassie's editorial comments concerning his historical manuscript.
Без названияPearce informs Prof. Fay he will pay for printing his own manuscript and is looking for a good price.
Без названияGrual sends Pearce a quote for the cost of printing his narrative.
Без названияPearce requests Haultain read his manuscript
Без названияPearce thanks Mavor for his help in brining his manuscript to the attention of Royal Geographical Society.
Без названияSapir tells Pearce the Royal Society will not likely publish his manuscript next year.
Без названияPearce asks Hewitt Bostock to read his manuscript and comment
Без названияPearce's presentation to the Alberta Military Institute delivered in Edmonton on the 6th of October 1923.
Без названияHelen Unwin requests Pearce intervene with the NWMP for an unpaid bill.
Без названияMiss Unwin sends Pearce an unpaid bill Capt. Deane owes to the Ladies Work Reformatory for the purchase of 220 lbs. Of of marmalade.
Без названияSteele tells Pearce he is not in contact with Captain Deane and will therefore find it difficult to get payment to the Ladies Work Depository for the cost of marmalade purchased for the NorthWest Mounted Police detachment in Lethbridge, Alberta
Без названияPearce sends Davidson his Detailed Report upon All Claims to land and Right to Participate in the North-West Half-Breed Grant. He also explains his role in approving French Half Breed land claims in Prince Albert prior to the 1885 rebellion. He claims his actions reduced the participation of this group.
Без названияPearce sends Steele, who is commanding "E" Division of the South Africa Constabulary in South Africa, a general update of news in Canada. Topics include the Frank Slide, land speculation in western Canada, Pearce's desired superannuation, American immigration and the loyalty of British immigrants to the Crown.
Без названияPearces sends Steele a general report on news and events in Canada while Steele is commanding the "n" Division of the North Arfrican Constabulary. Topics include livestock brought from the U.S., immigrant Chinese labour, the Alaska Boundary Dispute, the Canadian labour market, and the health of the crops on the Prairies.
Без названияPearce sends Steele, still serving as a commander in the South African Constabulary in Pretoria, general news and events in Canada. Topics include Pearce's aid in Steele purchasing a farm in Alberta, federal politics, and British-American relations.
Без названияPearce sends Steele some news concerning inside politics at Ottawa.
Без названияPearce sents Steele, still commanding "E" Division in Pretoria for the South African Constabulary, general information on events in western Canada. Topics include a harsh spring in Alberta, land speculation in Southern Alberta, and Pearce's desire for superannuation.
Без названияGibson responds to Pearce's request for maps of settlements and HBC posts in the West.
Без названияPearce thanks Stead for recommending publishing in a newspaper, anticipates the Royal Society will publish it.
Без названияStead informs Pearce that he might consider selliing his manuscript to libraries
Без названияMacdonald inquires if Pearce has decided to publish.
Без названияMckay tells Pearce he continues to read his manuscript.
Без названияWallace comments on Pearce's manuscripts, notes factual errors in narrative.
Без названияPearce informs University of Toronto Librarian, Mr. Wallace, that he will send him his requested copy of his manuscript as soon as he has his copies returned.
Без названияPearce responds to Wallace's comments concerning his manuscript. In particular, Pearce defends his description of the headquarters and leadership of the N.W.M.P.
Без названияProf. Innis thanks Pearce for a copy of his manuscript, tells him it the library appreciates material from 'western old-timers.'
Без названияPearce requests Prof. Martin to return his manuscript and says he is not opposed to the Provincial Librarian of Manitoba, Mr. Healy, making a copy for his institution.
Без названияScott tells Pearce he found his manuscript most interesting and important, recommends consulting the four western provinces to finance publication
Без названияPearce responds to Scott's comments on his manuscript discussing the federal government's decision on the interpretation of the western boundary of the 'fertile belt' and the Red River Navigation Company.
Без названияPearce tells Norquay he is intimately involved in the surveys resulting from the Manitoba Act and he is more acquainted with the facts of Western settlement than "any man living."
Без названияWaagen compliments Pearce on his manuscript and recommends consulting the C.P.R. for financial support in publication
Без названияPearce responds to Waagen's comments. He wishes to avoid personal reminiscences in his manuscript. Discusses potential publication support including the Montreal Gazette, and the C.P.R.
Без названияBlack thanks Pearce for the requested article, promises to find time for the paper's presenation at the Chartered Accountant's Convenvtion in Banff.
Без названияNorquay questions Pearce's description of the Hudson's Bay Company compensation for Indian reserve land.
Без названияPearce sends Cote a copy of his letter to Norquay explaining his perspective on the Hudson's Bay Company compensation for Indian Reserves land.
Без названияPearce sends Miller a copy of his manuscript and asks if he thinks it suitable for publication, tells Miller there several topics on which he knows more than any man alive.
Без названияGarner complements Pearce on his manuscript and tells him he is forwarding a copy to the Premier, the Master of Titles, and the Provincial Library
Без названияGarner tells Pearce he will forward his manuscript to the Premier of Saskatchewan and the Provincial Librarian.
Без названияPearce thanks Miller for comments, tells him he has not the time or skill to "pad out" the narrative further for events such as the 1885 Rebellion, notes that Father Lacombe waited too long to write his history of the West.
Без названияPearce tells D.S. Robertson he will send him his collection of photographs of the historic West, explains he procured them in Winnipeg before 1876.
Без названияPearce sends Robertson his historic photographs of the West and includes an inventory.
Без названияPearce sends Robertson a photograph of Poundmaker, Big Bear and Father Lacombe at the Manitoba Penitentiary.
Без названияRobertson thanks Pearce for sending his historic photograph collection, tells Pearce his father recognizes Pearce's photo of Riel because Riel placed his father in prison during the 1869 uprising.
Без названияPeace tells Peters he will send him a copy of his manuscript when he addresses editorial changes.
Без названияPeters sends Pearce comments on his historical narrative, advises a need for photographs, more personal observation.
Без названияPearce tells Peters he met with Premier Greenfield and spoke with the Provincial Librarian, Mr. Jaffray concerning Jaffray's suggested manuscript changes.
Без названияPearce explains to E. Alexander his influence on federal cabinet during 1885-86, discusses utlimate destination of the "Last Spike."
Без названияPearce tells Jaffaryhe met with Campell Innis of the Canadian Historical Society and recommended hi's manuscript for publication.
Без названияJaffary tells Pearce he has not met with Innis Campbell, recommends Pearce attempt to publish is manuscript in serial or essay form. Discusses identity of people in a photograph of Riel's cabinet.
Без названияHarry Steadman, fromer North West Mounted Police Officer, congradulates Pearce on his manuscript and notices that Pearce has not mentioned any personal experiences. He comments that the manuscript should be published.
Без названияPearce thanks Edmund Pinchbeck for an invitation to speak at the annual convention of the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts. He explains he cannot due to illness.
Без названияPearce sends Steadman his memorandum concerning bull trains and travel in the early
Canadian prairies and asks for Steadman's comments
Innes tells Pearce he would like to see the Canadian North-West Historical Society publish Pearce's manuscript.
Без названия