Fonds consists of records pertaining to Faculté Saint-Jean at the University of Alberta.
Faculté Saint-JeanBook: "Saint-Jean: un institution qui s'adapte soixante-quinzieme anniversaire, 1908-1983"
Faculté Saint-Jean"Ecole Bilngue ou Unilingue pour les Franco-Albertans?" Premier rapport descriptif d'un groupe de professeurs et d'etudinants du College-Universitaire St-Jean de l'Univcersite de l'Alberta. Directeur et coordinateur: Dr. Ousmane Silla (651pp)
Faculté Saint-JeanHistorical and contemporary photographs for exhibit, 1984. Notes on text and descriptions of photographs. Exhibit prepared for Senate's meeting in Northern Alberta.
Faculté Saint-JeanFaculte St. Jean: publications, news clippings and annual reports
University of Alberta ArchivesInformation pamphlets & posters, calendars, newspaper clippings and newsletters.
Faculté Saint-JeanVarious newsletters and pamphlets.
Faculté Saint-JeanAdvisory Council charter and membership (1984) and Annual Reports
Faculté Saint-JeanAdmnistrative records. (Annual reports, Financial records, faculty stats, and staff reunion).
Faculté Saint-Jean